• Title/Summary/Keyword: equipment interface

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The Estimation of the Dielectric Strength Decrease of the Solid-solid Interfaces by using the Applied Voltage to Breakdown Time Characteristics

  • Shin, Cheol-Gi;Bae, Duck-Kweon
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.278-282
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    • 2007
  • In the complex insulation system that is used in extra high voltage(EHV) devices, according to the trend for electric power equipment of high capacity and reduction of its size, macro interfaces between two different bulk materials which affect the stability of insulation system exist inevitably. In this paper, the dielectric strength decrease of the macro interfaces between epoxy and ethylene propylene diene terpolymer(EPDM) was estimated by using the applied voltage to breakdown time characteristics. Firstly, the AC short time dielectric strength of specimens was measured at room temperature. Then, the breakdown time was measured under the applied constant voltage which is 70% of short time breakdown voltage. With these processes, the life exponent n was determined by inverse power law, and the long time breakdown voltage can be evaluated. The best condition of the interface was LOS(low viscosity(350 cSt) silicone oil spread specimen). When 30 years last on the specimens, the breakdown voltage was estimated 44% of the short time breakdown voltage.

A Case Study for SMRT Train Open Doors Control System (도시철도의 열차출입문제어에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Yu-Duck;Shim, Won-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.941-946
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    • 2006
  • It followed in system development and SMRT(Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Co)System reached to an automatic train operation(ATO) and driverless operation(DLM) from the manual operation due to the train driver. The train like the general bus or the car vehicle was not serial riding in a car and the Parallel concept which the numerous passenger rides in a car simultaneously occur frequently the charge of the train driver unmanned bitterly from existing manual handling was a possibility of doing, train open door control(ODM) which bites also ATO, it handles it minimized. Like this ATO/DLM, the control system which bites being a Wayside to Train communication for immediacy, it is a system of the Vital concept the immediacy of the citizen Data evil the radio information transmission and the train of the interface which is accurate from unmanned operation and, will decipher, will accomplish it will guarantee. It respects the passenger accident prevention and an air question environment improvement from subway platform and phul leys the screen door of Platform(PSD) with the fire tube frost it refers and part it treats and to sleep it does, ODM which bites is accuracy and immediacy of altitude and when seeing from the viewpoint which demands the trust of altitude, ODM system the trust of car incest interface in the equipment construction which is safe and the comparative analysis back of the system analysis against the control which bites and case study and other subway system it leads from the research which it sees and signal - train in base grudge to sleep it contributes it does.

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Failure Paths of Polymer/Roughened Metal Interfaces under Mixed-Mode Loading (혼합 하중하에서의 고분자/거친금속 계면의 파손경로)

  • Lee Ho-Young;Kim Sung-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.322-327
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    • 2004
  • Copper-based leadframe sheets were oxidized in two kinds of hot alkaline solutions to form brown-oxide or black-oxide layer on the surface. The oxide coated leadframe sheets were molded with epoxy molding compound (EMC). After post mold curing, the oxide-coated EMC-leadframe joints were machined to form sandwiched Brazil-nut (SBN) specimens. The SBN specimens were used to measure the fracture toughness of the EMC/leadframe interfaces under mixed-mode (mode I + mode II) loading conditions. Fracture surfaces were analyzed by various equipment to investigate failure path. The results revealed that the failure paths were strongly dependent on the oxide type. In case of brown oxide, hackle-type failure was observed and failure path lay near the EMC/CuO interface with a little inclining to CuO at all case. On the other hand, in case of black oxide, quite different failure path was observed with respect to the distance from the tip of pre-crack and phase angle. Different failures occurred with oxide type is presumed to be due to the difference in microstructure of the oxides.

