• 제목/요약/키워드: cultural differences

검색결과 1,485건 처리시간 0.027초

병원 간호조직문화의 변화와 세대별 인식차이 (Clinical Nurses' Perceptions on Nursing Organizational Culture and Differences in Their Perceptions According to Age Groups)

  • 임숙빈;김세영;고영;이미영
    • 임상간호연구
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine clinical nurses' perceptions on the nursing organizational culture and investigate the differences in their perceptions according to age groups in South Korea. Methods: Participants were 1,087 nurses from 25 general hospitals in South Korea. Data were collected from July 29 to September 30 in 2011, and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA with $Scheff{\grave{e}}$ test, and factor analysis. Results: Nurses perceived nursing as an excellent professional job which progresses continually. Autonomy and individualized reward to their professional work, however, were reported not-satisfactory to them. They agreed that nurses are punctual, polite, honest, and responsible, while disagreeing in competitiveness. There were differences in perceiving cultural factors according to age groups. The subjects in their over 40s perceived 'professionalism', 'normative', 'strictness', 'rightfulness', and 'community spirit' strongly, while nurses in their 20s perceived 'conservatism' highly. Also, nurses' perception on the organizational commitment and job satisfaction were high in over 40s while turnover intention was high in other groups. Conclusion: Nurse managers need to assess the perception on nursing organizational culture in order to improve nursing work environment better. In addition, it is necessary to take into account seriously the generation gap to build supportive nursing organizational culture.

소셜 네트워크 게임의 사용자 수용에 대한 한·중 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on Acceptance of Social Network Games between Korean and Chinese Users)

  • 이상훈;승지초;권영직;황현석;김수연
    • 한국산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2014
  • 오늘날 사람들은 스마트폰을 전화나 문자와 같은 의사소통의 목적뿐 아니라 개인적인 취미나 오락을 위한 도구로도 많이 활용하고 있다. 과거의 게임 전용 플랫폼은 스마트폰으로 대거 이전되었고 이는 사람들 간의 관계와 게임을 접목시킨 소셜 네트워크 게임으로 발전해 왔다. 연일 새롭게 출시되는 다양한 종류의 게임들은 사용자들에게 재미와 오락적인 가치를 제공하고 있다. 대부분 게임의 수명은 점차 빨라지고 있으며 게임 업체는 사용자들의 요구를 잘 파악하여 항상 새로운 게임을 개발할 준비가 되어 있어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 소셜 네트워크로 연결된 여러 사용자들이 함께 즐길 수 있는 소셜 게임의 수용에 대해 조사하였다. 게임 사용자의 행태는 국가에 따라 문화적 차이를 보일 수 있으며 이에 본 연구에서는 한국과 중국 사용자의 소셜 네트워크 게임 수용에 대한 비교연구를 수행하였다. 기술수용모형을 이용하여 소셜 게임 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인들 간의 구조적 관계를 분석하고 이들 요인들 간 관계가 한국과 중국 사용자에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 살펴보았다. 양국 사용자 간 공통점과 차이점을 도출하여 이에 대한 분석을 수행하고 본 연구의 결과를 실무에 활용할 수 있는 시사점을 제시하였다.

한·중 패션제품 소비자 불평행동에 미치는 영향요인 분석 II -소비자의 라이프스타일과 성격을 중심으로- (A Comparative Study on Cross-cultural Complaining Behavior of South Korean and Chinese Consumers about Fashion Products (II) -Focused on Lifestyle and Personality-)

  • 이옥희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.56-70
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated if there are differences between the effects of lifestyle and personality on consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Sample subjects of this study were female college students of Korea(Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do) and China(Yunnan). The questionnaire data from 780 college students were analyzed through the following statistical analyses: a reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency, mean, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study was as follows. First, the complaining behavior types of college students were divided into 4 factors: third party, breakaway behavior, compensation claim, and negative word of mouth. Second, significant differences were revealed between the dissatisfaction and the conditions of complaining behavior between Korean and Chinese consumers. Third, significant differences were found which were related to the effects of lifestyle and personality on types of consumer complaining behavior between Korea and China. Fourth, the complaining behavior factors of 'third party' and 'compensation claims' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers; however, the 'negative WOM' of Korean consumers were higher than those of Chinese consumers. Fifth, the lifestyle factors of 'fashion orientation, 'rational orientation' and 'activity orientation' of Chinese consumers were higher than those of Korean consumers. The 'achievement orientation' of Korean consumers was higher than that of Chinese consumers. And the personality factors of 'sense of responsibility' of Chinese consumers were higher than Korean consumers. Finally, 'openness' of Korean consumers were higher than Chinese consumers.

