• Title/Summary/Keyword: eating behavior factors

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Development of dietary behavior items available in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (국민건강영양조사에 활용 가능한 식생활 조사항목 개발 및 유용성 검증)

  • Lim, A-Hyun;Choi, Suk-Young;Shim, Jae-Eun;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, Kirang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Given that the indicators related to chronic diseases are important to evaluating goals of the national health policy, the aim of this study was to develop dietary behavior items available in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Methods: The dietary behavior items were developed based on the literature reviews, need assessment of the field, expert focus-group interviews, and expert advisory meeting. Questions for each dietary behavior item were developed by reflecting on environmental, personal, and behavior factors of the ecological frame and then revised through expert focus-group interview and expert advisory meeting. The understanding and reliability of the developed questionnaire were assessed by cognitive interview and test-retest reliability. Results: The developed items were sodium and salt intake, added and simple sugar intake, enough time to consume a meal for all ages, caffeine drinks and fresh/healthy food intake for children and adolescents, and limited dietary intake, fresh/healthy food intake for seniors. In most questions except some questions on sodium and salt intake, subjects understood over 70% and consistency of responses based on the kappa values was acceptable. Conclusion: Developed dietary behavior items are expected to be useful for evidence-based nutrition policy, interventions and research targeting dietary patterns through investigating and monitoring dietary behavior patterns.

Bone Density and Related Factors of University Students in the Seoul Area (서울지역 대학신입생의 골밀도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Nam-Yong;Choi, Soon-Nam
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.468-479
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to investigate factors affecting the bone density of university students in the Seoul area. Data for food habits, and dietary and health-related behavior was obtained by self-administered questionnaires. BQI (bone quality index) of the subjects was measured by a Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS). The results are summarized as follows. The average height, weight, BMI and osteopenia percentage were 175.4cm, 69.3kg, 22.5 and 15.6% for male students, and 161.5cm, 55.9kg, 21.7 and 34.1%, for female students, respectively. The mean BQI of the subjects was 110.25 (range 60.7 ~ 176.8) in male students and 90.64 (range 52.9 ~ 137.5) in female students. Height and weight were significantly related with BQI in the female group but the relationship with BMI was not significantly related with bone density in either group. BQI was positively affected by nutrition supplement in the male student group. One-side eating, diet, and intake of milk and instant food were not significantly related with BQI in males or females. The results of this study revealed that desirable food habits, dietary behavior and health-related lifestyle may have a beneficial effect on bone density. There should be established a practically and systematically organized nutritional education on optimum body weight, good eating habits, weight bearing exercise and intakes of good quality nutrient for higher bone density level.

The Factors Related to Musculoskeletal Symptoms of University Faculty and Staff (대학 교직원의 근골격계 자각증상에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jeong, Mi Kyoung;Ha, Myung Hee;Kong, Jeong Hyeon;Park, Yeon Mi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2020
  • This study is a descriptive research for understanding the health behaviors, job stress, and musculoskeletal subjective symptoms of university employees, and also for examining the influence factors having effects on the musculoskeletal subjective symptoms. Targeting total 158 university employees, the data was collected from July to August 2020. In the results of this study, the characteristics related to health behaviors showed the percentages like the rate of drinking(68.6%), rate of smokers(9.6%), rate of exercising three times or more a week(15.4%), and the rate of regular eating habit(64.7%). The mean score of job stress was 63.7. The musculoskeletal disease symptom group falling under the occupational musculoskeletal subjective symptom standard of NIOSH was 18.6%, and the musculoskeletal subjective symptom of shoulders showed the highest rate. Also, the 29.5% of research subjects responded that the cause for their musculoskeletal pain was work. As the factors having effects on the musculoskeletal subjective symptoms, the sex, age, career experience, and job stress had significant effects on the subjective symptom of shoulder part(p<.01) while the regular exercise had significant effects on the subjective symptom of waist(p<.05). The educational background and regular meals had significant effects on the subjective symptom of legs and knees(p<.05). Thus, in order to prevent the musculoskeletal diseases of university employees, it would be necessary to develop/apply the programs for the relief of job stress, regular exercise, and regular meals.