Interoperability Design and Verification of Small Drone System Applying STANAG 4586 (STANAG 4586을 적용한 소형드론시스템의 상호운용성 설계 및 검증)

  • Jonghun, Lee;Taesan, Park;Kilyoung, Seong;Gyeongrae, Nam;Jungho, Moon
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2022
  • The utilisation of small drones is becoming increasingly widespread particularly in the military sector. In this study, STANAG 4586, a standard interface for military unmanned aerial vehicles, was applied to a multicopter-type small drone to examine the suitability of the military system. To accomplish this, a small multi-copter vehicle was designed and manufactured, integrating a flight control computer, ground control system, and data link. Furthermore, flight control and ground control equipment software were developed by applying the STANAG 4586 interface, followed by HILS and flight tests.

A study on the electrical system design elements for the military aircraft intercom performance improvement (군용 항공기 인터컴 성능개량의 전기시스템 설계 요소 연구)

  • In-Bok Yoon
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we proposed a performance improvement to replace the aged intercom of military aircraft with a new intercom ICS, and briefly designed and presented a interface block diagram and electrical wiring path for the connection between the new intercom ICS and the other avionics equipment. However, due to the absence of a guide necessary for the proposed design, this paper derived 15 main design elements by using the QFD technique based on the military aircraft airworthiness certification criteria and military aircraft work instructions. As a result, it is meaningful that the interface block diagram, wiring path diagram, and the 15 main design elements proposed in this paper can be applied as an electrical system design guide for the performance improvement of the aged military intercom in the future.

An Establishment of Functional Test Facility for ICT-Convergence Equipment of Vessel : Focused on Maritime Digital Interfaces and Main Navigation Communication Systems (선박 ICT융합 장비 기능시험 시설 구축 연구 : 선박 디지털 인터페이스 및 주요 항해통신장비를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hun-Gyu;Kim, Bae-Sung;Woo, Snag-Min;Woo, Yun-Tae;Shin, Il-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.754-763
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    • 2018
  • The maritime ICT-convergence equipment are essentially required to a type approval (TA) certification that needs environmental and functional tests, to install in vessel. The environmental test is to experiment the possession for required durabilities of the target device in maritime environment, and the functional test is to check the required functions of target equipment based on international standard. In Korea, the environmental testing facilities amount to 227 sites, but there is no functional testing facility. Because of this, we establish a function test facility for the maritime ICT-equipment. In this paper, we analyze and design the functional testing requirement and required interlocking simulators for digital interfaces and navigation communication equipment. We propose the 2-steps of functional testing procedures, which are single test and integration test, to improve the reliability of testing result. The single test is to examine own functions of the target device, and the integration test is to check harmonized operation with other navigation and communication devices.

Real-time Natural Disaster Failure Analysis Information System Development using GIS Environment (GIS환경의 실시간 자연재해정보를 연계한 재해고장분석시스템 개발)

  • Ahn, Yeon-S.
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.639-648
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    • 2009
  • Earth's environment issues are introduced recently and every year the social loss have been occurred by the impact of various disaster. This kind of disaster and weather problems are the increasing reason of electricity transmission network equipment's failures because of exposing by the natural environment. The emergency and abnormal status of electricity equipment make the power outage of manufacturing plant and discomfort of people's lives. So, to protect the electricity equipment from the natural disasters and to supply the power to customer as stable, the supporting systems are required. In this paper, the research results are described the development process and the outcomes of the real-time natural disaster failure analysis information system including the describing about the impact of disaster and weather change, making the natural weather information, and linking the realtime monitoring system. As of development process, according to application development methodology, techniques are enumerated including the real time interface with related systems, the analysing the geographic information on the digital map using GIS application technology to extract the malfunction equipment potentially and to manage the equipments efficiently. Through this system makes remarkable performance it minimize the failures of the equipments, the increasing the efficiency of the equipment operation, the support of scientific information related on the mid-term enhancement plan, the savings on equipment investment, the quality upgrading of electricity supply, and the various supports in the field.

