• Title/Summary/Keyword: experience-based

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Evaluating the Comfort Experience of a Head-Mounted Display with the Delphi Methodology

  • Lee, Doyeon;Chang, Byeng-hee;Park, Jiseob
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2020
  • This study developed evaluation indicators for the comfort experience of virtual reality (VR) headsets by classifying, defining, and weighting cybersickness-causing factors using the Delphi research method and analytic hierarchical process (AHP) approach. Four surveys were conducted with 20 experts on VR motion sickness. The expert surveys involved the 1) classification and definition of cybersickness-causing dimensions, classification of sub-factors for each dimension, and selection of evaluation indicators, 2) self-reassessment of the results of each step, 3) validity revaluation, and 4) final weighting calculation. Based on the surveys, the evaluation indicators for the comfort experience of VR headsets were classified into eight sub-factors: field of view (FoV)-device FoV, latency-device latency, framerate-device framerate, V-sync-device V-sync, rig-camera angle view, rig-no-parallax point, resolution-device resolution, and resolution-pixels per inch (PPI). A total of six dimensions and eight sub-factors were identified; sub-factor-based evaluation indicators were also developed.

Vibration-based delamination detection of composites using modal data and experience-based learning algorithm

  • Luo, Weili;Wang, Hui;Li, Yadong;Liang, Xing;Zheng, Tongyi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.685-697
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a vibration-based method using the change ratios of modal data and the experience-based learning algorithm is presented for quantifying the position, size, and interface layer of delamination in laminated composites. Three types of objective functions are examined and compared, including the ones using frequency changes only, mode shape changes only, and their combination. A fine three-dimensional FE model with constraint equations is utilized to extract modal data. A series of numerical experiments is carried out on an eight-layer quasi-isotropic symmetric (0/-45/45/90)s composited beam for investigating the influence of the objective function, the number of modal data, the noise level, and the optimization algorithms. Numerical results confirm that the frequency-and-mode-shape-changes-based technique yields excellent results in all the three delamination variables of the composites and the addition of mode shape information greatly improves the accuracy of interface layer prediction. Moreover, the EBL outperforms the other three state-of-the-art optimization algorithms for vibration-based delamination detection of composites. A laboratory test on six CFRP beams validates the frequency-and-mode-shape-changes-based technique and confirms again its superiority for delamination detection of composites.

Clinical Practice Experience including Web-based Simulation Practice of Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나19 팬데믹 시기에 간호대학생의 웹 기반 시뮬레이션 실습을 포함한 임상 실습 경험)

  • Kim, Kyung Sook;Park, Ji Min
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning of clinical practice experience, including web-based simulation practice, in the context of the corona pandemic era. As for the research method, data were collected through a focus group interview on the experience of web-based simulation practice and subsequent clinical practice and analyzed by content analysis method. The contents of the two interview groups were analyzed, and the results were divided into 2 components, 7 topic groups, and 18 topics. The first component, the clinical practice, was divided into four topic groups: 'The anxious start of practice in a pandemic situation', 'Direct experience through various cases', 'Training opportunities to prepare as a future nurse', and 'The burden of performance and limited experience'. The second component, the web-based simulation practice, was divided into three topic groups: 'Unfinished nursing practice', 'Indirect experience of clinical nursing in virtual space', and 'Requirement of an integrated practice model'. Clinical practice is a very important part of the nursing education curriculum. However, the nursing that students can perform in the field is very limited. Therefore, to supplement the shortcomings of observation-oriented clinical practice and to increase the quality of practical education, it is necessary to consider a hybrid education model including web-based simulation practice.

A Study on the Menopause Experience : A Q Methodological Approach (폐경기 경험에 관한 연구 : Q 방법론적 접근)

