• 제목/요약/키워드: external pressure coefficient

검색결과 73건 처리시간 0.023초

풍동 실험을 통한 타원형 개폐식 돔 지붕의 외장재용 풍압 계수 분석 (Analysis of External Peak Pressure Coefficients for Cladding in Elliptical Retractable Dome Roof by Wind Tunnel Test)

  • 이종호;김용철;천동진;윤성원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates the wind pressure characteristics of elliptical plan retractable dome roof. Wind tunnel experiments were performed on spherical dome roofs with varying wall height-span ratios (0.1~0.5) and opening ratios (0%, 10%, 30% and 50%), similar to previous studies of cirular dome roofs. In previous study, wind pressure coefficients for open dome roofs have been proposed since there are no wind load criteria for open roofs. However, in the case of Eeliptical plan retractable dome roof, the wind pressure coefficient may be largely different due to the presence of the longitudinal direction and transverse direction. The analysis results leads to the exceeding of maximum and minimum wind pressure coefficients KBC2016 code.

Numerical study on thermal-hydraulics of external reactor vessel cooling in high-power reactor using MARS-KS1.5 code: CFD-aided estimation of natural circulation flow rate

  • Song, Min Seop;Park, Il Woong;Kim, Eung Soo;Lee, Yeon-Gun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a numerical investigation of two-phase natural circulation flows established when external reactor vessel cooling is applied to a severe accident of the APR1400 reactor for the in-vessel retention of the core melt. The coolability limit due to external reactor vessel cooling is associated with the natural circulation flow rate around the lower head of the reactor vessel. For an elaborate prediction of the natural circulation flow rate using a thermal-hydraulic system code, MARS-KS1.5, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation is conducted to estimate the flow rate and pressure distribution of a liquid-state coolant at the brink of significant void generation. The CFD calculation results are used to determine the loss coefficient at major flow junctions, where substantial pressure losses are expected, in the nodalization scheme of the MARS-KS code such that the single-phase flow rate is the same as that predicted via CFD simulations. Subsequently, the MARS-KS analysis is performed for the two-phase natural circulation regime, and the transient behavior of the main thermal-hydraulic variables is investigated.

Multi-dimensional wind vibration coefficients under suction for ultra-large cooling towers considering ventilation rates of louvers

  • Ke, S.T.;Du, L.Y.;Ge, Y.J.;Tamura, Y.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제66권2호
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    • pp.273-283
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    • 2018
  • Currently, the dynamic amplification effect of suction is described using the wind vibration coefficient (WVC) of external loads. In other words, it is proposed that the fluctuating characteristics of suction are equivalent to external loads. This is, however, not generally valid. Meanwhile, the effects of the ventilation rate of louver on suction and its WV are considered. To systematically analyze the effects of the ventilation rate of louver on the multi-dimensional WVC of ultra-large cooling towers under suctions, the 210 m ultra-large cooling tower under construction was studied. First, simultaneous rigid pressure measurement wind tunnel tests were executed to obtain the time history of fluctuating wind loads on the external surface and the internal surface of the cooling tower at different ventilation rates (0%, 15%, 30%, and 100%). Based on that, the average values and distributions of fluctuating wind pressures on external and internal surfaces were obtained and compared with each other; a tower/pillar/circular foundation integrated simulation model was developed using the finite element method and complete transient time domain dynamics of external loads and four different suctions of this cooling tower were calculated. Moreover, 1D, 2D, and 3D distributions of WVCs under external loads and suctions at different ventilation rates were obtained and compared with each other. The WVCs of the cooling tower corresponding to four typical response targets (i.e., radial displacement, meridional force, Von Mises stress, and circumferential bending moment) were discussed. Value determination and 2D evaluation of the WVCs of external loads and suctions of this large cooling tower at different ventilation rates were proposed. This study provides references to precise prediction and value determination of WVC of ultra-large cooling towers.


