• Title/Summary/Keyword: diagnosis and treatment of oriental medicine

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A Study on the Effect of Interaction between Acupuncture at Shinmun(HT7) and Subject's Cold or Heat Tendency on Heart Rate Variability (신문혈(神門穴) 자극(刺戟)과 한열성향(寒熱性向)의 교호작용(交互作用)이 심박변이도(心博變移度)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon;Yang, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Eun-Jung;Nam, Dong-Woo;Park, Yeon-Cheol;Park, Young-Jae;Lee, Sang-Chul;Park, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Acupuncture has been widely used in oriental medicine. The aim of this research is to study how does the interaction between reinforcement-reduction by twirling nine and six and subject's cold or heat tendency effect on Heart Rate Variability. Methods : We divided our subjects into 3 groups at random and classified subjects by their cold or heat tendency using questionnaire for cold-heat patternization. Group 1 is acupuncture at shinmun(HT7) reinforcement group, 2 is acupuncture at shinmun(HT7) reduction group, 3 in acupuncture at hapkok(LI4) group. According to their group, we acupunctured. Before and after acupuncture Heart Rate Variability raw data were measured during 5 minutes. LF, HF, LF norm HF norm were calculated. We analyzed these data using 3-way repeated ANOVA, Paired student T-Test. Results : 3-way repeated ANOVA showed significant interaction among LF, each group and subject's cold heat tendency(p<0.05). Paired student T-Test showed significant differences between before and after acupuncture at shinmun(HT7) reinforcement method in cold tendency men and acupuncture at shinmun(HT7) reduction method in heat tendency men(p<0.05). Conclusion : These results suggest that acupuncture at Shinmun(HT7) has an effect on declining sympathetic nerve function and has an effect on stabilizing mind through Interaction between reinforcement-reduction by twirling nine and six and subject's cold or heat tendency. We propose that more prudent care is needed about subject's cold or heat tendency and acupuncture technique of reinforcement-reduction to achieve the most suitable treatment effect.

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A Clinical Study on Differentiation of Syndromes of Amenorrhea or Oligomenorrhea with DSOM (한방진단시스템 DSOM을 이용한 무월경 및 희발월경의 변증진단 연구)

  • Lee, In-Seon;Bae, Geung-Mee
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.189-208
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: In oriental medicine, doctors have mainly made diagnosis and treatment with amenorrhea or delayed menstrual period based on overall analysis of symptoms and signs patients have. We think patients with amenorrhea or delayed menstrual period to have symptoms that are classified into one differentiation of syndromes, and then studied to make the index. This study has been carried out to investigate pattern identifications and classify symptoms according to them. Methods: We examined 52 patients who visited Dong-eui university oriental medical center from June 2005 to February 2009 for undergoing treatment for amenorrhea or delayed menstrual period and made OB & GY questionnaires up Results: We investigated whether the patients had symptoms concerned with symptom types by analyzing the result of DSOM(Diagnos System of Oriental Medicine, hearafter DSOM). It came out 51 cases among 52 with pathogenesis that was related to the symptom types. The symptom types of were surveyed into Insufficiency of Kidney and Liver(肝腎不足), Insufficiency of Qi and Blood(氣血虛弱), Insufficiency of Yin & Dryness of blood(陰虛血燥), stagnation of Qi and Blood(氣滯血瘀), phlegm and damp(痰濕阻滯), coldness of Blood(血寒), Heat of Heart(心火). Conclusion: As a result of the investigation, one case did not have symptoms of differentiation of syndromes of amenorrhea or delayed menstrual period. 29 cases had 1 or 2 differentiation of syndromes. 21 patients had such complex symptoms of diverse differentiation of syndromes that it was difficult to diagnose a differentiation of syndromes in clinical survey. It is necessary to put the priority among the differentiation of syndromes in diagnosis in the future.

A Review on Recent Study of Electrogastrography - for Oriental Medical Application - (위전도(胃電圖) 검사(檢査)의 최근(最近) 연구(硏究) 동향(勳向)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) - 한의학적 활용을 위하여)

  • Haa, Song-Yong;Kim, Min-Yong;Park, Young-Jae;Park, Young-Bae
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2006
  • Objective : To review the method, parameters, system of electrogastrography and to study its oriental medical application. Method : We investigate the research results through internet search engines such as Pubmed, China National Knowledge Infrastructure. Conclusion : Electrogastrography is believed to be of great use to the verification of treatment effect of herbal medicine that is used in internal medicine and neuropsychiatry, along with the objectification and quantification of diagnosis of oriental medicine related to gastric peristalsis and balance of autonomic nervous system. I would therefore like to conclude that there should be continued study and active application of electrogastrography in the wide variety of oriental medicine.

