• 제목/요약/키워드: drainage outlet management

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.022초

임도 횡단배수구의 유출구 피해 예측에 관한 연구 (A Study on Outlet Damage Prediction of Pipe Culverts in Forest Road)

  • 김명환;황진성;유영민;차두송
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제107권3호
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 강원대학교 학술림 임도를 대상으로 횡단배수구의 유출구 피해 유무에 영향을 미치고 있는 총 10개 인자를 조사하여 피해특성을 파악하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 임도횡단배수구 피해유무에 영향을 미치지 않은 인자는 배수구의 종단위치, 횡단위치, 토질 및 관암거 높이이며, 피해영향에 관련된 인자는 유출구 위치, 도수로 유무, 관암거 직경, 관암거 경사, 집수정 크기 등의 순으로 영향을 미치고 있다. 또한 이들 인자를 이용하여 임도횡단배수구 유출구 피해유무 예측을 위한 판별함수식을 도출하였으며, 판별적중률은 68.8%로 산출되었다.

논 지구의 배수로 부정류 흐름 모의를 위한 모델링 시스템 (Modeling System for Unsteady Flow Simulations in Drainage Channel Networks of Paddy Field Districts)

  • 강민구
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제56권2호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • A modeling system is constructed by integrating an one-dimensional unsteady flow simulation model and a hydrologic model to simulate flood flows in drainage channel networks of paddy field districts. The modeling system's applicability is validated by simulating flood discharges from a paddy field district, which consists of nine paddy fields and one drainage channel. The simulation results are in good agreement with the observed. Particularly, in the verification stage, the relative errors of peak flows and peak depths between the observed and simulated hydrographs range 8.96 to 10.26 % and -10.26 to 2.97 %, respectively. The modeling system's capability is compared with that of a water balance equation-based model; it is revealed that the modeling system's accuracy is superior to the other model. In addition, the simulations of flood discharges from large-sized paddy fields through drainage channels show that the flood discharge patterns are affected by drainage outlet management for paddy fields and physical characteristics of the drainage channels. Finally, it is concluded that to efficiently design drainage channel networks, it is necessary to analyze the results from simulating flood discharges of the drainage channel networks according to their physical characteristics and connectivities.

논 물꼬관리 기법 적용에 따른 원단위 삭감부하량 산정식 평가 (Assessing the Unit Load Reduction Equation of Drainage Outlet Raising Management in Paddy Fields)

  • 김동현;오흥근;장태일;함종화
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제65권2호
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • The DOR (Drainage outlet raising) in the paddy field has been suggested as one of the most important best management practices for the TMDL (Total maximum daily load) management in the technical guidelines by the NIER (National institute of environmental research). However, this method is underestimated and is not well adopted by local governments for the TMDL. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the unit load reduction equation according to the application of DOR in order to expand this equation. The original equation in the guideline was derived using the HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) model for 1 year in Changnyeong. We analyzed the reduction effect of the original equation application by collecting additional long-term monitoring data from the Buan, Icheon, Iksan, and Jeonju. When comparing the reduction loads between the original equation and monitoring results, the evaluation results of the original equation were 11% of the monitoring analysis results, which was underestimated. This means that the original equation needs to be improved. For assessing the equation, the HSPF Paddy-RCH model was established according to the NI ER guideline and evaluated for applicability. The performance results of the model showed a reasonable range by the statistical criteria. Modified equations 1 and 2 were proposed based on the monitoring and modeling results. Modified equation 1 was the method of modifying the original equation's main factors, and modified equation 2 was the method of applying the non-point pollution reduction efficiency according to the rainfall class using the long-term modeling results. At the level of 58.6~64.6% of monitoring data, the difference between them could be further reduced compared to the original equation. The suggested approach will be more reasonable and practicable for decision-makers and will contribute to the TMDL management plans.

