• Title/Summary/Keyword: fiber-rubber composite

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Fracture Mechanism of Ceramic/Glass-fiber-reinforced-composites Laminate by High Velocity Impact (세라믹/유리섬유강화복합재 적층판의 고속충돌에 의한 파괴거동)

  • Jung Woo-Kyun;Lee Woo-Il;Kim Hee-Jae;Kwon Jeong-Won;Ahn Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5 s.182
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2006
  • Multi-layered laminate made of ceramic/composite have been developed to prevent penetration by high velocity impact. In this study, three-layered plates consisted of 1) cover layer (glass fiber reinforced polymer), 2) $Al_{2}O_{3}$, ceramic plate, and 3) backing plate (glass fiber reinforced polymer) were fabricated with various conditions and tested for their ballistic protection characteristic. The ceramic composite laminates, with thin backing plate, were completely penetrated by armor piercing projectile. The plate with inserted rubber between ceramic and backing plate showed excellent ballistic protection, though completely penetrated by the second shoot.

Structural Behavior of Worn Tire Attached to Carbon Fiber Steel Pile by Wave and Current Forces (파랑 및 조류력에 의한 탄섬유강 말뚝에 부착된 폐타이어의 구조거동)

  • 홍남식;이상화
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2004
  • The structural behavior of a worn tire, attached to carbon fiber steel pile by current and wave forces, has been investigated through the numerical method. The finite element model has been developed, by considering that the composite material of rubber and cord is orthotropic, the rubber is isotropic, and that all the material behaves as linear elastic. The pressure distribution by wave and current, around the worn tire, has been estimated through the adjustment for the concept of flow separation. Also, the structural behavior of the worn tire has been examined, by comparing the situation wherein the space between the pile is reinforced, and tire as elastic and isotropic material, with the one left empty. Through this comparison, it is determined that the space between pile and tire has to be filled with elastic and isotropic material, in order to avoid the failure by wave and current action.

Finite Element Analysis of Diaphragm Type Air Springs considering the Variation of Fiber Angles (섬유의 적층각을 고려한 다이아프램형 공기 스프링의 유한요소 해석)

  • Lee, Hyeoun-Guk;Kim, Se-Ho;Heo, Hun;Kim, Jin-Yeong;Chung, Su-Gyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 1999
  • this paper concerned with the stress analysis of a diaphragm-type air spring which consists of rubber linings nylon reinforced rubber composite. The analysis is carried out with a finite element method developed to consider the orthotropic properties geometric non-linearity and contact between an air bag and a bead ring The material properties are evaluated with the Halpio-Tsai equations and the rule of mixture. The analysis results demonstrate the variation of the outer diameter the fold height and the vertical force with different models to the design a proper diaphragm air springs.

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A Study on Dynamic Properties of Short-fiber Reinforced Chloroprene Rubber (단섬유 강화 Chloroprene 고무의 동적특성 연구)

  • 이동주;류상렬
    • Composites Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2004
  • The dynamic properties of short-fiber reinforced chloroprene rubber with different interphase conditions and fiber contents have been studied as functions of frequency, amplitude and temperature. The loss factor(LF) slightly increased more than 1.33% of strain and the dynamic ratio(DR) rapidly decreased with increasing strain amplitude. The LF rapidly decreased with increasing frequency especially more than 50Hz. The DR showed the lower when it compared to virgin material with increasing frequency. The LF showed the maximum at $65^{\circ}$ and rapidly decreased after that temperature. The DR showed the lower when it compared with virgin rubber with increasing temperature. Generally, the better interphase condition showed the lower LF and DR at the same testing condition. Therefore, the short-fiber reinforced rubber could have the better isolation when the frequency ratio is more than $\sqrt{2}$ compared with frequency ratio less than $\sqrt{2}$.

Mechanical Properties of Plastic Waste/Cellulose Waste Composites (폐플라스틱/폐섬유소 복합체의 기계적 물성)

  • Hong, Young-Keun
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • Mechanical properties of the commingled waste plastics filled with waste newspaper were studied. To improve adhesion at the interface, abietic acid was used. Tensile strength increased with fiber concentration. However the abietic acid did not have any influence on the strength. Tensile strain and impact strength as well decreased with increasing fiber level in the composite, but the abietic acid at low level of concentration with low level of fiber dramatically improved both properties. The reason seemed to be attributed to double-chemical nature of abietic acid.

