• Title/Summary/Keyword: expanded method

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H-Polarized Scattering by a Resistive Strip Grating with the Tapered Resistivity Over a Grounded Dielectric Plane : from Finite at One Strip-Edge to Zero at the Other Strip-Edge (접지된 유전체 평면위의 변하는 저항율을 갖는 저항띠 격자구조에 의한 H-분극 산란 : 한쪽 모서리에서 유한하고 다른쪽 모서리로 가면서 0인 경우)

  • Yoon, Uei-Joong
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, H-polarized electromagnetic scattering problems by a resistive strip grating over a grounded dielectric plane according to the strip width and grating period, the relative permittivity and thickness of a dielectric layer, and incident angles of a TE (transverse electric) plane wave are analyzed by applying the FGMM (Fourier-Galerkin Moment Method). The tapered resistivity of resistive strips in this paper varies from finite resistivity at one edge to zero resistivity at the other edge, then the induced surface current density on the resistive strip is expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials of the order ${\alpha}=1$, ${\beta}=0$ as a kind of orthogonal polynomials. The numerical results of the normalized reflected power show in good agreement with those of existing papers.

Design and Implementation of Inventory Sharing Function for e-Marketplace using XML (XML을 이용한 e-Marketplace의 재고 공유 기능 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang Si-Woong;Cho He-Suk;Kang Man-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1371-1378
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    • 2005
  • Vertical e-Marketplaces have been expanded because of their enough funds and purchasing power, while horizontal e-Marketplaces have not been grown. On the e-Marketplace which is dealing electronic components with the characteristics of short life cycle and diversities, if an e-Marketplace participant holds a large quantity of the same kinds of components, it will result in lowering competitiveness of the company because of its unuseful inventory. Therefore, as a method for increasing competitiveness of e-Marketplace participants, we proposed the inventory sharing method among the participants, and then designed and implemented it in this paper. For providing inventory sharing function, the e-Marketplace system needs intermediary because each system of participants participating e-Marketplace uses its own DBMS respectively. In this paper, we implemented inventory sharing function using XML, which is a standard for exchanging data, as intermediary, and showed an example of the implemented system.

An Improvement of Concurrent Placement of Footing and Slab Concrete (기초 및 바닥층 동시타설 공사의 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hoon;Choi, Jae-Hwi;Kill, Jong-Il;Seo, Deok-Seok;Kim, Sun-Kuk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2009
  • The construction sites of small and medium buildings have small scale groundwork and the depth of excavation is often shallow. In this case, if the groundwork, girders, and ground slabs are built simultaneously by embedded assisting form rather than the existing conventional method to place concrete twice using the general form, we can expect to reduce the frame duration of the basement, resulting in cost savings. The existing embedded assisting form is restricted from use because there are cost problems with materials, labor costs,and with quality depending on the form's type. Therefore, this study is to provide an improved suggestion of building the groundwork, girders, and ground slabs simultaneously with Polystyrene by using the embedded assisting form. It also will compare the technique with existing methods of construction, and will verify its usefulness by evaluating each method of construction.

A Web-based Model for Mobile Compliance Analysis of Software Contents (소프트웨어 컨텐츠의 모바일 적합성 분석을 위한 웹 기반 모델)

  • 이우진;정기원
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1276-1285
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    • 2004
  • A web-based model for implementation of mobile compliance analysis system for software contents is proposed. It is said that the content is compliant if the content can be executed properly in mobile environment. The mobile compliance analysis of contents is very important because contents can't be serviced if they arc not proper for mobile environment. The categories of mobile compliance analysis for software contents are proposed. The model of this paper uses the Factory Method pattern and the Facade pattern. The workflow of the s${\gamma}$stem is described through collaborations of classes in the model. As a case study, core Java APIs for implementation of the model arc represented and the mobile compliance analysis system for HDML contents has been built. The model is flexible so that it is easy to add new modules or remove some modules for contents analysis. Although the model is based on the JSP and Java beans, it can be expanded to support any other programming technique such as EJB.

