• 제목/요약/키워드: design office

검색결과 1,541건 처리시간 0.025초

PKI을 기반으로한 하이브리드 메시징 시스템 설계 및 구현 (Design and Implementation of the Hybrid Messaging System Based on PKI)

  • 이준석;윤기송;정연정;옥재호;김명준
    • 한국정보처리학회논문지
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    • 제7권9호
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    • pp.2903-2912
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문은 PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)를 기반으로 기존의 일반 우편과 전자 메일을 통합한 하이브리드 메시징 시스템 설계 및 구현에 관한 것이다. 사용자는 웹 브라우져 상에서 메일을 작성하여 웹서버로 전송하고, CGI(Common Gateway Interface)프로그램은 웹 서버를 통해 받은 메일을 우체국 전자 메일 서버로 SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)를 이용하여 전송한다. 관내 우체국에 설치된 하이브리드 메시징 시스템의 후처리 프로그램은 자신의 관내 우체국에서 처리해야할 메일을 POP3(Post Office Protocol 3)프로토콜로 가지고 오고 인쇄한 후 배달한다. 또한 사용자는 인증 기관으로부터 받은 서명 비밀키를 이용하여 전송할 메일을 서명할 수 있으며 우체국 웹서버의 공개키를 이용하여 전송한 메일을 암호화한다.

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현대 국내 업무공간의 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Domestic Contemporary Office Space)

  • 윤은경;김형우
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2014
  • The development of digital culture has brought radical change in the fundamental concept of what workspace is defined by and has also switched the cognition of workspace originally being a place to spend time and do activities regarding tasks into space more than just that. If we take a look at the cases overseas firms have announced after the year 2000, we can find distinguishing facts different from the existing workspace composition, like creative workspace, amusement workspace, workspace for communities, etc. Thereupon, the goal of this research is to look into the domestic characteristics of workspace by investigating and analyzing case by case targeting domestic firms. This research is to first comprehend the theoretical study of workspace, the changing environment, and the characteristics of domestic workspace, going on to utilizing the information achieved above to analyze 8 appointed domestic firms as examples. Contemporary domestic workspace is defined not a place only for activities regarding work tasks but rather a place comfortable and friendly in the concept of a second residence, community node for sharing knowledge and information, mobile space for the digital nomads, and space for coincidental encountering and communication. Based on this the analyzed characteristics of contemporary domestic work places are metaphor, convergence, beyond boundary, and emergence. The characteristics mentioned above are considered elements that increase corporate profits by managing efficient smart-work and producing creative ideas. Therefore, I believe continuous research and development related to this subject is necessary.

국내 업무시설 부문의 친환경건축물 인증 평가항목 분석 - 2010년~2012년 국내 친환경 인증 업무시설의 사례 분석을 중심으로 - (The Analysis of Evaluation Items of Korea Green Building Certification Criteria in Office Building - Focusing on the Case Study of Office Building Certificated by GBCC from 2010 to 2012 -)

  • 김창성
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • Korea Government have carried out various policies to save the Earth environment from global warming and environmental pollution. It has also executed the Green Building Certification Criteria(GBCC) in 2002. The GBCC of office building was executed in 2003 and was revised twice in 2010 and 2011. Concerns about green building construction were quite increasing to keep the building performances sustainable. The aims of this paper is to check the reliability of weighting factors and scoring difficulties in all assessment categories of GBCC and to suggest the amendment direction of the future assessment criteria for green building. For the study, the old and new version of GBCC were examined to present the revision direction of GBCC and the 10 cases certificated by the old and new version, respectively 5 were analysed to compare with the difficulties in obtaining the certification. According to the results of the study, the GBCC requires additional amendments about the assessment categories of the energy consumption monitoring and the building commissioning as required subjects in order to secure the building performances. In addition, the operation mamagement of the building need to be assessed more intensively.

업무용 건축물의 녹색건축 인증등급별 평가항목 득점에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Score of Issues by Certification Grade in the G-SEED for Office Buildings)

  • 황선영;태춘섭;신우철
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2016
  • G-SEED(Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design) is the certification system to evaluate environmental friendliness of buildings for the purpose of reducing environmental burden generated from the entire process of buildings, which is classified into 4 grades according to the evaluated score. Green building certification rule regulate to get over green 2nd grade for the public office buildings of $3000m^2$ or more. However, detailed measures on the applied level of each issue to obtain targeted certification grade have not been prepared yet. For each issue, the score distribution and the ratio of score in proportion to credit were analyzed by certification grade for office buildings which get the G-SEED certification. And applied level of issues were presented for each certification grade.

사무소 건물에서 광선반의 채광성능 분석 (An Analysis of Daylighting Performance of Light Shelf in Office Building)

  • 박병일;양인호;나미현
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제22권8호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문의 목적은 광선반을 사무소건물에 효율적으로 적용할 수 있는 기준자료를 제시하는 것이다. 광선반의 채광성능 시뮬레이션을 위해 3Ds Studio Max 프로그램이 사용되었으며, 광선반의 폭, 표면반사율, 설치각도와 같은 주요 변수의 최적값을 도출하였다. 다음으로 이러한 최적값을 이용하여 광선반의 채광성능을 분석하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과 사무소건물에서 광선반을 설치함으로써 주광성능을 향상시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.

