• Title/Summary/Keyword: design office

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Analysis of Fire Risk Assessment Indicators of Publicly-Used Establishments using Delphi/AHP (Delphi/AHP를 활용한 다중이용업 신종업종의 화재위험평가지표 분석)

  • Kim, Myung-Cheol;Kim, Hak-Joong;Park, Kyung-Hwan;Youn, Hae-Kwon;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2019
  • Through a press release dated July 17, 2018, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission recommended that the National Fire Agency develop preventive measures against fire in the "Indoor Archery Ground" and "Room Escape Café" etc., which were originally excluded from the category of "Publicly Used Establishments." This study developed the hierarchy of domains and indicators of measurement for fire risk assessment of the new business of publicly used establishments through the Delphi Method. It analyzed the goodness of fit scores (over 3.00) and secured an average score of 4.25. Using AHP analysis, the ratio of consistency for the domains of measurement of fire risk assessment was found to be 4.0%, which was lower than CR ≤ 0.1 (10%). The consistency of subsequent measurement indicators were distributed in the range of 0.1%~3.6%, and they were identified as being commonly consistent. The indicators of measurement appeared as follows in order of importance and priority: Type of Internal Passage of Establishment and Evacuation Capacity of Exit (0.316), Control of Ignition Source (0.141), Inherent Risk (0.106), Appropriateness and Adaptiveness of Fire Detection System (0.097), Control of Inflammables/Combustibles (0.084), Guides and Facilities helping Evacuation (0.075), Fire Resistant Structure and Finishing Materials (0.060), Compartmentalization and Emergency Exit (0.049), Risk of Fire Expansion (0.046), and Appropriateness and Adaptiveness of Fire Extinguishing Facilities (0.026). The findings of this study are expected to be expansively used as data for future research on the development of fire risk assessment indicators.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of the Underground Utility Tunnel by Response Displacement Method and Response History Analysis (응답변위법과 응답이력해석법을 이용한 지중 공동구의 내진성능 평가)

  • Kwon, Ki-Yong;Lee, Jin-Sun;Kim, Yong-Kyu;Youn, Jun-Ung;Jeong, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2020
  • Underground utility tunnel, the most representative cut and cover structure, is subjected to seismic force by displacement of the surrounding soil. In 2020, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation has published "Seismic Performance Evaluation Guideline for Existing Utility Tunnel." This paper introduces two seismic evaluation methods, RDM (Response Displacement Method) and RHA (Response History Analysis) adopted in the guide and compares the methods for an example of an existing utility tunnel. The test tunnel had been constructed in 1988 and seismic design was not considered. RDM is performed by single and double cosine methods based on the velocity response spectrum at the base rock. RHA is performed by finite difference analysis that is able to consider nonlinear behavior of soil and structure together in two-dimensional plane strain condition. The utility tunnel shows elastic behavior for RDM, but shows plastic hinge for RHA under the collapse prevention level earthquake.

Analysis of Hydraulic Effect by River Dredging in a Meandering Channel (하도준설이 사행하천에 미치는 수리학적 영향 분석)

  • KIM, Tae-Hyeong;KIM, Byung-Hyun;HAN, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2015
  • This paper attempted to analyze the hydraulic effects that the dredging can take as an alternative to reduce possible damages of flooding due to the overflow of river levee in meandering rivers, where riverbed aggradation, seepage and erosion may occur. In order to make a hydraulic analysis in a section of meandering rivers, a two-dimensional hydraulic analysis model, RMA-2, was selected. The GIS was applied to construct two-dimensional finite element grids to consider the hydraulic conditions before and after dredging. The water surface elevations, depths, velocities, and tractive forces were compared before and after the dredging. The difference of water surface elevation between the inside and outside of river was turned out to be the maximum value of 0.58m under the design flood condition. It could be evaluated that the tractive force at the bank decreased about 42 to 67% on average for all the sections. These results could give valuable information that the dredging of the stream channel at the meandering sections decreased the risk of overflow, seepage and erosion of the banks. The methodologies given in this study will contribute to mitigating the flood damages in the surrounding farmlands.

