• Title/Summary/Keyword: fluid and flow

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Aerodynamics of an intercity bus

  • Sharma, Rajnish;Chadwick, Daniel;Haines, Jonathan
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.257-273
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    • 2008
  • A number of passive aerodynamic drag reduction methods were applied separately and then in different combinations on an intercity bus model, through wind tunnel studies on a 1:20 scale model of a Mercedes Benz Tourismo 15 RHD intercity bus. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling was also conducted in parallel to assist with flow visualisation. The commercial CFD package $CFX^{TM}$ was used. It has been found that dramatic reductions in coefficient of drag ($C_D$) of up to 70% can be achieved on the model using tapered and rounded top and side leading edges, and a truncated rear boat-tail. The curved front section allows the airflow to adhere to the bus surfaces for the full length of the vehicle, while the boat-tails reduce the size of the low pressure region at the base of the bus and more importantly, additional pressure recovery occurs and the base pressures rise, reducing drag. It is found that the CFD results show remarkable agreement with experimental results, both in the magnitude of the force coefficients as well as in their trends. An analysis shows that such a reduction in aerodynamic drag could lead to a significant 28% reduction in fuel consumption for a typical bus on intercity or interstate operation. This could translate to a massive dollar savings as well as significant emissions reductions across a fleet. On road tests are recommended.

Consistent inflow boundary conditions for modelling the neutral equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer for the SST k-ω model

  • Yang, Yi;Xie, Zhuangning;Gu, Ming
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.465-480
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    • 2017
  • Modelling an equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in computational wind engineering (CWE) and relevant areas requires the boundary conditions, the turbulence model and associated constants to be consistent with each other. Among them, the inflow boundary conditions play an important role and determine whether the equations of the turbulence model are satisfied in the whole domain. In this paper, the idea of modeling an equilibrium ABL through specifying proper inflow boundary conditions is extended to the SST $k-{\omega}$ model, which is regarded as a better RANS model for simulating the blunt body flow than the standard $k-{\varepsilon}$ model. Two new sets of inflow boundary conditions corresponding to different descriptions of the inflow velocity profiles, the logarithmic law and the power law respectively, are then theoretically proposed and numerically verified. A method of determining the undetermined constants and a set of parameter system are then given, which are suitable for the standard wind terrains defined in the wind load code. Finally, the full inflow boundary condition equations considering the scale effect are presented for the purpose of general use.

Defect Detection of Wall Thinned Straight Pipe using Shearography and Lock-in Infrared Thermography (전단간섭계와 적외선열화상을 이용한 감육 직관의 결함검출)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Suk;Jung, Hyun-Chul;Chang, Ho-Seob;Kim, Ha-Sig;La, Sung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2009
  • The wall thinning defect of nuclear power pipe is mainly occurred by the affect of the flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) of fluid. This type of defect becomes the cause of damage or destruction of in carbon steel pipes. Therefore, it is very important to measure defect which is existed not only on the welding part but also on the whole field of pipe. This study use dual-beam Shearography, which can measure the out-of-plane deformation and the in-plane deformation by using another illuminated laser beam and simple image processing technique. And this study proposes Infrared thermography, which is a two-dimensional non-contact nondestructive evaluation that can detect internal defects from the thermal distribution by the inspection of infrared light radiated from the object surface. In this paper, defect of nuclear power pipe were, measured using dual-beam shearography and infrared thermography, quantitatively evaluated by the analysis of phase map and thermal image pattern.

Automatic PID Controller Parameter Analyzer

  • Pannil, Pittaya;Julsereewong, Prasit;Ukakimaparn, Prapart;Tirasesth, Kitti
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.288-291
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    • 1999
  • The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is widely used in the industries for more than fifty years with the well known Ziegler-Nichols tuning method and others varieties. However, most of the PID controller being used in the real practice still require trial and error adjustment for each process after the tuning method is done, which is consuming of time and needs the operator experiences to obtain the best results for the controller parameter. In order to reduce the inconvenience in the controller tuning, this paper presents a design of an automatic PID controller parameter analyzer being used as a support instrument in the industrial process control. This analyzer is designed based on the tuning formula of Dahlin to synthesize the PID controller parameter. Using this analyzer, the time to be spent in the trial and error procedures and its complexity can be neglected. Experimental results using PID controller parameter synthesized from this analyzer to the liquid level control plant model and the fluid flow control plant model show that the responses of the controlled systems can be efficiently controlled without any difficulty in mathemathical computation.

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UV Dose Predictions for Ultra Violet Flowing Water Purification of Axial Reactor Type based on the location of the exit by CFD (CFD에 의한 Axial Reactor Type 자외선 유수살균장치의 출구 위치에 따른 UV Dose 예측)

  • Choi, Jong-Woong;Kim, Seong-Su;Park, No-Suk;Lee, Young-Joo;Chae, Seon-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.521-533
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    • 2012
  • Interest in application of ultraviolet light technology for primary disinfection that used for the treatment of water for consumption and wastewater has increased significantly in recent years. Analysis of these systems has been carried out using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) procedure. It offers advantages over other techniques in specific circumstances. CFD has emerged as a powerful tool to aid design of a UV reactor by providing the UV dose delivered by the proposed reactor design and allowing engineers to evaluate alternative designs in much less time and at a reasonable cost. In this study, five different configurations of the apparatus depending on the location of the exit are evaluated in terms of maximum dose, minimum dose, flow patterns, particle tracks and transient dose. The configuration 3 results have higher minimum UV dose value and uniform particle distribution of the UV dose on the outlet than other's.

