• Title/Summary/Keyword: floral study

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Variation of Bolting at Cultivation of Different Regions and Molecular Characterization of FLC homologs in Angelica gigas Nakai (재배 지대에 따른 참당귀의 추대 변이와 FLC 유전자 특성)

  • Kim, Young-Guk;Yeo, Jun-Hwan;An, Tae-Jin;Han, Sin-Hee;Ahn, Young-Sup;Park, Chung-Beom;Jang, Yun-Hee;Kim, Jeong-Kook
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2012
  • This study were carried out to find bolting response of cultivation in different regions and to isolate FLC (FLOWERING LOCUS C) homologs in Angelica gigas Nakai. The mean temperature of different regions, ordering in altitude, were as follows: 100 m > 350 m > 530 m > 700 m. The largest amount of rainfall was occurred in the region of 350 m while the longest time of sunshine was occurred in the region of 100 m. The content of soil chemical properties in regions showed pH 6.2 ~ 7.4, T-N 0.17 ~ 26, organic mater $1{\sim}32gkg^{-1}$, $P_2O_5$ ${151{\sim}664_{mgkg}}^{-1}$, exchangeable potassium and calcium and magnesium were 0.78 ~ 1.15, 3.9 ~ 10.0, ${0.7{\sim}3.2_{cmol}}^{+kg-1}$. L5 line of A. gigas was occurred in bolting at all regions, but the bolting ratio was 60.0% in 700 m region with non-mulching treatment. Manchu of A. gigas was not occurred in bolting at all regions. The accumulation bolting ratio of L5 line by non-mulching was higher than that of mulching as 90.4% and 72.8% in 100 m region. The MADS-box transcription factor FLC is one of the well-known examples as a strong floral repressor. We decided to isolate FLC homologs from A. gigas as a starting point of flowering mechanism research of this plant. We have isolated two RT-PCR products which showed very high amino acid sequence homology to Arabidopsis FLC.

Floral Characteristics of Asteraceae Flowers and Insect Pollinators in Korea (우리나라 국화과 식물의 화기구조와 방화 곤충 연구)

  • Kim, Gab-Tae;Lyu, Dong-Pyo;Kim, Hoi-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 2012
  • To search for the co-relationships between insect-pollinators and the plant species of Asteraceae, insects visiting in flower and the flowers in Korea, were studied from April 2010 to October 2011. The sum of flower visiting degrees are shown 38 in Lepidoptera, 38 in Diptera, 36 in Hymenoptera, and the lowest 6 in Coleoptera, respectively. 65 insect species are identified pollinators, Hymenoptera 13 species(Apidae 11 sp., Formicidae 2 sp.), Lepidoptera 29 species(Pieridae 5sp., Nymphalidae 12 sp., Satyridae 3 sp., Hesperirdae 3 sp., Lycaenidae 2 sp., Danaidae 1 sp., Moth 2 sp.), Diptera 16 species(Tachinidae 1 sp., Syrphidae 12 sp., Muscidae 1sp., Others 2 sp.), and Coleoptera 6 species(Cetoniidae 1 sp., Cermbycidae 3 sp., Chrysomelidae 1 sp., Mordellidae 1 sp.). 31 pollinator species visits the flower of $Erigeron$ $annuus$, next 15 pollinator species does the flower of $Eupatorium$ $japonicum$, and then 13 pollinator species does the flower of $Aster$ $ageratoides$. Only 2 pollinator species visit the flower of $Tephroseris$ $kirilowii$, $Ixeridium$ $dentatum$, $Inula$ $britannica$ var. $japonica$, $Carduus$ $crispus$, $Ligularia$ $fischeri$, $Ainsliaea$ $acerifolia$, $Synurus$ $deltoides$, $Cirsium$ $setidens$, $Crepidiastrum$ $enticulatum$ and $Dendranthema$ $boreale$. Pollinators of Lepidoptera visit more frequently white flower than yellow or purple one. This study found out that mutualisic relations between plants and insect pollinators is carried out in Korea.

