• 제목/요약/키워드: fo

검색결과 1,521건 처리시간 0.039초

The Stereochemistry of the Metal Complexes of Novel Stereospecific Quadridentate Ligands, Cobalt(Ⅲ) Complexes of N,N$^\prime$-dimethylethlenediamine-N,N$^\prime$-di-$\alpha$-propionato and N,N$^\prime$-dimethlethylenediamine-N,N$^\prime$-diacetato Ligands

  • Jun, Moo- Jin;Jung, Jin- Seung;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제6권6호
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 1985
  • A new flexible quadridentate ligand, N,N'-dimethylethylenediamine-N,N'-di-${\alpha}$-propionic acid (dmedpa) has been synthesized, and diammine and ethylenediamine cobalt(III) complexes of dmedpa, $[Co(dmedpa)(NH_3)_2]^+$ and $[Co(dmedpa(en)]^+,$ have been prepared. Only s-cis isomer has been yielede. A known N,N'-dimethylethylediamine-N,N'-diacetic acid (dmedda) has also been prepared. Dichloro cobalt(III) complexes of both dmedda and dmedpa have been prepared. Only the s-cis isomer has been yielded in the $[Co(dmedda)Cl_2]^-$ complex, while only the uns-cis isomer has been obtained for the $[Co(dmedpa)Cl_2]^-$ complex.

Characteristics of Plasma Etching and Plasma Diagnostics of $$CF_4$ Gas with Electric Probe (탐침법에 의한 $$CF_4$ 가스 프라즈마제량의 예정과 에칭 특성)

  • Sung, Yung-Kwon;Shin, Dong-Ryul;Choi, Bok-Gil;Kwon, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.916-922
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    • 1986
  • In this paper, the measurement of RF discharge plasma parameters is studied both analytically and experimentally by the electric probe method. In the measurement using an electric probe, we measure the parameters of plasma in CF4 etching gas and discuss the relations of the results and Si wafer etching. Also, we show that the electric probe method is attractive for various applications.

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RGBD Panoramic Image Generation Using Frechet Distance Loss Function (프레쳇 거리 손실함수를 이용한 RGBD 파노라마 영상 생성)

  • Kim, Soo Jie;Park, In Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 한국방송∙미디어공학회 2022년도 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1229-1231
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    • 2022
  • RGBD 영상은 다양한 3 차원 비전 연구에서 유용하게 사용되며 고품질 RGBD 영상을 취득하기 위한 많은 연구들이 수행되었다. 기존의 영상 생성 연구들은 주로 좁은 FoV(Field of View) 영상을 사용하여서 전체 장면 중 상당 부분이 소실된 영상에 대한 정보를 생성한다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 좁은 FoV 영상으로부터 360 도 전방향 RGBD 영상을 생성하는 기법을 제안한다. 오버랩 되지 않는 4 장의 소수 영상으로부터 전체 파노라마 영상에 대해서 상대적인 FoV 를 추정하고, 360 도 RGBD 영상을 동시에 생성하는 적대적 생성 신경망 기반의 영상 생성 네트워크이다. 360 도 영상의 특징을 반영하도록 설계하여서 개선된 성능을 보인다.

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Periodic Changes in Vitamin E, A and Glutathione Status in Rats Fed Fish Oil Diet with Different Levels of Vitamin E (어유섭취시 식이 비타민 E 수준에 따른 흰쥐 체내 비타민 E, A, 글루타치온 상태의 기간별 변화)

  • 조성희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제25권7호
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    • pp.586-596
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    • 1992
  • To investigate the role of vitamin E in protection against lipid per-oxide formation and to monitor the changes in the status of vitamin E. A and reduced glutathione(GSH) in fish oil feeding male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Control group was fed soybean oil and fish oil groups(FO, FI, FII) fed menhaden oil and soybean oil(9:1) mixture at the level of 10% (w/w) respectively. Dietary vitamin E levels were 30 T, E for control and FI, 2 T.E. for FO and 140 T. E for FII Feeding periods were 4, 8, and 16 weeks. Throughout all periods plasma vitamin E levels(either per ml or per mg lipid) of FO group were extremely low and liver and adipose tissue vitamin E levels were also the lowest among four groups, Plasma vitamin E levels per ml were lower in FI and FII than control but per mg lipid were in the order of FII>FI$\geq$control but vitamin E level per mg lipid did not differ in liver and adipose tissue. As feeding prolonged vitamin E levels in plasma and other tissue were decreased in FO but increased in the other groups. Plsama and liver thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance(TBARS) values were elevated in FO. but increased in the other groups. Plasma and liver thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance(TBARS) values were elevated in FO. While plasma TBARS values as per ml plasma were similar or lower in FI and FII as compared to control plasma TBARS values as per mg lipd and liver TBARS values were in the order of $FI\geqFII>control.$ Plasma and liver vitamin A blood GSH but not liver GSH appeared to be in the order of FII control>FI>FO and this was most significant in 8 weeks. This results suggests that both type of dietary oil and levels of vitamin E affect not only lipid peroxidation but also the status of other physiological antioxidants which have the potential to spare the role of vitamin E.

