• Title/Summary/Keyword: dynamic tests

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Study on the Oil Resistance, Morphological and Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Flame Retardance of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer and Ethylene Propylene Rubber Compounds

  • Sung, Il Kyung;Lee, Won Ki;Park, Chan Young
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2017
  • In this experiment, blends of ethylene vinyl acetate rubber (EVM) with a vinyl acetate (VA) content greater than 40 wt% and ethylene propylene rubber (EPM) were prepared by mechanical mixing; a number of parameters of the blends, including oil resistance, morphological and dynamic mechanical properties and flame retardancy, were subsequently measured. In the $100^{\circ}C$ oil resistance test, both the ammonium polyphosphate/dipentaerythritol/expandable graphite (APP/DPER/EG) and aluminum hydroxide (ATH) flame retardant systems showed an increase in volume change with increasing EPM content. For the ATH system, the dispersion shape was coarse and aggregation was observed. The results of a dynamic mechanical test showed slightly higher E' and E'' for the APP/DPER/EG flame retardant system when compared to the single ATH system. For both the APP/DPER/EG and ATH systems, the limited oxygen index (LOI) tests performed at increasing content of EPM showed a LOI value higher than 30, indicating excellent flame resistance.

Deformation Behavior and Dynamic Recrystallization of Torsion-Tested Alloy 718 (Alloy718의 비틀림변형과 동적재결정)

  • Park, N.K.;Kim, C.H.;Kim, N.Y;Lee, D.G.;Yeom, J.T.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.8 s.89
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    • pp.591-596
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    • 2006
  • Torsion testing was employed to investigate the deformation and recrystallization behavior of coarse-grained Alloy 718, and the results are compared with the compression testing results. Mechanical testing was conducted on bulk Alloy718 samples within the temperature ranges, $1000^{\circ}C{\sim}1100^{\circ}C$. The strain gradient formed in the torsion specimens resulted in a recrystallization behavior which varied along the radial direction from the center to the surface. The flow curves based on effective stress and effective strain as obtained by Fields and Backofen's isotropic deformation theory and the dynamic recrystallization within the compression tested samples and torsion tested samples are different. The different deformation and recrystallization behavior can be rationalized by the fact that the deformation in the coarse-grained torsion specimens is not uniform and thus the strain gradient within the specimens cannot be analytically predicted by FE simulation. Thus, the extent of recrystallization cannot be properly predicted by the established recrystallization equations based on compression tests.

A Study on the Superplasticity of Zn-Al Alloy using Dynamic Materials Model (동적재료모델을 이용한 Zn-Al 합금의 초소성 변형거동 연구)

  • Jung, J.Y.;Ha, T.K.;Chang, Y.W.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2009
  • Superplastic deformation behavior of a Zn-0.3 wt.% Al was investigated. Grain sizes of $1{\mu}m$ and $10{\mu}m$ were obtained by a thermomechanical treatment. A series of load relaxation and tensile tests were conducted at various temperatures ranging from RT ($24^{\circ}C$) to $200^{\circ}C$. A large elongation of 1400% was obtained at room temperature in the specimens with the grain size of $1{\mu}m$. In the case of specimens with the grain size of $10{\mu}m$, relatively lower elongation at room temperature was obtained and, as the temperature increases above $100^{\circ}C$, a high elongation of about 400 % has been obtained at $200^{\circ}C$ under the strain rate of $2{\times}10^{-4}/s$. Dynamic materials model (DMM) has been employed to explain the contribution from GBS of Zn-Al alloy. Power dissipation efficiency for GBS was evaluated as above 0.4 and found to be very close to the unity as strain rate decreased and temperature increased, suggesting that GBS could be regarded as Newtonian viscous flow.

Aluminum and E-glass epoxy plates behavior subjected to shock loading

  • Muhit, Imrose B.;Sakib, Mostofa N.;Ahmed, Sheikh S.
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2017
  • The terrorist attacks and dangers by bomb blast have turned into an emerging issue throughout the world and the protection of the people and structures against terrorist acts depends on the prediction of the response of structures under blast and shock load. In this paper, behavior of aluminum and unidirectionally reinforced E-Glass Epoxy composite plates with and without focal circular holes subjected to shock loading has been identified. For isotropic and orthotropic plates (with and without holes) the classical normal mode approach has been utilized as a part of the processing of theoretical results. To obtain the accurate results, convergence of the results was considered and a number of modes were selected for plate with and without hole individually. Using a shock tube as a loading device, tests have been conducted to composite plates to verify the theoretical results. Moreover, peak dynamic strains, investigated by experiments are also compared with the theoretical values and deviation of the results are discussed accordingly. The strain-time histories are likewise indicated for a specific gauge area for aluminum and composite plates. Comparison of dynamic-amplification factors between the isotropic and the orthotropic plates with and without hole has been discussed.

Recommendations on dynamic pressure sensor placement for transonic wind tunnel tests

  • Yang, Michael Y.;Palodichuk, Michael T.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.497-513
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    • 2019
  • A wind tunnel test was conducted that measured surface fluctuating pressures aft of a ramp at transonic speeds. Dynamic pressure test data was used to perform a study to determine best locations for streamwise sensor pairs for shocked and unshocked runs based on minimizing the error in root-mean-square acceleration response of the panel. For unshocked conditions, the upstream sensor is best placed at least 6.5 ramp heights downstream of the ramp, and the downstream sensor should be within 2 ramp heights from the upstream sensor. For shocked conditions, the upstream sensor should be between 1 and 7 ramp heights downstream of the shock, with the downstream sensor 2 to 3 ramp heights of the upstream sensor. The shock was found to prevent the passage coherent flow structures; therefore, it may be desired to use the shock to define the boundary of subzones for the purpose of loads definition. These recommendations should be generally applicable to a range of expansion corner geometries in transonic flow provided similar flow structures exist. The recommendations for shocked runs is more limited, relying on data from a single dataset with the shock located near the forward end of the region of interest.