Effective In Vitro Propagation from Pedicel Culture of Hippeastrum hybridum Hort. 'Dazzler' (아마릴리스 (Hippeastrum hybridum Hort. 'Dazzler') 소화경 배양에 의한 효율적 기내번식)

  • Kim Myung Jun;Kim Young Sook;Kim Hyun Soon;Ko Jeong Ae
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.382-389
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to establish the system of effective in vitro propagation by various explant sources culture of Bippeastrum hybridum Hort, 'Dazzler'. We tested the effects of optimal explant source, plant growth regulators on bulblet formation and plant regeneration. Callus was readily produced on the different tissues excised from floral buds whereas, bulbs and shoots were formed only on pedicel explants as compared with anthers, styles and ovaries. Pedicel is the best optimal explant for in vitro propagation. Two distinct pathways, organogenesis through callus and direct bulblet formation, could be recognized in pedicel culture. Up to the $80-100\%$ of bulblet formation and shoot organogenesis from the pedicel in fifteen days before anthesis were effectively induced by MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 1.0 mg/L BA. Plantlet regeneration was successfully achieved from pedicel-derived callus, via shoot bud induction or direct bulblet formation. The bulblets with blooming flower were produced within 2 years.

Several Factors Affecting Seed Germination of Hydrangea petiolaris Siebold & Zucc. (등수국의 종자발아에 미치는 몇 가지 요인)

  • Cho, Ju Sung;Jeong, Jeong Hak;Kim, Soo Young;Lee, Joo Young;Lee, Cheol Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.534-539
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to establish seed propagation method of Hydrangea petiolaris Siebold & Zucc., one of the specific and protected plant species for the floral region. Seed size ranged $1.36{\times}0.84mm$, weight of thousand seeds was $2.3{\pm}0.02mg$. Observation of seed morphology characters showed wrinkled surface and elliptical shape, indicating amber color and fine seeds. Moisture contents of seeds, increased rapidly by water-soaking treatment, recording maximum moisture contents (31.9%) after 48 hours. Percent germination of seeds was higher under the light than dark condition. Seed germination was the best at $25^{\circ}C$ under the light condition (78.0%) among temperature and light conditions treated. Percent germination, germination energy and $T_{50}$ was greatly improved by soaking in $GA_3$ solutions for 48 hours. Especially, $100{\sim}500mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ $GA_3$ treatment resulted in the highest germination rate as 90.0% and above.

Distributional Characteristics of Plant in Northern Region on Gyeonggi-Province (경기도 북부지역의 식물분포 특성)

  • Kang, Dae-Sung;Paik, Weon-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2007
  • This study was to establish the floristic composition of northern region in Gyeonggi-Province area($126^{\circ}45^{\prime}-127^{\circ}37^{\prime}E$, $37^{\circ}31^{\prime}-38^{\circ}17^{\prime}N$). This work was investigated from April, 1988 to October, 2004. The flora of vascular plants of northern region in Gyeonggi-Province were consisted of total 2,030 taxa; 145 families, 656 genera, 1,611 species, 7 subspecies, 320 varieties, 1 subvarieties and 91 formae. Among them, Korean endemic species were composed of 46 families, 85 genera, 84 species, 35 varieties, 1 subvarieties, and 18 formae, total 138 taxa. The rare and endangered plants based on floral region indicated by Ministry of Environment were 416 taxa; V rank species 18 taxa, IV rank species 79 taxa, III rank species 111 taxa, II rank species 80 taxa, I rank species 128 taxa. Also the naturalized plants were 114 species, correspond to 39.7% of among total 287 species appeared in South Korea. the result of PCA, Gwangju mountain chain at northern region of Gyeonggi-Province has rich and diverse vascular plants, and there are many Korean endemic, rare and endangered plants. therefore Gwangju mountain chain must be the core axis in for conserving the plant biodiversity and richness.