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The expression of c-fos and HSP70 by the Capsaicin injection in the spinal cord(dorsal horn) (Capsaicin 적용 후 손상된 흰쥐 척수내 c-fos와 HSP70의 발현)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Souk-Boum;Baek, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jin-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2002
  • C-fos는 원종양유전자(proto-oncogene)인 v-fos의 세포 동족체로써, 성장인자나 신경전달 물질에 의해 수분 내에 다양한 형태의 세포에서 활성화된다. Fos단백질은 스트레스와 통증 과정의 신호전달기전에서 세포활동을 조절하는 3차전령으로 활동한다. 열충격 단백질(Heat shock protein : 이하 HSP)은 계통발생학적으로 초기 척추 동물에서부터 발현되며 생체방어체계의 중요한 인자로 세포가 고열, 외상, 허혈 등의 스트레스에 직면했을 때 발현이 증가하는 단백질로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 캡사이신(capsaicin)으로 말초 신경병변을 유발시킨 후 통각신경활성의 지표로 이용되는 원종양 유전자인 c-fos의 발현과 열 또는 스트레스로 야기되는 손상에 대한 조직의 방어작용으로 발현되는 HSP 70의 발현을 동시에 관찰함으로서, 급성으로 유발된 말초 신경병변의 확인과 동시에 실험동물 체내에서 방어적인 역할을 밝히는 일환으로 이 실험을 실시하였다. 본 실험의 결과는 다음과 같다; 1. 척수 등쪽뿔 천층(Laminae I and II)에서 각각 c-fos와 HSP70을 항원으로 하는 면역조직화학적 방법으로 염색한 표본에서 0.9% NaCI 투여 2시간 후 c-fos와 HSP70의 양성을 나타내는 세포는 전혀 없음을 알 수 있었다. 2. 척수 등쪽뿔 천층에서 c-fos 단백질을 항원으로 하는 면역조직화학적 방법으로 염색한 표본에서 Capsaicin 투여 2시간 후 c-fos 단백질에 양성을 나타내는 세포가 많이 발현됨을 육안적 관찰로서 알 수 있었다. 3. 척수 등쪽뿔 천층에서 HSP70을 항원으로 하는 면역조직화확적 방법으로 염색한 표본에서 Capsaicin 투여 2시간 후 HSP7O의 양성을 나타내는 세포가 보통수준으로 발현됨을 육안적 관찰로서 알 수 있었다. 이 실험의 결과로 볼 때, 화학적인 신경병변 유발물질에 의한 손상을 방어하기 위해서 체내에는 내인성 물질이 형성될 것이라는 추측과 c-fos 가 다른 유전자의 발현을 유도한다는 점을 함께 고려 하였을때, Capsaicin에 의한 말초 신경병변에서 c-fos 발현이 많이 나타나는 것은 손상을 방어하는 물질의 생성에 관여하기 때문이며, 방어물질 중 이 실험에서 본 HSP70도 증가한 내인성 방어물질의 하나라고 할 수 있을 것이다.

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Sterilizing Effect of Plant Pathogenic Fungi using Ozone Microbubble (오존마이크로버블을 이용한 식물병원균 살균효과)

  • Kim, Chang Shoo;Yu, Sang Yeol;Lee, Gong In;Kim, Seung Han;Lee, Jong Won;Song, Jae Kwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.250-255
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    • 2014
  • Sterilization is an important factor in reprocessing of drained nutrient solution (RDN). To evaluate the suitability of ozone microbubble for RDN in protected horticulture and plant factory, strong fungicidal activity of ozone and microbubble were applied. This experiment was taken advantage of ozonated water (OW) and ozone gas (OG). The Fusarium oxysporum (FO), Phytophthora capsici (PC) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (CG) were treated with OW 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ppm and OG $3.0g{\cdot}h^{-1}$ for 0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 sec. Results of this experiment can be summed up as follows : In the OW, FO was sterilized by 0.5 ppm in 60 sec and PC was sterilized by 2.0 ppm in 30 sec. In the OG, FO and PC both of them were sterilized in 180 sec. However, CG was not sterilized using OW and OG. Overall, ozone microbubble showed possibility of sterilization in RDN. However, CG is required to more ozone concentration and processing time.

Beneficial effect of fish oil on bone mineral density and biomarkers of bone metabolism in rats (어유의 n-3 지방산이 흰쥐의 골밀도와 골격대사지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Gun-Ae
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluated the effect of fish oil rich in n-3 fatty acids on bone characteristics in Sprague-Dawley rats. Weanling male rats were randomized to receive either a diet containing high fish oil (FO), fish oil blended with corn oil (FICO), or soy oil rich in n-6 fatty acids (SO) for 4 weeks. All diets provided 70 g/kg fat based on the AIN-93G diet. Growth and biomarkers of bone metabolism were analyzed, and femur bone characteristics were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. After the dietary treatment, no significant differences among the diet groups were observed for serum concentrations of Ca, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, or osteocalcin. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly greater in FO-fed rats compared to that in the FICO and SO groups, whereas no difference in deoxypyridinoline values was observed, supporting the positive effect of a FO diet on bone formation. These results were accompanied by a significant increase in femur bone mineral density (BMD) in FO-fed rats. These findings suggest that providing fish oil rich in n-3 fatty acids correlates with higher alkaline phosphatase activity and BMD values, favoring bone formation in growing rats.

