• 제목/요약/키워드: disease pattern

검색결과 1,492건 처리시간 0.03초

조각대황탕(皂角大黃湯) 적용 병증의 형성과 처방구성의 변천에 관한 고찰 (The Study on the Formation of Pathology to which Jogakdaehwang-tang is Applicable and the Change of its Composition)

  • 김지환
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2017
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to understand the formation of Jogakdaehwang-tang(JD-T)'s patholoy and the compositional change of it in Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM). Methods The pathologic condition in which JD-T was used and the change of its composition was studied in SCM Results and Conclusions 1. Jogak and Daehwang in "Dongmuyoogo Haedong" were presented with Ungdam because of the common purpose flowing the energy of lung. Therapeutic method for exogenous Ungibyeong in "Dongyisusebowon sangchobongwon" was subdivided into Hangwul's treated by Ungdam, and the heat pattern featuring contagious cold and constipation, treated by Jogakhwanggeumdaehwang-tang(JHD-T). 2. JD-T in "Dongyisusebowon Gabogubon" was used for Yangdok and Onbyeong which are exogenous disease causing by heat. The composition of JD-T has been completed as it included Mahwang, Gilgyeong, and Seungma derived from prescriptions relevant with Yangdok. 3. JD-T in "Dongyisusebowon Sinchukbon(Sinchukbon)" was included in pathology of Ganyeol, and it substituted Galgeunhaegi-tang(GH-T) for Onbyeong, not for Yangdok, so Galgeun and Seungma became the main drug in JD-T. Galgeunseung-gitang(GS-T) was created for treating heat pattern owing to Daehwang, its main drug, and moreover Jogak's effect is too strong. Therefore, Mahwang, Hwanggeum and Gilgyeong was excluded from the composition of JD-T. 4. The origins of JD-T could be Yiseonggugo-hwan, Daesiho-tang, Jowiseungchung-tang, Heukno-hwan, and GH-T. The change of JD-T went for them throughout JHD-T to JD-T. JD-T in "Sinchukbon" consists of Galgeun and Daehwang which directly gets rid of severe heat from small intestine, and Jogak and Seungma which help to eliminate mild heat existing from small intestine throughout nose to flesh.

세계 각국의 식품소비구조, 영양소 섭취수준 및 영양문제의 변화 양상에 관한 비교 연구 (Comparative Study on Food Habit Patterns and Nutrient Intakes Among Worldwide Nations)

  • 문수재;양일선;이민준;차진아
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 1991
  • The purposes of this study were to: (a) identify the changes in food patterns for last 20 years; (b) analyze the factors affecting on the changes in food patterns; (c) investigate the impact of changes in food patterns on nutritional composition of the diet and diet-related health problems. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to 30 country members of the International Federation for Home Economics(IFHE) regional representatives. The response rate was 60%; simple descriptive and content analyses indicated that the significant differences of food consumption pattern were existed between western and eastern countries. Traditional food consumption patterns were maintained even though each countries' food consumption patterns have been dramatically changed due to the development of food technology and industrialization. The factors most frequently affecting on the changes in food patterns were nutrition and heallth-related educations. The food pattern changes have considerable effect on the nutritional composition of the diet among countries. The major diet-related health problems with nutrient deficiency were reported by underdeveloped countries such as India. In contrast to the above, in the developed countries, the adult disease related to the nutrition have been increased, while the developing countries such as Korea have the problems with nutrient deficiency and adult diseases simultaneously.

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대장암에서 7, 20번 염색체의 Amplification (Amplification on 7th and 20th Chromosome from Colorectal Carcinoma)

  • 이재식;김수정
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2008
  • Colorectal carcinoma from various cancers is fourth ranked occurred to Korean. Due to western dietary life, this cancer has been increased continuously. Therefore, the further study will be needed to find a candidate gene involved in the development and progression of colorectal carcinoma as well as to diagnose and treatment helpfully. The purpose of this study was designed to find a carcinogenesis gene using microsatellite marker on chromosomes 7th and 20th from 30 colon cancer patients. The amplification was investigated in order of D20S97 57% (17/30), D20S101 57% (17/30), D20S119 53% (16/30), D7S483 50% (15/30), D7S495 47% (14/30), D7S498 47% (14/30). The genetic mutation pattern depends on loci of colorectal carcinoma was shown highly amplified with 3.77 from colon cancer than with 2.08 from right colorectal carcinoma (P<0.018). The genetic mutation with lymph nodes was investigated higher with 4.13 at metastasized group than with 1.93 at non-metastasized group (P<0.001). There was no difference at comparison between histological classfication and serological CEA increase as well as on genetic mutated pattern depends on disease stage. It is suggested that the amplification on chromosomes 7q and 20q determines a pivotal role from first stage to metastasis cancer and also functions as an useful marker on diagnosis and treatment of colorectal carcinoma patients as well as follow-up checkup. Recently, the diagnosis and study using genetic analyzer are necessary for efficient application. Fortunately, several university hospitals run this genetic analyzer currently so it is expected that this method makes full use of clinical application.

