• Title/Summary/Keyword: diagnosis and treatment of oriental medicine

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Clinical Investigation of Survey and Test in Korean Oriental Pediatrics (한방소아과 설문지 및 검사에 관한 임상현황연구)

  • Hwang, Young-Jun;Kim, Ki-Bong;Min, Sang-Yeon;Kim, Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2008
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Korean oriental pediatrics hospitals are using their feedback surveys to improve their medical conditions. Methods We selected 24 oriental medicine university hospitals and sent surveys to investigate. 15 of those surveys were analyzed. Results The results were classified as follows; Only 9 of university hospital said that they are currently using their feedback surveys to improve their services. Question for asking the purpose of doing their feedback surveys, 58.3% of hospital responded to get some information for diagnosis, 25% of them said to see the progress of treatment of specific disease, and 16.7% answered for using their data to the further studies. The question about the reason why hospital were need to make these feedback surveys, 46.2% of them answered to apply better service, 38.4% of them said to post medical journal. The question for asking what do oriental medical hospitals check from feedback surveys, 40% of them said they check Ryodoraku, 33.3% was pulse diagnostic apparatus, EAV(Electro-puncture According to Voll) was 26.7%. The classification according to purpose of test resulted as follows; information for diagnosis was 48.1%, the progress of a disease was 37.3%. In addition oriental medical test there were blood test, radiological test, brain waves test, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis(HTMA), ultrasonic test, body composition analysis. Conclusions Further clinical research is necessary for improvement of using the feedback survey effectively.

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A Clinical Study on the case of Fascioscapulohumeral (FSH) Muscular Dystrophy Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine (안면견갑상완형(Fascioscapulohumeral:FSH) 근이영양증 1례에 대한 증례보고)

  • Lee, Jin-seon;An, Chang-suk;Kwon, Gi-rok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 2001
  • Objective : There was no report on the treatment of Fascioscapulohumeral (FSH) Muscular Dystrophy by Oriental medicine. But the treatment conducted on the patient admitted to the Sangji Oriental Medicine Hospital from January 9, 2001 to February 23, 2001, a significant treatment result was yielded and would like to suggest treatment plan for the future treatments. Methods : Under the assumption that Korean Bee-Venom Therapy may be affective for treating FSH Muscular Dystrophy, the following points were administered : SI10(노유), SI11(天宗), BL23(腎兪), BL26(關元兪), ST36(足三里), LI4(合谷), Liv3(太衝), SI9(肩貞). CFC(Carthami Flos;紅花 and Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu;鹿茸) herbal extract was treated on the other acupuncture points. Sa-Am(Four needle technique) Acupuncture (tonifying SI5 and ST42, sedating GB41 and ST43) was done every day. For herbal medicine, TaeEumIn ChoWiSeungChung-Tang was given based on the constitutional diagnosis. Results : After 7 weeks of treatment, a remarkable improvement was made for facial muscular movement and muscular strength of the scapular and another regions. Conclusions : 1. Significant improvement in the muscular strength for the case of FSH Muscular Dystrophy was obtained with through Korean Bee-Venom Therapy, Four needle technique, and herbal medication. 2. For progressive muscular dystrophy, it is necessary to practice muscular strength recovery exercise in conjunction with Korean Bee-Venom Therapy. 3. Although this case yielded favorable result, further observation and study must be made to concretely prove the effectiveness of Korean Bee-Venom Therapy for treating muscular dystrophies.

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A Clinical Case Study of Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint treated with Traditional Korean Medical Therapy and Core Exercise (한방 치료와 코어 운동을 병행한 퇴행성 슬관절염 환자 1례에 대한 증례보고)

  • Park, Jung-Woo;Jeong, Su-Hyeon
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to report the effect of Traditional Korean medical therapy and core exercise on osteoarthritis of knee joint by observing a clinical case study. Methods : Patient with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis of knee joint, was treated by acupuncture, herb medicine, physical theraphy and core exercise. Results : After treatment, Visual Analogue Scale(VAS), Korean version of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities(KWOMAC), Pain Rating Score(PRS) were reduced from 5 to 2, from 25 to 16, from 55 to 27, and CENTAUR test results were improved. Conclusions : This study showed that Traditional Korean medical therapy and core exercise has meaningful effect on osteoarthritis of knee joint, and more researches should be followed.

