• Title/Summary/Keyword: fluctuation rates

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An Adaptive FEC Mechanism Using Crosslayer Approach to Enhance Quality of Video Transmission over 802.11 WLANs

  • Han, Long-Zhe;Park, Sung-Jun;Kang, Seung-Seok;In, Hoh-Peter
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.341-357
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    • 2010
  • Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques have been adopted to overcome packet losses and to improve the quality of video delivery. The efficiency of the FEC has been significantly compromised, however, due to the characteristics of the wireless channel such as burst packet loss, channel fluctuation and lack of Quality of Service (QoS) support. We propose herein an Adaptive Cross-layer FEC mechanism (ACFEC) to enhance the quality of video streaming over 802.11 WLANs. Under the conventional approaches, FEC functions are implemented on the application layer, and required feedback information to calculate redundancy rates. Our proposed ACFEC mechanism, however, leverages the functionalities of different network layers. The Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) function on the Media Access Control (MAC) layer can detect packet losses. Through cooperation with the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the redundancy rates are adaptively controlled based on the packet loss information. The experiment results demonstrate that the ACFEC mechanism is able to adaptively adjust and control the redundancy rates and, thereby, to overcome both of temporary and persistent channel fluctuations. Consequently, the proposed mechanism, under various network conditions, performs better in recovery than the conventional methods, while generating a much less volume of redundant traffic.

Production Ecology of the Seagrass Zostera marina in Jindong Bay, Korea

  • Lee, Kun-Seop;Park, Jung-Im;Chung, Ik-Kyo;Kang, Dong-Woo;Huh, Sung-Hoi
    • ALGAE
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2004
  • Production dynamics of eelgrass, Zostera marina was examined in Jindong Bay on the south of the Korea peninsula. Eelgrass leaf productivities and environmental factors such as underwater photon flux density, water temperature, and nutrient availabilities in the water column and sediments were monitored from March 2002 to December 2003. While water temperature exhibited a distinct seasonal trend, underwater irradiance and nutrient availabilities exhibited high degree of fluctuation, and did not show a seasonal trend throughout the experimental periods. Eelgrass leaf elongation and production rates showed significant seasonal variations. Leaf productivity was highest in May (30.0 mg dry wt sht$^{-1}$ d$^{-1}$ or 3.7g dry wt m$^{-2}$d$^{-1}$) and lowest in November (3.2 mg dry wt sht$^{-1}$ d$^{-1}$ or 0.12 g dry wt m $^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$). Eelgrass leaf productivities did not show a strong correlation with underwater irradiance or environmental nutrient availabilities. The production rates, however, were positively correlated with water temperature during spring periods, and were correlated negatively at high water temperature exceeded 20℃ during summer months. While relative growth rates were highest in spring and lowest in high water temperature periods, plastochrone interval was longest during summer and shortest during spring. These results imply that seasonal growth dynamics of eelgrass, Z. marina was mainly controlled by water temperature.

Flow Characteristics of a Tip Leakage Vortex at Different Flow Rates in an Axial Flow Fan (유량에 따른 축류홴의 익단누설와류 특성)

  • Jang, Choon-Man;Kim, Kwang-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.1383-1388
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    • 2004
  • The flow characteristics in the blade passage of a low speed axial flow fan have been investigated by experimental analysis using a rotating hot-wire sensor for design and off-design operating conditions. The results show that the tip leakage vortex is moved upstream when flow rate is decreased, thus disturbing the formation of wake flow near the rotor tip. The tip leakage vortex interfaces with blade pressure surface, and results in high velocity fluctuation near the pressure surface. From the relative velocity distributions near the rotor tip, large axial velocity decay is observed at near stall condition, which results in large blockage compared to that at the design condition. Througout the flow measurements using a quasi-orthogonal measuring points to the tip leakage vortex, it is noted that the radial position of the tip leakage vortex is distributed between 94 and 96 percent span for all flow conditions. High spectrum density due to the large fluctuation of the tip leakage vortex is observed near the blade suction surface below the frequency of 1000 Hz at near stall condition.