A Preliminary Study of Ecological Aspects of Food on a Kind of Gom-Tang(Beef Soup made with Internal Organs and Bone) Intake (식생태학적(食生態學的) 관점(觀點)에서 본 곰탕류(類) 섭취(攝取)에 관한 예비적연구(豫備的硏究))

  • Kwon, Sun-Ja;Adachi, Miyuki;Mo, Su-Mi;Choi, Kyung-Suk;Kim, Ju-Hye;Koh, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.421-432
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to investigate the intake of a kind of Gom-Tang (Beef soup made with internal organs and bone), which is the Korean traditional food, and factors affecting the eating behavior of customers. Two hundred male customers of a H Korean Restaurant specialized in Gom-Tang, which is a well-known restaurant in Seoul, were surveyed from June 26 to 29, 1990. The results were shown as follows. (1) ${\ulcorner}$Frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ were very high. Those who took a kind of Gom-Tang ${\ulcorner}$more than once a week${\lrcorner}$ were 66.5% of the subjects. Those who evaluated ${\ulcorner}$good${\lrcorner}$ for the taste and flavor were 86.5% and 59.0% of the subjects, respectively. (2) The reasons why they chose a kind of Gom-Tang from among many Korean traditional foods were ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$phygiological condition${\lrcorner}$ in ${\ulcorner}$high frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. ${\ulcorner}$Phygiological condition${\lrcorner}$ was more critical factor than ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ in ${\ulcorner}$low frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. (3) The effect of the intake of a kind of Gom-Tang on health was evaluated as ${\ulcorner}$healthy${\lrcorner}$ (80.5%). ${\ulcorner}$No effect${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$harmful${\lrcorner}$ were 30.5% and 6.5%, respectively. (4) ${\ulcorner}$High frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly more than 50 years of age, had a high ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$food knowledge${\lrcorner}$ as well as positive ${\ulcorner}$eating behavior${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$healthy state${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Middle frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly the forties, had a high ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$, but had less positive ${\ulcorner}$eating behavior${\lrcorner}$ than ${\ulcorner}$high frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group. ${\ulcorner}$Low frequency of intake${\lrcorner}$ group, mainly the twenties and thirties, had a medial ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$. They took a kind of Gom-Tang for reasons of ${\ulcorner}$on the recommendation of friends${\lrcorner}$ better than ${\ulcorner}$preference${\lrcorner}$. Foregoing results showed that ${\ulcorner}$a kind of Gom-Tang${\lrcorner}$ was a typical food recognized as ${\ulcorner}$healthy${\lrcorner}$ as well as ${\ulcorner}$delicious${\lrcorner}$. This may suggest that ${\ulcorner}$a kind of Gom-Tang${\lrcorner}$ is a candidate for the effective food on nutritional education.

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Oral Health and Related Factors for the Elderly (Structural Equation Modeling을 통한 노인(老人)의 구강건강(口腔健康) 관련요인(關聯要因) 분석(分析))

