• Title/Summary/Keyword: exploit

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Drone Deployment Using Coverage-and-Energy-Oriented Technique in Drone-Based Wireless Sensor Network (드론 기반 무선 센서 네트워크에서의 커버리지와 에너지를 고려한 드론 배치)

  • Kim, Tae-Rim;Song, Jong-Gyu;Im, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Bum-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2019
  • Awireless sensor network utilizes small sensors with a low cost and low power being deployed over a wide area. They monitor the surrounding environment and gather the associated information to transmit it to a base station via multi-hop transmission. Most of the research has mainly focused on static sensors that are located in a fixed position. Unlike a wireless sensor network based on static sensors, we can exploit drone-based technologies for more efficient wireless networks in terms of coverage and energy. In this paper, we introduce a transmission power model and a video encoding power model to design the network environment. We also explain a priority mapping scheme, and deploy drones oriented for network coverage and energy consumption. Through our simulations, this research shows coverage and energy improvements in adrone-based wireless sensor network with fewer sensors, compared to astatic sensor-based wireless sensor network. Concretely, coverage increases by 30% for thedrone-based wireless sensor network with the same number of sensors. Moreover, we save an average of 25% with respect to the total energy consumption of the network while maintaining the coverage required.

Improving Non-Profiled Side-Channel Analysis Using Auto-Encoder Based Noise Reduction Preprocessing (비프로파일링 기반 전력 분석의 성능 향상을 위한 오토인코더 기반 잡음 제거 기술)

  • Kwon, Donggeun;Jin, Sunghyun;Kim, HeeSeok;Hong, Seokhie
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2019
  • In side-channel analysis, which exploit physical leakage from a cryptographic device, deep learning based attack has been significantly interested in recent years. However, most of the state-of-the-art methods have been focused on classifying side-channel information in a profiled scenario where attackers can obtain label of training data. In this paper, we propose a new method based on deep learning to improve non-profiling side-channel attack such as Differential Power Analysis and Correlation Power Analysis. The proposed method is a signal preprocessing technique that reduces the noise in a trace by modifying Auto-Encoder framework to the context of side-channel analysis. Previous work on Denoising Auto-Encoder was trained through randomly added noise by an attacker. In this paper, the proposed model trains Auto-Encoder through the noise from real data using the noise-reduced-label. Also, the proposed method permits to perform non-profiled attack by training only a single neural network. We validate the performance of the noise reduction of the proposed method on real traces collected from ChipWhisperer board. We demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms classic preprocessing methods such as Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis.

Escherichia coli-Derived Outer Membrane Vesicles Deliver Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase and Yield Partial Protection against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in Mice

  • Quan, Keji;Zhu, Zhuang;Cao, Sanjie;Zhang, Fei;Miao, Chang;Wen, Xintian;Huang, Xiaobo;Wen, Yiping;Wu, Rui;Yan, Qigui;Huang, Yong;Ma, Xiaoping;Han, Xinfeng;Zhao, Qin
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.2095-2105
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    • 2018
  • In our previous studies, we have identified several in vivo-induced antigens and evaluated their potential as subunit vaccine candidates in a murine model, in which the recombinant protein GalT showed the most potent immunogenicity and immunoprotective efficacy against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. To exploit a more efficient way of delivering GalT proteins, in this study, we employed the widely studied E. coli outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) as a platform to deliver GalT protein and performed the vaccine trial using the recombinant GalT-OMVs in the murine model. Results revealed that GalT-OMVs could elicit a highly-specific, IgG antibody titer that was comparable with the adjuvant GalT group. Significantly higher lymphocyte proliferation and cytokines secretion levels were observed in the GalT-OMVs group. 87.5% and 50% of mice were protected from a lethal dose challenge using A. pleuropneumoniae in active or passive immunization, respectively. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses showed remarkably reduced pathological changes and infiltration of neutrophils in the lungs of mice immunized with GalT-OMVs after the challenge. Taken together, these findings confirm that OMVs can be used as a platform to deliver GalT protein and enhance its immunogenicity to induce both humoral and cellular immune responses in mice.