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Multi Function Console display configuration and HCI design to improve Naval Combat System operability

  • Park, Dae-Young;Jung, Dong-Han;Yang, Moon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2019
  • The Naval Combat System has several equipment needed to operate the system, such as radar equipment, underwater sensor equipment, guns and missile control and armed control equipment, and a multi function console is configured to control it. The multi function console is equipped with HCI(Human Computer Interaction)-based software for displaying the status information of equipment and controlling equipment, and the operator uses the installed software to operate the Naval Combat System. However, when operating a Naval Combat System for a long time, there are problems such as physical discomfort caused by the structure of the multi function console display and increase in fatigue of the person who operates various and complicated user interface configuration. These issues are important factors in reducing Naval Combat System operability. In order to solve these issues, in this paper, based on a questionnaire survey conducted for Naval Combat System development personnel, multi function console screen design to reduce physical discomfort and HCI design to reduce fatigue and increase intuition are proposed. The proposed design is expected to provide convenience to future Naval Combat System operators and improve operation over existing Naval Combat System.

A Study on the Implementation of the Multi-Process Structured ISDN Terminal Adaptor for Sending the Ultra Sound Medical Images (다중처리 구조를 갖는 초음파 의료영상 전송용 ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network) TA(Terminal Adaptor) 구현에 관한 연구)

  • 남상규;이영후
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 1994
  • This paper proposed a new method in the implementation of ISDN (integrated services digital network) LAPD (link access procedure on the D-channel) and LAPB (link access procedure on the B-channel) protocols. The proposed method in this paper implement ISDW LAPD protocol through multi-tasking operating system and adopt a kernel part that is changed operating system to target board. The features of implemented system are (1) the para.llel processing of the events generated at each layer, as follows (2) the supporting necessary timers for the implementation of ISDW LAPD protocol from the kernel part by using software, (3) the recommanded SAP (Service Access Point) from CCITT was composed by using port function in the operating system. With the proposed method, the protocols of ISDH layerl, layer2 and layer3 (call control) were implemented by using the kernel part and related tests were carried out by connecting the ISDH terminal simulator to ISDN S-interface system using the ISDN LAPD protocol The results showed that ISDW S-interface terminals could be discriminated by TEI (Terminal Equipment Identifier) assignment in layer 2 (LAPD) and the message transmission of layer 3 was verified by establishing the multi-frame transmission and then through the path established by the LAPD protocol, a user data was tranfered and received on B-channel with LAPB protocol Thererfore, as new efficient ISDN S-interface environment was implemented in the thesis, it was verified that the implemented system can be utilized by connecting ISDW in the future to transfer a medical image data.

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Implementation of a portable pulse oximeter for SpO2 using Compact Flash Interface (컴팩트 플래쉬 방식의 휴대용 산소포화도 측정 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Han;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.678-681
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we aims to develop a microcontroll er-based portable pulse oximeter using Compact Flash Interface. First, portable pulse oxineter system is designed to record 2 channel of biosignals simultaneously, including 1 channel of SpO$_2$ and 1 channel of pulse rate. It is very small and portable. Besides, the system makes it possible to measure a patients condition without an additional medical equipment. We tried to solve the problems generated by a patient's motion. That is, we added an analog circuit to a traditional pulse oximeter in order to eliminate the change of the base line. And we used 2D sector algorithm. As present, SpO$_2$ modules are completed. But there are still many further development needed in order to enhance the function. Especially, compact flash interface remains the most to complete. Second, ECG monitoring system uses almost same as present 3-lead ECG system. But we focus on the analog part, especially in filter. The proposed filter is composed of two parts. One is a filter to remove the power-line interface. The other is a filter to remove the baseline drift. A filter to remove the power-line and the baseline drift is necessarily used in the ECG system. The implemented filter have three features; minimizing the distortion in DC component, removing the harmonic component of power-line frequency. Using compact flash interface, we can easily transfer a patient's personal information and the measured signal data to a network based server environment. That means, it is possible to implement a patient's monitoring system with low cost.

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