  • Seung, Jeung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to analyze realities of oral health and related factors, and establish Structural Equation Modeling. The subjects of study were 9,340 elderly over age 65 who took the health examination(the first) for the local insured which National Health Insurance Corporation carried out in the survey area mentioned below from January 2002 to December 2002. The areas surveyed were 4 big cities including Seongbuk-ku, Seoul, 5 medium cities including Wonjusi, Gangwon-do, and 5 Counties including Yeong deok County, Kyeongbuk. Considering location and the scale of population, firstly, big unit areas(metropolitan city, province) were selected according to convenience, secondly, low unit areas(city, county, district) were selected randomly. The subjects were the elderly who took all tests including an oral examination and filled in the questionnaire. Major results from analysis are as follows: 1. Review of Composition Conception Validity As a result of analyzing composition conception validity of SEM including posture test, urine test, blood test, habits of eating, drinking and smoking, oral symptoms, and oral health status, using fit index such as GFI, CFI, TLI, and RMSEA, all were within fit range and composition conception validity was recognized. 2. As a result of analyzing SEM to find the relationship between each factor and oral health status, it was confirmed that all factors except urine test affected oral health status and the synthetic SEM to explain it could be established. In result, we could verify that the elderly of rural areas who had lesser experience of visiting a clinic and oral prophylaxis had a higher rate of caries, missing teeth, and denture need, and drinking and smoking negatively affected the rate of caries, periodontal, and missing teeth. Also, periodontal diseases were observed from 43.2% of the total elderly and much from the lower age. Most of oral disease can be prevented by right oral health behavior. Therefore through oral health professionals from each district public health center of the nation, oral health education for the elderly about right eating habits and oral health care should be carried out systematically and policy change to increase access to dental service is required lest that visiting a dental clinic should be impossible or oral health behaviors such as oral prophylaxis and denture wearing should be neglected by economic, geographical barriers. Also, to establish SEM to explain the relationship between oral health status and systemic health, more accurate test methods and effective index development should be preceded. Because items developed by National Health Insurance Corporation applied to this study without alteration, structuring a model had the uppermost limit. Continual study seems to be needed.

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An Ethnographic Study about Taegyo Practice in Korea (태교 실천에 대한 일상생활 기술적 연구)

  • 김현옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is twofold : (i) to investigate how much effort the married couples are making for the good health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn child from the time of their marriage to and during the period of conception : and (ii) to comprehensive investigate socio-cultural back-grounds which affect prenatal effort. Result of this study provide a basis for the prenatal care program which will be appropriate to our culture. This study has been done by the ethnographic research method. The subjects of this study are 53 people in all consisting of 33 pregnant women and 20 husbands. In order to investigate socio-cultural factors which influence Taegyo, producers of Taegyo music were interviewed. In addition the researcher surveyed the markets of Taegyo music, participated in special courses of prenatal education, analyzed the content of the books and periodicals dealing with Taegyo, and collected the concept of Taegyo distributed by the mass media. The full-fledged study continued for eight months from February to August.1996. The data were analyzed as soon as they were collected. Spradly's(1979, 1980) developmental, sequential method of domain analysis. taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and theme analysis in this order was adopted as the procedure of analyzing the data. To obtain the exactness of study, Sandelowski's (1986) four criteria, that is, Credibility, Fittingness, Auditability, and Confirmability were applied to all stages of data collection, data analysis, the interpretation of the result, and the description of the result. The following are the result : 1. The couples' Taegyo at the stage of preconception was related to their physical, psychological, spiritual conditions under which a healthy baby will be born. Specific methods they prefer are : "the choice of one's spouse." "physical check-up," "physical good health, " "praying, " and so on. 2. When the marriod couple have sex in order to conceive, their Taegyo was related to the imposition of their physical, psychological, and environmental conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "having sex at specific time, " "having sex in nice place." "to purify their minds while having sex," and so on. 3. The married couples' Taegyo while they are in pregnancy was related to the imposition of their physical. psychological, emotionmental. environmental, social and spiritual conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "listening to music. " "reading," "looking at beautiful things only," "to avoid looking at or listening to bad things." "to eat food in good shape, " "to avoid drugs," "eating Korean herbal medicine." "sexual abstinence," "to avoid dangerous places," "to keep emotional tranquility," "moderate exercises and rest." "leading a pure life." "praying." "being aware of their words and behavior." "for the couple to keep a good relationship." "interaction with their unborn child," "to support Taegyo for pregnant women," and so on. 4. The married couple put Taegyo into practice on the basis of the following principles : the principle of respecting an unborn child, the principle of forming a good disposition. the principle of top-down parental love, the principle of synergy between a pregnant woman and her unborn child, the principle of expecting a good child, the principle of forming a good habit, and the principle of acquiring a parental role. 5. The practice of Taegyo is influenced by such factors as the married couple, the supporting system, and the mass media. As the husband -and-wife factor, their information of Taegyo, the degree of importance is assigned to their characters, their time to spare, their healthiness, the age of pregnant woman, their conception plan, their religion, their belief of the Taegyo effects, and the birth of a baby in this order. The factor of the supporting system consists of her husband's support, her family support, and her neighbor's support. The mass media factors include the broadcasting media, books specialized in Taegyo, periodicals for pregnant women, booklets for advertizing powdered milk, Taegyo music of record manufacturing companies, and the teaching materials for gifted children. Among these the mass media is especially taking advantage of Taegyo as its main source of economic profits are leading the public behavior pattern to a prodigal one. Taegyo is a self-control behavior which requires practice for the following : the physical and psychological good health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, the development of the unborn child's good character, the development of the unborn child's intelligence and talents, the expectation of the unborn child's good features. shape a good habit, the expectation of the unborn child's bright future, and the learning of a parental role, the expectation of male birth. Above all it is a type of our good cultural tradition which pursues a value higher than the one that the prenatal care does. The principles of pregnancy care inherent in the habit of Taegyo will provide us a guideline for the development of the prenatal care.