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An Analysis of Crack Growth Rate Due to Variation of Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance (피로균열전파저항의 변동성에 의한 균열전파율의 해석)

  • Kim, Seon-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.23 no.7 s.166
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    • pp.1139-1146
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    • 1999
  • Reliability analysis of structures based on fracture mechanics requires knowledge on statistical characteristics of the parameter C and m in the fatigue crack growth law, $da/dN=C({\Delta}K)^m$. The purpose of the present study is to investigate if it is possible to predict fatigue crack growth rate by only the fluctuation of the parameter C. In this study, Paris-Erdogan law is adopted, where the author treat the parameter C as random and m as constant. The fluctuation of crack growth rate is assumed only due to the parameter C. The growth resistance coefficient of material to fatigue crack growth (Z=1/C) was treated as a spatial stochastic process, which varies randomly on the crack path. The theoretical crack growth rates at various stress intensity factor range are discussed. Constant ${\Delta}K$ fatigue crack growth tests were performed on the structural steel, SM45C. The experimental data were analyzed to determine the autocorrelation function and Weibull distributions of the fatigue crack growth resistance. And also, the effect of the parameter m of Paris' law due to variation of fatigue crack growth resistance was discussed.

Flow Characteristics of Wake Flow with Relation to a Tip Leakage Vortex at Different Flow Rates in an Axial Flow Fan (유량에 따른 축류홴의 익단누설와류 및 후류 특성)

  • Kim Kwang-Yong;Jang Choon-Man
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.3 s.234
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    • pp.322-329
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    • 2005
  • The flow characteristics in the blade passage and in the wake region of a low speed axial flow fan have been investigated by experimental analysis using a rotating hot-wire sensor for design and off-design operating conditions. The results show that the tip leakage vortex is moved upstream when flow rate is decreased, thus disturbing the formation of wake flow near the rotor tip. The tip leakage vortex interfaces with blade pressure surface, and results in high velocity fluctuation near the pressure surface. From axial velocity distributions downstream of the fan rotor, large axial velocity decay near the rotor tip is observed at near stall condition, which results in large blockage compared to that at the design condition. Although the wake flow downstream of the rotor blade is clearly measured at all operating conditions, the trough of the high velocity fluctuation due to Karmann vortex street in the wake flow is mainly observed at a higher flow condition than the design flow rate.

A Heat Release Model of Turbulent Premixed Flame Response to Acoustic Perturbations (유동 섭동에 의한 난류예혼합화염의 열발생 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ju-Hyeong;Baek, Seung-Wook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2008
  • The unsteady heat release characteristics play a significant role in combustion instabilities observed in low emissions gas turbine combustors. Such combustion instabilities are often caused by coupling mechanisms between unsteady heat release rates and acoustic perturbations. A generalized model of the turbulent flame response to acoustic perturbations is analytically formulated by considering a distributed heat release along a curved mean flame front and using the flame's kinematic model that incorporates the turbulent flame development. The effects of the development of flame speed on the flame transfer functions are examined by calculating the transfer functions with a constant or developing flame speed. The flame transfer function due to velocity fluctuation shows that, when a developing flame speed is used, the transfer function magnitude decreases faster with Strouhal number than the results with a constant flame speed at low Strouhal numbers. The flame transfer function due to mixture ratio fluctuation, however, exhibits the opposite results: the transfer function magnitude with a developing flame speed increases faster than that with a constant flame speed at low Strouhal numbers. Oscillatory behaviors of both transfer function magnitudes are shown to be damped when a developing flame speed is used. Both transfer functions also show similar behaviors in the phase characteristics: The phases of both transfer functions with a developing flame speed increase more rapidly than those with a constant flame speed.

Delay Time Estimation of Recharge in the Hancheon Watershed, Jeju Island (제주도 한천유역의 함양 지체시간 산정)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Na, Hanna;Chung, Il-Moon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.605-613
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    • 2014
  • In this work, the delay time for groundwater recharge was estimated by comparing simulated recharges by means of SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model and WTF(Water Table Fluctuation) method. The delay time for groundwater recharge means that the time when the water from rainfall travelled through vadose zone just after getting out of soil zone bottom. As measuring this delay time is almost impossible, we used to compare the estimated values from modeling(SWAT) and analytic method(WTF). The test site is Hancheon watershed which has 8 groundwater measurement stations. The results show that the altitude has a linear relationship with the estimated delay time values. To validate these results, we conducted corelation analysis between transformed groundwater levels and observed ones. The results showed that computed groundwater levels have good corelation($R^2$=0.97, 0.87, respectively). The estimated delay time would be used for the groundwater behaviour characteristics in vadose zone. As recharge rates vary according to the height, the delay time is thought to be an import variable for the proper groundwater recharge estimation.