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Case Report of Hemiplegia after apoplexy in a Patient with Monoplegia on Right upper Extremity Treated with Herbal Prescription (우상지(右上肢) 단마비(單痲痺)가 주증(主症)인 풍비 환자의 만금탕가미방(萬金湯加味方) 투여 호전 1례)

  • Jeong, Byeong-Ju;Woo, Sung-Ho;Kim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Yong-Ho;Seo, Ho-Seok;Hwang, Gyu-Dong;Jang, Ha-Jeong;Nam, Hyo-Ick;Kim, Hoi-Young;Kim, Jin-Won
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.288-293
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    • 2006
  • Background : Monoplegia is the paralysis of a limb. It is commonly caused by an injury to the cerebral cortex, and rarely caused by injury to the internal capsule, brain stem, or spinal cord. Most problems with cerebral cortex is derived from the occlusion of a brain cortex blood vessel due to thrombus or embolus. Objectives : This study is to see if there is a significance in thermal differences of acupoints in diagnosis and treatment of monoplegia on an upper extremity to test the validity of acupuncture and herbal treatment for it. Methods : By using Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging(DITI), thermal differences$({\Delta}T)$ of acupoints on the upper extremity in a patient with monoplegia on the right upper extremity were measured after an attack of the disease. By giving Mangeum-tang(萬金湯) and treating the patient with acupuncture. the temperature changes of the upper extremity were examined through DITI and improvement was observed. Results : Compared with the left arm which suffered no such injury, the right recovered about 80% of sensation, and the grade of monoplegia improved from Grade O to Grade V. Also, the temperatures of right palmar-dorsal hand and the region of Weiguan(外關, Waiguan, TE5) were $1^{\circ}C$ and $1.45^{\circ}C$ higher than the same left region on admission day, but the thermal differences$({\Delta}T)$ narrowed to $0.5^{\circ}C$ by the last day. Conclusions : Results suggest that DITI screening is a reliable method of prognosis and that the time required for treatment can be estimated through this method in cases of monoplegia to an upper extremity. Also, progress in treatment is reflected in thermal differences of acupoints of the monoplegic upper extremity in accordance with the theory of meridian. This supports a role for acupuncture and herbal treatment for monoplegia.

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Observational Study of Glossodynia (설통에 대한 관찰연구)

  • Shim, So-Ra;Kim, Min-Kyung;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Lu, Hsu-Yuan;Cho, Seung-Yeon;Park, Seong-Uk;Park, Jung-Mi;Bae, Hyung-Sup;Ko, Chang-Nam
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.476-484
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to report the clinical characteristics of glossodynia patients and effects of traditional Korean treatment on glossodynia and to gather data in order to carry out future study. Methods : We surveyed 40 glossodynia patients visiting the Department of Korean Internal Medicine of Stroke and Neurological Disorders Center, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong and analyzed their glossodynia questionnaires, examination results, and progression of symptoms. Results : In Glossodynia patients the average age was 62.4 years old. Glossodynia was more prevalent in females than males (5.67:1). Red tongue color, white fur, and fissured tongue were observed most often. The average glossodynia duration was 36.1 months and the average glossodynia degree was VAS 5.6. The most commonly appearing symptom was burning sense, and dryness of tongue. In Korean medicine diagnosis, Yin, deficiency, Tae-eum was most commonly diagnosed. In herbal medicine, Gamichungsim-tang was the most frequently prescribed. In laboratory tests, zinc deficiency was the most common result. In heart rate variability (HRV), average SDNN was 34.03 and average LF/HF ratio was 2.11. Of 40 patients, 23 completed treatment and their pain was relieved from average VAS 5.52 to VAS 3.63. Pre-and post-treatment results showed a significant difference. The average duration of treatment was 34.91 days. Conclusions : The results of this study suggest that Korean medical approach and treatment for glossodynia could be effective. Further study should be conducted for more valuable information.

