• Title/Summary/Keyword: extreme strain

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Analysis of Axial Splitting of Circular Metal Tubes by Using Element Deletion Method (요소 삭제 방법을 사용한 원형 금속 관의 축방향 파단 해석)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Hyun-Gyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.496-503
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    • 2008
  • With the improvement of computer power and technology, fracture modelling by finite element methods has become a topic of extensive studies. However, fracture simulation much limited to an academic study of crack propagation with a fine mesh. Element deletion method is a useful tool for estimating damage due to accidental or extreme loads on structures, provided that an effective and realistic criterion is established for simulating the material failure and subsequent element deletion. In this study, ABAQUS/Explicit is used to simulate the material failure on the basis of experimental results by X. Huang et al. Through numerical experiments, we suggest a formulation to determine the failure strain associated with the size and thickness of removed elements.

Deformation Characteristics of Reinforced Polymer Concrete Beams (철근보강 폴리마 콘크리트보의 변형특성)

  • 연규석
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1988
  • The primary objective of the study was to find the deformation characteristics of reinforced polymer concrete beams. A test program was carried out to compare the behavior in deformation of polyester and MMA concrete beams with cement concrete beams but with varying ratios of tensile reinforcement. From the results the following conclusions can be made. 1.The various strengths of polymer concrete ware very high compared to the strengths for cement concrete. Also, compared to conventional concrete beams, flexural strength of reinforced polymer concrete beams was distinctly higher for the same section and steel ratios. 2.The polymer concrete beams exhibit large deflections accompanied by relatively high strengths as compared to cement concrete beams. 3.The average ultimate strain at the extreme compression fiber of polymer concrete beams was 0.01 1 cm / cm, and this value was about three to four times as large as that of cement concrete beams, 4.The polymer concrete beams developed more cracks which were more wide crack distribution spacing than the cement concrete beams, and the beams failed in a more ductile manner. 5.The reinforcing steel ratio has a significant effect on the beam strength, load-deflection response, stress-strain curve, and crack pattern of polymer concrete beams.

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How to Prepare the Manuscript for Submission to the Proceedings of KSPE Conference (고에너지 물질 연소를 기반으로 한 Multi Physics Modeling)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Yoh, Jai-Ick
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.238-241
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    • 2007
  • We present an innovative method of multi-physics application involving energetic materials. Energetic materials are related to reacting flows in extreme environments such as fires and explosions. They typically involve high pressure, hish temperature, strong non-linear shock waves, and high strain rate deformation of metals. We use an Eulerian methodology to address these problems. Our approach is naturally free from large deformation of materials that makes it suitable for high strain-rate multi-material interaction problems. Furthermore we eliminate the possible interface smearing by using the level sets. We have devised a new level set based tracking framework that can elegantly handle large gradients typically found in reacting gases and metals. We show several work-in-progress applications of our algorithm including the Taylor impact test, explosive venting and additional confined explosion problems of modem interest.

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Modelling the dynamic response and failure modes of reinforced concrete structures subjected to blast and impact loading

  • Ngo, Tuan;Mendis, Priyan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2009
  • Responding to the threat of terrorist attacks around the world, numerous studies have been conducted to search for new methods of vulnerability assessment and protective technologies for critical infrastructure under extreme bomb blasts or high velocity impacts. In this paper, a two-dimensional behavioral rate dependent lattice model (RDLM) capable of analyzing reinforced concrete members subjected to blast and impact loading is presented. The model inherently takes into account several major influencing factors: the progressive cracking of concrete in tension, the inelastic response in compression, the yielding of reinforcing steel, and strain rate sensitivity of both concrete and steel. A computer code using the explicit algorithm was developed based on the proposed lattice model. The explicit code along with the proposed numerical model was validated using experimental test results from the Woomera blast trial.

Innovative Modeling and Simulation of Reacting Flow with Complex Confined Boundaries

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Yoh, Jai-Ick
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 2008
  • We present an innovative method of multi physics application involving energetic materials. Energetic materials are related to reacting flows in extreme environments such as fires and explosions. They typically involve high pressure, high temperature, strong shock waves and high strain rate deformation of metals. We use an Eulerian methodology to address these problems. Our approach is naturally free from large deformation of materials that make it suitable for high strain rate multi-material interacting problems. Furthermore we eliminate the possible interface smearing by using the level sets. We heave devised a new level set based tracking framework that can elegantly handle large gradients typically found in reacting gases and metals. We show several work-in-progress application of our integrated framework.

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Research on the Mechanical Properties of Some New Aluminum Alloy Composite Structures in Construction Engineering

  • Mengting Fan;Xuan Wang
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2024
  • The lightweight and high strength characteristics of aluminum alloy materials make them have promising prospects in the field of construction engineering. This paper primarily focuses on aluminum alloy materials. Aluminum alloy was combined with concrete, wood and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) cloth to create a composite column. The axial compression test was then conducted to understand the mechanical properties of different composite structures. It was found that the pure aluminum tube exhibited poor performance in the axial compression test, with an ultimate load of only 302.56 kN. However, the performance of the various composite columns showed varying degrees of improvement. With the increase of the load, the displacement and strain of each specimen rapidly increased, and after reaching the ultimate load, both load and strain gradually decreased. In comparison, the aluminum alloy-concrete composite column performed better than the aluminum alloy-wood composite column, while the aluminum alloy-wood-CFRP cloth composite column demonstrated superior performance. These results highlight excellent performance potential for aluminum alloy-wood-CFRP composite columns in practical applications.