세대와 성별에 따른 신체적 매력과 호감 지각의 집단 차이에 대한 검증 (Generation and Gender Differences in Physical Attractiveness and Likability Perception)

  • 백인해;정태연
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 신체적 매력과 호감 지각이 한국인의 세대(청년과 중년) × 평가자 성별(남과 여) × 타겟 성별(남과 여)에 따라 어떻게 다르게 나타나는지 알아보고자 했다. 또한, 평가자들이 같은 타겟을 평가할 때 평가자가 동성이 만든 타겟을 이성이 만든 타겟보다 더 신체적 매력과 호감을 높게 평가하는지도 알아보았다. 이를 위해 120명의 대학생을 참여시켜 3D 프로그램을 사용하여 이상적인 외모와 신체를 가진 타겟을 만들었다. 그다음, 또 다른 240명(청년 남녀 각 60명, 중년 남녀 각 60명)이 타겟의 신체적 매력, 호감도를 평가하였다. 분석 결과, 신체적 매력과 호감도는 정적 상관이 있었지만, 집단 간 차이의 패턴은 달랐다. 즉, 신체적 매력은 타겟의 성별과 평가자 성별에서 성차가 나타났지만 세대 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 호감도의 경우 타겟의 성별에 따른 차이와 세대 차이가 나타났지만, 평가자의 성차는 나타나지 않았다. 마지막으로 평가자들의 성별에 따라 같은 타겟에 대한 호감 지각에 차이가 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 신체적 매력에 대한 진화론적 관점과 사회문화적 관점에서 논의하였다.

코로나19 이후 복지대상자의 생활 및 건강에 대한 연구: 성별, 자녀유무, 가구형태에 따른 집단 간 차이를 중심으로 (A Study on Life and Health Status of Welfare Recipients after COVID-19: Focus on Group Differences by Gender, Living with Children and Household Type)

  • 김희주;장연진
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.384-394
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 코로나19 이후 복지대상자들의 인구사회학적 특성(성별, 자녀유무, 가구형태)에 따른 생활 및 건강 문제들을 세밀하게 분석하여, 보다 실질적이고 구체적인 복지정책 및 서비스의 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 서울시 𐩒𐩒구에 거주하는 행복e-음 대상자 중 500명을 무작위로 선정하여, 대상자의 전반적인 생활영역, 신체적, 정신적 건강 등에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였고, 분석방법은 t-test와 ANOVA분석, 교차분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 고용과 자녀 돌봄, 여가 및 문화활동, 전반적인 사회활동의 제한과 관련된 어려움에서 성별과 자녀유무 또는 가구형태에 따른 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 건강상태와 관련해서는 코로나19 이전 보다 이후에 정신건강 상태가 나빠진 것으로 나타났고, 전반적인 삶의 만족도도 낮아진 것으로 나타났다. 또한 코로나블루와 죽음에 대한 생각과 관련해서 집단 간 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 코로나19 이후 뉴노멀 사회에서 필요한 복지서비스의 방향에 대해 제언하였다.

Ethnic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption among American young women meat eaters

  • Sung Eun Choi;Kyou Jin Lee
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2023
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Meat eaters face conflicts over meat consumption due to recent increasing demands for reduced-meat diets to promote human and environmental health. Attitudes toward consuming meat have been shown to be culture-specific. Thus, this study was performed to examine cultural differences in attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption among meat eaters in a group homogeneous in terms of age and sex but with diverse ethnicities. SUBJECTS/METHODS: In this cross-sectional study conducted in New York City in 2014, 520 female meat eaters (Whites = 25%; Blacks = 20%; East Asians = 35%; Hispanics = 20%) aged 20-29 completed a questionnaire consisting of a series of questions on meat consumption behaviors, which addressed amounts of consumption, cooking methods, past and future changes in meat consumption, and attitudes and beliefs regarding relationships between health and meat consumption. Logistic and multiple regression analyses were used to assess the effects of variables on meat consumption. RESULTS: Blacks had the highest annual total meat consumption (64.2 kg), followed by East Asians (53.6 kg), Whites (46.9 kg), and Hispanics (35.8 kg). Blacks ate significantly more chicken than the other ethnic groups (P < 0.001), and East Asians ate significantly more pork and processed meat (P < 0.001). Regardless of ethnicity, grilling/roasting/broiling were the preferred cooking methods, and vegetables were most consumed as a side dish. More than half of the participants expressed an intention to decrease future meat consumption. East Asians more strongly perceived meat as a festive food (P < 0.001) and were less guilty about the slaughtering animals (P = 0.11) than other groups. No differences were found between the ethnic groups regarding negative attitudes to meat consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that ethnicities differ in terms of attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption. Irrespective of ethnicity, the meat-eating participants almost unanimously demonstrated a willingness to reduce future meat consumption. It is hoped these findings aid the formulation of culturally-tailored interventions that effectively reduce meat consumption.