  • 인왕기;신창환;박주용;오동석;이치영;전태현
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 2011년 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2011
  • A CFD analysis was performed to examine the inner channel blockage of dual-cooled fuel which has being developed for the power uprate of a pressurized water reactor (PWR). The dual-cooled fuel consists of an annular fuel pellet($UO_2$) and dual claddings as well as internal and external cooling channels. The dual-cooled annular fuel is different from a conventional solid 려el by employing an internal cooling channel for each fuel pellet as well as an external cooling channel. One of the key issues is the hypothetical event of inner channel blockage because the inner channel is an isolated flow channel without the coolant mixing between the neighboring flow channels. The inner channel blockage could cause the Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) in the inner channel that eventually causes a fuel failure. This paper presents the CFD simulation of the flow through the side holes of the bottom end plug for the complete entrance blockage of the inner channel. Since the amount of coolant supply to the inner channel depends on largely the pressure loss at the side hole, the pressure loss coefficient of the side hole was estimated by the CFD analysis. The CFD prediction of the loss coefficient showed a reasonable agreement with an experimental data for the complete blockage of both the inner channel entrance and the outer channel. The CFD predictions also showed the decrease of the loss coefficient as the outer channel blockage increases.

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Reliability analysis of shallow tunnel with surface settlement

  • Yang, X.L.;Li, W.T.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.313-326
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    • 2017
  • Based on the reliability theory and limit analysis method, the roof stability of a shallow tunnel is investigated under the condition of surface settlement. Nonlinear Hoek-Brown failure criterion is adopted in the present analysis. With the consideration of surface settlement, the internal energy and external work are calculated. Equating the rate of energy dissipation to the external rate of work, the expression of support pressure is derived. With the help of variational approach, a performance function is proposed to reliability analysis. Improved response surface method is used to calculate the Hasofer-Lind reliability index and the failure probability. In order to assess the validity of the present results, Monte-Carlo simulation is performed to examine the correctness. Sensitivity analysis is used to estimate the influence of different variables on reliability index. Among random variables, the unit weight significantly affects the reliability index. It is found that the greater coefficient of variation of variables lead to the higher failure probability. On the basis of the discussions, the reliability-based design is achieved to calculate the required tunnel support pressure under different situations when the target reliability index is obtained.

해저면에 설치된 2차원 복합해저관로 주위의 유동특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (A Study of Flow Pattern around the Two-Dimensional Dual Subsea Pipeline on Sea Bottom)

  • 나인삼;조철희;정우철;김두홍
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2001
  • As pipelines are often used to transport gas, oil, water and oil products, there are more than one pipeline installed in the offshore field. The size and space of pipelines are various depending on the design specifications. The pipelines are to be designed and installed to secure the stability to external loads during the installation and operation period. The flow patterns are very complex around the pipelines being dependent on incoming flow velocity, pipelines size and space. To investigate the flow patterns, number of experiment are conducted with visualization equipment in a circulating water channel. The flow motion and trajectory were recorded from the laser reflected particles by camera. From the experiment the flow patterns around spaced pipelines were obtained. Also pressure gradient was measured by mano-meter to estimate the hydrodynamic forces on the behind pipeline. The results show that the various sizes and spaces can be affected in the estimation of external load. The complex flow patterns and pressure gradients can be effectively used in the understanding of flow motion and pressure gradient.

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  • 옥호남;김인선
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 2006년도 추계 학술대회논문집
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2006
  • Vent ports are installed on the walls of closed compartments of a launch vehicle to control the pressure drop in the compartments. The ports can be modelled as an orifice, and the accurate prediction of the discharge coefficient of an orifice is essential for the design of vent ports. Experimental methods have been used to determine the discharge coefficients for various shapes of orifices, and extensive databases are available. Wind tunnel tests have been also done to evaluate the effect of interaction between venting outflow and freestream for limited conditions. The goal of the present research is to predict the discharge coefficient of an orifice using CFD and evaluate the accuracy of the method, especially for the orifices exposed to the external flow.