Relationship of Front Points' Location and Function to Response Zone (모혈(募穴)의 위치(位置) 및 작용(作用)과 반응대(反應帶)의 상관성(相關性) 고찰(考察))

  • Lee Dong-Kyu;Na Chang-Su
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2000
  • Front Points are told to be deeply related with viscera and bowels in oriental medicine. Since the Front Points are treated as response zone, it can be used for the diagnosis and treatment of disease in viscera and bowels. The location of Front Points are very similar to the several response zones in western medicine. Diagnostic aspect of Front Points to several response zones were discussed in here based on many thesis and reported laboratorial experiments. Front Points are located in the same latitude of viscera and bowels. So, diagnosis result in Front Points represent condition of each organs. Palpitation of the Front Points can make diagnosis of body surface and the organ beneath the body surface. Such use of Front Points for diagnosis can used as the treatment points also. Only three Front Points (LU-1, LI-14, GB-24) in lung, liver and gall bladder meridian are located on its meridian. The Front Points of Stomach (CV-12) cross its meridian or closely located to it. Unlike to those four Front Points that are matched to its meridian, other eight Front Points do not located or cross its meridian at all. It seems that the location of Front Points are decided by the location of organs and the conditions at a certain organ do not delivered by the meridians but delivered by main collaterals, tertiary collaterals and superficial collaterals instead. Among visceral response zones, Five Front Points (CV-3, CV-4, CV-12, LI-14, GB-25) are exactly matched to Head's response zone and other Front Points are closely matched to the Head's response zone. There are five Front Points (CV-12, CV-14, CV-17, LI-14, GB-24) that are matched with the location of pressing palpitation point and other Front Points are closely located to the pressing palpitation point. So far, it was clear that the Front Points do have important role as response points. Symptoms expressed to the Front Points were delivered conditions or symptoms occur in corresponding organ and the anatomical location of Front Points were also found near the corresponding organ. Diagnostic and therapeutic application of Front Points for Organ theory and in the Interpromotion-restraint of the five elements in oriental medicine can be made in future to increase its potential.

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Clinical Study On The Remedial Effect of Oriental Medicine Used EAV(Meridian) (EAV(MERIDIAN)을 이용(利用)한 요추간판탈출증(腰椎間板脫出症) 환자(患者)의 한방치료효과에 대한 임상연구(臨床硏究))

  • Chang, Byoung-son;Jin, Kyoung-son;Kim, Jong-wuk;Yang, Myoung-bok;Kim, Il-du;Mun, Hyung-chul;Cho, Eun-hee;Hwang, Woo-jun;Do, Kum-rok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.80-96
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    • 2002
  • Objective : The Purpose of this Study is to Evaluate Clinical Effect of Oriental Medical Treatment Clinically for the HNP by Comparing the Improvement of VAS and Meridian MAX Score Gap between Common Acupuncture with Sa-am Acupuncture Treatment Group and Common Acupuncture Treatment Group. Methods : The 29 patients who had a Diagnosis of HNP by Lumbar CT and MRI, and were Observed from the first June 2000 to the tenth May 2001, were divided into two classes ; the "A"group was 14 cases practised with Acupuncture treatment used Sa-am Acupuncture with Common Acupuncture, the "B" group 15 cases only Common Acupuncture. Then the time of Discharge, The authors compared VAS(Visual Analogue Scale) and Meridian Max score Gap out of these two groups. Results : On the result of the VAS(Visual Analog Scale), Group "A" is $4.14{\pm}2.62$ and Group "B" us $2.27{\pm}1.94$. So Group "A" is thought to be significance.(Independent T-test, P=0.0399). On the result of the Meridian Max Score Gap, Group "A" is $2.13{\pm}7.29$ and Group "B" is $1.43{\pm}8.42$. So Group "A" proceed more excellent result than the Group "B" Conclusions : The Group with Sa-am Acupuncture and Common Acupuncture treatment is more effective than the Group With Common Acupuncture treatment. And the Group of Done Cox is more effective than the Group of None.

