• Title/Summary/Keyword: design strategy

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Direct Earthquake Design Using Secant Stiffness (할선강성을 이용한 직접내진설계)

  • 박홍근;엄태성
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2003
  • A new earthquake design method performing iterative calculations using secant stiffness was developed. The proposed design method has the advantages of convenience and stability in numerical analysis because it uses elastic analysis. At the same time, the proposed design method can accurately estimate the strength and ductility demands on the members because it performs the analysis on the inelastic behavior of structure using iterative calculation. In the present study, the procedure of the proposed design method was established, and a computer program incorporating the proposed method was developed. Design examples using the proposed method were presented, and its advantages were presented by the comparisons with existing design methods using elastic or inelastic analysis. The proposed design method, as an integrated method of analysis and design, can address the earthquake design strategy devised by the engineer, such as ductility limit on each member, the design concept of strong column - weak beam, and etc. Through iterative calculations on the structure preliminarily designed only with member sizing, the strength and ductility demands of each member can be directly calculated so as to satisfy the given design strategy As the result economical and safe design can be achieved.

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Difference of Motive and Coping Strategy between Anger and Sadness

  • CHOI, Nak-Hwan
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Current study aimed at exploring the effects of ambient anger versus sadness on motive type and coping strategy type when consumers make decision. It focused on whether the negative affects of the anger and the sadness differentially induce approach versus avoidance motive at the place of making decision, and also explored the coping strategy differences between the consumers under the anger and those under the sadness, that is, which strategy is more used between problem-focused strategy and affect-focused strategy when they are under each negative affect. Research design, data and methodology: The experimental groups were divided into two types of group such as the anger-felt group and the sadness-felt group. The experiment was performed with the between-subjects design based on the anger and the sadness. Questionnaire data were collected from undergraduate students assigned to each of the anger group and the sadness group operated by the scenario method, and the data were used to verify research hypotheses by t-test. Results: - First, the anger induced the approach motive more rather than the avoidance motive in making decision. Second, to cope the negative affects, consumers under the anger used problem-focused strategy more than affect-focused strategy, while those under the sadness used affect-focused strategy more than problem-focused strategy. Therefore, this article contributes to the theory related to motive and making decision taken place to consumers under ambient negative emotions. Conclusions: Focusing on the results of this study, there could be managerial implications to brand or product marketing managers. Checking which affect consumers previously felt between anger and sadness when they are under negative affects is at issue to the brand or product marketers when they appeal their brand or product to the consumers. The marketers should build and communicate the messages about their product or brand in the respect of the points of showing problem solution or the best way to handle things to appeal the consumers under the anger. And they should develop and communicate the messages about their product or brand emphasizing the aspects of letting consumers' sad feelings out somehow or controlling their emotions to the consumers under sadness.

A Study of the Sales Promotion Strategy for AD Communication - centering Around 'J.K Sampoo' - (판매촉진을 위한 광고커뮤니케이션 전략에 관한 연구 - 신제품 J.K 샴푸를 중심으로 -)

  • 권재경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 1999
  • A AD communication strategy is a inregrated strategy of business group for the purpose of attaining certain goals with a series of activities, which are systematically planned, investigated, fomulated,performed, and evaluated. The ad communication strategy should be established on the result of researching and analyzing the conditions of a company. And it can has to be commonly applied to every strategy to heighten the mutual effect. The purpose of the thesis is to suggest direction of an effective ad communication strategy and to recognize the importance of prantical example of ADcommunication strategy. The object of this thesis is the general aspect of strategy than specific aspect. The first chapter explains in general terms the purpose of this study and communication strategy. The second chapter explains the analysis of the market for seasoning products. A thorough investigation has performed to determin the entire market enviornment. The third chapter suggests the communlcayion strategy based on the market analysis of the seasioning product. Which can be applicable to any other products. The fourth chapter explains the results of this study and evaluates the K.J Sampoo ad communication strategy and given for the future.

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A study on the renewal design development of marketing strategy (마케팅 전략에 따른 리뉴얼 디자인 전개에 관한 연구)

  • 신홍재;함재룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.16
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1996
  • As the marketing strategy of corporations has been changing in various ways, the type of new product development has also bC'en changing in dim~rent ways. The types of changes include, among oiller things, product development. wit.h a new concept., revolut.ionary product development., new brand product. development., improvement. of existing product. and development. in model changes. The design development has similarly advanced with the growth in scient.ific approach in t11e design process of new product. development. in relat.ion t.o each t.ype of product development.. Ilowever, in view of the design approach or st.rat.egy for each t.ype, different. kinds of method of development is necessary. In order to increase t.he life cycle of an existing product. which has reached its mature stage and to respond t.o the changes 111 time t.hrough product improvement., it is becoming more imtxJrl.ant for Ule corporation to confonn wiU1 the changes in time by being able to sat.isfy the consumer! s needs, way of thinking and luxury inclination by utilizing the changes in design. However, it is very difficult to decide on a design using different development. methods which would clearly meet such neL'

