• Title/Summary/Keyword: cut-to-length

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Studies on the Selection of Standard Revegetation Measures on the Highway Cut-slopes (고속도로(高速道路) 절개(切開)비탈면에서 녹화공법(綠化工法) 선정기준(選定基準) 설정(設定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong;Kim, Kyung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.4
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    • pp.476-488
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to figure out the suitable field standards for revegetation measures on cut-slopes in consideration of the environmental factors. The field survey was conducted from 1995 to 1996 on highway cut-slopes. The results obtained could be summarized as follows; The major revegetation measures surveyed were 5 major measures as a whole in descending order of seed-spraying measures, block-sod pitching measures, latticed block pitching measures, hydro-seeding measures with seed-fertilizer-soil materials, and several netting measures on highway cut-slopes. According to the analysis of the environmental factors, the plant coverage was affected several major environmental factors which were soil factors(soil hardness, soil texture, soil and rock condition), and site factors(slope gradient, slope length). From a viewpoint of optimum selection, the major 3 factors(soil factors, slope gradient factors, slope length factors) should be considered for selection of revegetation measures on highway cut-slopes.

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Growth and Flowering of Cut Spray Chrysanthemum 'Ilweol' by Daminozide (스프레이 절화국화 '일월'의 daminozide에 의한 생육 및 개화)

  • Lee, Chang Hee
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to improve commercial quality of a cut spray chrysanthemum 'Ilweol' bred in Korea by foliar application of daminozide, suppressing excessive elongation of peduncle caused by high temperature in summer season production. Applications were made at three floral bud developmental stage (I, II, and III), and concentrations used were 0, 500, 1000, and $2000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$. Cut flower length and peduncle length showed the greatest repression of elongation through daminozide treatments at stage III and stage II, respectively. Daminozide also gradually reduced values of those in a concentration-dependant manner. Flower diameter increased compared to control as daminozide was sprayed at later stage but decreased in daminozide concentration-dependant manner. Angle of flower cluster on apical part of whole plant showed the best results when sprayed with $2,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ at stage III. Among all combinations, $2,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ daminozide at stage II recorded the highest angle of flower cluster and showed 31.3% increment as compared to control. The number of fully expanded flowers showed the highest values using $2,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ daminozide at stage III than the other treatments and total floral buds also showed the highest values using $2,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ daminozide at stage I than the other treatments. In cut spray chrysanthemum cultivar 'Ilweol' bred in Korea, foliar-applying with $2,000mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ at stage III most effectively suppressed excessive peduncle elongation, angle of flower cluster, and increased the number of flowers in summer. However, this combination affected negatively the other commercial qualities, reducing cut flower length and flower diameter. Therefore, we recommended that foliar application stage and daminozide concentration was stage III and $500mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$, respectively, in a practical culture and cut flower quality for 'Ilweol'.

Effect of Claw Abrasives in Cages on Claw Condition, Feather Cover and Mortality of Laying Hens

  • Glatz, P.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.1465-1471
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    • 2004
  • A trial was conducted to determine the effect of abrasive strips and abrasive paint in layer cages on claw length and claw sharpness, foot condition, feather cover and mortality of hens. During the preparation of the cages for the experiment it was simpler and took less time to apply the pre-prepared paint with a spatula to the egg guard compared to sticking the abrasive strips onto the egg guard. Fitting the strips took longer because it had to be cut from a 25 mm roll, cut into the appropriate lengths, the tape backing removed and then stuck onto the egg guard section. Abrasive paint was more effective as a claw shortener than abrasive strips. The birds using the abrasive paint had the shortest (p<0.05) claw length and lowest (p<0.05) claw sharpness. One of the original reasons for reducing claw length with claw shorteners was to reduce mortality by minimising skin skin abrasions caused by the claws. Surprisingly hen mortality from prolapse and cannibalism was higher (p<0.05) in cages fitted with abrasives. There are no other reports in the literature showing an increase in prolapse and cannibalism from hens using abrasives.

