• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental approach

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Sensing NO3-N and K Ions in Hydroponic Solution Using Ion-Selective Membranes (이온선택성 멤브레인을 이용한 양액 내 질산태 질소 및 칼륨 측정)

  • Kim, Won-Kyung;Park, Tu-San;Kim, Young-Joo;Roh, Mi-Young;Cho, Seong-In;Kim, Hak-Jin
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2010
  • Rapid on-site sensing of nitrate-nitrogen and potassium ions in hydroponic solution would increase the efficiency of nutrient use for greenhouse crops cultivated in closed hydroponic systems while reducing the potential for environmental pollution in water and soil. Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are a promising approach because of their small size, rapid response, and the ability to directly measure the analyte. The capabilities of the ISEs for sensing nitrate and potassium in hydroponic solution can be affected by the presence of other ions such as calcium, magnesium, sulfate, sodium, and chloride in the solution itself. This study was conducted to investigate the applicability of two ISEs consisting of TDDA-NPOE and valinomycin-DOS PVC membranes for quantitative determinations of $NO_3$-N and K in hydroponic solution. Nine hydroponic solutions were prepared by diluting highly concentrated paprika hydroponic solution to provide a concentration range of 3 to 400 mg/L for $NO_3$-N and K. Two of the calibration curves relating membrane response and nutrient concentration provided coefficients of determination ($R^2$) > 0.98 and standard errors of calibration (SEC) of < 3.79 mV. The use of the direct potentiometry method, in conjunction with an one-point EMF compensation technique, was feasible for measuring $NO_3$-N and K in paprika hydroponic solution due to almost 1:1 relationships and high coefficients of determination ($R^2$ > 0.97) between the levels of $NO_3$-N and K obtained with the ion-selective electrodes and standard instruments. However, even though there were strong linear relationships ($R^2$ > 0.94) between the $NO_3$-N and K concentrations determined by the Gran's plot-based multiple standard addition method and by standard instruments, hydroponic $NO_3$-N concentrations measured with the ISEs, on average, were about 10% higher than those obtained with the automated analyzer whereas the K ISE predicted about 59% lower K than did the ICP spectrometer, probably due to no compensation for a difference between actual and expected concentrations of standard solutions directly prepared.

Effects of the Space in Image Equipment Characteristic (영상장치의 표현특성이 공간에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jae-Yeup
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Design Studies Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.44-45
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    • 2004
  • With the development of informational machinery and tools in the modern industrial society, the image is expressed diversely as tools of informational transmission and artistic communication. This image is revival equipment and transmissional media in which sound and light are comprehensively formed. The image's intuitive and sensational expressivity can revive subjects and express a fiction, a reality, a nonfiction, and a virtual reality as a communication tool that has synchronicity and the medium of meaning. Because of this, the domain of the image will be gradually extended in the future, and the world of cognizance that can be detected across our living space will absorb the image diversely and react. In this context, the investigator examined what influence image media and equipments have in space as spatial equipments, based on the recognition of cerrelation among the image, space, and mankind, namely, the environmental meaning the mage and the space contain. Therefore, this study was conducted from the aspects of relationship establishment between image equipments that are ever expansive to a variety of domains and the space that accommodates the equipments. As study findings, the influences the image equipments have on space and their expressional features are presented in three aspects: 'the expressional medium of mutual synergy','metaphysical ultra-epithelial space constituent',' and 'object'. This study seems to be meaningful in that we can expect the spatial approach method by purposes and spatial layout of image structures, with this study, through analyzing the meaning of relationship between image equipments and space.

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Reviews on the Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change -Application to the Sea Level Rise- (기후변화 적응방안 연구 -해수면 상승을 중심으로-)

  • Cho Kwangwoo;Maeng Jun-Ho;Kim Hae-Dong;Oh Young Min;Kim Dong-Sun;Kim Mu Chan;Yoon Jong Hwui
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.10 no.2 s.21
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2004
  • We review the adaptation strategies of the 21st climate change in an application to sea level rise. For the development of appropriate adaptation strategies on the coast vulnerable to the sea level rise, we have to consider the issues such as where to adapt, how to adapt, and when to adapt. The coastal target needed adaptation can be found by the evaluation of adaptive capacity of the coastal zone which requires the understanding of impacts and adaptive potential of the natural and socioeconomic systems in the coastal zone. Planned adaptation options to sea level rise can be classified into three generic approaches as managed retreat, accommodation, and protection In practice, the implementation of the options requires the analysis of land use, degree of vulnerability, cost and benefit, etc, and may be combination of the options rather than one approach. In terms of the response timing, the adaptation can be grouped as anticipatory and reactive ones. Generally it is more effective to consider both anticipatory and reactive adaptations at the same time for the impacts of future sea level rise. Due to the scientific uncertainty of climate change issues including sea level rise, the adaptation processes have to be designed to deal with a series of processes such as information md awareness establishment, planning and design implementation, and monitoring and evaluation in continuity and long-term period.