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Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Elderly in assessment of dietary quality and behavior (식사의 질과 식행동 평가를 위한 노인영양지수 개정 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Suk;Lee, Jung-Sug;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ki-Nam;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Kwon, Sehyug;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to update the Nutrition Quotient for Elderly (NQ-E), which reflects dietary quality and behavior among Korean older adults. Methods: The first 29 items of the measurable food behavior checklist were obtained from a previous NQ-E checklist, recent literature reviews, and national nutrition policies and recommendations. One-hundred subjects (50 men and 50 women) aged ≥ 65 years living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, including Gyeonggi Province, completed a pilot survey from March to April 2021. Based on the results of the pilot study, we conducted factor analysis and frequency analysis to determine whether the items of the survey were properly organized and whether the distribution of answers for each evaluation item was properly distributed. As a result, we reduced the number of items on the food behavior checklist and used 23 items for the national survey. Nationwide, 1,000 subjects (472 men and 528 women) aged > 65 years, completed the checklist survey, which was applied using a face-to-face survey method from May to August 2021. The construct validity of the NQ-E 2021 was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, LISREL. Results: Seventeen food behavior checklist items were selected for the final NQ-E 2021. Checklist items addressed three factors: balance (8 items), moderation (2 items), and practice (7 items). Standardized path coefficients were used as the weights of items to determine nutrition quotients. NQ-E and three-factor scores were calculated according to the weights of questionnaire items. Conclusion: The updated NQ-E 2021 produced by structural equation modelling provides a suitable tool for assessing the dietary quality and behavior of Korean older adults.

The High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and related factors in Korean middle-aged (한국 중년의 고밀도지단백(HDL) 콜레스테롤과 관련요인)

  • Kim, Sang-Lak;Kam, Sin;Kim, Myung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to promote health in middle-aged Koreans (40-59 years old) by understanding health behaviors that affect high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level among various health behaviors. In a national health and nutrition survey, raw data combined on a total of 7,406 persons, IV-3 (2009), V-1 (2010), V-2 (2011), V-3 (2012), and VI-1 (2013), were selected as the final analysis subjects. HDL cholesterol was divided into two groups: less than 40 mg/dl and more than 40 mg/dl. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis were as follows: OR=3.916 for males, OR=3.439 for normal than low weight, OR=7.336 for obesity than low weight, OR=1.629 for alcohol consumption, OR=1.498 for smokers, OR=1.426 for don't practice moderate physical activity, OR=1.264 for no walking exercise, OR=1.510 for carbohydrates normal intake than low intake, OR 1.787 for carbohydrates over intake than low intake when HDL cholesterol increased from 40 mg/dl to less than 40 mg/dl. Korean middle-aged high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels should be increased to maintain proper health through aerobic exercise, smoking cessation, proper drinking habits, obesity relief, healthy eating out, and healthy food choices. This requires continuous publicity and education within the community, and a social environment should be built that enables health behavior to be practiced in daily life.