Ocean Current Power Farm Interaction Study (해양 조류발전단지 간섭 연구)

  • Jo, Chul-Hee;Yim, Jin-Young;Chae, Kwang-Su;Park, Ro-Sik
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2009
  • Several tidal current power plants are being planned and constructed in Korea utilizing the strong tidal currents along the west and south coasts. A tidal current reaches 9.7 m on the west coast; there are few potential regions for tidal current power generation. The construction of a dam to store water can prevent the circulation of water, causing a great environmental impact on the coast and estuary. The tidal barrage could produce a large amount of power, but it should be carefully considered. The purpose of developing renewable energies is to minimize the environmental impact and to maximize the utilization of clean energy. To produce a great quantity of power, tidal current farms require the placement of numerous units in the ocean. The power generation is very dependent on the size of the rotor and the incoming flow velocity. Also, the interactions between devices contribute greatly to the production of power. The efficiency of a power farm is estimated to determine the production rate. This paper introduces 3 D interaction problems between rotating rotors, considering the axial, transverse, and diagonal distances between horizontal axis tidal current devices.

Characteristics of Near Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder with Serrated fins (IV) - Comparison of Vortex Formation Regions - (톱니형 휜이 부착된 원주의 근접후류특성 연구 (IV) - 와형성영역의 유동비교 -)

  • Ryu, Byong-Nam;Kim, Kyung-Chun;Boo, Jung-Sook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2003
  • An experimental study is performed to investigate characteristics of near of wakes of circular cylinders with serrated fins using a hot-wire anemometer for various freestream velocities. The main focus of this paper is to investigate a reason why a vortex formation length is increased suddenly. Velocity of the fluid which flow through fins decreases as fin's height and freestream velocity increases and fin pitch decreases, and a thickness of boundary layer increases. The finned tube has a lower velocity gradient when the higher boundary layer grows. This velocity gradient on finned tube makes a weak shear force in the wake and moves to downstream in a state of lower momentum transfer between the freestream and the wake. The phenomenon makes a vortex formation length increased suddenly. The fluctuations of the velocity distributions on the finned tube and (equation omitted) = 1.0 contour line in the vortex formation region decreases when the fin height increases and the pitch decreases.

Rheological Properties of Exopolysaccharide Produced by Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1 (Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1이 생산하는 다당류의 리올로지 특성)

  • Son, Bong-Soo;Park, Seok-Kyu;Kang, Shin-Kwon;Lee, Sang-Won;Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 1995
  • For the screening of a new functional exopolysaccharide, sugar composition and rheological properties of exopolysaccharide produced from Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1 were investigated. The average molecular weight of exopolysaccharide was determined to be approximately 2.l $\times$ 10$^{6}$ dalton. The new exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was composed of mannose, glucose, galactose and gluco- samine. IR analysis showed that the exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was assumed to be polymer with carbohydrates. NMR analysis showed that exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was presumed to be 4 units of sugar and trace of CH$_{3}$ group. Exopolysaccharide EPS-1 solution showed a characteristic of non-Newtonian fluid properties. At the concentration of 1.0%, the consistency index and the flow behavior index were shown at 10.8352 poise-sec and 0.4419, respectively. All dispersions were pseudoplastic fluids described accurately by Power-law model. Exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was highly viscous at low concentration, with good stability over a wide range of pH 5 to 13. The excellent compatibility of exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was represented with salts such as sodium chloride.

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A Study on the Reaction Force Characteristics of the Gas Spring for the Automotive (자동차용 가스 스프링의 반력 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choon Tae
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2015
  • A gas spring provides support force for lifting, positioning, lowering, and counterbalancing weights. It offers a wide range of reaction force with a flat force characteristic, simple mounting, compact size, speed controlled damping, and cushioned end motion. The most common usage is as a support on a horizontally hinged automotive tail gate. However, its versatility and ease of use has been applied in many other industrial applications ranging from office equipment to off-road vehicles. The cylinder of a gas spring is filled with compressed nitrogen gas, which is applied with equal pressure on both sides of the piston. The surface area of the rod side of the piston is smaller than the opposite side, producing a pushing force. The magnitude of the reaction force is determined by the cross-sectional area of the piston rod and the internal pressure inside the cylinder. The reaction force is influenced by many design parameters such as initial chamber volume, diameter ratio, etc. In this paper, we investigated the reaction force characteristics and carried out parameter sensitivity analysis for the design parameters of a gas spring.

Comparison of RIAMOM and MOM in Modeling the East Sea/Japan Sea Circulation

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Yoon, Jong-Hwan;Kawamura, Hideyuki;Kang, Hyoun-Woo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.287-302
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    • 2003
  • The seasonal variations in the circulation of the water mass in the East Sea/Japan Sea have been simulated using a free surface primitive ocean model, RIAMOM (RIAM Ocean Model), comparing the results from GFDL-MOM1 (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Modular Ocean Model, version 1.1, hereafter MOM) with the GDEM (Generalized Digital Environmental Model) data. Both models appear to successfully reproduce the distinct features of circulation in the East Sea/Japan Sea, such as the NB (Nearshore Branch) flowing along the Japanese coast, the EKWC (East Korean Warm Current) flowing northward along the Korean coast, and the NKCC/LCC (North Korean Cold Current/Liman Cold Current) flowing southwestward along Korean/Russian coast. RIAMOM has shown better performance, compared to MOM, in terms of the realistic simulation of the flow field in the East Sea/Japan Sea; RIAMOM has produced more rectified flows on the coastal region, for example, the narrower and stronger NKCC/LCC than MOM has. There is however obvious differences between the model results and the GDEM data in terms of the calculation of the water mass; both models have shown a tendency to overpredict temperature and underpredict salinity below 50m; more diffusive forms of thermocline and halocline have been simulated than noted in GDEM data.