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Exploration of underground utilities using method predicting an anomaly (이상대 판정기법을 활용한 지하매설물 탐사)

  • Ryu, Hee-Hwan;Kim, Kyoung-Yul;Lee, Kang-Ryel;Lee, Dae-Soo;Cho, Gye-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2015
  • Rapid urbanization and industrialization have caused increased demand for underground structures such as cable, and other utility tunnels. Recently, it has become very difficult to construct new underground structures in downtown areas because of civil complaints, and engineering problems related to insufficient information about existing underground structures, cable tunnels in particular. This lack of information about the location and direction-of-travel of cable tunnels is causing many problems. To solve these problems, this study was focused on the use of geophysical exploration of the ground in a way that is theoretically, different from previous electrical resistivity surveys. An electric field analysis was performed on the ground with cable tunnels using Gauss' law and the Laplace equation. The electrical resistivity equation, which is a function of the cable tunnel direction, the cable tunnel location, and the electrical conductivity of the cable tunnel, can be obtained through electrical field analysis. A field test was performed for the verification of this theoretical approach. A field test results provided meaningful data.

Issues in Applying CV Methods to the Preliminary Feasibility Test (예비타당성조사 적용 CVM의 분석체계와 개선과제)

  • Eom, Young Sook;Kwon, Oh-Sang;Shin, Youngchul
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.595-628
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the issues and suggests reform measures in applying CV methods to the Korea Development Institute's (KDI's) Preliminary Feasibility Test (PFT) of public projects. Most public projects on culture, science and environment evaluated under the PFT system belong to the category of "nonstandard" projects whose outputs are non-marketed, and CV is currently the main tool used for their benefit estimation. A careful discussion and investigation is recommended for the selection of target population, payment vehicle, and number of payment times. Operating expert reviews, focus group interviews, and pre-tests is highly recommended to reduce the potential bias involved in the CV studies. A single or double bounded dichotomous choice format is the most popular design of questionnaire, but we identify several undissolved issues in designing and implementing the format. Some other forms of inducing WTPs may still deserve our consideration. Various specifications of the WTP function need to be tried and tested based on their stability, in particular. Employing a nonparametric approach is also recommended. Treatments of 0 or negative WTPs and protest bids are shown to be the most serious issues that affect the estimation results significantly. We review diverse measures of handling those issues and summarize their advantages and shortcomings.

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The Analysis of EU Carbon Prices Using SVECM Approach (SVECM 모형을 이용한 탄소배출권 가격 연구)

  • Bu, Gi-Duck;Jeong, Kiho
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.531-565
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    • 2011
  • All previous studies analyzing multivariate time series data of EUA (European Union Allowance) price commonly used endogenous variables within the four variables and included the period from April to June of 2006 in the analysis, when the price distortion occurred. This study uses graph theory and structural vector error correction model (SVECM) to analyze the daily time series data of the EUA (European Union Allowance) price. As endogenous variables, five variables are considered for the analysis, including prices of crude oil, natural gas, electricity and coal in addition to carbon price. Data period is Phase 2 period (April 21, 2008 to March 31, 2010) to avoid the EUA price distortion of Phase 1 period (2005~2007). Further, the monthly data including the economic variables as endogenous variables are analyzed.

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TAR and M-TAR Error Correction Models for Asymmetric Gasoline Price in Korea (TAR와 M-TAR 오차수정모형을 이용한 국내 휘발유가격의 비대칭성 분석)

  • Lee, Yang Seob
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.813-843
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    • 2008
  • This paper investigates the presence of long-run and short-run price asymmetries in weekly gasoline prices from January 1997 to July 2008. In accordance with distribution channels, wholesale and retail stages are analyzed separately. An approach based on TAR and M-TAR cointegration tests, which entail matching asymmetric ECMs, is employed. For wholesale prices, asymmetries in the links with crude oil prices and exchange rates are found for both ECMs in the long-run and short-run. Exchange rates appear to play more significant role than crude oil prices in explaining the short-run price asymmetry. The rise in crude oil prices or exchange rates has statistically significant major impact on the increase of wholesale prices on the second week, not immediately as expected in the concept of 'rockets and feathers'. And asymmetrically, the fall does not have any statistically significant effect on the same period. The finding seems to be somewhat unusual. However, for retail prices, asymmetry m connection with wholesale prices is only revealed in the long-run. A symmetric price adjustment can be assumed in the short-run. Contrary to the long-run asymmetry found in the wholesale stage, in the retail stage, the speed of adjustment for negative deviations toward long-run equilibrium is faster than for positive ones, which is a phenomenon not favorable to consumers.