Preparation of Polyamide Thin Film Composite Memrbanes with Metal Complex Contained Polysulfone Support Layer and Evaluation of Forward Osmosis Performance (금속 착물을 함유한 폴리술폰 지지층을 이용한 폴리아미드계 복합막의 제조 및 정삼투 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Nowon;Jung, Boram
    • Membrane Journal
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2016
  • Thin film composite (TFC) polyamide membranes were prepared on polysulfone (PSF) supports for forward osmosis (FO) applications. To understand the influence of polarity and porosity of support layer on the formation of polyamide structure and the final FO performance, clathochelate metal complex (MC) contained PSF supports were prepared via the phase inversion process from various PSF casting solutions containing 0.1-0.5 wt% of MC in dimethyl formamide (DMF) solvent (18 wt%). A crosslinked aromatic polyamide layer was then fabricated on top of each support to form a TFC membrane. For the porous PSF supports prepared with relatively low concentration casting solutions (12 wt%), the PET film was removed after phase inversion and crosslinked aromatic polyamide layer was then fabricated. The tested sample from PSF (18 wt%)/MC (0.5 wt%) casting solution presented outstanding FO performance, almost similar water flux (9.99 LMH) with lower reverse salt flux (RSF, 0.77 GMH) compared to commercial HTI FO membrane(10.97 LMH of flux and 2.2 GMH of RSF). By addition of MC in casting solution, the thickness of the active layer in FO membranes was reduced, however, the increased RSF value was obtained.

Changes in Food Components of Dark, White-Fleshed Fishes by Retort Sterilization Processing -2. Changes in Lipid Components- (레토르트 살균처리가 적색육 및 백색육 어류의 성분변화에 미치는 영향 -2. 지질성분의 변화-)

  • OH Kwang-Soo;KIM Jeong-Gyun;KIM In-Soo;LEE Eung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 1991
  • In present paper, we investigated the changes in lipid components of skipjack and Alaska pollack meat by thermal processing at high temperature. TBA values and peroxide values of both fish meats decreased markedly by heat treatment; decreasing range of TBA and peroxide values in skipjack meat was larger than those of Alaska pollack meat. Also carbonyl value of skipjack meat was decreased by thermal processing, contrary, that of Alaska pollack meat was increased. Total lipid(TL) of skipjack and Alaska pollack meat consisted of $61.9\%,\;49.6\%$ non-polar lipid(NL), $38.1\%,\;50.4\%$ polar lipid(PL), respectively. When the samples were heated at the Fo values of 5 or higher, contents of NL were increased, while that of PL were decreased. In fatty acid composition of NL and PL in both fishes, NL revealed higher contents in saturates and monoenes such as 16:0, 18:1, while PL showed higher contents in polyenes such as 20:5, 22:6; percentages of polyenes such as 22:6 especially in both fishes decreased with increasing of Fo values. The remaining ratio of PUFA(20:5+22:6/16:0) of Fo 20 samples in skipjack and Alaska pollack meat were $73\%$ and $65\%$, respectively. However, when the samples were heated at $98^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes, no appreciable changes occured in fatty acid composition of TL, NL and PL in both fish meats examined.

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The Effects of Dietary Fat on Survival Metabolism of Fasting Rat (단식중인 흰쥐에서 지방섭취가 생존 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Yu-Seung;Sheo, Hwa-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.664-671
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    • 2002
  • To investigate the effects of different type of dietary fat on survival metabolism of fasting rats, one group rats (FO) were fasted, another one group rats (BM) were fed normal diet and the others were fed only one of the following fat diets: beef tallow (FT), corn oil (FC), and perilla oil (FP) of 11.4g/kg respectively. Most FO group rats survived for 6 days and large part of the only-fat-diet groups rats survived for 16 days. Body weights of all rats in fasting and only-fat-groups, measured just one day prior to death owing to fasting or caloric malnutrition, decreased by 24.5%~25% only-fat to fasting rat somewhat extended the survival time but the specific properties of dietary fat types had no remarkably differential effect on survival time and body weight gain rate. The features of liver and kidney weight gain rate of all rats in fasting and only-fat-diet groups were similar to those of body weight gain rate. In FO groups blood levels of total-cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose markedly reduced whereas GPT activities and BUN levels considerably increased as compared to BM group. However the types of dietary fat perse did not affect blood total cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, BUN levels, and GPT activities in early stage of fasting in FC and FP group. GPT activities in rats of FP group just prior to death of starvation seemed to be affected by the dietary fat types. The results showed that only-fat-feeding to fasting rats somewhat extended survival time but the types of dietary fat had no remarkably differential effect on survival time and metabolism of fasting rats.