Soil CO2 Efflux and Leaf-Litter Decomposition of Quercus variabilis and Pinus densiflora Stands in the Southern Region of Korean Peninsular

  • Kim, Sung Bin (Department of Forestry, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Jung, Nam Chul (Forest Resources Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Kye-Han (Department of Forestry, Chonnam National University)
  • Received : 2009.02.16
  • Accepted : 2009.04.16
  • Published : 2009.04.30


It is necessary to determine the amount of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) absorbed by plants and released from forest floor into atmosphere, to gain a better understanding how forests participate in the global carbon cycle. Soil $CO_2$ efflux, litter production, and decomposition were investigated in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora stands in the vicinity of Gwangju, Chonnam province. Soil $CO_2$ efflux was measured using Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA) at midday of the 10th day at every month over 12-month period, to quantify seasonal and annual budgets of soil $CO_2$ efflux. Soil temperature and soil moisture were measured at the same time. Seasonal soil $CO_2$ efflux in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora were the highest in summer season. In August, maximum soil $CO_2$ efflux in Q. variabilis and P. densiflora was 7.49, $4.61CO_2{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$, respectively. Annual $CO_2$ efflux in each stand was 1.77, $1.67CO_2kg{\cdot}m^{-2}$ respectively. Soil $CO_2$ efflux increased exponentially with soil temperature and related strongly in Q. variabilis ($r^2$=0.96), and in P. densiflora ($r^2$=0.91). Litter production continued throughout the year, but showed a peak on November and December. Annual litter production in the Q. variabilis and P. densiflora stands were $613.7gdw{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$ and $550.5gdw{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$.$yr^{-1}$, respectively. After 1 year, % remaining mass of Q. variabilis and P. densiflora litter was 48.2, 57.1%, respectively. The soil $CO_2$ efflux rates in this study showed clear seasonal variations. In addition, the temporal variation in the $CO_2$ efflux rates was closely related to the soil temperature fluctuation rather than to variations in the soil moisture content. The range of fluctuation of soil $CO_2$ efflux and litter decomposition rate showed similar seasonal changes. The range of fluctuation of soil $CO_2$ efflux and litter decomposition rate was higher during summer and autumn than spring and winter.



Supported by : Chonnam National University


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