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Economic Feasibility Study of the Life Extension by Reactor Type of Nuclear Power Plant in Korea (우리나라 원자력발전의 노형을 고려한 계속운전의 경제성 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Sungjin;Kim, Yoon Kyung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.261-286
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    • 2018
  • This paper evaluated the economic feasibility of the life extension of Kori unit 1 and Wolsong unit 1 according to the types of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) and the life extension period comparing to the levelized costs of energy (LCOE) of the new NPPs, coal-fired plants (CFPs), and combined cycle gas turbine (CCGTs) which proposed in the $7^{th}$ Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand. The economic feasibility of the life extension of NPPs using LCOE method is affected by the types of NPPs, lifetime extension periods, discount rate, and capacity factor. According to the analysis results, the pressurized light water reactor (PWR) is more economical than the pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR). Comparing the economical efficiency between the life extension of NPPs and other alternatives, the operation of the PWR for 20 years is more economical than the one of new NPPs and CFPs. However, 20 years of life extension of PHWR is more economical than the CCGTs, but less economical than new NPPs and CFPs. In summary, the 20 years of life extension of the NPPs seems to be more, especially for the PWR, which is more cost effective than other generation alternatives. Therefore, the government policy of the life extension of NPPs need to be a selective approach that simultaneously considers both safety and economics rather than closing all NPPs.

A Study on the Carbon Market and Carbon Funds Development. (탄소시장과 탄소펀드 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Woo-Sik;Park, Myong-Sop
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    • v.46
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    • pp.265-313
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    • 2010
  • Kyoto Protocol is an international convention on concrete performance program for UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which regulate and prevent to global warming and officially came into effect on February 16, 2005. Kyoto flexible mechanisms, the agreed environmental system in March 1997 in the Third Conference of Parties in UNFCCC General Assembly, Emission Trading System(ETS), Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) and Joint Implementation(JI), are key policies related to environment. In advanced countries, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced average 5.2% level compared to 1990 in total emissions during 2008-2012. World leading carbon market finished the trial on the EU ETS I greenhouse gas emissions trading system, EU ETS II is operated regularly after 2008. World Bank leads to make 'Prototype Carbon Fund(PCF)' in April 2004, which is the world first carbon fund and a representative public carbon fund type, World Bank operate various funds including present PCF. Thus, I would like to propose as follows in relation to this study: First, in the validity analysis of carbon funds, it would be needed to analyze the Emission Reduction Cost Efficiency(ERCE) of carbon. The ERCE is a break-even value which brings the Net Present Value(NPV) to zero. NPV approach is used among projects and it enables potential projects to be compared and evaluated the ERCE on the basis of the net present value of net future cash flows. Therefore, according to results of analysis, carbon funds should be developed and invested. Second, it would be necessary to allow of issuing bonds together with carbon funds, carbon finance etc. Third, carbon funds, it would be reasonable to have a relatively enough maturity in project and as a financial derivatives in the international financial markets, it is needed various types of transactions. Fourth, it would be needed to standardize the carbon emissions trading for more efficiently. Fifth, it would be necessary to establish and invest in various kinds of domestic and overseas global carbon funds, including governments, privates, governments and privates sectors. And it is also needed to establish the medium and long term plans for carbon funds. Sixth, it would be needed to foster the advanced trade mechanisms for carbon funds in the most effective ways. Finally, carbon funds should be used in harmony with international societies to reduce global warming as the social responsible investing funds and it should be contribute to sustainable development. In addition, it would seem that carbon funds should be studied on establishing the contributable standard of sustainable development in the future assignment.

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A Study on the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects (FIDIC의 DBO 프로젝트용 표준계약조건에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Myung-Kook
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    • v.46
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    • pp.29-60
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    • 2010
  • The incentive and reasons to publish FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects(DBO Form) are manifold. It is partly a response to the increasing need for sophisticated project delivery methods in both the public and private sectors and the already widespread use of the FIDIC Yellow Book with operation and maintenance obligations and partly a response to the challenge to decrease maintenance cost to a minimum by means of a new procurement route. As a result, FIDIC has developed a new model form to meet this market place requirement. On the other hand, FIDIC did not simply adapt the Yellow Book but has developed a new form from it, whilst preserving the style of the already known FIDIC Forms and maintaining the wording where it was not necessary to change it for the purposes of a DBO Form. Moreover DBO Form fills up supposed gaps in other FIDIC Forms and ameliorates the claim management and dispute management framework. FIDIC DBO approach may be shortly summarized as follows. First, DBO Form provides for single project responsibility. Second, DBO Form has the clear objective of ensuring the use of a most reliable and efficient technology at the lowest life-cycle cost. Third, DBO Form is intended to operate as an effective quality increase in the design and construction of projects. Fourth, DBO Form is intended to provide significant benefits with regard to system integration and reduction of risks. Fifth, DBO Form accelerates and enhances completion schedule compliance. Sixth, DBO takes care of all three supporting pillars of sustainability(including economical, environmental and social elements). DBO Form is obviously a good starting point for negotiations and the preparation of calls for tenders, thus saving the parties time and money. However, existing cultural and legal differences, particular local conditions and the particular needs of some branches of the industry may require the form to be adapted according to the particular needs of a project. And Civil law practitioners are strongly recommended to verify carefully the underlying legal concepts and background of each clause of the General Conditions in order to avoid unnecessary and sometimes unnatural changes and amendments being made. Note that when preparing the Particular Conditions ensure that terminology is consistent and that existing inherent concepts should not be ignored.

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