A Study on the Options for Combining Functions for Convergence Products (컨버전스 제품 개발을 위한 기능의 결합 조건에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seung Ho
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to propose three universal appropriate conditions, 'difference', 'planning', and 'freshness' for convergence products, and research their contents. 'Difference' means that combined functions have to be all different. 'Planning' indicates that combining different functions has to be proceeded in product development processes, so multiple usages human beings make in their daily lives have to be excepted. 'Freshness' explains that the values of combined functions are expanded by convergence. They are the elements to represent convergence products' functional characteristics and developing processes. They widen the range of convergence products by making in a number of various combining ways, and develop a lot of discourses based among social cultural backgrounds, concepts, and products. This study has shown that convergence is a product method that is managed by strict plans, strategies, and chosen functions. Convergence is a product development method with chosen functions, strict plans, and development strategies. Now, this study will lay the foundation for future works on product development strategies based on convergence.

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Comparative Analysis on the Priority of Educational Needs in Curriculum of Departments related to Airline Service (항공관련학과 교과과정에 대한 교육요구도 비교분석)

  • Park, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the priority of curriculums on students preparing to become flight attendants using paired t-test, Borich method, and Herschknowiz's criticality function. As a result of this study, it was discovered that what flight attendants and students needed to study the most were foreign language subjects as English, Chinese, and Japanese. Therefore, a department of universities related to airline service should develop new curriculum to adapt to the trend of globalization. Also, flight attendants need curriculum including subjects related to tourism as an introduction to airline service. This means that the role of flight attendants needs to be expanded and specialized. In conclusion, a department related airline service should try to elevate its quality of education and design curriculum which will help flight attendants become specialists in their field.

Effects of Chemical Contents Variation in Covered Barley Seed on Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (겉보리 종실 성분 변이가 근적외 분광분석치에 미치는 영향)

  • 김병주;박의호;정찬식
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 1996
  • Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) is accepted as today's most versatile method for rapid chemical analysis. The technique offers rapid multicomponent analysis. This study was conducted to improve the efficiency of quality analysis in covered barley grain, and to search for the effects of chemical components variation in covered barley grain on NIRS. Among the three groups with different range in the contents, each equation for starch contents increased standard error of prediction(SEP) and increased correlation coefficient from 0.872 to 0.883. According as, $\beta$-glucan and protein contents decreased SEP and increased correlation coefficient by expanded chemical components variation. Effective equation for ash contents analysis was obtained from group 3. Among the covered barley chemical components, starch and ash contents were required to conduct futher studies in term of accuracy and variation of contents. It was concluded that NIRS method would be applicable for the rapid determination of $\beta$-glucan and protein contents in covered barley grains.

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Aerosol Jet Deposition of $CuInS_2$ Thin Films

  • Fan, Rong;Kong, Seon-Mi;Kim, Dong-Chan;Chung, Chee-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.159-159
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    • 2011
  • Among the semiconductor ternary compounds in the I-III-$VI_2$ series, $CulnS_2$ ($CulnSe_2$) are one of the promising materials for photovoltaic applications because of the suitability of their electrical and optical properties. The $CuInS_2$ thin film is one of I-III-$VI_2$ type semiconductors, which crystallizes in the chalcopyrite structure. Its direct band gap of 1.5 eV, high absorption coefficient and environmental viewpoint that $CuInS_2$ does not contain any toxic constituents make it suitable for terrestrial photovoltaic applications. A variety of techniques have been applied to deposit $CuInS_2$ thin films, such as single/double source evaporation, coevaporation, rf sputtering, chemical vapor deposition and chemical spray pyrolysis. This is the first report that $CuInS_2$ thin films have been prepared by Aerosol Jet Deposition (AJD) technique which is a novel and attractive method because thin films with high deposition rate can be grown at very low cost. In this study, $CuInS_2$ thin films have been prepared by Aerosol Jet Deposition (AJD) method which employs a nozzle expansion. The mixed fluid is expanded through the nozzle into the chamber evacuated in a lower pressure to deposit $CuInS_2$ films on Mo coated glass substrate. In this AJD system, the characteristics of $CuInS_2$ films are dependent on various deposition parameters, such as compositional ratio of precursor solution, flow rate of carrier gas, stagnation pressure, substrate temperature, nozzle shape, nozzle size and chamber pressure, etc. In this report, $CuInS_2$ thin films are deposited using the deposition parameters such as the compositional ratio of the precursor solution and the substrate temperature. The deposited $CuInS_2$ thin films will be analyzed in terms of deposition rate, crystal structure, and optical properties.