지하수 관개지역 논에서의 배출부하 특성 (Characteristics of Pollutant Loading from Paddy Field Area with Groundwater Irrigation)

  • 윤춘경;김병희;전지홍;황하선
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.116-126
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    • 2002
  • Discharge pattern and water quality were investigated in the drainage water from about 10 ha of groundwater-irrigated paddy field in the growing season of 2001. Total discharge quantity was about 1,117.2 mm in which about 75% was caused by management drainage due to cultural practice of paddy rice farming and the rest by rainfall runoff where total rainfall was about 515 mm. Dry-day sampling data showed wide variations in constituent concentrations with average of 26.14 mg/L, 0.37 mg/L, 3.54 mg/L at the inlet, and 43.60 mg/L, 0.34 mg/L, 3.58 mg/L at the outlet for CO $D_{cr}$ , T-P, and T-N, respectively. Wet-day sampling data demonstrated that generally CO $D_{cr}$ followed the discharge pattern and T-P was in opposite to the discharge pattern, but T-N did not show apparent pattern to the discharge. Discharge and load are in strong relationship. And based on regression equation, pollutant loads from groundwater irrigation area are estimated to be 288.34, 1.17, and 5.45 kg/ha for CO $D_{cr}$ , T-P, and T-N, respectively, which was relatively lower than the literature value from surface water irrigation area which implies that groundwater irrigation area might use less irrigation water and result in less drainage water, Therefore, total pollutant load from paddies irrigation with groundwater could be significantly lower than that with surface water. This study shows that agricultural drainage water management needs a good care of drainage outlet as well as rainfall runoff. This study was based on limited monitoring data of one year, and further monitoring and successive analysis are recommended for more generalized conclusion.

우수유출저감 시설의 최적위치 결정 (Optimal Location of Best Management Practices for Storm Water Runoff Reduction)

  • 장수형;이지호;유철상;한수희;김상단
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.180-184
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    • 2008
  • A distributed hydrologic model of an urban drainage area on Bugok drainage area in Oncheon stream was developed and combined with a optimization method to determine the optimal location and number of best management practices (BMPs) for storm water runoff reduction. This model is based on the SCS-CN method and integrated with a distributed hydrologic network model of the drainage area using system of 4,211 hydrologic response units (HRUs). Optimal location is found by locating HRU combination that leads to a maximum reduction in peak flow at the drainage outlet in this model. The results of this study indicate the optimal locations and numbers of BMPs, however, for more exact application of this model, project cost and SCS-CN reduction rate of structural facilities such infiltration trench and pervious pavement will have to be considered.

ROADMOD를 이용한 도로청소 및 모래여과시설에 의한 고속도로에서의 강우시 TSS 저감효과 분석 (Removal Efficiency of TSS Loadings from Expressway by Road Sweeping and Sand Filter Facility Using ROADMOD)

  • 강희만;전지홍
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the removal efficiency of road sweeping and sand filter facility for removing total suspended solid (TSS) as nonpoint source pollution from expressway was evaluated for the last 10 years (2012~2021) using ROADMOD. ROADMOD is a screening level model and was calibrated for runoff rate and TSS loading both at the inlet, which is the loading from the drainage area, and the outlet, from the sand filter facility. The drainage area is 715 m2 and the dimensions of sand filter facility are 1.5 m (wide) × 3.8 m (length) × 1.5 m (depth). The monitoring period for model calibration was the rainfall event during Aug. 31~Sep. 1, 2021 and the amount of rainfall was 74.5 mm. As a result of calibration, the determination coefficients (R2) of the flow rate were 0.66 and 0.86, for the inlet and outlet, respectively, and those of TSS loading were 0.50 and 0.84, for the inlet and outlet, respectively. Considering that ROADMOD is a screening level model, the calibration results were reasonable to evaluate the best management practices (BMPs) on the expressway. Using ROADMOD simulation results for 2012~2021, the average yearly runoff rate from the expressway was 82% and removal efficiency was 9% for road sweeping, 35% for sand filter facility, and 39% for both road sweeping and sand filter facility.

논의 수질정화 기능 분석 (Analysis of the Function of the Paddy-field in Purifying Water Quality)

  • 김현수;김영일;김진수
    • 한국농공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농공학회 2003년도 학술발표논문집
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    • pp.599-602
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the function of the paddy-field in purifying water quality. This study was carried out is based on the data in the six case studies. To improve purification function of paddy field, the following farming management is required. 1) A guideline to control the inlet and outlet of the paddy plot is need to minimize drainage water by means of a reasonable irrigation management. 2) A guideline for fertilizer application in consideration of loading nutrients dissolved in irrigation water. 3) The reuse system of agricultural drainage water is required to minimize impacts on water quality of surface water(reservoir and river).