Study of Development for Competency Standards in the Field of Records Management (기록관리분야 직무능력표준 개발 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Eun;Kim, Ik Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.31
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    • pp.43-93
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    • 2012
  • The quality of human resources is critical element which promote efficiency in the community management. Each country all of the world is developing national competency standards to exploit them on human resources management. In response to this trend, the field of records management need to develop competency standards and to build human resources. Although each agency is placing qualified record manager and operating archives organization. growth and development is needed on this field. Under these circumstances, examining requirement for records management competency and using them is a task of great significance on the side of strengthening specialist and normalizing archives operation. This study suggests procedures and methodology competency standards enable to be exploited in entire fields of records management including private sectors as well as public sectors. Furthermore, as for procedures of suggesting measures for developments, cases of procedures of stand designs are shown, effectively verifying for feasibility, validity, and usability of development of competency standards in the field of records management. In this process, models for competency standard and elements based on competency units in the field of records management are suggested. This study will be ultimately expected to contribute to an adoption of manpower development system and a systematic method via procedures of approving expertise of records management being recently highlighted as an issue from revision process of records management act.

Improving Human Activity Recognition Model with Limited Labeled Data using Multitask Semi-Supervised Learning (제한된 라벨 데이터 상에서 다중-태스크 반 지도학습을 사용한 동작 인지 모델의 성능 향상)

  • Prabono, Aria Ghora;Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho;Lee, Seok-Lyong
    • Database Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2018
  • A key to a well-performing human activity recognition (HAR) system through machine learning technique is the availability of a substantial amount of labeled data. Collecting sufficient labeled data is an expensive and time-consuming task. To build a HAR system in a new environment (i.e., the target domain) with very limited labeled data, it is unfavorable to naively exploit the data or trained classifier model from the existing environment (i.e., the source domain) as it is due to the domain difference. While traditional machine learning approaches are unable to address such distribution mismatch, transfer learning approach leverages the utilization of knowledge from existing well-established source domains that help to build an accurate classifier in the target domain. In this work, we propose a transfer learning approach to create an accurate HAR classifier with very limited data through the multitask neural network. The classifier loss function minimization for source and target domain are treated as two different tasks. The knowledge transfer is performed by simultaneously minimizing the loss function of both tasks using a single neural network model. Furthermore, we utilize the unlabeled data in an unsupervised manner to help the model training. The experiment result shows that the proposed work consistently outperforms existing approaches.

A Study on Non-Standardization of Government-Supported Research Institutes : A Case of Non-Standard Workers in GSRI in Deajeon Area (정부출연연구기관의 연구인력 비정규직화에 관한 연구 : 대전지역 과학기술분야 정부출연연 비정규직 연구노동자 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, In-Yi
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.85-127
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    • 2017
  • Due to the management innovation policy that was introduced to governmentsupported research institutes (GSRI) in 1998, their employment structure has been continuously changing, with the most notable increase of the number of non-standard researchers and the diversification of employment contracts. This paper examines changes in the employment structure of GSRI over the last 20 years in relation to the introduction and operation of the PBS (project base system), which is a main factor that fundamentally changed the employment structure of research institutes. This paper purposes to analyze the current status of non-standard workers in the science and technology research area through interviewing standard and non-standard researchers. Under the PBS as a principle of organizing their research project, the project-managers cannot help but exploit non-standard researchers to process research within a tight budget. This structure of organizing research projects reinforces the increase of the number of non-standard researchers and diversification of non-standard employment relations. In addition, the wage and working conditions of non-standard workers are getting aggravated in this structure. Considering the characteristics of research institutes, precarious status of non-standard researchers will have negative effects on the development of science and technology.

The World of Pacification in Zhuzi(朱子)'s Daxuezhangju(『大學章句』) (주자의 『대학장구』를 통해 본 평천하(平天下)의 세계)

  • Seo, Geun-Sik
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.63
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2016
  • This thesis aims at examining the world of pacification in Zhuzi(朱子)'s Daxuezhangju("大學章句"). He said that it was necessary to understand others through Xiejuzhidao(?矩之道) as Shu(恕) for the completion of pacification. The Shu(恕) in it is not an active one but a passive one. It's because one doesn't need to be very active in order to realize the world of pacification. Too much initiative can rather cause loss. Then Shijing("詩經") was quoted, all of which told about that it should be properly followed to understand others through Xiejuzhidao(?矩之道) as Shu(恕). Zhuzi(朱子) explains the reasons for frugality. The modern society is a capitalistic. Yet, not all kinds of capitalism are right. Think about the trash island on the Pacific Ocean. In Daxuezhangju("大學章句"), frugality is suggested as a good way. As the way of frugality, the most important goal of a king is to get rid of the vassals who exploit people. And at the last part, there's warning that petty and crafty men should be appointed. It says that even when everything has been fulfilled, if a petty and crafty man is appointed to take charge of it, the nation can be lost, so a king must give noble men important positions. The world of pacification in Daxuezhangju("大學章句") has not been studied as much as Gewuzhizhi(格物致知). This thesis is expected to offer the chance for more researches on it.