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Clinico-Epidemiological Patterns of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Attending the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka

  • Galgamuwa, Lahiru Sandaruwan;Sumanasena, Buthsiri;Iddawela, Devika;Yatawara, Lalani;Wickramasinghe, Susiji
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by Leishmania donovani is an endemic vector-borne disease in Sri Lanka. Over 2,500 cases have been reported since 2000 and the number of CL cases has dramatically increased annually. Total 57 clinically suspected CL patients attending the dermatology clinic in Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital were recruited from January to June 2015. Slit skin smears and skin biopsies were taken from each of the subjects. Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained using interviewer administered questionnaire. Forty-three (75.4%) patients among 57 were confirmed positive for L. donovani. The majority (77%) of infected patients was males, and the most affected age group was 21-40 years. Soldiers in security forces, farmers, and housewives were identified as high risk groups. The presence of scrub jungles around the residence or places of occupation (P=0.003), the presence of sandflies (P=0.021), and working outsides more than 6 hr per day (P=0.001) were significantly associated with CL. The number of lesions ranged from 1-3, and the majority (76%) of the patients had a single lesion. Upper and lower extremities were the prominent places of lesions, while the wet type of lesions were more prevalent in females (P=0.022). A nodular-ulcerative type lesion was common in both sexes. The presence of sandflies, scrub jungles, and outdoor activities contributed to spread of Leishmania parasites in an endemic pattern. Implementation of vector control programs together with health education with regard to transmission and prevention of CL are necessary to control the spread of this infection.

시설원예 작물의 생리장해 유발 토양요인구명 -I. 토마토, 배추, 무우 (Investigation of soil factors on physiological disorder of vegetable crops in vinyl house -(I). Tomato, Chinese cabbage and summer radish)

  • 최병주;이종호;박훈
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 1990
  • 예산읍내의 중요시설채소재배지 세부락을 중심으로 작부양식, 시비방법, 토양화학성, 작물의 영양상태와 생육상황을 조사하였다. 토마토의 시듦병 은 토양의 높은 EC와 질소함량 그리고 뿌리흑선충과 밀접하게 관련된것 같다. 칼슘결핍은 토양의 높은 K와 EC 그리고 토마토의 높은 철흡수에 기인하는것 같다. 여름배추는 80%의 생육억제를 보였는데 높은 EC(1.8mmho/cm) 때문이며 근류병(무사마귀명)을 보였는데 토양의 높은 인산함량(1,055 ppm) 때문인것 같다. 열무는 50%의 생육저하를 보였는데 높은 EC(1.6 mmho/cm), K 및 Mg 그리고 염기의 불균형때문으로 보인다. 다섯가지의 복합비료가 기비로 사용되고 질소칼리의 한가지 복비는 염화킬리 및 뇨소와 같이 추비로 사용하였다. 가축분의 다량사용과 매 적부시의 화학비료 다량 사용은 심토까지 과부화를 시켰다.

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Adult Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patients: Experience from a Tertiary Care Cancer Centre in North East India

  • Hazarika, Munlima;Iqbal, Asif;Krishnatreya, Manigreeva;Sharma, Jagannath Dev;Bhuyan, Chidananda;Saikia, Bhargab Jyoti;Roy, Partha Sarathi;Das, Rashmi;Nandy, Pintu;Kataki, Amal Chandra
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권7호
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    • pp.2879-2881
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    • 2015
  • There is paucity of data on non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) from our population in North-East India. In this retrospective study, patients were consecutively followed-up to see the clinic-pathological pattern of NHL, various responses, and pattern of relapses to first line treatment with chemotherapy. All patients in the present study received standard regimen of cyclophosphamde, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisolone (CHOP) with or without rituximab (R-CHOP) as per our institutional protocol as first line therapy. Our study has shown that, in our adult population, the majority of NHL cases present with stage II and stage III disease and extra nodal involvement, B-cell lymphomas and diffuse large cell lymphomas being the most common subtypes. International prognostic index was a significant factor for varied responses to treatment. The majority of relapses after complete remission occurred in the first year.