Effects of Cutting Condition on Rooting and Growth of Cut Flower in Plug Cutting of Dendranthema grandiflorum 'Shinma' (국화 '신마'의 플러그 삽목시 삽수조건이 발근 및 절화생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Roh, Yong Seung;Yoo, Yong Kweon
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to examine the effect of cutting condition on rooting and their subsequent growth of cut flower in plug cutting of 'Shinma', one of autumn-flowering chrysanthemums. According to the results, cutting with four or six leaves was effective in shoot growth and rooting than any other treatments, and also the length and thickness of cut flower were increased. In case of cutting with leafless, it showed the poorest shoot growth among all of the treatments and there was no root. The weight of shoot was heavier than any other treatments in case of the length of cutting (5~7 cm). And the weight of root and its number were better than any other treatments, in treatment of the length of cutting (5 cm). The growth of shoot and rooting were enhanced by increasing the thickness of cutting. In case of thickness of cutting, the cutting (3.2 mm tnickenss) showed more favorable shoot length of cut flower than any other treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that the 5 cm long and 3.2 mm thick cuttings with four leaves are used to improve their rooting and subsequent growth in plug cutting of Dendranthema grandiflorum 'Shinma'.

Measurement of Spectral Loss and Cut-off Wavelength of Single Mode Opticla Fiber by Variable Wavelength (파장변화에 따른 단 모드 광섬유의 스펙트랄 로스 및 차단파장 측정)

  • Hong, Bong Sik;Han, Byoung Sung;Koo, Kyoung Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.264-268
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    • 1986
  • A thchnique has been studied for the measurement of the spectral loss and the cut-off wave length, at which the first high-order mode disappears. The near-field patterns of a fiber which is excited by a variable wavelength source are used for the measurement of cut-off wavelength. Because of the absorptive phenomenon of OH- molecular vibration, spectral loss of a single mode optical fiber sample is 5.6dB/km at 1380 nm wavelength and 1dB/km at 1240 nm wavelength. From the near field intensity patterns and the mode field diameter graph for the half power width, the cut-off wavelength of the fiber is measured to be 1120 nm.

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Development of Radiation Thermometer using InSb Photo-detector (인듐안티모나이드(InSb) 소자를 이용한 적외선 방사온도 계측시스템의 개발연구)

  • Hwang, Byeong-Oc;Lee, Won-Sik;Jhang, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 1995
  • This paper proposes methodologies for the development of radiation thermometer using InSb photo-detector of which spectral sensitivity is excellent over the wave length range of 2 .mu. m .approx. 5 .mu. m. The proposed radiation thermometer has broad measurement range from normal to high, up to more than 1000 .deg. C, with high accuracy, and can measure temperature on the material surface or heat emission noncontactely with high speed. Optical system was consisted of two convex lens with foruslength of 15.2mm for infrared lay focusing, Ge filter to cut the short wave length components and sapphire filter to cut the long wave length components. The cold shielded was installed in the whole surface of the light-absorbing element to remove the error- mometer, calibration using black body furnace which has temperature range of 90 .deg. C .approx. 1100 .deg. C was carried out, and temperature calaibration curve was obtained by exponential function curvefitting. The result shows maximum error less than 0.24%(640K .+-. 1.6K) over the measurement range of 90 .deg. C .approx. 700 .deg. C, and from this result the usefulness of the developed thermometer has been confirmed.

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Intermittent Strip Stock Advancing Accuracy Analysis of a Prototype Pneumatic Cylinder Driven Roll Feeder (공압실린더를 활용한 롤 피더의 간헐적 스트립 스톡 진행 정밀도 분석)

  • So, Jung-Duck;Kwon, Soon-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2010
  • This research introduces a new and improved design for a pneumatic cylinder driven roll feeder wherein each of the principal rotating feeder parts is configured so as to have feeding accuracy and to be low manufacturing cost. The feed pitch accuracy of the proposed roll feeder was evaluated by measuring lengths of cut offs of the strip stock with a shear attached to an air press. The air press was designed, manufactured, and mounted on the same table of the proposed roll feeder such that the strip stock maintained horizontal plane until the strip stock entered into the shear. The proposed roll feeder and the air press were designed to be operated automatically by a PLC employed controller. The feed pitch accuracy of the proposed roll feeder was analyzed by setting the pitch as 10, 12.5, and 15mm. At each predetermined feed pitch, the proposed roll feeder was tested 300 times as one test set and replicated three times. The average lengths of the cut offs of the strip stock ranged from 9.98 to 10.13mm, from 12.42 to 12.57mm, and from 14.96 to 15.06mm at the predetermined 10, 12.5, and 15mm feed pitch, respectively, among the total of 900 samples of each feed pitch. Main cause of variation of the length of the cut off of the strip stock fed by the proposed roll feeder was considered to be fluctuation of the air press during recompressing period of the air compressor to pressurize the air in the air tank. The largest difference between the maximum and the minimum length of the cut off was appeared while the air compressor recompressing the air. The air compressor used for this study restricted the air delivered to the proposed roll feeder while it was still running. Thus, this air delivery restriction problem should be improved by stabilizing the air press while the proposed roll feeder is running.