A Comparative Analysis of the Competitiveness of the Distribution Ship Industries of Japan and China (일본과 중국의 유통선박산업의 경쟁력비교분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study aims to strengthen the economic cooperation between Korea and Japan by studying the pattern of trade between them and identifying drawbacks. Thus, it aims to enable trade expansion by analyzing the factors that affect trade and identifying ways to improve them. If economic cooperation is improved, transport and communication costs, as well as the transaction cost of economic exchanges, can be minimized. Research design, data, methodology - The trade intensity index developed by the Japanese economist Yamazawa under his trade intensity theory was used to analyze the trade decision factor of Korea and Japan. Trade structure and decision factors were analyzed for the target period of 2000 to 2012, and the period ranging from 2000 to 2005 was compared with the period ranging from 2005 to 2012. This paper is an analysis of the resultant time series. The data were collected from Korea Traders Association, Korea Customs Office, and UN Comtrade (2000, 2005, 2012) and whole table indexes were calculated by the author. Trade related index was used to analyze the comparative advantage based on time-series analysis statistics data (2000. 2005, 2012) through an analysis of the trade intensity index (TII), revealed comparative advantage index (RCA), and trade specialization index (TSI). Results - The trade intensity index of the industries of Japan and Korea is 1.814 in 2000. The export ratio of Japan against China was slightly higher at 2.128. TII is indicated to be 1.600 in both 2005 and 2012, which means export ratio of Japan against China is considerably maintained in 2005; however, export ratio of Japan against China is diminishing gradually as its index is 1.600 in 2012. Second, as per the trade specialization index of the ship industry in Japan and China, TSI is indicated to be -0.818 in 2000, -0.308 in 2005, and -0.847 in 2012. Generally, it is still closer to -1 and especially, we can see it is more closer to -1 in 2012. Third, as per the revealed comparative advantage index of the ship industry in Japan and China, the RCA index in 2012 is 0.007, which is quite far from 1 as compared to the value in 2000 and 2005. Hence, the Japanese ship industry has a significant comparative disadvantage against the Chinese ship industry. Conclusions - Both countries invest most of their capital in the shipping industry. It is the shipping industry that receives the most capital investment in the two countries is invested and governmental policy funds are needed. As both countries have large shipping industries, this research project is very valuable. Japan and China are compared because they are Korea's neighbors. Also, Korea is strategically located in Northeast Asia and has a history of foreign intrusion from several countries. Therefore, the purpose of this research study is to understand the trade structures of both countries and intensify the economic cooperation between Japan and China.

Evaluation of Applicability of Apparent Track Stiffness Measured by Light-Weight Deflectometer as a Ballasted Track Condition Index (소형동평판재하시험기로 측정한 궤도 겉보기 강성의 자갈궤도 상태평가 지표로서의 적용성 고찰)

  • Choi, Yeong-Tae;Hwang, Sung Ho;Jang, Seung Yup;Park, Bongsik;Shim, Gwang Seop
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • Ballasted track has been widely used due to its flexibility. However, the plastic deformation of ballasted track causes the evolution of track geometrical errors, and hence it requires continuous maintenance; increase in number of trains, weight, and speed expedites maintenance frequency and cost as well. Ballast stiffness is well-known as an indicator of design and maintenance. In this regard, this paper aims to suggest the method to measure ballast track stiffness using light-weight deflectometer (LWD) and thus verify its applicability as a maintenance measure. Preliminary field tests determined simple field testing protocol to measure track stiffness. The apparent ballast stiffness by LWD shows good corelation with TQI (Track Quality Index) and maintenance length. That is, as average of apparent stiffness increase, TQI and tamping length decrease exponentially. Therefore, apparent stiffness can be used as an index for ballast condition assessment.

Distribution of Wildbirds According to Habitat Environment in Gap Stream (갑천의 서식지 환경에 따른 야생조류 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Woo;Lee, Do-Han;Paik, In-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate bird community and to suggest a proper way how to manage protect bird community in Gap stream. The survey was carried out over four sections by the line transect method and point counts method from September 2001 to August 2002. Natural stream region as Gasuwon Bridge - Mannyeon Bridge are observed birds were 11 orders 29 families 67 species, Artificial stream region as Mannyeon Bridge - Daedeok Bridge are observed birds were 6 orders 10 families 30 species, Daedeok Bridge - Wonchon Bridge are 8 orders 12 families 28 species, Wonchon Bridge - Gap Stream Bridge are 8 orders 18 families 40 species. All the observed birds in artificial stream region are 8 orders 19 families 47 species. Number of species in natural stream region was higher than artificial stream region owe to a various habitat environment such as forest, cultivated land, streamside forest, sandy plain, gravelly field, reedy field etc. and can not add with the interface and the usage of the human. Number of species in artificial stream region was lower than natural stream region owe to a simple habitat environment and the water ecosystem is severed with embankment block and grass plot with the land ecosystem. The furtherance of various habitat environment which considers the ecosystem like the natural stream as the water ecosystem is joined together with the land ecosystem is desired to attract various wildbirds in Gap stream. The design is desired with the maintenance of the stream to consider the stream corridor which plays ecological important role as connect the fragment habitats.