  • 이병석;김종철
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.645-660
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    • 1993
  • In this study, effects of incision of retrodiscal tissue and unilateral occlusal reduction on temporomandibular joint of rabbit were investigated. Twenty-seven adult New Zealand White Rabbits, weighing over 3.5kg, were utilized in this study. Temporomandibular joint surgery was performed in left temporomandibular joint of 24 rabbits to displace disc anteriorly through incising the retrodiscal tissue 1-2mm posterior to the disc. They were divided into two groups : twelve were left untreated after surgery, occlusal reduction was performed on left posterior teeth every 2 weeks in the other twelve rabbits, The remaining three served as the control group. The sample were sacrificed by 8, 12, and 16 weeks after surgery. Histologic examinations were performed after sacrificing them. The results were as follows : 1. Histologic findings which were manifested by flat articular fossa, broad articular surface, generalized recession of articular cartilage and sclerosis of subchondral bone were observed. These findings were similar to internal derangement. 2. In the rabbits untreated after surgery, thin cartilagenous layer and necrotic tissue were observed in 8 weeks group, calcifying cartilagenous layer was observed in 12 weeks group, and cartilagenous layer on anterior portion was observed in 16 weeks group. So, it showed gradual healing pattern into the normal tissue except displaced disc. 3. Occlusal trauma after surgery resulted in generalized recession of upper and lower articular surface. Necrosis and vertical split on condylar process of mandible were observed in 8 weeks group. Osteoclasts, exposure of subchondral bone due to erosion on upper and lower articular surface, and degenerative changes on retrodiscal tissue were observed in 16 weeks group. So, it showed continuous prowess pattern of osteoarthrosis.

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위 이형성 상피 병변의 클론성에 대한 분자병리학적 연구 (Clonality Assay of Dysplastic Epithelial Lesions of the Stomach)

  • 최호수;김미숙;박재우;박창수;김영진;정상우
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: Dysplasia or flat adenoma of the stomach is regarded as a precancerous lesion. However, the frequency and the evolutionary process of malignant transformation of gastric dysplasia are still debated. In order to see whether the lesion was a monoclonal or a polyclonal proliferation, clonality was assayed by X-linked HUMARA polymorphism. Materials and Methods: DNA was extracted from the paraffin-embedded tissue of 16 consecutive cases of endoscopic biopsy, eight of which supplied both dysplastic and nondysplastic tissue for comparison. HUMARA was amplified by PCR with or without pretreatment with methylationsensitive restriction enzyme, HpaII. The amplification products were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gel and silver-stained. Results: Among the 16 cases, 13 cases were informative and 3 cases noninformative. Of the 13 cases, one case showed skewed lyonization, rendering 12 cases to be analyzed further. A monoclonal band pattern was noted in 2 cases, and a polyclonal band pattern in 10 cases. A review of the histopathologies of the monoclonal and the polyclonal cases did not reveal features discriminating the two groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that gastric dysplasia is a disease entity heterogeneous in the genetic level, and many cases may be non-neoplastic.

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Levels of Depression and Anxiety Post-Mastectomy in Breast Cancer Patients at a Public Sector Hospital in Karachi

  • Khan, Sara;Khan, Naveed Ali;Rehman, Ata Ur;Khan, Iqra;Samo, Khursheed A;Memon, Amjad Siraj
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.1337-1340
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    • 2016
  • Background: There is a noticeable change in the approach with which women nowadays seek help for diseases like breast cancer, primarily due to awareness campaigns, but what happens after surgical procedures is of great significance too. This study focused on the several psychological connotations attached to mastectomy and how the patients cope. Objective: To understand the pattern of anxiety and level of depression among Pakistani patients undergoing mastectomy. Materials and Methods: The sample size consisted of 88 patients who had undergone mastectomy at the different surgical units of the Civil Hospital, Karachi, from January 2012-December 2014; The questionnaire was administered before they were discharged i.e. within 3 days of surgical procedures. The patients were asked if they were willing to participate in this study, those who agreed signed the consent form and then we preceded by asking questions with a standardized tool. A self made questionnaire was constructed keeping in mind the nature and specification of the disease, which consisted of 20 questions related to anxiety and depression, focusing on a mixture of psychological and physiological symptoms. Results: There were a total of 88 patients out of which 36 (41%) were aged 51 to 60 years, 24 (27.2%) of the patients were in the age category of 41 to 50 years, 17 aged 61 and above (19.3%) and only 11 (12.5%) 30-40 years of age, the youngest of all the age categories. The pattern of depression and anxiety was found to be similar among all age categories, severe depression and anxiety predominating over moderate level of such symptoms, with only relatively few patients sufering mild or no depression symptoms. Conclusions: It was concluded that going through mastectomy leads to moderate to severe levels of depression and anxiety, primarily because the females feel incomplete and insecure after losing a part of themselves.

신석회화와 소뇌 충부의 무형성을 동반한 Joubert 증후군 1례 (A Case of Joubert Syndrome Associated with Nephrocalcinosis and Agenesis of Cerebellar Vermis)

  • 김지희;신혜경;홍영숙;이주원;김순겸;유기환
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2002
  • Joubert 증후군은 소뇌 충부 무형성을 특징으로 하며 근 긴장 저하, 불규칙적인 호흡, 발달 지연, 안진, 망막 이형성, 낭종성 신질환, 간 섬유증, 다지증 등이 동반되는 증후군이다. 이 질환에서는 소뇌 충부의 병변과 신장의 병변이 무작위적으로 함께 나타나기도 하는데, 저자들은 소뇌 충부 무형성, 근 긴장저하, 안진, 무호흡 등이 있어 Joubert 증후군으로 진단받은 환아가 신장 수질 석회화 병변과 만성 신부전으로 진행한 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

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