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A Study on the Selection and Usage of Traditional Medicine Based on the Outpatients of Oriental Medicine Clinic (한의원 래원환자의 한방의료 선택과 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Taek;Park, Young-Jae;Lee, Sang-Chul;Huh, Youong;Park, Young-Bae
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data about medical consumer's behavior by the examination of the demographic characteristics, experience of medical service and attitude toward traditional medicine based on the outpatients of oriental medicine clinic. Methods: The participants of this study are outpatients in 5 oriental medicine clinics located in the metropolitan area. The resources were collected from the self-administration questionnaire survey. 202 samples were collected. The SPSS 13.0 for windows was used for statistical analysis: One-way ANOVA, $x^2-test$, correlation analysis were used to verify the results. Results & Conclusions: The results from this study are as follow. 1, The group which are in low-ade educational background and income selected traditional medicine for the promotion of health. In this group, traditional medicine was consumed with higher purchasing frequency and more satisfaction and considered more safe and effective, on the other hand western medicine was consumed with lower frequency. People In this group highly evaluated the kindness of oriental medicine doctor and more interested in health. 2. The group which selected traditional medicine for the treatment of disease more frequently consumed traditional medicine. People In this group highly evaluated the efficacy and economical efficiency of traditional me야cine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. 3. The group which selected traditional medicine for the management of disease iess : frequently consumed western medicine. People In this group highly evaluated the efficacy of traditional medicine. 4. Purchasing frequency on traditional medicine was higher in the 50year above group than $30{\sim}39year$, 29year and below group.(P<0.1) 5. Purchasing frequencyy on traditional medicine slightly correlated with the satisfaction of traditional medicine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. The satisfaction of traditional medicine strongly correlated with the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. 6. The efficacy of traditional medicine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor were highly evaluated in the $10{\sim}19times$ experience group and 20times above experience group than $1{\sim}4times$ experience group.

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Roles of growth factors, calcitonic polypeptides and neuropeptides in bone metabolism, osteoporosis and rheumatis arthritis

  • Lee, Tae-Kyun;Kim, June-ki;Kim, Kap-Sung;Chang, Jun-Hyuk;Jeong, Ji-cheon;Nam, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Cheorl-Ho
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2000
  • Osteoporosis is a common disorder characterized by reduced bone mineral density, deterioration of the microarchitecture of bone tissue and increased risk of fracture. The aim of treatment of osteoporosis is to maintain and, ideally, to restore bone strength safely. In recent years the role of polypeptide growth factors in bone metabolism has begun to appear. It has been proposed that alterations in the expression or production of growth factor can modulate the proliferation and activity of bone forming cells. Thus, the role of structurally diverse peptides for the management and diagnosis of osteoporosis has attracted the attention of many investigators. This paper reviews numerous findings concerning the use of polypeptides, hormones, and growth factors, for the management of osteoporosis. Many of the compounds mentioned here are experimental prototypes of new therapeutic classes. Though it is unlikely that some of the compounds may ever be used clinically, development of safe and efficacious agents in each class will define the future course of therapy for osteoporosis.

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A Case Study on Korean Medicine Treatment for the Oligomenorrhea with Increased Anti-mullerian Hormone Level (AMH 수치가 상승된 희발월경 환자 증례보고)

  • Hong, Ka-Kyung;Kang, Su-Jin;Kim, Sun-Kyung;Kim, Song-Baek
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: In recent studies, increased AMH level has been suggested as objective surrogate marker for diagnosis PCOS, one of the major causes of oligomenorrhea. The purpose of this study is to report the clinical effect of Korean medicine treatment on oligomenorrhea patient with increased Anti-mullerian hormone level, who can be diagnosed who can be ruled out PCOS. Methods: A 27 year old woman with oligomenorrhea was enrolled in this study. We measured serum hormone levels and ruled out PCOS. The patient received Korean medicine treatment for 3 months, we assessed the result of treatment through observation of the menstrual cycle and follow-up measurements of serum hormone levels. Results: 1. The patient had menstrual cycle regularly. 2. Increased serum AMH level of the patient decreased from 12.16 ng/ml to 8.51 ng/ml. 3. The other serum hormone levels such as testosterone, LH/FSH ratio decreased Conclusion: This case shows that Korean medicine treatment could have a beneficial effect on menstrual cycle and decrease the increased serum hormone levels of ruled out PCOS patient.