Control of Botrytis cinerea and Postharvest Quality of Cut Roses by Electron Beam Irradiation (전자빔 조사에 따른 잿빛곰팡이병원균 방제효과와 절화 장미의 수확 후 품질)

  • Kwon, Song;Choi, Gyung Ja;Kim, Ki Sun;Kwon, Hye Jin
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 2014
  • The present study was conducted to determine the effect of electron beam irradiation on control of Botrytis cinerea and postharvest quality of cut roses. Electron beam doses of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 10, and 20 kGy were applied with a 10-MeV linear electron beam accelerator (EB Tech, Korea). Electron beams inhibited spore germination and mycelial growth of B. cinerea with increasing irradiation doses. Conidia of B. cinerea were more tolerant to irradiation than were mycelia: the effective irradiation doses for 50% inhibition ($ED_{50}$) of spore germination and mycelial growth were 2.02 kGy and 0.89 kGy, respectively. In addition, electron beam irradiation was more effective in reducing mycelial growth of B. cinerea at $10^{\circ}C$ than at $20^{\circ}C$. Analysis of in vivo antifungal activity revealed that elevated irradiation doses exhibited increased control efficacy for tomato gray mold. Flower longevity and fresh weight of cut roses decreased when the irradiation dose was increased. In addition, flower bud opening tended to be inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Although 'Decoration', 'Il se Bronze', 'Queen Bee', and 'Revue' roses tolerated and maintained overall postharvest quality up to 0.4 kGy, 'Vivian' did not, demonstrating that the irradiation sensitivity of cut roses varies according to cultivar.

Effect of Tree Height on Light Transmission, Spray Penetration, Tree Growth, and Fruit Quality in the Slender-spindle System of 'Hongro'/M9 Apple Trees ('홍로'/M.9 사과나무의 세장방추형에서 수고가 투광율, 투약율, 수체 생육 및 과실 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Dong Geun;Song, Ju-Hee;Kang, In-Kyu
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.454-462
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to determine the effect of tree height on light transmission, spray penetration, tree growth performance, fruit quality attributes, and labor productivity in the slender-spindle system of 'Hongro'/M.9 apple trees. With increasing tree height, the light penetration into the internal parts of the canopy decreased, especially in the lower canopy. Leaf area index (LAI) increased with increasing tree height, thereby leading to a reduction in the extent of spray penetration into the interior of the canopy. With increasing tree height, shoot growth was more vigorous but produced slender shoots in the upper canopy compared to the lower canopy. Although the soluble solid content and coloration of fruit decreased, there was no difference in fruit firmness and acidity. In addition, the number of final fruit set increased, although the production of large fruit (> 305 g) decreased. The increase in tree height also significantly increased the labor required for practices such as thinning of flowers and fruits, pruning, and harvesting. Nevertheless, this problem of increased in labor input in taller trees would was eased by use of a mechanical lift. Utilizing a lift for thinning the flowers of trees 4.5 m in height saved 14.6 min per tree, compared to the use of ladder. Therefore, it is highly considerable that in order to enhance light transmission and fruit coloration, light conditions should be improved in the internal tree canopy of slender-spindle systems.

Effect of Day-length Extension Treatment Using LED on Growth and Flowering of Freesia hybrid 'Yvonne' (LED를 이용한 장일 처리가 프리지아(Freesia hybrida) '이본느'의 생육 및 개화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jin-Jae;Hwang, Ji-Hye
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.794-802
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to determine the effect of day-length extension treatment using LED lighting (blue, green, red, or 3 mixed) on vegetative growth and flowering of freesia 'Yvonne', in comparison to that using glow lamps and metal halide lamps. Lighting treatments were imposed from 5 PM to 8 PM for 150 days from after flower bud differentiation to flowering end. For the period from leaf emergence to floral bud formation, no light source affected plant height but the number of leaves was decreased by the metal halide lamp. The highest SPAD value in the flower bud developing period occurred in the metal halide lamp treatment. The time of flowering was advanced by blue or green LED treatment compared to the no lighting control. The green LED lighting advanced flowering by 6 and 8 days compared to no lighting and metal halide lamp treatment, respectively. The blooming period tended to be shortened by the red LED treatment. As for the flower characteristics of 'Yvonne', floret length and width, and the weight of cut flowers were highest in the metal halide lamp treatment. Red LED decreased corm width and weight of 'Yvonne' while glow lamp decreased height and weight. Starch contents in corm were not influenced by the lighting source. Our results indicate that the green LED lighting advanced the time of flowering and the metal halide lamp was good for cut-flower quality.