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Radiological Findings and Treatment Period of Acute Low Back Pain Patients Diagnosed as Having Lumbar Sprain and Strain - with Focus on X-ray and CT Findings - (요천추부 염좌로 진단된 급성 요통 환자의 방사선학적 소견과 치료기간에 대한 임상적 고찰 - X-ray와 CT 소견 분석 -)

  • Koh, Pil-Seong;Yi, Won-Il;Joh, Byung-Jin;Kwon, Sin-Ae;Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, Min-Jung;Seo, Byung-Kwan;Woo, Hyun-Soo;Baek, Yong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Kyu;Park, Dong-Suk
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : To demonstrate the need for differential diagnosis between discogenic pain and lumbar sprain and strain in acute low-back pain patients. Methods : Outpatients who made their first visits during May 1, 2009 to Oct. 30, 2009(n=53) were examined by history taking, physical examination, X-rays, and CT imaging. Disorders found on lumbosacral spine X-ray cuts and those on lumbosacral spine CT images were separately recorded. The relationship between treatment period, disc space narrowing and disc degeneration on X-rays, and HIVD on CT images was examined. Results : 1. Correlation between disc space narrowing on X-rays and HIVD found on CT images was analyzed. 21(72.41%) out of 29 patients having disc space narrowing on X-rays and HIVD on CT at the same level required treatment for over 8 weeks. 2. 2(50%) out of 4 Lawrence classification grade I patients, 8(66.67%) out of 12 grade II patients, and 14(70%) out of 20 grade III patients needed treatment for over 8 weeks. Conclusions : Disc space narrowing on X-ray and HIVD on CT at the same level, or disc space narrowing and disc degeneration on X-ray image alone indicate a tendency for treatment periods over 8 weeks, which is longer than the conventional treatment period for lumbar strain and sprain.

The Study on the investigation of oriental medical theraphy(oriental medical theraphy by symptoms and signs and Sasang constitutional medicine)and the each effect of oriental medicine, occidental medicine and both joint control (뇌졸중(腦卒中)에 대(大)한 한방치료법(韓方治療法) 연구(硏究)(증치의학(證治醫學)과 사상의학(四象醫學)) 및 한방(韓方), 양방(洋方), 양(洋)·한방(韓方) 협진치료(協診治療) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jong-won;Kim, Young-kyun;Kim, Beob-young;Lee, In-seon;Lee, In-seon;Jang, Kyung-jeon;Gwon, Jeong-Nam;Lee, Won-oe;Song, Chang-won;Park, Dong-il
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.351-429
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    • 1998
  • The Purpose of Study 1. Inspection of clinical application on TCD to CVA 2. Objective Comparement and analysis about treatment effect of Western-Medicine, Korean Medicine, Cooperative consultation of Korean and Western medicice for CVA The Subject of Study We intended for the eighty six patient of CVA who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center from 1997. 8. I to 1998. 7. 31 1. View of CT, MRI : the patient of Cb infarction 2. Attack Time : The patient who coming hospital falling ill within the early one week The method of study 1. Treat four group of Korean medicine, Constitution medicine, Western medicine, cooperative consultation of Korean medicine and Western medicine. 2. Application of TCD Check the result for three times, immediatly after the attack, two months later, four months later 3. Comparative analysis of each treatment effect by clinical symptoms and pathologic examination 4. The Judgement of the patient The Result From 8/1/1997 to 7/31/1998, We have the following result by clinical analysis intended for CVA 86 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center from 1997. 8. 1 to 1998. 7. 31 in 1. Analysis according to Age The first stage of thirties, forties, seventies is heavier than forties, fifties in improvement and Index of improvement of symptom 2. Analysis according to sex We have no special relation in an average of symptom and improvement, Index improvement 3. Analysis according to Family History We have the better result in first stage and improvement, index improvement when no family history. 4. Analysis according to Past History We have no special relation in past history like hypertension, DM, heart problem 5. Analysis devided two group, above group and under group on the basis of the average in first stage of all patient. We have the better result when the first stage is light, that the first score of barthel index and CNS is high. 6. Analysis of the effect of treatment about Korean medical treatment, Western medical treatment, cooperative treatment. In this study, the highest group of rate of treatment at four contrast groups (Korean medicine, Constitution medicine, Western medicine, cooperative treatment according to dyagnosis and range of treatment was the patient group of doing dyagnosis and method of treatment based on constitution medicine theory. This is that of doing demostation, A-Tx, po-herb-medication according to dyagnosis and treat method of constitution of Lee Je-ma In case of left, the case of dyagnosis any disease according to doctor view but, normal in TCDwas 22-beginning of attack, 20- two weeks later, 11 case-four weeks later in case of right, 15-beginning of attack, 12-two weeks later, 9 case four weeks later. So left vessel compares to right vessel is more interference, in fact more than a 1/2 of the patients of MCA disease can't do dyagnosis. In rate of imparement, the state of pacient improved but there isn't the improved case of result in TCD. 7. In TCD dyagnosis, between the case of inconsus the doctor view specially MCA in brain blood vessel is in large numbers and in total 86's patient, impossible case of dyagnosis according to interferiance of temporal is 21 case. 7. Result study about application of Kreaan medical treatment 1) The impossible patient of observation MCA blood vescular for interference temporal bone happened in large numbers. 2) There is the case having difference result to CT,MRI, MRA result. 3) Because individual difference is large, excluding to ananalogy of symptom. This is normal numerical value that has possibility of being checked as abnormal numerical value 4) there are a lot of cases that the speed of normal part is as similarly measured as that of abnormal part. It means that we cannot judge the disease by this measure 5) It is rare that this measure represent degree of improvement in patient's condition of disease. When we observe patient's condition become better, but we have no case that the result of TCD test better. 6) The result could be appear differently by the technique of the tester or by the experience of the tester 7) In the TCD test, abnormal symptoms is checked at 0 week, but at 2th week, normal symptoms is checked, again at 4th week abnormal is checked. According to the above result, CVA diagnosis is difficult only with TCD, as it appear in diagnosis error check which is suggested in the problem connected to project, for the aged persons who have the worst hardening of part of the cranium (1998. 5. 26 77 of 83 patients is 50s) there is a lot of cases that the measurement is impossible by TCD and the correction of measurement numerical value is decreased, as the age of cerebral infarction is high, TCD is inappropriate to diagnosis equipment through this study.