Integrated Security Manager with AgEnt-based vulnerability scanner automatically generating vulnerability analysis code(ISMAEL) (취약성 점검 코드를 자동으로 생성하는 에이전트를 통한 통합 취약성 분석 시스템)

  • 김수용;서정석;조상현;김한성;차성덕
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2002
  • Malicious attackers generally attempt to intrude the target systems by taking advantage of existing system vulnerabilities and executing readily available code designed to exploit blown vulnerabilities. To the network security administrators, the rat and minimal step in providing adequate network security is to identify existing system vulnerabilities and patch them as soon as possible. Network-based vulnerability analysis scanners (NVAS), although widely used by network security engineers, have shortcomings in that they depend on limited information that is available and generally do not have access to hast-specific information. Host-based vulnerability analysis scanner (HVAS) can serve as an effective complement to NVAS. However, implementations of HVAS differ from one platform to another and from one version to another. Therefore, to security engineers who often have to maintain a large number of heterogeneous network of hosts, it is impractical to develop and manage a large number of HVAS. In this paper, we propose an agent-based architecture named ISMAEL and describe its prototype implementation. Manager process provides various agent processes with descriptiom on vulnerabilities to check, and an agent process automatically generates, compiles, and executes an Java code to determine if the target system is vulnerable or not. The result is sent back to the manager process, and data exchange occurs in % format. Such architecture provides maximal portability when managing a group of heterogeneous hosts and vulnerability database needs to be kept current because the manager process need not be modified, and much of agent process remains unchanged. We have applied the prototype implementation of ISMAEL and found it to be effective.

A Source-Level Discovery Methodology for Vulnerabilities of Linux Kernel Variables (리눅스 커널 변수 취약성에 대한 소스레벨 발견 방법론)

  • Ko Kwangsun;Kang Yong-hyeog;Eom Young Ik;Kim Jaekwang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2005
  • In these days, there are various uses of Linux such as small embedded systems, routers, and huge servers, because Linux gives several advantages to system developers by allowing to use the open source code of the Linux kernel. On the other hand, the open source nature of the Linux kernel gives a bad influence on system security. If someone wants to exploit Linux-based systems, the attacker can easily do it by finding vulnerabilities of their Linux kernel sources. There are many kinds of existing methods for lading source-level vulnerabilities of softwares, but they are not suitable for finding source-level vulnerabilities of the Linux kernel which has an enormous amount of source code. In this paper, we propose the Onion mechanism as a methodology of finding source-level vulnerabilities of Linux kernel variables. The Onion mechanism is made up of two steps. The Int step is to select variables that may be vulnerable by using pattern matching mechanism and the second step is to inspect vulnerability of each selected variable by constructing and analyzing the system call trees. We also evaluate our proposed methodology by applying it to two well-known source-level vulnerabilities.

Threat Analysis based Software Security Testing for preventing the Attacks to Incapacitate Security Features of Information Security Systems (보안기능의 무력화 공격을 예방하기 위한 위협분석 기반 소프트웨어 보안 테스팅)

  • Kim, Dongjin;Jeong, Youn-Sik;Yun, Gwangyeul;Yoo, Haeyoung;Cho, Seong-Je;Kim, Giyoun;Lee, Jinyoung;Kim, Hong-Geun;Lee, Taeseung;Lim, Jae-Myung;Won, Dongho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1191-1204
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    • 2012
  • As attackers try to paralyze information security systems, many researchers have investigated security testing to analyze vulnerabilities of information security products. Penetration testing, a critical step in the development of any secure product, is the practice of testing a computer systems to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Security testing like penetration testing includes gathering information about the target before the test, identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in and reporting back the findings. Therefore, to obtain maximum generality, re-usability and efficiency is very useful for efficient security testing and vulnerability hunting activities. In this paper, we propose a threat analysis based software security testing technique for evaluating that the security functionality of target products provides the properties of self-protection and non-bypassability in order to respond to attacks to incapacitate or bypass the security features of the target products. We conduct a security threat analysis to identify vulnerabilities and establish a testing strategy according to software modules and security features/functions of the target products after threat analysis to improve re-usability and efficiency of software security testing. The proposed technique consists of threat analysis and classification, selection of right strategy for security testing, and security testing. We demonstrate our technique can systematically evaluate the strength of security systems by analyzing case studies and performing security tests.