  • 신혜숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.807-824
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    • 1995
  • This study was intended to provide women who are experiencing menopause with effective nursing care by exploring the menopause experience. The purpose of the research was to understand the subjective feelings of women about the question of what the menopause experience is. Q-Methodological method was used for that purpose. As the research method, Q-statements were collected preliminary to the study of through in -depth interviews and a literature review. For the study 34 Q-statements were selected. There were 21 women as subjects for the research. The 21 women sorted the 34 statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The principle of Forced Normal Distribution, which has nine scales to measure the individual opinions, was called Q-Factor Analysis by using PC Quanl Program to supply the material. As a result, there were four categories(self-com-passion type, self-regulation type, self-perception type, self-abandonment type) of special opinion about the menopause experience in these women. The first type was called Self-compassion This type' was associated with varying degrees of emotonal instability(psychological withdrawal). And type in menopause signifies loss of a socially valued status and may result in depressive symptoms. This type expresses the menopause experience as associated with negative reaction. The second type is called Self-regulation. This type overcomes the menopause experience more actively than the other types and do not express the menopause experience as one of suffering. This type make efforts by themselves to regulate the mono-pause experience. The third type is called Self-perception. This type perceives the experience of menopause which as typical menopausal syndrome (hot flashes and decreased vaginal lubrication, decreased estrogen producing atrophic changes of the labia and vaginal mucosa, making intercourse uncomfortable). The fourth type is called Self- abandonment. This type denies the experience of menopause. The meaning of menopausal experience is significantly related with a life accident or life load. Also, This type experiences pain in the musculoskeletal system. As a result, The meaning of the menopausal experience is affected by perceived subjective experience of the nurses, the need to understand each persons meaning of the menopause experience and to develop appropriate nursing interventions based on the typology of menopause experience. Finally. The result of the study will provide basic data for nursing intervention the menopausal women.

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A Study on the Influences of Authenticity of Hwasung-si Baegmi-ri Fishing Village Experience Program and Tourist Experience on Tourist Satisfaction (화성시 백미리 어촌체험마을사업의 고유성과 관광체험이 방문객의 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Cheol-Ho;Jang, Young-Soo;Lee, Jung-Phil
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to redefine the concept of fishing village tourism. In addition, it aimed to carry out detailed analyses of the influences of authenticity and non-authenticity of fishing village experience on tourist's satisfaction as well as the influences of tourist's experience on their satisfaction. The study evaluated responses of people who visited research target fishing villages in the East sea area(Hwasung-si Baegmi-ri) which had been rated as successful case. The evaluation was performed to analyze how tourist satisfaction would be influenced by the authenticity of the fishing village experience program based on the authenticity theory(Wang, 1999) and the experience realms theory(Pine & Gilmore, 1999). This study tried to find out realistic factors of the experience realms theory through field investigation, conducting interviews, and holding discussions. From these, the cause-and-effect structure of authenticity, tourism experience and satisfaction could be identified. The results of hypothesis tests are as follows; With respect to the relationship between authenticity and satisfaction in hypothesis I, authenticity did not have a statistically significant effect on satisfaction, while non-authenticity had a significant influence. As a result, the research hypothesis I that authenticity influences satisfaction was partially supported. Regarding hypothesis II of the link between authenticity and tourism experience, a significant effect of authenticity was found in education experience, entertainment experience for Baegmi-ri village. The effect of non-authenticity was significant on deviation experience. Consequently, hypothesis II was also partly supported. The relationship between tourism experience and satisfaction in hypothesis III was significant in education, entertainment, and deviation experiences which lends support to hypothesis III to some extent.

A Study on the characteristics of the experience prescription in 『Donguisusebowon』 (『동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)』에 나타난 경험방약(經驗方藥)의 특징에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Tae-Yeong;Park, Seong-Sik
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2021
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of the experience prescription in 『Donguisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)』. Methods We examined the examples of the experience prescription in the pathology of 『Donguisusebowon』. Afterward, we considered the characteristics about the experience prescription of Junggyeong Jang and the Next Generation Doctors in 『Donguisusebowon』. Results and Conclusion 1. The Junggyeong Jang's experience prescription isn't modified despite the fact that it doesn't fit the constitutional disease and pharmacology, and many experience prescriptions are mentioned to in the pathology of 『Donguisusebowon』. But the Next Generation Doctors's experience prescription is modified, and a considerable number of experience prescriptions are not mentioned to in the pathology of 『Donguisusebowon』. 2. Jema Lee cited all of the Junggyeong Jang's experience prescription except Daesiho-tang(大柴胡湯) as an explanation for the constitutional disease, and cited a prescription that could not be used for the constitutional disease. And the pathological symptom of the Junggyeong Jang's experience prescription was used to establish the system of the Sasang Constitutional Medicine, so the Junggyeong Jang's experience prescription wasn't modifed. 3. Jema Lee cited a prescription that could be used for the constitutional disease. And the pharmacology of the Next Generation Doctors's experience prescription was used to establish the system of the Sasang Constitutional Medicine, so the Next Generation Doctors's experience prescription was modifed. 4. Jema Lee established the Sasang Constitutional Medicine based on the Existing Medicine. It was appeared in composition and name about the table of contents of the experience prescription in 『Donguisusebowon』.