Risk Estimates of Structural Changes in Freight Rates (해상운임의 구조변화 리스크 추정)

  • Hyunsok Kim
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.255-268
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    • 2023
  • This paper focuses on the tests for generalized fluctuation in the context of assessing structural changes based on linear regression models. For efficient estimation there has been a growing focus on the structural change monitoring, particularly in relation to fields such as artificial intelligence(hereafter AI) and machine learning(hereafter ML). Specifically, the investigation elucidates the implementation of structural changes and presents a coherent approach for the practical application to the BDI(Baltic Dry-bulk Index), which serves as a representative maritime trade index in global market. The framework encompasses a range of F-statistics type methodologies for fitting, visualization, and evaluation of empirical fluctuation processes, including CUSUM, MOSUM, and estimates-based processes. Additionally, it provides functionality for the computation and evaluation of sequences of pruned exact linear time(hereafter PELT).

Soil CO2 Efflux and Leaf-Litter Decomposition of Quercus variabilis and Pinus densiflora Stands in the Southern Region of Korean Peninsular

  • Kim, Sung Bin;Jung, Nam Chul;Lee, Kye-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.2
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary to determine the amount of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) absorbed by plants and released from forest floor into atmosphere, to gain a better understanding how forests participate in the global carbon cycle. Soil $CO_2$ efflux, litter production, and decomposition were investigated in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora stands in the vicinity of Gwangju, Chonnam province. Soil $CO_2$ efflux was measured using Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA) at midday of the 10th day at every month over 12-month period, to quantify seasonal and annual budgets of soil $CO_2$ efflux. Soil temperature and soil moisture were measured at the same time. Seasonal soil $CO_2$ efflux in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora were the highest in summer season. In August, maximum soil $CO_2$ efflux in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora was 7.49, $4.61CO_2{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$, respectively. Annual $CO_2$ efflux in each stand was 1.77, $1.67CO_2kg{\cdot}m^{-2}$ respectively. Soil $CO_2$ efflux increased exponentially with soil temperature and related strongly in Q. variabilis ($r^2$=0.96), and in P. densiflora ($r^2$=0.91). Litter production continued throughout the year, but showed a peak on November and December. Annual litter production in the Q. variabilis and P. densiflora stands were $613.7gdw{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$ and $550.5gdw{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$.$yr^{-1}$, respectively. After 1 year, % remaining mass of Q. variabilis and P. densiflora litter was 48.2, 57.1%, respectively. The soil $CO_2$ efflux rates in this study showed clear seasonal variations. In addition, the temporal variation in the $CO_2$ efflux rates was closely related to the soil temperature fluctuation rather than to variations in the soil moisture content. The range of fluctuation of soil $CO_2$ efflux and litter decomposition rate showed similar seasonal changes. The range of fluctuation of soil $CO_2$ efflux and litter decomposition rate was higher during summer and autumn than spring and winter.

A Study for Effects of Economic Growth Rate and Unemployment Rate to Suicide Rate in Korea (우리나라에서 경제성장률과 실업률이 자살률에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Soon;Lee, June-Young;Kim, Soon-Duck
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : We investigated the effects of the economic growth and unemployment rates on the suicide rate in Korea, between 1983 and 2000, using a time-series regression model. The purpose of this study was to model and test the magnitude of the rate of suicide, with the Korean unemployment rate and GDP. Methods : Using suicide rate per 100,000 Koreans and the unemployment rates between 1983 and 2000, as published by the Korea National Statistical Office, and the rate of fluctuation of the Korean GDP (Gross Domestic Product), as provided by the Bank of Korea, as an index of the economic growth rate, a time-series regression analysis, with a first-order autoregressive regression model, was peformed. Results : An 81.5% of the variability in the suicide rate was explained by GDP, and 82.6% Of that was explained by the unemployment rate. It was also observed that the GDP negatively correlated with the suicide rate, while the unemployment and suicide rates were positively correlated. For subjects aged over 20, both the GDP and unemployment rate were found to be a significant factors in explaining suicide rates, with coefficients of determination of 86.5 and 87.9%, respectively. For subjects aged under 20, however, only the GDP was found to be a significant factor in explaning suicide rates (the coefficient of determination is 38.4%). Conclusion : It was found that the suicide rate was closely related to the National's economic status of Korea, which is similar to the results found in studies in other countries. We expected, therefore, that this study could be used as the basis for further suicide-related studies.