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A Study on the Characteristics of Branded Environments in Hotel Spaces (호텔 공간의 브랜드화 환경 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Hwa-Kyoung;Ahn, Seongmo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays, space branding becomes more important since it reflects and synthesizes the diverse experiences of the consumer. The objective of the research is to present the new possibilities that space branding offers by analyzing the brand strategy and the design characteristics of branded hotels, which are being projected as constructed branded environments. By integrating the brand with visible or invisible elements of the hotel, such as unique space planning, service, and consumer experience, a branded hotel can be a good vehicle to reflect fast changing consumer lifestyles and trends; it enables the consumer to experience brands in his or her everyday life, and it conveys the overall image of the brand by considering the consumer's multi-sensual experiences. The study processed with theoretical research which is related to the hotel space and branded environment. Four brands were selected with distinct business area and brand strategy, and studied to analyze the strategy and the characteristics of the branded environment in a branded hotel. In particular, the case study attempted to evaluate the distinctiveness of the branded hotel's spatial design by comparing each brand's representative flagship store with the hotel. As a result, four characteristics of branded environments in branded hotels were identified, namely, strengthen brand image, consistent brand strategy, extend brand perception, spatialize brand experience. Armani emphasizes their consistent brand image by applying similar design methods in both retail stores and hotel spaces. IKEA, in contrast, applies not their design identity but their brand concepts like practicality, efficiency, and low prices. Pantone gives an expanded brand experience by using synesthetic sensual stimulation using their color system. Missoni mixes and composes their patterns and materials in a three-dimensional manner and strengthens design possibilities and spatiality. This study suggests specific design methods to construct a branded environment in a branded hotel and offers new strategic directions for space branding.

Effects of Ankle and Hip Strategy Training on Improving the Center of Pressure Movements and Limits of Stability in Stroke Patients

  • Park, Shinjun;Park, Sunghyun;Kim, Yongyoun
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1823-1829
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    • 2019
  • Background: Stroke patients have leg muscle weakness and impaired balance resulting in compensatory changes. To restore balance in these patients, functional training using postural strategy is needed. Objective: To examine the effects of ankle and hip strategy training on the center of pressure (COP) movement and limits of stability (LOS) in standing posture in stroke patients. Design: The study was an assessor-blinded and randomized-controlled clinical trial. Methods: Thirty patients were randomly assigned to an ankle strategy training group and a ankle/ hip strategy training group. Patients in the ankle strategy training group underwent ankle strategy exercise for 30 min, and those in the ankle/ hip strategy training group underwent 15 min of ankle strategy exercise and 15 min of hip strategy exercise. Both groups underwent training thrice a week for four weeks. Forward, backward, paretic side, and non-paretic side COP movements and LOS were measured using BioRescue. Results: After the intervention, except for the backward area in the ankle strategy training group, the COP movement area and the LOS were significantly improved in both the groups. In addition, these improvements were significantly higher in ankle/ hip strategy training group than that in the ankle strategy training group. Conclusions: Ankle strategy training in addition to hip strategy training improves COP movement (forward-backward, paretic side area, and non-paretic side area) and LOS in stroke patients.

Design Strategy Based on Designer Roles in Design-Oriented Firms: A Comparison of Hanssem and Ikea

  • Kim, So-Hyung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This paper addresses the role of designers in design-oriented firms and how they should work together with other organization members. The aim of this paper is to investigate how designers generate ideas and cooperate with others as well as how their participation in decision-making reflects on corporate design strategies. Research design, data, and methodology - An in-depth exploratory study examined how designers actually perform their roles in enterprises; in addition, information, knowledge, communication among designers, and sources of creativity were examined. Hanssem and Ikea grew as design-intensive businesses in a declining industry. Data were obtained from interviews with the design staff of each company as well as secondary sources. Results - Designers were found to use their designs to communicate with customers as well as with communities outside of the enterprise; they also participated in overall decision-making in relation to important design strategies. Conclusions - This study emphasized the increasing importance of the innovative and creative role of designers; thus, it might substantially help companies to develop their own design capabilities and deploy design strategies.

Imitation as a Viable Strategy: The Case of Ediya in Korean Coffee Franchise Industry (모방전략의 유용성에 관한 연구: 이디야 사례)

  • Choi, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the viability of imitation strategy. Imitation strategy is one of the strategic options that a late mover can choose, and by selecting the strategy, the company imitates key elements of the business model of first movers, and modifies them to suit its conditions. The author attempted to explain how the elements of first mover's business models were creatively adapted to suit the conditions of late movers so that they can secure market position face-to-face market leaders. Research design, data, and methodology - For the purpose of the study, Korean coffee franchise industry was selected to compare the strategies of first and late movers and to discuss imitation strategy in detail. The author conducted in-depth case study of first mover and business model innovator Starbucks and Ediya Coffee, one of their imitators. The paper examines how Ediya has imitated and modified the business model of Starbucks to secure its unique competitive position in domestic market by using value chain and generic strategy analysis. Results - Starbucks and Ediya were compared in terms of their interior design, the price level of beverages, the variety of side dishes, and shop locations. Starbucks have invested interior design heavily to shops, offered diverse beverages and side dishes with relatively high price, the shops are located in central areas, whereas Ediya has concentrated on achieving cost leadership in all value activities as maintaining the quality of key products. Ediya succeeded in achieving best-provider strategy, in which it enjoys both cost leadership and differentiation advantages, largely by the strategic alliance with the biggest coffee manufacturer, Dongsuh Foods in Korea. Conclusions - Though Ediya is the imitator of Starbucks, it has modified Starbucks business models and succeeded in providing the 'third place' experience for budget-minded customers. Ediya has also succeeded in benefiting its franchisees by lowering costs and simplifying the various tasks of coffee shop management. Due to these factors, Ediya could become one of the largest number shops as the coffee franchise in Korea.