• Title/Summary/Keyword: digital photography method

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Methods of Subjective Image Quality Evaluation in Pictorial Images (사진의 주관적 화질 평가 방법; 요인 분석을 통한 평가 항목 선정을 중심으로)

  • Noh, Yeon-Sook;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.186-197
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    • 2010
  • Recent changes show that the goals of reproduction devices have changed from accurately reproducing scenes to improving user preference. It implies that the directions in developing cameras, the most common reproduction devices, are moving from performance-centered to quality-centered, from developers to users. Accepting such changes demand new standards in evaluating reproduction devices. This paper suggests a new method to evaluate the quality of images, based on cognitive properties of users. The quality of an image is a result oriented from the interaction of various attributes, therefore some functional tests are not enough to evaluate total quality of an image. In this respect, an evaluation model which integrates various physical attributes of an image is needed, that enables a third observer to subjectively evaluate the total quality of an image. In this paper, the experiment was carried out to 127 subjects, with the 84 test stimuli and 11 evaluation factors, followed by an factor analysis. The evaluation factors to assess the quality of images in this paper includes the results by cognitions of users and the properties of reproduction, the factors not only evaluate the quality but suggest how to improve them.

Static and Dynamic Fracture Analysis for the Interface Crack of Isotropic-Orthotropic Bimaterial

  • Lee, Kwang-Ho;Arun Shukla;Venkitanarayanan Parameswaran;Vijaya Chalivendra;Hawong, Jae-Sug
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2002
  • In the present study, interfacial cracks between an isotropic and orthotropic material, subjected to static far field tensile loading are analyzed using the technique of photoelasticity. The fracture parameters are extracted from the full-field isochromatic data and the same are compared with that obtained using boundary collocation method. Dynamic photoelasticity combined with high-speed digital photography is employed for capturing the isochromatics in the case of propagating interfacial cracks. The normalized stress intensity factors for static cracks are greate. when ${\alpha}$: 90$^{\circ}$(fibers perpendicular to the interface) than when ${\alpha}$=0$^{\circ}$(fibers parallel to the interface), and those when ${\alpha}$=90$^{\circ}$are similar to ones of isotropic material. The dynamic stress intensity factors for interfacial propagating cracks are greater when ${\alpha}$=0$^{\circ}$ than ${\alpha}$=90$^{\circ}$. For the velocity ranges (0.1 < C/C$\sub$s1/<0.7) observed in this study, the complex dynamic stress intensity factor │K$\sub$D/│increases with crack speed c, however, the rate of increase of │K$\sub$D/│with crack speed is not as drastic as that reported for homogeneous materials.

Landscape Information Acquisition and Visualization Technique for Rural Landscape Planning (농촌마을 경관계획을 위한 경관자료의 수집과 가시화기법)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Cho, Tong-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • This study aimed at establishing the multi-ranged approach on data acquisition technique for rural landscape planning, which tried categorization, grading and transferring of landscape elements in the more detailed level. For the systematic management of database for the topographic informations in the village level, a kind of the aerial photographing techniques with UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) was used and its resultant data for the landscape simulation of the rural village, which in turn helped the convenient approach to understanding of its comprehensive spatial structure. The image data from aerial photography was systematically processed through; First, after revision of the distorted one, the image map was adjusted with the topographical and cadastral maps. Second, the farm houses and buildings, and other facilities difficult to find out in the topographical map was digitally read from the adjusted image. The topographical landscape view of rural village was simulated on the base of DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and the 3-dimensional shapes of farm houses and buildings were automatically modelled using the input system developed by the author. In conclusion, the aerial image information adjusted with the edited maps could give more intuitive and detailed villagescape than the ordinary one and through landscape simulation of the rural village, its topography, features of houses/buildings and spatial distribution of land uses were effectively reproduced. And, by the linkage between field survey and photographed/simulated results of the typical landscape elements using hyper-link method, it would be expected to develop as an effective visualization technique of rural landscape.