Growth, Flowering, and Nutrient Composition of Salvia Grown in Peat moss Media Containing Pellets Processed with Poultry Feather Fibers at Different Mixing Ratios

  • Yoo, Yong Kwon;Kim, In Kyung;Roh, Mark S.;Roh, Yong Seung;Huda, Masud
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to determine the effect of replacing perlite (PL) with pellets processed with poultry feather fiber as an inert material to prepare growing medium. The growth and flowering of Salvia splendens 'Vista Red' grown in individual growing medium $Biosangto^{(R)}$, peat moss (PM), PL, and two pellets (P45-1 and P45-2) were evaluated. Peat moss was mixed with PL, P45-1, or P45-2 at various ratios (1:0 to 1:3 or 3:1 by volume) to investigate the feasibility of replacing PL with pellets. Nutrient composition of the growing medium and leaf tissues was analyzed. The number of florets, inflorescence length, plant height, and fresh weight of plants grown in media containing P45-1 or P45-2 were reduced compared to those grown in individual growing medium PM or PL. As the mixing ratio of P45-1 or P45-2 to PM was higher, the growth of salvia, such as inflorescence length, plant height, number of leaves, and fresh weight was inhibited. Our results indicate that mixing three parts PM with one part of P45-1 (PM/P45-1/3:1) or P45-2 (PM/P45-2/3:1) accelerated flowering and increased the number of florets and leaves compared to other mixing ratios of PM and pellets media. The concentrations of phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), boron (B), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu) in individual growing medium PL, P45-1, and P45-2 were significantly lower than those in PM. The concentration of N was the highest in leaves of plants grown in P45-1 or P45-2 amended media, and the concentrations of P, Ca, and zinc (Zn) in leaves were lower in individual growing medium P45-1 or P45-2 than in PM and PL. The pH of PM/P45-1/3:1 or PM/P45-2/3:1 media was maintained at optimal level (5.8-5.9) and the concentrations of macro- and micro-elements in the media and leaves were considered to be optimal levels. Therefore, mixing three parts PM with one part P45-1(PM:P45-1/3:1) or P45-2 (PM:P45-2/3:1) is recommended for improved growth and flowering in salvia. This suggests that P45-1 or P45-2 can replace PL as an inert material to prepare growing medium.

Construction and Verification of Useful Vectors for Ectopic Expression and Suppression of Plant Genes. (식물 유전자의 과발현 및 발현 억제를 위한 유용 벡터의 제조 및 확인)

  • Lee, Young-Mi;Seok, Hye-Yeon;Park, Hee-Yeon;Park, Ji-Im;Han, Ji-Sung;Bang, Tae-Sik;Moon, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.809-817
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    • 2009
  • The phenotypes associated with a gene function are often the best clue to its role in the plant. Transgenic plants ectopically expressing or suppressing a gene can provide useful information related to the gene function. In this study, we constructed three vectors - pFGL571, pFGL846 and pFGL847 - for the Agrobacterium-mediated ectopic expression of plant genes using pPZP211 and modified CaMV 35S, UBQ3 or UBQ10 promoters. The three vectors have several merits such as small size, high copy in bacteria, enough restriction enzyme sites in multi cloning sites and nucleotide sequence information. Analysis of transgenic plants containing GUS or sGFP reporter genes under the control of modified CaMV 35S, UBQ3 or UBQI0 promoter revealed that all of the three promoters showed high activities during most developmental stages after germination and in floral organs. Furthermore, we generated a RNAi module vector, pFGL727, to suppress plant gene expressions and confirmed that pFGL727 is useful for the suppression of a gene expression using rice transgenic plants. Taken together, our new vectors would be very useful for the ectopic expression or the suppression of plant genes.