Effect of Magnetic Force on the Compressive and Dynamic Properties of Magnetorheological Elastomers (자기력이 자기유동 탄성체의 압축 및 동적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Sang-Ryeoul;Lee, Dong-Joo;Lee, Jong-Hang
    • Composites Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2010
  • The compressive and dynamic properties of magnetorheological elastomers were investigated as functions of magnetizable particle volume fraction, alignment of the embedded particle and magnetic force. The specimens consisted of pure and filled silicons with randomly dispersed, longitudinal and transverse aligned magnetizable particle chains. To align the embedded particles in the elastomer, the cross-linking of the elastomer composites took place in a magnetic field. The compression and dynamic tests in the absence and the presence of different magnetic forces were carried out. The modulus and loss factor of the elastomer composites increase with increasing volume fraction at the same magnetic force. The case of longitudinal alignment shows a high modulus and loss factor when compared to the case of transverse alignment or random dispersion.

Dynamic Deformation Behavior of Metal Matrix Composites Under Impact Loading (충격하중을 받는 금속복합재료의 동적변형거동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Saeng;Lee, Hyeon-Chul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.7 s.94
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    • pp.1772-1782
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    • 1993
  • The characteristics of metal matrix composite under dynamic tension at high strain rates up to the order of $10^3/sec$ is studied by using newly developed apparatus. The composite material processed in this research is aluminum-alumina metal matrix composites, arid fabricated by compocasting with the fiber volume fraction from 5 to 20%. The whisker and matrix material used in this paper were ${\delta}-Al_2O_3$ and Al-6061, respectively. The mechanical tests performed in this research are low and high strain rate tensile test. At low strain-rate tensile test, the modulus of elasticity and the ultimate tensile strength of the composites were improved about 77 pct. and 55 pct., respectively comparing with the unreinforced materials. At strain-rate from $10^{-3}\;to\;10^3/s$, the effect of strain-rate on the modulus, ultimate strength, flow stress is determined. Also the effect of strain rate on the modulus, ultimate tensile strength, flow stress and elongation to failures were investigated.

Study on the Dynamic Response Characteristics of Impact Force Sensors Based on the Strain Gage Measurement Principle (변형률 게이지 측정원리를 이용한 충격하중 측정 센서의 동적응답 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jung-Lyang;Kim, Seung-Kon;Sung, Nak-Hoon;Song, Young-Soo;Cho, Sang-Ho
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2011
  • In order to estimate blast damage zone and control rock fragmentation in blasting, it is important to obtain information regarding blast hole pressure. In this study, drop impact tests of acrylic, aluminium, steel sensors were performed to investigate the dynamic response characterizations of the sensors through the strain signals. As a result, the strain signals obtained from the steel sensors showed less sensitivity to impact force level and experienced small changes with various length of the sensors. The steel sensors were applied to measure the impact force of an electric detonator.

Damage assessment based on static and dynamic responses applied to foundation beams

  • Orbanich, Claudio J.;Ortega, Nestor F.;Robles, Sandra I.;Rosales, Marta B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.5
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    • pp.585-595
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    • 2019
  • Foundations are a vital part of structures. Over time, the foundations can deteriorate due to unforeseen overloads and/or settlements, resulting in the appearance of cracks in the concrete. These cracks produce changes in the static and dynamic behavior of the affected foundation, which alter its load carrying capacity. In this work, non-destructive techniques of relative simplicity of application are presented for the detection, location, and quantification of damage, using numerical models, solved with the finite element method and Power Series. For this, two types of parameters are used: static (displacement and elastic curvature) and dynamics (natural frequencies). In the static analysis, the damage detection is done by means of a finite elements model representing a beam supported on an elastic foundation with a discrete crack that varies in length and location. With regard to dynamic analysis, the governing equations of the model are presented and a method based on Power Series is used to obtain the solution for a data set, which could be the Winkler coefficient, the location of the crack or the frequency. In order to validate the proposed methodologies, these techniques are applied to data obtained from laboratory tests.

Preparation and Characterization of Shock Energy Absorber Lanyard used Super Fibers (슈퍼 섬유를 이용한 Shock Energy Absorber Lanyard의 제조 및 특성분석)

  • Cho, Jin Won;Kwon, Sang Jun;Choe, Jong Deok;Kim, Sang Tae;Ji, Byung Chul;Yeum, Jeong Hyun
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2014
  • Fall-arrest system have been widely applied to provide a safe stop during fall incidents for occupational activities. This research object to evaluate the energy capacity of fall arrest shock energy absorber lanyard in relation to the used super fiber. In this work, shock energy absorber lanyard was prepared using high tenacity PET, high tenacity PET/P-aramid and high tenacity PET/UHMWPE, respectively. Dynamic load and static load tests based on the Korea fall protection equipment standard(Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency standard 2013-13) were conducted. Maximum arrest force by dynamic load test of shock energy absorber showed below 6,000N. Also, static strength by static load test of lanyard and rope remains 15,000N and 22,000N for 1 min.