• 제목/요약/키워드: environment-oriented

검색결과 1,903건 처리시간 0.027초

농업시설물의 통합설계시스템 개발을 위한 객체 모델링에 관한 연구(구조 및 재료 \circled1) (The Application of MultiLayered Primitive-Composite Model for Integrated Design System of Agricultural Facilities)

  • 배연정;이정재;윤성수;김한중
    • 한국농공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농공학회 2000년도 학술발표회 발표논문집
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2000
  • The design of agricultural facilities is the consistent activities, which systematically analyze all the actual conditions, design the unit structures, and improve the faming environment through efficient organization of the unit facility. The design of agricultural facilities is composed of site study, preliminary design, primary design, and detail design. Integrated design system can manage and process the information created by and used in all steps of design process. Formal data models of these design activities are important conceptual steps in development of integrated design system. However, most of existing models are not available for agricultural facilities. To support efficiently developing the integrated design system of agricultural facilities, we have developed the Multi-Layered Primitive-Composite mode I through object-oriented analysis of agricultural facilities. The MPC model not only satisfies the characteristics of agricultural facility, such as variety, coupling, informal data, but also improves abilities of integrated design system such as extensibility, flexibility, and granularity. The paper presents a formal definition of the MPC model.

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분산객체 환경에서 관계형 데이터베이스의 객체지향적 접근을 위한 인터페이스 설계 및 구현 (The Design and Implementation of Interface in the Distributed Object Environment for the Object-Oriented Access of Relational Database)

  • 정의천;박우창
    • 한국정보과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보과학회 1998년도 가을 학술발표논문집 Vol.25 No.2 (1)
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    • pp.315-317
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    • 1998
  • 대규모 분산 데이터베이스 시스템을 구축하는데 있어 CORBA와 DBMS의 연동은 필수적이다. 특히 개방 분산 환경에서 기존 시스템 통합시 관계형 데이터베이스의 접근 문제를 해결해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 ORB 컴포넌트중의 하나인 BOA(Basic Object Adapter)를 확장하여 관계형 데이터베이스의 연동을 지원하는 관계 데이터베이스용 객체 어댑터(Relational Object Data base Adapter: RODA)의 구현과 이를 이용한 응용 개발에 관한 내용을 기술한다. 객체-관계 사상은 Tie 방식과 객체 포장기(Object Wrapper)를 사용하여 CORBA 객체와 튜플을 일대일 대응시켰다. RODA 는 CORBA 지속성 객체의 생성, 데이터베이스 객체의 생성, 지속성 객체의 해지 등과 같은 ODA(Object Data base Adapter)가 가지는 주요 기능 뿐 아니라 관계형 데이터베이스의 객체 포장 기능을 제공한다. 이를 통해 개발자 측면에서는 RODA클래스 라이브러리를 이용하여 소프트웨어 개발 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있고, 분산 응용에서 객체지향적 DB통합시 사용자에게 단일한 정보 처리 인터페이스를 제공하는 요소 기술로 활용할 수 있다.

LCA 기법을 통한 환경친화적 가공 방법에 관한 연구 (A Study on Environmentally Conscious Machining Processes using LCA)

  • 한영근;김종복
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.141-159
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    • 2000
  • The objective of ECMS(Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Systems) is to consider environmental effects through the entire product life cycle from product development stage to design, manufacturing, supplying, using and disposing stage. Recently, environment-oriented recycling, reusing and manufacturing technologies have been researched actively in every engineering fields. In the field of chemical engineering, HHS(Health Hazard Scores) which classifies and analyzes hazardous materials in production processes has been presented. Metal cutting processes also have a lot of harmful factors, and especially hazardous components in cutting fluids have been known to have a bad effect on workers and working area. However, research works such as HHS have been little accomplished in metal cutting processes. In this research, a environmentally conscious machining process is presented by classifying hazardous components in cutting fluids, by using LCA(Life Cycle Assessments) and HHS method, and by evaluating environmental effects from cutting fluids.

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한국형 경량전철의 실내공간배치를 위한 디자인요소 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on the User-Interface Design Elements for the Interior Layout of the Korean AGT)

  • 최출헌;한석윤;신학수
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2001
  • This paper studies on the user-interface design elements for the vehicle interior layout of the Korean AGT(Automated Guideway Transit). These are based on the cultural environment and space consciousness of both ethnic and class differences. This means human- oriented interface design. In order to apply the user-interface design, it is necessary to find the examples of lightrail at the foreign country, and research and analyze their design trend. Then try to combine into a concept of user interface design and interior layout. This study will be expected to apply the Korean AGT as a guide.