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Infiltration characteristic of modified slurry and support efficiency of filter cake in silty sand strata

  • Sai Zhang;Jianwen Ding;Ning Jiao;Shuai Sun;Jinyu Liu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2023
  • To improve the understanding of infiltration characteristic of modified slurry and the support efficiency of filter cake in silty sand strata, the slurry infiltration (SI) and filter cake formation (FCF) were investigated in a laboratory apparatus. The water discharge and the excess pore pressure at different depths of silty sand strata were measured during SI. The relationship between permeability coefficient/thickness ratio of filter cake (kc/ΔL) and effective slurry pressure conversion rate of filter cake (η) were analyzed. Moreover, the SI and FCF process as well as the modification mechanism of CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) were clarified. The experimental results indicate the formation of only external filter cake in the silty sand strata. The slurry particles obtain thicker water membrane after being modified by CMC, which blocks partial water path in filter cake and decreases the water discharge significantly. The silty sand excavated from tunnel face also contributes to the water discharge reduction. The kc of the external filter cake ranges from 3.83×10-8 cm/s to 7.44×10-8 cm/s. The η of the external filter cake is over 96%, which decreases with increasing kc/ΔL. A silty sand content within 10% is suggested during construction to ensure the uniformity of the filter cake.

Characteristics of wind loading on internal surface and its effect on wind-induced responses of a super-large natural-draught cooling tower

  • Zou, Yun-feng;Fu, Zheng-yi;He, Xu-hui;Jing, Hai-quan;Li, Ling-yao;Niu, Hua-wei;Chen, Zheng-qing
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 2019
  • Wind loading is one of important loadings that should be considered in the design of large hyperbolic natural-draught cooling towers. Both external and internal surfaces of cooling tower are under the action of wind loading for cooling circulating water. In the previous studies, the wind loads on the external surface attracted concernedly attention, while the study on the internal surface was relatively ware. In the present study, the wind pressure on the internal surface of a 220 m high cooling tower is measured through wind tunnel testing, and the effect of ventilation rate of the packing layer on internal pressure is a major concern. The characteristics of internal wind pressure distribution and its effect on wind-induced responses calculated by finite element method are investigated. The results indicate that the wind loading on internal surface of the cooling tower behaves remarkable three-dimensional effect, and the pressure coefficient varies along both of height and circumferential directions. The non-uniformity is particularly strong during the construction stage. Analysis results of the effect of internal pressure on wind-induced responses show that the size and distribution characteristics of internal pressure will have some influence on wind-induced response, however, the outer pressure plays a dominant role in the wind-induced response of cooling tower, and the contribution of internal pressure to the response is small.

아두이노 활용 의복압 측정기 제작 및 신뢰도 검증 (Reliability Verification of the Clothing Pressure Meter Utilizing the Arduino Board)

  • 김남임;박진아
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.723-740
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to develop an Arduino-based garment pressure device (APD) on the basis of using Single-Tact sensor by suggesting the reliable clothing pressure range and coefficient of selected sensors through the APD calibration process. Once the APD was validated, the pressure of the experimental men's lower body compression wears was measured using the APD and was compared to the pressure measured using the existing air-pack type pressure meter. The subjects were one mannequin and eight men in their 20's, and the trial compression wears were calf sleeves and pants. Clothing pressures were measured in hip, mid-thigh, calf, and ankle. In terms of the 99% confidence level, the experimental clothing pressure measured at the designated measuring points using the APD was considered identical to the one measured using an existing clothing pressure meter. Therefore, on the basis of the experiment results, this study demonstrated that the APD is as reliable as the existing clothing pressure meter within the pressure ranges of 0.54-16.79 kPa and 0.18-25.47 kPa as provided by the SingleTact sensor supplier's data on the basis of using an external ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module.