Development of a Moldboard Plow to Invert Furrow Slice at the Same Position (토양의 제자리 반전을 위한 몰드보드 플라우의 개발)

  • 이규승;박원엽;권병기
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2004
  • On the basis of design theory of soil inversion, two types of moldboard plow with secondary soil mover was designed and constructed to invert furrow slice at same position with furrow bottom. A series of soil bin experiment was carried to investigate the performance of prototypes. First prototype of new concept plow showed two kinds of problems during the preliminary experiment. For the plowing depth of 6cut the prototype did not invert the furrow slice, instead it just cut furrow bottom and the furrow slice returned to the original position. For the plowing depth of 8cm, there was soil clogging problem at the rear part of plow. From the above results it was concluded that the first prototype can not be used for the inversion of furrow slice at same position with furrow bottom. Second prototype could invert furrow slice at the same position with furrow bottom, but the performance was affected by soil moisture content soil hardness and plowing speed very much. For the higher soil moisture content, for the higher soil hardness and higher plowing speed, the prototype showed higher soil inversion performance. For the second prototype the inversion ratio was almost 100%, inversion angle was in the range of 90 to 100 degree and side displacement was less than 4 cm. But the furrow slice was not continuous, it was cut in the length of 30 to 40 cm. The reason why the furrow slice was cut in that length is blamed for the design of moldboard surface. The specific draft of prototype was in the range of 37.24 kN/㎡ to 42.14 kN/㎡ this value is a little higher than that of the conventional plow, or from 30.38 kN/㎡ to 33.32 kN/㎡. But the difference was not so big. The inversion performance of the second prototype for the field experiment was much better than that of soil bin experiment due to the better soil and operational conditions. Sticky and compacted soil conditions, and higher plowing speed was suitable for the plowing operation of the second prototype

Development of miniature bar-type structural fuses with cold formed bolted connections

  • Guan, Dongzhi;Yang, Sen;Jia, Liang-Jiu;Guo, Zhengxing
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2020
  • A novel all-steel miniature bar-type structural fuse (MBSF) with cold formed bolted connections is developed in this study, which consists of a central energy dissipation core cut from a smooth round bar, an external confining tube and nuts. Three types of cross sections for the central energy dissipation core, i.e., triple-cut, double-cut and single-cut cross sections, were studied. Totally 18 specimens were axially tested under either symmetric or asymmetric cyclic loading histories, where the parameters such as cut cross sectional area ratio, length of the yielding portion and cross sectional type were investigated. Numerical simulation of 2 representative specimens were also conducted. An analytical model to evaluate the bending failure at the elastic portion was proposed, and a design method to avoid this failure mode was also presented. The experimental results show that the proposed MBSFs exhibit satisfactory hysteretic performance under both the two cyclic loading histories. Average strain values of 8% and 4% are found to be respectively suitable for designing the new MBSFs as the ultimate strain under the symmetric and asymmetric cyclic loadings.

A Study on Michelle Obama's Hair Styles - Focused on Her Period of the First Lady - (미셸 오바마의 헤어스타일 연구 - 퍼스트레이디 기간을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeoung, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2012
  • Recently the hair style of Michelle Obama, the world's most recognized First Lady of the United States has been loved by the public with her optimistic confidence and as a fashion leader. For Michelle Obama's hair styles by length, a medium-short cut style was expressed in various ways to show her strong will by exposing the forehead, an elegant image by asymmetry hair, or a progressive image by a short volume hair cut. A medium cut style expressed an elegant and intelligent image in shoulder-length and a trendy image using a side parting. A updo hair style produced young, womanly, and casual images using twisting, binding, typing up, and rolling technique according to situations. For hair styles associated with her roles, when participating as a diplomatic delegate, she expressed the President's helpful partner by a soft and womanly image using bobbed hair and half updo technique. For the participation in state occasions, her hair styles were examined in three situations. First of all, she mainly had a neat style, exposing her forehead in official schedules as a political partner to create an intelligent and high-class image. Second, she expressed a strong will with a medium-short style during an election campaign. Finally, she showed an elegant and refined hair style in consideration of T.P.O. during social activity. Michelle Obama overcame her hair's handicap, grasped her images associated with hair length, and expressed hair strategically according to her roles as the first African-American First Lady of the United States.