• 제목/요약/키워드: even continued fraction

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.021초


  • Dong Han Kim
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈B:순수및응용수학
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.439-451
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    • 2024
  • Motivated by an algorithm to generate all Pythagorean triples, Romik introduced a dynamical system on the unit circle, which corresponds the continued fraction algorithm on the index-2 sublattice. Cha et al. extended Romik's work to other ellipses and spheres and developed a dynamical system generating all Eisenstein triples. In this article, we review the dynamical systems by Romik and by Cha et al. and find connections to the continued fraction algorithms.

기상 자료에 의한 수원 지역 한발 분석 (Analysis of Drought Based on the Weather Data in Suwon District)

  • 오영택;신제성;임정남
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1997
  • 수십 년의 강우 및 증발 자료를 일목 요연하게 파악할 수 있도록 도표화하고 50mm 저장 증발 팬 모델을 적용하여 수원 지방 한발을 무성장 시간을 및 물 부족율로 계산하고 일별, 월별, 한발 발생 기간별 및 확률별로 계산하는 S/W를 제작 분석하였다. 증발산은 매년 유사한 주기성을 보이나 강우량과 분포는 년차별 차이가 커서 강우 분포가 한발의 주요 외적 원인이었다. 가장 심한 한발은 '64년 12월부터 65년 6월까지 190일간 이었고 가장 강우가 자주 있었든 시기는 '89년 6월부터 90년 9월까지 15개월이었다. 무성장 시간율을 기초로 감가 상각 년한이 10년 일 때 관개 투자 가능 금액을 계산한 결과 년간 총 조수익보다 적은 정도 이하이면 무난하다. 이 연구에서 제작된 S/W 는 각종 한발 지수의 도표화에 적합하여 타지역 한발 평가에도 유익할 것이다.

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핵치환에 의한 cloning, stem cell, 그리고 효소 telomerase (Mammalian Cloning by Nuclear transfer, Stem Cell, and Enzyme Telomerase)

  • 한창열
    • 식물조직배양학회지
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.423-428
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    • 2000
  • In 1997 when cloned sheep Dolly and soon after Polly were born, it had become head-line news because in the former the nucleus that gave rise to the lamb came from cells of six-year-old adult sheep and in the latter case a foreign gene was inserted into the donor nucleus to make the cloned sheep produce human protein, factor IX, in e milk. In the last few years, once the realm of science fiction, cloned mammals especially in livestock have become almost commonplace. What the press accounts often fail to convey, however, is that behind every success lie hundreds of failures. Many of the nuclear-transferred egg cells fail to undergo normal cell divisions. Even when an embryo does successfully implant in the womb, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage. A significant fraction of the animals that are born die shortly after birth and some of those that survived have serious developmental abnormalities. Efficiency remains at less than one % out of some hundred attempts to clone an animal. These facts show that something is fundamentally wrong and enormous hurdles must be overcome before cloning becomes practical. Cloning researchers now tent to put aside their effort to create live animals in order to probe the fundamental questions on cell biology including stem cells, the questions of whether the hereditary material in the nucleus of each cell remains intact throughout development, and how transferred nucleus is reprogrammed exactly like the zygotic nucleus. Stem cells are defined as those cells which can divide to produce a daughter cell like themselves (self-renewal) as well as a daughter cell that will give rise to specific differentiated cells (cell-differentiation). Multicellular organisms are formed from a single totipotent stem cell commonly called fertilized egg or zygote. As this cell and its progeny undergo cell divisions the potency of the stem cells in each tissue and organ become gradually restricted in the order of totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent. The differentiation potential of multipotent stem cells in each tissue has been thought to be limited to cell lineages present in the organ from which they were derived. Recent studies, however, revealed that multipotent stem cells derived from adult tissues have much wider differentiation potential than was previously thought. These cells can differentiate into developmentally unrelated cell types, such as nerve stem cell into blood cells or muscle stem cell into brain cells. Neural stem cells isolated from the adult forebrain were recently shown to be capable of repopulating the hematopoietic system and produce blood cells in irradiated condition. In plants although the term$\boxDr$ stem cell$\boxUl$is not used, some cells in the second layer of tunica at the apical meristem of shoot, some nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac, and initial cells of adventive buds are considered to be equivalent to the totipotent stem cells of mammals. The telomere ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes cannot be replicated because the RNA primer at the end of a completed lagging strand cannot be replaced with DNA, causing 5' end gap. A chromosome would be shortened by the length of RNA primer with every cycle of DNA replication and cell division. Essential genes located near the ends of chromosomes would inevitably be deleted by end-shortening, thereby killing the descendants of the original cells. Telomeric DNA has an unusual sequence consisting of up to 1,000 or more tandem repeat of a simple sequence. For example, chromosome of mammal including human has the repeating telomeric sequence of TTAGGG and that of higher plant is TTTAGGG. This non-genic tandem repeat prevents the death of cell despite the continued shortening of chromosome length. In contrast with the somatic cells germ line cells have the mechanism to fill-up the 5' end gap of telomere, thus maintaining the original length of chromosome. Cem line cells exhibit active enzyme telomerase which functions to maintain the stable length of telomere. Some of the cloned animals are reported prematurely getting old. It has to be ascertained whether the multipotent stem cells in the tissues of adult mammals have the original telomeres or shortened telomeres.

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