A Descriptive Study of The Way of Life and Health Status of Nursing Students (간호대학생들의 생활습관과 증상호소 및 관련요인)

  • Kim, Myung-Soon;Cho, Yoo-Hyang;Jung, Moon-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Li
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.358-372
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the way of life (such as smoking habits, alcohol consumption, exercise, duration of sleep, eating habits etc.), physical. psychological and overall health complaints and to identify the relationship between the way of life and health complaints of the nursing students. Data was collected with the self-administered OMI( Okayama Medical Index Health Questionnaire, devised Cornell Medical Index) from 766 nursing students and was analyzed. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and an ANOVA with an SPSS/PC+ program were used. The results were as follows: 1. The mean age of subjects was 21.0557(2.7618) years old in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year-classes of nursing departments and college students in 4 regions of Korea. 62.1% of subjects were of the proper body weight, 2.0% were overweight, and 28.3% were underweight. Most subjects did not have a past history of disease, but 1.8% of subjects had experienced a blood transfusion. 2. 28.3% of the subjects had averaged 7 hours of sleep, 98.5% were nonsmokers, 91.2% were nondrinkers, 74.7% of subjects had milk intake sometimes, 53.7% of the subjects had an average salt intake, 49.6% of the subjects usually had a green vegetable intake, 45.4% of the subjects sometimes had fatty food intake, 64.8% of the subjects had good taste, 29.5% of the subjects enjoyed physical exercise. 3. The highest percentages of 'yes' among physical. psychological and overall health complaints were observed in the question 'Do you have gastric pain?'(60.2%), 'Are you confused of disorderly?' (37.2%), 'Physical body was burdensome and fatigued.'(57.3%). 4. The total O.M.I. score ranged from 1 to 89 with an average of 22.91(SD=12.10). A statistically significant difference was observed for the physical. psychological complaints for alcohol consumption. and for the psychological complaints for salt and fatty food intake. These conclusions should provide grounds for future studies of strategies for health promoting lifestyle for nursing students and their health concerns. Further research is required to investigate the life environmental and psychological factors affecting the way of life for nursing students and their health status, to analyze the health behavior of nursing students related with their culture and consciousness. Also epidemiologic research methodology, such as prospective cohort study should be considered to explore the performing process of nursing student's health behavior related with the occurrence of diseases.

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A Study on Dietary Behavior and Health Condition of Employees at Department Stores (백화점 종사자의 식행동과 건강상태에 관한 조사)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee;Park, Young-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.374-385
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    • 2008
  • A study has been performed to provide the basic information about the current dietary habits, health related behaviors, and body indices and to bring forward the importance of this information to the people's attention based upon the relation between employee's life patterns and health conditions in their daily lives. Three hundred and five department store workers were examined from August 2006 to September 2006. With the average BMI values $23.9{\pm}2.2$ for males and $20.0{\pm}1.9$ for females, both gender groups were in normal, but 62.2% of the males were overweight and 15.4% of the females were under-weight. Regarding dietary and health related factors on how they perceive themselves, as normal were 204 (66.9%) the most and bad and very bad were respectively 43 (14.1%) and 5 (1.6%). Half of the subjects (43.2%) perceived sleeping hours to be insufficient, and 64.4% of them need to exercise regularly. As problems related to eating habits, they reported irregular meal times, overeating, preference of hot and spicy food, skipping meal, unbalanced meals. Regarding weight control they have attempted were the most (73.0%), after weight reduction, 51.2% of the subjects had side effects, such as gastrointestinal troubles, anemia, dizziness, sense of fatigue, constipation, physiological disorder, and diarrhea, etc. In the food habit score, it was shown that overall average score of the subjects was $62.63{\pm}9.86$ which is lower than other studies. Female ($62.76{\pm}10.15$) had better score than male ($61.67{\pm}8.06$). While the item with the highest point was eat all three meals of the day, that was the lowest point, exercise every day. The food habit score of the younger group had lower than older group, and also they preferred sweet foods to other group. The results suggest that nutrition education for workers at specific working fields needs to be more focused on the improvement of dietary habits and health status of workers.