Color assessment of resin composite by using cellphone images compared with a spectrophotometer

  • Rafaella Mariana Fontes de Braganca;Rafael Ratto Moraes ;Andre Luis Faria-e-Silva
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.23.1-23.11
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study assessed the reliability of digital color measurements using images of resin composite specimens captured with a cellphone. Materials and Methods: The reference color of cylindrical specimens built-up with the use of resin composite (shades A1, A2, A3, and A4) was measured with a portable spectrophotometer (CIELab). Images of the specimens were obtained individually or pairwise (compared shades in the same photograph) under standardized parameters. The color of the specimens was measured in the images using RGB system and converted to CIELab system using image processing software. Whiteness index (WID) and color differences (ΔE00) were calculated for each color measurement method. For the cellphone, the ΔE00 was calculated between the pairs of shades in separate images and in the same image. Data were analyzed using 2-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (α = 0.05). Linear regression models were used to predict the reference ΔE00 values of those calculated using color measured in the images. Results: Images captured with the cellphone resulted in different WID values from the spectrophotometer only for shades A3 and A4. No difference to the reference ΔE00 was observed when individual images were used. In general, a similar ranking of ΔE00 among resin composite shades was observed for all methods. Stronger correlation coefficients with the reference ΔE00 were observed using individual than pairwise images. Conclusions: This study showed that the use of cellphone images to measure the color difference seems to be a feasible alternative providing outcomes similar to those obtained with the spectrophotometer.

Augmented Reality Based Tangible Interface For Digital Lighting of CAID System (CAID 시스템의 디지털 라이팅을 위한 증강 현실 기반의 실체적 인터페이스에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jung-Ah;Nam, Tek-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2007
  • With the development of digital technologies, CAID became an essential part in the industrial design process. Creating photo-realistic images from a virtual scene with 3D models is one of the specialized task for CAID users. This task requires a complex interface of setting the positions and the parameters of camera and lights for optimal rendering results. However, the user interface of existing CAID tools are not simple for designers because the task is mostly accomplished in a parameter setting dialogue window. This research address this interface issues, in particular the issues related to lighting, by developing and evaluating TLS(Tangible Lighting Studio) that uses Augmented Reality and Tangible User Interface. The interface of positioning objects and setting parameters become tangible and distributed in the workspace to support more intuitive rendering task. TLS consists of markers, and physical controller, and a see-through HMD(Head Mounted Display). The user can directly control the lighting parameters in the AR workspace. In the evaluation experiment, TLS provide higher effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction compared to existing GUI(Graphic User Interface) method. It is expected that the application of TLS can be expanded to photography education and architecture simulation.

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Effects and Limitations of Separating Overlapped Fingerprints Using Fast Fourier Transform (고속 푸리에 변환(fast Fourier transform, FFT)을 이용한 겹친지문 분리의 효과와 한계)

  • Kim, Chaewon;Kim, Chaelin;Lee, Hanna;Yu, Jeseol;Jang, Yunsik
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.377-400
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    • 2019
  • Photography is the most commonly used method of documenting the crime and incident scene as it helps maintaining chain of custody (COC) and prove integrity of the physical evidence. It can also capture phenomena as they are. However, digital images can be manipulated and lose their authenticity as admissible evidence. Thus only limited techniques can be used to enhance images, and one of them is Fourier transform. Fourier transform refers to transformation of images into frequency signals. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used in this study. In this experiment, we overlapped fingerprints with graph paper or other fingerprints and separated the fingerprints. Then we evaluated and compared quality of the separated fingerprints to the original fingerprints, and examined whether the two fingerprints can be identified as same fingerprints. In the case of the fingerprints on graph paper and general pattern-overlapping fingerprints, fingerprint ridges are enhanced. On the other hand, in case of separating complicated fingerprints such as core-to-core overlapping and delta-to-delta overlapping fingerprints, quality of fingerprints can be deteriorated. Quality of fingerprints is known to possibly bring negative effects on the credibility of examiners. The result of this study may be applicable to other areas using digital imaging enhancement technology.

A Study on Records as an Act of Artistic Creation: Focusing on Archival Art (예술창작 행위로서의 기록에 대한 고찰 아카이브 아트를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hosin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.80
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    • pp.197-232
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to understand archival art, which is spreading in the art world, and to look at records in a new way. Archival art refers to the act of creating and exhibiting art using records as a medium of expression. Archival art is attracting attention as a method of exhibition and creation of works, forming a trend in contemporary art. Archival art was born amid changes in art creation methods resulting from the rise of conceptual art, the development of media including photography and advancements in digital technology, and the influence of Foucault and Derrida's discourse on archives. The encounter between archives and art, which originated from photographic aesthetics in the 1920s, led to archival turn in contemporary art in the 1990s, thanks to the spread of conceptual art, digital technology, and postmodernism. Archival art not only subverts traditional art creation methods, but also includes criticism and deconstruction of social systems, including modern archives. Archival art rearranges and reorganizes records according to the artist's intention, and even accepts fiction rather than fact. The essence of records in archival art is not the reproduction of the past, but the expression of present needs. The way records are utilized in archival art shakes up the concept of records in archival science, calling for a new look at records as objects with not only legal and administrative value but also aesthetic value.