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A Case of A Child with Brainstem Glioma (뇌간 신경교종(Brainstem Glioma) 환아(患兒) 경험(經驗)1예(例))

  • Chung Jae-Hwan;Lee Jin-Yong;Kim Doeg-Kon
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 1998
  • Brainstem gliomas remain an important oncologic problem in the pediatric age group. These tumors constitute between 10 and 15% of all intracranial childhood tumors and despite advanced in the diagnosis and treatment of children with brain tumors, brainstem gliomas are still almost invariably rapidly lethal. We have few of clinical records of braintumors and admission case in the oriental medical hospital, classifications of tumor, symptoms and etc, specially in the pediatrics, so we introduce a case of a 7-year-old child with brainstem glioma which is diagnosised by MRI in our hospital.

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A Clinical Study on 1 Case of Patient with Bilateral Simultaneous Bell's Palsy Treated by Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture (자하거(紫河車) 약침치료를 이용한 양측 동시성 Bell's palsy 환자 1례에 대한 증례보고)

  • Jung, Jae-Hoo;Seo, Hyung-Sik;Kwon, Kang
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2003
  • Objective : This study was carried out to investigate the progress of bilateral simultaneous facial palsy and the effect of Hominis Placenta herbal-acupunture and the other oriental medical therapies. Method : We used two methods to research the progress of disease. 1. Diagnosis - Facial muscle test, Taste test, Hearing test, Photographies, Lab-finding 2. Treatment - Acupuncture, Herbal-acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Herb-med Edema rate, Pain endurance, WBC, Hemoglobin, Platelet, Total protein, Albumin, Globulin, RA factor, CRP Results : The onset of Rt. facial palsy was earlier than Lt. facial palsy 3days. The reaction on the treatment of Rt. facial palsy was more dull than Lt. facial palsy. In terms of treatment period, Rt. facial palsy was very longer than Lt. facial palsy. Conclusion : According to the above results, we discoveried that Hominis Placenta herbal-acupunture and the other oriental medical therapies had good influence on the bilateral simultaneous facial palsy. In the future, we should endeavor to know influence between Rt. and Lt. face in case of bilateral simultaneous Bell's palsy.