Prediction of Market Segment for Ptecticus tenebrifer Experience Programs in Accordance with Insect Experience Orientation (곤충체험 지향성에 따른 동애등에 체험 프로그램의 세분시장 예측)

  • Yang, Jong-Im;Hwang, Dae-Yong;Lee, Jung-Kyu
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.409-417
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to summarize the characteristics of visitor experience for different market segments based on insect experience orientation in order to develop Ptecticus tenebrifer (Diptera: Stratiomyidae [Walker]) experience programs using local resources in the insect industrial market. A total of 325 effective samples were collected, and the attributes of insect experience orientation were connected to education, emotion, society, and ego. The survey respondents were students and parents of school-age children. Cluster analysis showed that the respondents were classified into two or three groups that were all found to be high in the prediction validity and discriminant analysis. Based on this result, the respondents were properly subdivided into three clusters for final analysis. Those three groups were: the passive group, the moderate group, and the active-orientation group. As a group aiming for various insect experiences, the active-orientation group consisted of parents whose children range in age from either 5 to 9 or from 10 to 14. This group was willing to spend 7 ~ 8,000 won on each experience program, and they preferred emotional experience programs. The passive and moderate orientation groups were most interested in having an educational experience. In order to increase people's interest in experience programs, education-oriented programs should be developed and promotional marketing should be reinforced. The results and implications of this study may be useful for the development of insect experience programs that can meet various visitor experience orientations as basic data that can contribute to the vitalization of the 6th industrialization plan for the insect industry.

Exploring the Narrative of Child Care Experience of Two Female School Counselors (두 여성 학교상담사의 자녀양육 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구)

  • Choi, Eun-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.197-209
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of child rearing in the life of school counselors and what this experience signified to them based on the narrative, a qualitative research method. For this study, two women who have at least eight year long experience, who work as school counselors and who have the experience of rearing their children during adolescence were selected as research subjects. They were subjected to interview and the following research results were drawn out. School counselors' child rearing experience was composed by focusing on the time, society and place, which are referred to as the Three-dimensional narrative investigation space. School counselors "discerned" that the experience of getting reared by original family exerts effect on children. After counseling study, they wished to "become a sufficiently good rearer" who strives to cultivate ideal parent-child relations by understanding their children after undergoing the phase of "self-reflection and apology" for discipline and forced attitude. Moreover, they were transforming into "genuine counselor" through experience based insight, and this in turn includes the meaning of "I, who function intactly."

A study on user satisfaction in TUI environment (TUI 환경의 유저 사용 만족도 연구)

  • Choi, heungyeorl;Yang, seungyong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2015
  • An interface in smart device environment is changing to TUI(touch user interface) environment where a system is being controlled by physical touch, differently from a system controlled through conventional mouse and keyboard. What is more important than anything else in this TUI environment is to implement interface in consideration of learn ability and cognitive constructivism according to user's experience. Therefore, now is the time when it is necessary to carry out various studies on smart content design process going a step farther together with discussing the details of user's experience factor. Hence, this study was intended to look into what effect a user's experiential traits had on the production of contents for the purpose of measures for improving TUI user satisfaction in order to effectively realize contents in smart environment. Results were yielded by using a statistical empirical analysis such as cross-tabulation analysis according to important variable and user, paired t-test, multiple response analysis, and preference frequency analysis of user preference on the basis of a survey. As a result, a system was presented for implementing DFSS(Design For Six Sigma) process. TUI experience factor can be divided into direct habitual experience, direct learning experience, indirect habitual experience, and indirect learning experience. And in the results of study, it was possible to find that the important variables of this study had a positive effect on the improvement of use satisfaction with contents on the whole according to the user convenience of smart contents. This study is expected to have a positive effect on efficient smart device-based contents production by providing objective information according to empirical analysis to smart media-based developer and designer and presenting a model for improving the changed TUI usability.