• Title/Summary/Keyword: defense performance

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Analysis of the Fixed Frequency LCL-type Converter at Continuous Current Mode Including Parasitic Losses (연속전류모드에서 기생손실들을 고려한 고정주파수 LCL형 컨버터 해석)

  • Park, Sangeun;Cha, Hanju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.785-793
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    • 2016
  • This paper analyzes an LCL-type isolated dc-dc converter operating for constant output voltage in the continuous conduction mode(CCM) with resistances of parasitic losses-static drain-source on resistance of power switch, ESR of resonant network(L-C-L)-using a high loaded quality factor Q assumptions and fourier series techniques. Simple analytical expressions for performance characteristics are derived under steady-state conditions for designing and understanding the behavior of the proposed converter. The voltage-driven rectifier is analyzed, taking into account the diode threshold voltage and the diode forward resistance. Experimental results measured for a proposed converter at low input voltage and various load resistances show agreement to the theoretical performance predicted by the analysis within maximum 4% error. Especially in the case of low output voltages and large loads, It is been observed that introduction of both rectifier and the parasitic components of converter had considerable effect on the performance.

Does Higher Datarate Perform Better in IEEE 802.11-based Multihop Ad Hoc Networks?

  • Li, Frank Y.;Hafslund, Andreas;Hauge, Mariann;Engelstad, Paal;Kure, Oivind;Spilling, Pal
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.282-295
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    • 2007
  • Due to the nature that high datarate leads to shorter transmission range, the performance enhancement by high datarate 802.11 WLANs may be degraded when applying high datarate to an 802.11 based multihop ad hoc network. In this paper, we evaluate, through extensive simulations, the performance of multihop ad hoc networks at multiple transmission datarates, in terms of the number of hops between source and destination, throughput, end-to-end delay and packet loss. The study is conducted based on both stationary chain topology and mesh topologies with or without node mobility. From numerical results on network performance based on chain topology, we conclude that there is almost no benefit by applying the highest datarate when the chain length is 6 hops or more. With node mobility in mesh topology, the benefit of using high datarate diminishes at even shorter number of hops. To explore the main reasons for this behavior, analyses on multihop end-to-end throughput and network k-connectivity have been conducted later in the paper, and correspondingly an auto-rate adaptation algorithm has been proposed.

Solar Tracking Performance using a Heliostat and Uniform Irradiation of LED Light for a Plant Factory (식물공장의 헬리오스탯을 이용한 태양광 추적성능 및 LED 균일광 조사)

  • Koo, Kyung-Wan;Kim, Tae-Jin;Kim, Youngshik;Ryu, Bong-Jo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.12
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    • pp.1761-1767
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with the solar tracking performance using a small heliostat, the light reduction rate of the sun light, and the performance of uniform irradiation of LED light for a plant factory. A high precision encoder is attached to the heliostat to improve tracking accuracy. As a result, our heliostat-based solar tracking systems track efficiently the movement of the sun light in experimental tests. The reduction rate of the sun light in the plant factory is then measured by using an illumination sensor. The average reduction rate is 4.29%, which represents lower light reduction rates. In uniform irradiation tests of LED light, sixteen points are measured, and overall deviations of irradiation were within eight percents.

Design of Infrared Camera for Extended Field of View (시야 확장형 적외선카메라 설계)

  • Lee, Yong-chun;Song, Chun-ho;Kim, Sang-woon;Kim, Young-kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.699-701
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    • 2017
  • Typical operating method for long-range observation cameras are to detect the target at a wide angle of view and to recognize/identify the target with a telephoto angle of view. And the detection/recognition range performance is an important item to evaluate the performance of the defense infrared camera. To increased the detection range performance, the camera's field of view should be narrowed. Due to the narrow field of view, the probability of finding target is relatively low. In this paper, we propose a method to search for target by providing a wide angle view while maintaining detection range performance. M&S and optimized design were used to develop infrared camera with extended field of view and the results of the test summarized.

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Numerical Study on Variation of Penetration Performance into Concrete with Reinforcement Modeling Methods (철근 모사 방법에 따른 콘크리트 관통성능 변화에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Baek, Seung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2016
  • This paper discusses the effect of numerical reinforcement modeling methods on the penetration performance of a penetrator into a concrete target. AUTODYN-3D has been used to conduct the numerical penetration analyses. In order to validate the computational approach, experimental data of Hanchak have been compared to a computation result and a reasonably good agreement could be obtained. The strength and the diameter of a reinforcement have been changed to find out the effect of reinforcement modeling methods on the penetration performance. The impact locations and velocities of a penetrator are also changed to investigate the effect of reinforcement modeling methods. Residual velocities of a penetrator are quantitatively compared in detail for the evaluation of reinforcement modeling effects on the penetration performance.

Roll control of Underwater Vehicle based Reinforcement Learning using Advantage Actor-Critic (Advantage Actor-Critic 강화학습 기반 수중운동체의 롤 제어)

  • Lee, Byungjun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2021
  • In order for the underwater vehicle to perform various tasks, it is important to control the depth, course, and roll of the underwater vehicle. To design such a controller, it is necessary to construct a dynamic model of the underwater vehicle and select the appropriate hydrodynamic coefficients. For the controller design, since the dynamic model is linearized assuming a limited operating range, the control performance in the steady state is well satisfied, but the control performance in the transient state may be unstable. In this paper, in order to overcome the problems of the existing controller design, we propose a A2C(Advantage Actor-Critic) based roll controller for underwater vehicle with stable learning performance in a continuous space among reinforcement learning methods that can be learned through rewards for actions. The performance of the proposed A2C based roll controller is verified through simulation and compared with PID and Dueling DDQN based roll controllers.