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A Study on the Convergence Marketing of Pursuing Value and Beauty Service in Accordance with Men's Acceptance of Information about Beauty Care (남성들의 외모관리 정보수용도에 따른 추구가치와 뷰티서비스 융합마케팅 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.569-578
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    • 2015
  • With much changes in men's appearance style to pursue, beauty care activities, and pursuing value, it has been required to have researches on it. This study analyzed men's acceptance of information about beauty care and also the characteristics of each pursuing value. An online survey was conducted targeting about 500 male office workers in Seoul. In the results of the study, the pursuit of the practical value of five beauty care activities was the highest while the aesthetic value was very differently shown in accordance with the types of beauty care activities, compared to two other values. Contrary to other styles, especially, the acceptance of the skin care style was influenced by the sociocultural value, practical value, and aesthetic value. Especially, the passivity of the aesthetic value and the emphasis on the practical and sociocultural values were shown. The hair care was influenced by the practical value while the plastic surgery was influenced by the aesthetic value. In the care style area, the acceptance of skin care was only influenced by the pursuit of complex values. Regarding the marketing of each care style, the large-scale marketing campaign would be effective for the hair care while it would be necessary to seek for more aesthetic campaigns for the plastic surgery business.

A Study on Strength of Plat-Plate Wall-Column Connections (Wall Column을 적용한 플랫플레이트 접합부 강도발현에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Do-Bum;Park, Hong-Gun;Lee, Li-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.2 s.92
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2006
  • Flat-plate building systems are utilized extensively for construction of apartments, hotels and office buildings because of short construction period, low floor-to-floor height and flexibility in plan design. Recently, to increase lateral seismic resistance of flat-plate building systems, wall-columns are used frequently. Therefore, to estimate strength of flat-plate column connection accurately, the effect of column section shape on the behavior of flat-plate column connection should be considered properly, In the present study, a numerical analysis was performed for interior connections of continuous flat-plate to analyze the effect of column section shape. For the purpose, a computer program for nonlinear FE analysis was developed, and the validity was verified. Through the parametric study, the variations of shear stress distribution around the connection were investigated. According to the result of numerical analysis, as the length of the cross section of column in the direction of lateral load increases, the effective area and the maximum shear strength providing the torsional resistance decrease considerably. Therefore, these effects should be considered properly to estimate the strength of flat-plate connection accurately.

A Study on Determination of Capacity for Pump and Detention Pond in Small Basins for Flood Control (소유역에서 홍수조절용 펌프 및 유수지 규모의 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae-Jin;Park, Jong-Yoon;Lyu, Heui-Jeong;Kim, Joong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.3 s.134
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    • pp.385-398
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    • 2003
  • The concept of the effective storage ratio has been suggested to determine the size of detention pond by the previous researchers. The 11 pump - pond facilities in Dongdu-chun city were selected to analyze the critical duration for design rainfall and the storage ratio for each rainfall duration in this study It has been then found that the criteria of the maximum storage ratio is not reasonable for determining the size of detention pond because the difference of storage ratio with respect to each rainfall duration is too small. Moreover, since the size of pond compared with the pump capacity is not always big enough, the pump should be frequently operated, which may result in pump failure. Thus, the pond should be sufficiently sized to prevent the possibility of the pump failure due to frequent operation. According to the analyses for changing pump capacity, it has been found that if the function of the pond compared with the pump is concentrated, determining the size of pond based on the storage ratio is operationally feasible for even small basin. Thus, an improved procedure based on the storage ratio for determining the size of detention pond in small basin has been suggested. The results by the proposed procedure considering pump switching frequency may lead to reasonable pump operation. A simple linear programming model has been also adopted to figure out the relationship between pump capacity and pond size. It has been shown that the determination lot the size of detention pond based on conventional hydrologic flood routing in pond is feasible for only urban districts not rural areas.

Investigation of Minimum Number of Drop Levels and Test Points for FWD Network-Level Testing Protocol in Iowa Department of Transportation (아이오와 주 교통국의 FWD 네트워크 레벨 조사 프로토콜을 위한 최소 하중 재하 수와 조사지점 수의 결정)

  • Kim, Yong-Joo;Lee, Ho-Sin(David);Omundson, Jason S.
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • In 2007, Iowa department of transportation (DOT) initiated to run the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) network-level testing along Iowa highway and road systems and to build a comprehensive database of deflection data and subsequent structural analysis, which are used for detecting pavement structure failure, estimating expected life, and calculating overlay requirements over a desired design life. Iowa's current FWD networklevel testing protocol requires that pavements are tested at three-drop level with 8-deflection basin collected at each drop level. The test point is determined by the length of the tested pavement section. However, the current FWD network-level program could cover about 20% of Iowa's highway and road systems annually. Therefore, the current FWD network-level test protocol should be simplified to test more than 20% of Iowa's highway and road systems for the network-level test annually. The main objective of this research is to investigate if the minimum number of drop levels and test points could be reduced to increase the testing production rate and reduce the cost of testing and traffic control without sacrificing the quality of the FWD data. Based upon the limited FWD network-level test data of eighty-three composite pavement sections, there was no significant difference between the mean values of three different response parameters when the number of drop levels and test points were reduced from the current FWD network-level testing protocol. As a result, the production rate of FWD tests would increase and the cost of testing and traffic control would be decreased without sacrificing the quality of the FWD data.