양극성 장애의 약물치료 가이드라인 비교 (Comparative Review of Pharmacological Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder)

  • 진서연;김효영;김예슬;허채원;권보영;최보윤;이보배;이지예;권채은;문영도;;박지현
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Bipolar disorder displays a spectrum of manifestations, including manic, hypomanic, depressive, mixed, psychotic, and atypical episodes, contributing to its chronic nature and association with heightened suicide risk. Creating effective pharmacotherapy guidelines is crucial for managing bipolar disorder and reducing its prevalence. Treatment algorithms grounded in science have improved symptom management, but variations in recommended medications arise from research differences, healthcare policies, and cultural nuances globally. Methods: This study compares Korea's bipolar disorder treatment algorithm with guidelines from the UK, Australia, and an international association. The aim is to uncover disparities in key recommended medications and their underlying factors. Differences in CYP450 genotypes affecting drug metabolism contribute to distinct recommended medications. Variances also stem from diverse guideline development approaches-expert consensus versus metaanalysis results-forming the primary differences between Korea and other countries. Results: Discrepancies remain in international guidelines relying on meta-analyses due to timing and utilized studies. Drug approval speeds further impact medication selection. However, limited high-quality research results are the main cause of guideline variations, hampering consistent treatment conclusions. Conclusion: Korea's unique Delphi-based treatment algorithm stands out. To improve evidence-based recommendations, large-scale studies assessing bipolar disorder treatments for the Korean population are necessary. This foundation will ensure future recommendations are rooted in scientific evidence.

한국과 미국 여대생의 월경전후기 불편감, 월경에 대한 태도, 성역할 수용도의 횡문화적 차이에 관한 연구 (Transcultural Differences on Perimenstrual Discomforts, Menstrual Attitudes and Sex Role Acceptance between Korean and American College Students)

  • 홍경자;박영숙;김정은;김혜원
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to compare the transcultural differences on perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes and sex role acceptance between Korean and American college students. The subjects, 2557 nursing students were selected from 13 universities all around Korea, and 4 universities in the eastern, western, and middle areas of the United States. The data were collected using the MDQ (Menstrual Distress Questionnaire by Moos), the MAQ(Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire), and the Sex Role Acceptance Scale, the subjects answered the MDQ for three points (premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual based on their recollections) between July, 1996 and April, 1997. The findings are as follows : 1. There were significant differences in the age of menarche, duration of menstruation, and menstrual cycle between the Koreans and the Americans. 2. As for sex role acceptance, Americans more frequently denied the traditional female role than did Koreans. 3. There were significant differences between the two groups on five categories of menstrual attitude (menstruation is a phenomena that weakens women physically and psychologically, menstruation is a bothersome phenomena, menstruation is a natural phenomena, menstruation onset is a predictable phenomena, and menstruation is a phenomena that does not influence womens' behaviors non is expected to). 4. For the menstrual discomfort scores, there were significant differences between the two groups on all six categories of the MDQ(pain, attention deficit, behavioral changes, AMS response, water retention, and negative emotion) for the three points (premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual period). 5. The most common complaints for the Korean women were pain during the perimenstrual period and fatigue during the intermenstrual period. In contrast, for the Americans the most common complaint was negative emotions during the perimenstrual period, but less pain than the Koreans, and a similarity to Koreans during the intermenstrual period. 6. Regularity of the menstrual cycle was positively correlated with age of menarche, menstrual cycle, and duration of menstruation. 7 For the interrelationship between of Perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes, and sex role acceptance, there were significant correlations for both group as follows : First, the MA category "menstruation is a bothering phenomena" was negatively correlated with sex role acceptance, second, the MA category "menstruation is a phenomena that weakens the women physically and psychologically" was positively correlated with the MA category "menstruation onset is a predictable phenomena." For the further research, it is recommended that efficient nursing intervention programs for perimenstrual discomforts, be developed and qualitative research to demonstrate the cultural differences as the feminism view point be done.

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A Comparative Analysis of Grounded Design Theories of European and Japanese Fashion Designers

  • Au, Joe S.;Taylor, Gail;Newton, Edward W.
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제3권5호
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    • pp.444-454
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this paper was to identify and compare the underlying design theory of contemporary European and Japanese fashion designers by using the qualitative research method of grounded theory developed by Glaser and Strauss (1967) and Glaser (1978). In this research, four fashion sites-Paris, Milan, London and Tokyo-were selected. The researcher stayed in each site for a period of two to three weeks for the purpose of data collection. A total of 60 fashion designers, educators, students and journalists were interviewed. 53 open-ended design questionnaires were returned by fashion designers and students. 19 on-site observations of fashion designers and educators were done. Grounded theories of fashion designers were synthesized from in-depth interviews, participant observations and questionnaire surveys of fashion designers, students and educators. The results of theory-building research suggested that there were significant differences between the grounded design theories of European and Japanese fashion designers due to their various cultural contexts.

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입양 가정의 스트레스와 적응 : 한국과 호주의 공개입양가정을 중심으로 (Stress and Adaptation of Adopting Families : Open Adoption in Korea and Australia)

  • 구미향
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2008
  • Investigating cross-cultural differences of family stress and adaptation in Korea and Australia, 49 families in open adoption were administered the Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation-General (McCubbin, 1987), Family Problem Solving Communications (McCubbin et al., 1988), and Social Support Index (McCubbin et al., 1982). Data were analyzed by T-test and correlation analysis. Results indicated that adoption itself was the primary stressor in both countries. Korean adoptive families were under stress by family-oriented factors; Australian adoptive families experienced external family stress. Regarding family hardiness, coping efforts and family communication, Australian adoptive families reported significantly higher family functioning than Korean adoptive families. Findings suggested that a broad range of social support is needed to improve family adaptability in both countries.

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