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Continuous Axillary Branchial Plexus Block -I. Modification of catheter insertion method- (지속적 액와부 상완신경총 차단술 -I. 카테테르 삽입방법의 변형-)

  • Lee, Hoo-Jeon;Tae, Il-San
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 1997
  • Background: Authors modified the traditional continuous axillary brachial plexus block technique of Selander for purpose of increasing success rate and decreasing complications by use of commercial epidural anesthesia set. Method: Thirty-nine patients scheduled for upper extremity operations were injected with 40 ml of anesthetic solution by axillary perivascular technique, using 23~25G immobile needle at 2 cm from the pectoralis major. Tuohy needle was immediately introduced at 4 cm from the pectoralis major and pierced the expanded neurovascular sheath at an angle of 30 degree to the skin. The "pop" was well noted well. Needle was advanced 0.5 to 3.0 cm and epidural catheter introduced through the needle. After removal of needle, occlusive dressing was done. Tip of catheter and spread of solution were demonstrated by fluoroscopy with contrast dye after completion of procedure. Result: Catheter insertion was successful at first attempt for all case. Total length of insertion was from 6 to 13($10.0{\pm}1.7$) cm. Tip of catheter was placed in infraclavicular space(66.7%), about the humeral head(17.9%) and in upper arm in 3 cases as U-shape(7.9%). Catheters were maintained for $6.7{\pm}2.6$(3-12) days. There were no complications such as: perforation of major vessels, needle trauma to nerve, infection, bleeding or hematoma. Conclusion: This study demonstrated continuous axillary brachial plexus block with epidural anesthesia set is safe, easy and convenient modification of technique of Selander.

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Use Situation Analysis of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Trees as Landscape Trees in Kyushu Area, Japan (일본 규슈지역에서의 조경수로서 상록활엽수의 이용실태 분석)

  • Park, Seok-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to select evergreen broad-leaved trees (EBT) that can be produced and planted in Korea by analyzing the current use of the trees for landscaping in the Kyushu area of Japan, a warm temperate region. The results revealed the total production of EBT was higher than that of conifers and due to the suitable growth environment of the area and the subsequent high demand for them. The landscape tree production methods in Japan were divided into container nursery and outdoor nursery, and the uses and species of the trees varied depending on the method; a variety of native species were produced in container nursery rather than in outdoor nursery, whereas trees used as ornamental, gardening, and shade plants were produced in outdoor nursery rather than in container nursery. The results also showed that in Fukuoka, a major city in Kyushu that is adjacent to Korea, the planting rate of EBT, used as ornamental, gardening, and shade plants, was higher than that of deciduous broad-leaved trees and conifers. In the city, the planting rate of Cinnamomum camphora was the highest, Elaeocarpus sylvestris var. ellipticus, Ternstroemia gymnanthera, Ilex rotunda, Quercus glauca, Camellia sasanqua, Eurya emarginata, Pittosporum tobira, Raphiolepis indica var. umbellata, Hedera rhombea, Kadsura japonica, Trachelospermum asiaticum var. asiaticum. These species were verified in Kyushu area for their application as landscape trees and are expected to serve as landscape trees in Korea if the planting areas of them are expanded by global warming, urban heat island and regional microclimate.