Error Model Analysis and Performance Evaluation for the Rapid Alignment Technique of Projectile Navigation System in Inclined Launch Systems (경사 고각 발사 시스템에서의 발사체 항법장치 급속 초기정렬기법에 대한 오차모델 분석 및 성능평가)

  • Park, Sebeen
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we described the rapid initial alignment techniques of projectile navigation system for use in inclined launch systems. One-shot alignment technique, one of the rapid initial alignment techniques, is possible to align a navigation system within seconds because it uses external information from an launcher navigation system. However, since it has only been used in vertical launch systems, its performance in inclined launch systems has not been verified. Therefore, this paper analyzed the error elements that occur when the one-shot alignment technique is applied to the inclined launch system, and introduced a method to improve the alignment performance by minimizing those errors. Additionally, By simulating and testing the performance of the proposed alignment technique, it was verified that it is effective even in an environment where a real navigation system is used.

Test Cases Generation and Transformer Language Models Performance Comparison for Korean Natural Language Processing-based AI SW

  • In-Kyoun Lee;Min-Seong Jin;Gwang-Woon Lee;Gun-Woo Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2024
  • Since the emergence of ChatGPT, transformer-based language models have become highly popular. This study utilizes a transformer-based approach to measure Korean sentence similarity for software testing. By doing so, we propose test cases using metamorphic relationships. The performance of the transformer models is then compared using similarity measures. First, we create a test set by transforming sentences from the Defense Daily according to specific rules. We then input these transformed sentences into the RoBERTa, Electra, and T5 models. We check whether the similarity measure between the original sentence and its variant satisfies the metamorphic relationship. The performance of each model is then compared using a similarity measure. In our experiments, the RoBERTa model satisfied metamorphic relations in MR5 and MR6, which involved transforming nouns and verbs into synonyms, and in MR7, which involved altering sentence order, with accuracy rates of 80%, 85%, and 88%, respectively. All tests passed except MR7 (77%) for the Electra model and MR1 (73%) for the T5 model. Finally, we compared the performance of each model. In the comparison, the Electra model outperformed the T5 model (99.96%) and the RoBERTa model (99.62%) with an accuracy of 99.97%.

Imaging Performance Analysis of an EO/IR Dual Band Airborne Camera

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Jung, Yong-Suk;Ryoo, Seung-Yeol;Kim, Young-Ju;Park, Byong-Ug;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Youn, Sung-Kie;Park, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Haeng-Bok
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 2011
  • An airborne sensor is developed for remote sensing on an aerial vehicle (UV). The sensor is an optical payload for an eletro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) dual band camera that combines visible and IR imaging capabilities in a compact and lightweight package. It adopts a Ritchey-Chr$\'{e}$tien telescope for the common front end optics with several relay optics that divide and deliver EO and IR bands to a charge-coupled-device (CCD) and an IR detector, respectively. The EO/IR camera for dual bands is mounted on a two-axis gimbal that provides stabilized imaging and precision pointing in both the along and cross-track directions. We first investigate the mechanical deformations, displacements and stress of the EO/IR camera through finite element analysis (FEA) for five cases: three gravitational effects and two thermal conditions. For investigating gravitational effects, one gravitational acceleration (1 g) is given along each of the +x, +y and +z directions. The two thermal conditions are the overall temperature change to $30^{\circ}C$ from $20^{\circ}C$ and the temperature gradient across the primary mirror pupil from $-5^{\circ}C$ to $+5^{\circ}C$. Optical performance, represented by the modulation transfer function (MTF), is then predicted by integrating the FEA results into optics design/analysis software. This analysis shows the IR channel can sustain imaging performance as good as designed, i.e., MTF 38% at 13 line-pairs-per-mm (lpm), with refocus capability. Similarly, the EO channel can keep the designed performance (MTF 73% at 27.3 lpm) except in the case of the overall temperature change, in which the EO channel experiences slight performance degradation (MTF 16% drop) for $20^{\circ}C$ overall temperate change.

Effect of Closed-Type SNS Use on Army Soldiers' Perception and Behavior (폐쇄형 SNS의 사용이 군 장병의 지각과 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Woo Young;Baek, Seung Nyoung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.193-218
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of closed-type SNS use (i.e., Naver Band) on the perception and behavior of the Korean Army soldiers. In contrast to open-type SNS (e.g., Facebook or Twitter), Naver Band is an online communication service system mostly based on confined offline social network. Therefore, it increases communication between acquaintances who have previously formed relationships. Although the Korean Army recently began to use Naver Band as a method of communication between soldiers, their parents/acquaintance, and Army commanders (or leaders), little research has been done about how this use directly affects army soldiers. Hence, applying the motivation opportunity ability theory of behavior, this study examines how enjoyment (Motivational factor), social ties (Opportunity factor), and social intelligence (Ability factor) affect soldiers' belongingness to their organization and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). We also hypothesize that army soldiers' belongingness and OCB may enhance their individual performance. Survey results show that enjoyment, social ties, and social intelligence increase army soldiers' belongingness, which leads to OCB. Also, enhanced OCB increases individual performance. However, the effect of enjoyment and social ties on soldiers' OCB is non-significant and soldiers' belongingness does not have influence on individual performance. Theoretical and practical implications are presented.