A study of Korean medical knowledge system which Korean medical doctors want (한의사들이 원하는 한의학 지식체계에 대한 고찰)

  • Son, Mi-Ju;Kim, Wu-Young;Jerng, Ui-Min;Park, Hwang-Jin;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was carried out to know the status of clinical utilization of Korean medical knowledge and the Korean medical knowledge system which Korean medical doctors want. Methods : Questionnaires were distributed to Korean medical doctors registered for the Association of Korean medicine via the email and 249 answered questionnaires were analyzed. Results : 50.6 % of Korean medical doctors utilized the textbooks for Korean medicine when they treated their patients. The reason why they did not utilize the textbooks for Korean medicine was mostly that 'it could not be applied directly into clinical application with only contents of textbook because clinical approach (diagnosis and treatment methods) was not clearly described in the textbook'. 48.6 % of Korean medical doctors utilized the EBM materials when they treated their patients. EBM materials that they referred included domestic articles, other EBM materials excluding papers and international academic papers based on PubMed in order. The reasons why they did not utilize the EBM materials were mostly that 'it was difficult to find the evidence' and 'EBM materials were not actually helpful for the clinical practice.' It was found that Korean medical doctors approached the disease in aspects of Korean and Western Medicine concurrently upon the diagnosis of patients and performed the diagnosis and treatment of Korean medicine on the diseases which seemed to be effective with Korean medicine. It was also found that they thought that they needed to know the Western medical knowledge as much as general doctors who have a doctor's license or family medicine specialists who comprehensively treat the general diseases know. Korean medical doctors wanted to have the systematic summary of modern research performance in fields of acupoint, acupuncture, herbal drugs and formula. They thought that constitutional medicine and Sa-am acupuncture therapy were representative characteristics in Korean medicine differentiated from Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo medicine. Conclusions : Korean medical doctors wanted to establish the Korean medical knowledge system based on evidence focusing on clinical and practical contents. New Korean medical knowledge system should be established based on these requirements in the future.

The Effect of YukMiGiHwangTang on Idiopathic Hypersomnia -1-Case Report- (육미지황탕(六味地黃湯)으로 호전시킨 원발성 과수면장애 환자 1례(例))

  • Kim, Min-Sang;Yu, Byeong-Chan;Kim, Jong-Kook;Shim, Jae-Chul;Kim, Jong-Won;Choi, Young;Kim, Yoon-Sik;Seol, In-Chan;Oh, Byung-Yul
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2004
  • The most common causes of severe sleepiness beginning or progressively worsening in adults are SLEEP APNEA and RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS DURING SLEEP. Idiopathic hypersomnia is excessive sleeping without obvious cause. Idiopathic hypersomnia diagnosis can be explained as follows: One could be chronically sleepy due to either something wrong with sleep that makes it non-refreshing, or a problem with the brain mechanisms which normally should keep one alert whether caused by primary problems within the brain or its chemistry, or by other factors (such as sedating medications or thyroid problems). A 71-year-old male who had suffered from excessive sleeping was admitted to our department for oriental treatment on 7th of July, 2003. He was diagnosed as an idiopathic hypersomnia for excessive sleeping without obvious cause. Initial treatment modalities with administration of "SoonHwanGi1HoBang(循環器1號方)" were not effective. However, after administration of "YukMiGiHwangTang(六味地黃湯)" desirable effects were seen.

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The Analysis on Annual, Seasonal tendency of Outpatients in ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & Dermatology clinic of Korean Medical hospital from 2012 to 2016 (2012년부터 2016년까지 대전지역 대학 한방병원 안이비인후피부과 외래환자에 대한 연도별, 계절별 경향성 분석)

  • An, Jae-Hyun;Jung, Hyun-A
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The study designed to analyze annual, seasonal tendency of outpatients in ophthalmology & otolaryngology & dermatology clinic of Korean Medical hospital from 2012 to 2016. Methods : We investigated annual, seasonal population-social characteristics such as sex or age, departmental characteristics such as ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dermatology, many others, main diagnosis, cost characteristics of treatment period and frequency of treatment those who were received treatment as outpatients in Dunsan Korean Medical Hospital ophthalmology & otolaryngology & dermatology clinic from March 2012 to March 2016. The data was obtained from EMR chart, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19.0. Results : We analyzed population-social characteristics, utilization of new patients in the year, in the season, and we obtained various results. Conclusions : In the analysis of annual, seasonal utilization patterns that outpatients offered in ophthalmology & otolaryngology & dermatology clinic of Korean Medical hospital from 2012 to 2016, the report draws 3 different conclusions.