  • PDF

유동해석을 통한 배수지형태에 따른 배수효율분석 (Analysis of Drainage Efficiency of Different Type of Drainage using Computational Fluid Dynamic Method)

  • 조중연;고선호;김홍건
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2017
  • Large amounts of household water are required as common households change from the single-residence types of the past to group-residence types. Therefore, the management of reservoirs is urgently required to ensure the supply of clean household water to users. Important considerations for household water include the duration for which the water is stored in the reservoir, the disinfectant's dilution capacity, and the size of the reservoir to allow for the amount of water required for emergencies and firefighting. The drainage efficiency was analyzed in this study using computational fluid analysis for existing rectangular reservoirs and the newly proposed hexagonal reservoir. Thus, it was determined that the centrifugal force generated at the inlet was maintained until the outlet due to the approximately circular shape of the hexagonal reservoir. The findings of this study verified that the centrifugal force improved the flow rate by approximately 35% compared to existing rectangular reservoirs and that drainage was performed efficiently without stagnation zone.

방사성옥소 사용 시 배수 중 방사능농도 분석 (The Analysis of radioactivity Concentration in drainage when using a radioactive Iodine)

  • 이경재;설진형;박영재;이인원
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2018
  • 국내 의료기관의 방사성옥소(I-131) 사용과 관련하여 배수 중 방사능농도가 원자력안전법의 허용치를 초과한 사례가 발견되어, 원인 분석 및 배수 중 방사능농도 분석을 통해 주변 환경 공공수역에 대한 관계를 평가하여 유용성에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 2014년 11월 1일부터 2015년 4월 30일까지 6개월에 걸쳐 국내 20개 병원을 대상으로 하였다. 장비는 HpGe 감마선 분광 측정기(Canberra DSA1000)를 사용하였으며, 분석방법으로는 GENIE-2000 Analysis을 이용하여 방사성옥소의 배수 중 방사능농도를 측정하여 비교 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 7개 기관이 I-131 배수 중 배출관리 기준을 초과하였음을 확인하였으며, 20개 병원의 평균 배수 중 방사능 농도는 $4.21E+4 Bq/m^3$로 나타났다. 방사능농도가 높은 병원의 특징으로는 I-131을 이용한 다수의 외래환자 진료 건수, 외래전용 화장실의 부재로 확인되었다. I-131 whole body scan 전 반드시 소변을 보게 하는 과정에서 체내에 잔류한 I-131이 배출되는 것으로 판단된다. 공공수역 내 배수 중 방사능 농도가 초과 검출되는 원인으로는 진료용 방사성옥소라 판단되며, 저용량 투여환자 외래전용 화장실 설치와 안전관리 지침서 제공 및 교육 강화의 중요성을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 배수 중 배출관리기준과 관련하여 법적, 제도적 관리 체계 구축이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

고분자 전해질 연료전지 구동 조건에 따른 MEA 열화 및 배출수 특성 (Degradation of MEA and Characteristics of Outlet Water According to Operation Condition in PEMFC)

  • 황병찬;이세훈;나일채;박권필
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.478-482
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    • 2017
  • 고분자 전해질 연료전지의 구동과정 중 습도제어는 매우 중요한 제어 조건이다. 물 관리 측면에서는 저가습 조건이 유리하고, 배출수 활용 및 에너지 효율면에서는 고가습이 유리하다. 본 연구에서는 배출수 활용면에서 저가습과 고가습 구동 과정에서 배출수의 특성에 대해서 연구하였다. 배출수의 불순물은 막과 전극의 열화 과정에서 발생하는 것이므로 저가습과 고가습 조건에서 막전극합체(MEA)열화에 대해서도 연구하였다. 연료극 0% RH의 저가습 조건에서 라디칼 발생속도가 커 고분자 막 열화의 주요 원인임을 보였다. 양쪽 극 모두 고가습(RH 100%) 0.6 V에서 불소 이온 농도 약 20 ppb로 낮은 농도를 나타내서, 수전해 원료수로 사용하기에 충분하였다. 고가습 조건에서 배출한 응축수에서 0.2 ppb 이하의 매우 낮은 농도의 백금이 검출되었다.