Effects of inverse lighting and extreme heat diet on short chain fatty acid and blood lipid profile in extreme heat stress-exposed broilers (폭염 브로일러 닭의 혈액지질 및 짧은 사슬지방산에 대한 폭염사료와 역전점등 효과)

  • Park, Sang-Oh;Hwangbo, Jong;Park, Byung-Sung;Choi, Hee-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.400-410
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of feeding the broilers that are exposed to extreme heat stress by control of inverse lighting times with night restricted feeding of extreme heat diet(EHD1, 2: extreme heat diet) containing different amount of soy oil, molasses, amino acids and vitamin C on short chain fatty acid and blood lipid profile. 300 broiler chickens(Abaica strain) were randomized into four dietary treatment groups according to a randomized block design on the day they were hatched. The four dietary treatment groups were: T1(EHD 1, 10:00~19:00 Dark, 19:00~10:00 Light), T2(EHD 2, 10:00~19:00 Dark, 19:00~10:00 Light), T3(EHD 1, 09:00~18:00 Dark, 18:00~09:00 Light), T4(EHD 2, 09:00~18:00 Dark, 18:00~09:00 Light). The body weight gain of the broilers was highest in T2, and high in order T1, T4, T3(p<0.05). Weights of the lymphoid organ, thymus and bursa of Fabricius were high in T1, T2 as compared to T3, T4 but spleen was lower in T4 than T1, T2, T3(p<0.05). Blood triglyceride, total cholesterol and glucose were higher in T1, T2 than T3, T4(p<0.05). LDL-C was high in orderT4, T3, T2, T1 but HDL-C showed the opposite trend(p<0.05). Blood concentrations of IgG, IgG and IgM were higher in T1, T2 than inT3, T4, but the corticosterone concentration decreased significantly in them. In T1 and T2, Lactobacillus in the feces increased, but total aerobic bacteria, E.coli, coliform bacteria was decreased rather significantly, compared with those in T3 and T4(p<0.05). Concentrations of acetic acid, propionic acid and total SCFA in cecum were high in order T2, T1, T3, T4, but butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric acid, isovaleric acid were lower in T1, T2 than in T3, T4 (p<0.05).

Flow Stress Properties of Electric Resistance Welded Small-Sized Subsea Pipeline Subjected to Temperature and Strain Rate Variations (심해저용 전기 저항 용접 소구경 송유관 소재의 온도 및 변형률 속도 에 따른 유동 응력 특성)

  • Kim, Younghun;Park, Sung-Ju;Yoon, Sung-Won;Choung, Joonmo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2015
  • A subsea pipeline for oil/gas transportation or gas injection is subjected to extreme variations in internal pressure and temperature, which can involve a strain rate effect on the pipeline material. This paper describes the flow stress characteristics of a pipeline material called API 5L X52N PSL2, using and experimental approach. High-speed tensile tests were carried out for two metal samples taken from the base and weld parts. The target temperature was 100℃, but two other temperature levels of –20℃and 0℃ were taken into account. Three strain rates were also considered for each temperature level: quasi static, 1/s, and 10/s. Flow stress data were proposed for each temperature level according to these strain rates. The dynamic hardening behaviors of the base and weld metals appeared to be nonlinear on the log-scale strain rate axis. A very high material constant value was required for the Cowper-Symonds constitutive equation to support the experimental results.

Study on Cryogenic Mechanical Behavior of 6000 Series Aluminum Alloys (6000계열 알루미늄 합금의 극저온 기계적 거동 연구)

  • Park, Doo-Hwan;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Choi, Sung-Woong;Lee, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2015
  • In this study, tensile tests were performed on aluminum alloys (AA6061 and AA6082) to investigate their mechanical behaviors at cryogenic temperatures. The temperature was varied from 110 K up to 293 K, and quasi-static strain rates of 10−4 s−1 −10−2 s−1 were taken into account for the tests. The experimental results were analyzed to find the dependence on the temperature, strain rate, and fractured surfaces. As a result, it was found that the strength and elongation of the aluminum alloys were improved when the temperature was decreased. In addition, it was confirmed that the mechanical behaviors of the aluminum alloys were not dependant on the strain rate. Under a tensile load, two types of fractures were seen in the aluminum alloys: cup-cone (AA6061) and shear (AA6082).

A Report on the Mass Mortality of the Farmed Japanese Scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis on the Korean Coasts of the East Sea

  • Jo, Q-Tae;Kim, Su-Kyoung;Lee, Chu;Rahman, Mohammad M.;Lee, Chae-Sung;Oh, Bong-Se
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2009
  • Unexpected mass mortality has been one of the drawbacks in front of the stable production of Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) on the Gangwon coasts of the East Sea. The preliminary data from our routine observation revealed that the mortality appeared to be related to variation of water temperature in the farming site and the degree of the mortality was dependent on scallop strain. The present study performed to verify the preliminary findings exhibited that the mortality was closely related to daily temperature variation rather than monthly variation. Daily temperature variation was particularly damageable to the scallop during the temperature elevation period. Scallops from hatchery seeds (Chinese strain) were more tolerant against the temperature variation over those from wild seeds. The hatchery scallop gain of the temperature tolerance was probably due to their larval experience to higher temperature in the hatchery as well as their maternal genetic acclimation to upper temperature extreme of the Chinese environment which was recently found.

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