한국형발사체 성능 고도화 핵심기술 검증을 위한 고압 축소형 연소기 개발 (Development of High-Pressure Subscale Thrust Chamber for Verifying Core Technology for KSLV-II Performance Enhancement)

  • 김종규;김성구;조미옥;유철성
    • 한국추진공학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2021
  • 한국형발사체용 연소기 성능 고도화를 위한 핵심기술을 검증하기 위해 고압 축소형 연소기를 개발하였다. 성능 고도화를 위한 핵심기술은 고압 연소기용 분사기 설계, 적층제조기법을 적용한 연소안정화 장치 개발, 고압 축소형 연소기 헤드 및 재생냉각 연소실 설계/제작 등이다. 고압 축소형 연소기 개발을 통해 핵심기술을 검증하였고, 이 기술들은 향후 대형 액체로켓엔진 연소기 개발에 활용될 예정이다.

사용자 참여 디자인을 통한 정보화 오피스 실내디자인 계획 기준 설정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Interior Design Standards for the Advanced Office based on the User Participication)

  • 윤갑근;김주원
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제13호
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 1997
  • This study is on the interior design standards which is based on the user participicatiov. The design standards in office planning is relied on user participication with practical method and suitable survey item. On space programming and zonning phase, work relationship, visiting rate and characteristics of work can be applied. The rate to take desk-occupancy, information processing grade, the needs of side work table, visitor table and surplus storage space can help to get workstation unit type. The layout of units can be applied on the grade of communication and work-concetration.

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일본 메구로가조엔 건물의 실내설계기법에 관한 연구 - 전통성의 현대적 표현 사례 - (A Study on the Interior Design Method of Mekuro-Kazoen BLDG. in Japan)

  • 김은중
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 1999년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.110-113
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    • 1999
  • Mekuro-Kazoen BLDG. is complex of office, hotel, hotel, and banquet hall, built in 1991, Tokyo, Japan. This building suggest us various issue about the representation of traditionality in current architecture. We can find the possibility of representation of traditionality in large complex, in past, rarely applicated. Even in Japan, such trial in official building as New Office Building of Tokyo in Sinzuku shows a application only in the elevation plan. In Mekuro-Kazoen BLDG. the application of traditionality are fond not only in external appearance, but also in interior design. And the modernity and traditionality in this building are represented simultaneously not deterioating each other. the issues of representation of traditionality in interior design should be succeed not only in now but also in future. The method of application need to be studied and improved. The fields of application also should be extended such as large complex buildings and future-oriented buildings.

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실내디자인의 창의적 공간구성 방법에 관한 연구 - 사무공간을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Method of Creative Space Composition in Interior Design - Focused on the Office Space)

  • 한영호
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제30호
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2002
  • This research deals with a new concept regarding creative enlargement in order for useful space composition. Architecture, through interior design case analysis has given birth to a new concept and inspiration altering interior designer's perspectives on the future environment. Focusing exclusively on those offices that express in design terms a commitment to such concepts as team-Working, just-in-time Working, virtual and mobile working and those using the newest technological tools and the latest space-planning concepts available. Emphasis is placed on how an office environment can be designed to encourage group working, the sharing of knowledge, a spirit of community within larger organizations, and non-territorial working-employees that work where and how they want supported by cordless technologies.

실내공적공간의 공공성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Public Needs for Privately Owned Public Space)

  • 윤지혜;김정곤
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2006
  • Recently, it appears several counterproposals about desirable figures of urban architecture. All of them proposes 'publicity' with cohernt tendency. The reason why it concentrates quantitative expansion of city without united design by urban plannar is that neglect quality values of city. As a solution of poor environment, there cue out the various efforts, about problem of each building, problem of city space, problem of laws and so forth. The reason why necessity of public space was embossed in that architecture extend the activity of citizen and make up the city space. But, each building pursues the private interest, so it is difficult to secure a public space with a high hand. Thus, architecture law has been revised in 1991 and bring the system of open space to match up the publicity and the private interest. Actually, western country brought it and obtained excellent results. While quantity of open space have increased since 1991, a lot of problems revealed in real usage and quality. By means of problem's solution, this study focus on the diversion of recognition for necessity of various open space. In result, on the occasion of approach and openess, except for several building, most glass a facade and the pedestrian can approach easily. Moreover, office buildings near the subway station connected with their low floor. So, the office buildings give openess to pedestrian and a people can approach easily to the buildings. On the occasion of amenity, most have bank and lobby on the first floor and have facilities on the underground floor. It leave open. But the reason why they have bank and lobby is that the space is dry and boring(without elements of nature and rest space). Hence, to make a space full of vitality, it have to plan various design elements and facilities. First of all, plan of indoor public space have to make up facility for the public interest. This study is basic investigation for necessity of indoor public space and through the survey of office buildings, it analyze the character of plan and find out the method of publicity's realization.