Surface Modified Glass-Fiber Effect on the Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites

  • Park, Sanghoo;Kim, Su-Jong;Shin, Eun Seob;Lee, Seung Jun;Kang, Beom Mo;Park, Kyu-Hwan;Hong, Seheum;Hwang, Seok-Ho
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2019
  • To improve the mechanical properties of glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites through interfacial adhesion control between the PP matrix and glass fiber, the surface of the glass fiber was modified with PP-graft-maleic anhydride (MAPP). Surface modification of the glass fiber was carried out through the well-known hydrolysis-condensation reaction using 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane, and then subsequently treated with MAPP to produce the desired MAPP-anchored glass fiber (MAPP-a-GF). The glass-fiber-reinforced PP composites were prepared by typical melt-mixing technique. The effect of chemical modification of the glass fiber surface on the mechanical properties of composites was investigated. The resulting mechanical and morphological properties showed improved interfacial adhesion between the MAPP-a-GF and PP matrix in the composites.

Penetration Mechanisms of Ceramic Composite Armor Made of Alumina/GFRP

  • Jung, Woo-Kyun;Lee, Hee-Sub;Jung, Jae-Won;Ahn, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Woo-Il;Kim, Hee-Jae;Kwon, Jeong-Won
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2007
  • Combat vehicles are frequently maneuvered in battlefields when the lives of combatants are being threatened. These vehicles are important elements that influence the consequences of a battle. Their armor must be lightweight and provide excellent protection to ensure successful operations. Ceramic composite armor has recently been developed by many countries to fulfill these requirements. We reviewed previous research to determine an effective armor design, and then fabricated a composite armor structure using $Al_2O_3$ and glass fiber-reinforced polymer. Specimens were manufactured under controlled conditions using different backing plate thicknesses and bonding methods for the ceramic layer and the backing plate. The penetration of an armor-piercing bullet was evaluated from ballistic protection tests. The bonding method between the ceramic layer and the fiber-reinforced polymer influenced the ballistic protection performance. A bonding layer using rubber provided the best protection.

Mechanical Properties of NBR Rubber Composites Filled with Reinforced Fiber and Ceramics (강화섬유와 세라믹이 충진된 NBR 고무 복합체의 기계적 물성 특성)

  • Kwon, Byeong-Jin;Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Danbi;Park, Soo-Yong;Jung, Jinwoong;Chung, Ildoo
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the mechanical properties of vulcanized rubber were evaluated through compounding by controlling filler content to improve the mechanical properties of NBR rubber. Aramid and glass fibers with excellent heat resistance were used as fillers, and ceramics were additionally used in anticipation of a complementary effect, and as for the ceramic materials, needle-shaped and plate-shaped ceramics were used. Each filler was used in an amount of 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, and 20.0 phr in order to investigate the basic properties according to the amount of filler. To confirm the complementary effect through ceramic application, each 10.0 phr fiber and ceramic were mixed with 1:1 ratio to evaluate mechanical properties. As a result, it was confirmed that the decreasing ratio of tensile strength after heat aging was small in the order of aramid fiber, acicular ceramic, glass fiber, and plate ceramic in the case of applying the filler alone. In addition, the mechanical characteristics of vulcanized rubber using composite filler based on fibers and ceramics were evaluated, and it was confirmed that the composite filler had a complementary effect on thermal aging.

Reaction Study of Tannin with Formaldehyde in the Adhesive Containing Condensed Tannin (Condensed Tannin을 포함한 접착제에서 Tannin과 Formaldehyde의 반응에 관한 연구)

  • 정경호
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 1992
  • This paper is on for a material to replace the petroleum-based resins used as adhesives for the fiber in rubber composite materials. The study limited to the reaction properties of tannin with formaldehyde. Tannin-formaldehyde(TF) reactions were carried out in aqueous media. Rates of reaction were strongly dependent on concentration, temperature, pH, and the mole ratio of tannin to formaldehyde. Viscosities of reaction mixtures were followed up to gelation. The reactivity of tannin-formaldehyde resins was greater than that of resorcinol-formaldehyde resins. To formulate an adhesive, a styrene-butadiene-vinyl pyridine terpolymer latex(L) was added to the TF. This preliminary results suggest that the condensed tannins have considerable promise as substitutes for resorcinol used in resin formulation for bonding of fiber to rubber.

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Concentration Effects on Improved Mechanical Properties of Chopped Kenaf Fiber Filled Polypropylene Composite (케냐프섬유로 강화된 PP복합재료내의 섬유의 함량이 기계적특성 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Jeong-Seok;Lee, Seong-Hoon;Kim, Kwang-Jea
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2011
  • The effects of chopped kenaf fiber concentration on mechanical property of polypropylene (PP) composite are investigated. The addition of kenaf increased the tensile strength, flexural modulus, impact strength, specific gravity, and HDT, while decreased the elongation%, flexural strength, and melt flow index. The increase of mechanical properties is due to increased surface area contacting between fiber and polymer matrix and fiber-fiber interaction. Volatile extractives in the kenaf seemed to decrease the interfacial adhesion between kenaf surface and PP.