Investigation on Digital Terrain Model (수치지형모형(數値地形模型)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Suk Chan;Cho, Kyu Jon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 1982
  • DTM data evaluation regards accuracy and efficiency as its most important parameters, and these two elements are sensitively influenced by the sampling technique employed and its procedure. This study attempts to improve sampling techniques and evaluate the accuracy of DTM based on earth volume calculation, using aerial photography and field survey information as basic DTM data, and a regular grid and progressive sampling method for sampling process. Especially, the progressive sampling has employed different combinations of threshold and sampling criteria, that is, parameters influential on efficiency and accuracy, for the purpose of numerical tests intended to permit comparative analysis. The tests have resulted in the findings that in progressive sampling its grid density fits in well with given terrain characteristics in proportion to their variability. and that threshold and accuracy contain close mutual relations in which an increased threshold bringing more efficency but less accuracy. It follows, therefore. that a threshold, when appropriately determined, can be of very efficient use for considerably broad applications, and particularly, will play a significant role in its application to such general civil engineering as earth volume calculation.

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Hierarchical Browsing Interface for Geo-Referenced Photo Database (위치 정보를 갖는 사진집합의 계층적 탐색 인터페이스)

  • Lee, Seung-Hoon;Lee, Kang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2010
  • With the popularization of digital photography, people are now capturing and storing far more photos than ever before. However, the enormous number of photos often discourages the users to identify desired photos. In this paper, we present a novel method for fast and intuitive browsing through large collections of geo-referenced photographs. Given a set of photos, we construct a hierarchical structure of clusters such that each cluster includes a set of spatially adjacent photos and its sub-clusters divide the photo set disjointly. For each cluster, we pre-compute its convex hull and the corresponding polygon area. At run-time, this pre-computed data allows us to efficiently visualize only a fraction of the clusters that are inside the current view and have easily recognizable sizes with respect to the current zoom level. Each cluster is displayed as a single polygon representing its convex hull instead of every photo location included in the cluster. The users can quickly transfer from clusters to clusters by simply selecting any interesting clusters. Our system automatically pans and zooms the view until the currently selected cluster fits precisely into the view with a moderate size. Our user study demonstrates that these new visualization and interaction techniques can significantly improve the capability of navigating over large collections of geo-referenced photos.

Estimation of the Original Location of Haechi (Haetae) Statues in Front of Gwanghwamun Gate Using Archival Photos from Early 1900s and Newly Taken Photos by Image Analysis (1900년대 초반의 기록사진과 디지털 카메라 사진분석을 활용한 광화문 앞 해치상의 원위치 추정)

  • Oh, Hyundok;Nam, Ho Hyun;Yoo, Yeongsik;Kim, Jung Gon;Kang, Kitaek;Yoo, Woo Sik
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.491-504
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    • 2021
  • Gwanghwamun Gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace was dismantled and relocated during the Japanese colonial period, destroyed during the Korean War, reconstructed with reinforced concrete in 1968, and finally erected at its present location in 2010. A pair of Haechi statues located in front of Gwanghwamun was dismantled and relocated several times, and the statues have yet to be returned precisely to their original positions. This study assesses the historical accuracy of their current placement under the Gwanghwamun Square Restructuring Project of the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Cultural Heritage Administration based on archival photos from the early 1900s, and proposes a method to estimate the original positions of the Haechi through image analysis of contemporary photographs and recent digital camera photos. We estimated the original position of the Haechi before the Japanese colonial period by identifying the shooting location of the archival photo and reproducing contemporary photographs by calculating the angle and distance to the Haechi from the shooting location. The leftmost and rightmost Haechi were originally located about 9.6 m to the east and 7.4 m to the north and about 1.9 m to the west and 8.0 m to the north, respectively, of their current location indicators. As the first attempt to determine the original location of a building and its accessories using archival photos, this study launches a new scientific methodology for the restoration of cultural properties.