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에이전트 기반 교수시스템의 설계 (A Design of Tutoring System Based on Agents)

  • 최영미;장영희
    • 정보교육학회논문지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 1997
  • A design of Advisory Tutoring Agent(ATA) is proposed to help a student on the basis of a student-oriented discovery learning, The agents adaptively build a student model and interact with a student as well as each other to give a piece of advice at a proper time. The appropriateness of advice depends on the agents' reasoning sod interaction performed based on the student model. domain knowledge, teaching strategy, and user-friendly interface. The design has been applied to a simple English learning environment.

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IPv6 기반의 모바일용 가상 저장장치 시스템의 구현 및 성능분석 (Implementation and Performance Analysis of IPv6-based Virtual Storage System for Mobile Devices)

  • 임효택;;차경환
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2006년도 하계종합학술대회
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    • pp.5-6
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    • 2006
  • iSCSI is a block-oriented storage access protocol that enables a user to recognize a remote storage as their own local block device through general TCP/IP networks. This paper presents an alternative approach to overcome the limited storage space of mobile devices based on the iSCSI initiator driver in IPv6 environment, which was originally designed for wired networks.

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비정상 트래픽 상황에서 효율적 침입 탐지 시스템(EIDS) 구조 연구 (An Architecture for Efficient Intrusion Detection System of Abnormal Traffic)

  • 권영재;이두만;임홍빈;정재일
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2006년도 하계종합학술대회
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    • pp.207-208
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    • 2006
  • Intrusion detection technology is highlighted in order to establish a safe information-oriented environment. Intrusion detection system can be categorized into anomaly detection and misuse detection according to intrusion detection pattern. In this paper, we propose an architecture to make up for the defect of conventional anomaly intrusion detection. This architecture reduces additional resource consumption and cost by placing the agent in the strategic location in Internet.

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건설기계 조립 라인 투입 순서를 고려한 제관 공정 생산 스케줄링에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Body Welding Operation Scheduling Considering the Assembly Line's Input Sequence in Construction Equipment Manufacturing)

  • 김기동;최호식
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제27권A호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2007
  • The body of an excavator, one sort of the construction equipment, consists of mainframe part, track frame part, boom part and arm part. The all parts are manufactured in the body welding operation. The scheduling in the body welding operation of a construction equipment manufacturing is to take all the various constraints into consideration. The offset time, due date, daily capacity of operations, daily jig's capacity, precedence relation, outsourcing, alternative resource and all of the shop floor environment should be considered. An APS(Advanced Planning & Scheduling) system is a proper and efficient system in such circumstance. In this paper, we present an APS system, the optimal scheduling system for the construction equipment manufacturing specifically for the body welding operation, using ILOG Solver/Scheduler. ILOG Solver/Scheduler is a general purposed commercial software which supports to find a feasible or optimal solution using object oriented technique and constraints satisfaction programming, given constraints and objectives.

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유니버설디자인 체험 강의 모듈의 교육적 효과 (Educational Effect of Universal Design Navigation Teaching Module)

  • 이연숙;장윤정;반자연;변혜령;서해양
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2001년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.140-143
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    • 2001
  • Since Universal Design emerged as a new design paradigm for future, the strategies of implementing UD in educational setting has been continuously pursued. Many university programs in North America especially explored the possibility and shared their experiences in the international conferences. In asia, however, no attempt was tried. This presentation will share the navigation teaching modules used in a undergraduate course “Interior Environment and Human Behavior” class, its methodology of experience and data analysis, and finally educational outcome. Since UD is a basic human oriented design, the modules surely provided affluent and realistic opportunity for students to feel emotional sympathy to understand a diverse range of users and to facilitate creative design solution for them.

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계획형 생태마을의 주민 인식에 관한 연구 (A Study on Residents' Cognizance of Planned-Ecovillage)

  • 송정석;최우람;김희원;이효원
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2012
  • The paper aims to establish planning elements of planned-ecovillages, and analyze the cognizance of residents as well as experts' evaluation so as to examine the awareness of actual residents. The planned-ecovillage allows residents to participate in the organization of the ecovillage to the construction stage. Unlike general ecovillages, planned-ecovillages have a difference as they introduce planning elements by autonomous decision-making through discussions and meetings among residents. The present age is at its turning point. While a fatal impact to human life, including energy shortage and environmental pollution are expected, we may be able to suggest an alternative solution and triggered the initiation, such as a future-oriented ecovillage that enables environmentally-friendly and sustainable living, namely planned-ecovillages.