• 제목/요약/키워드: crack properties

검색결과 1,599건 처리시간 0.036초

Aging Effects in the Two-phase Intermetallic compounds Based on Cr-doped $\textrm{Ll}_2\textrm{Al}_3\textrm{Ti}$ (Cr 첨가 $\textrm{Ll}_2\textrm{Al}_3\textrm{Ti}$기 2상 금속간화합물의 시효처리 효과)

  • Lee, Jae-Gyeong;Park, Jeong-Yong;O, Myeong-Hun;Wi, Dang-Mun
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • 제9권10호
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    • pp.951-955
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    • 1999
  • Two-phase Al-21Ti-23Cr alloy containing 20 vol.% $\textrm{Cr}_{2}\textrm{Al}$ as a second phase in the $Ll_2$ matrix is located in the two- phase region of the Al- Ti- Cr phase diagram at $1150^{\circ}C$, while in the three-phase region at $1000^{\circ}C$. Based on this result, the mechanical properties of the A1-21Ti-23Cr alloy were enhanced through the refined precipitation of the third phase in the $Ll_2$ matrix by aging the alloy below $1000^{\circ}C$. It was observed that a several ,m of the third phase precipitated in the $Ll_2$ matrix through aging at $800^{\circ}C$ and $1000^{\circ}C$, but the precipitation was not observed below $600^{\circ}C$. Furthermore, the third phase was more finely precipitated at $800^{\circ}C$ than at $1000^{\circ}C$. Although the third phase precipitated at $800^{\circ}C$ and at $1000^{\circ}C$, the compressive yield strength increased rapidly at $800^{\circ}C$ only. This is probably attributable to the refined precipitation of the third phase in the $Ll_2$ matrix. It is expected that the precipitation of the third phase. which was confirmed to be the TiAlCr phase, improves the mechanical properties by preventing crack propagation in the $Ll_2$ matrix.

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The Physical and Thermal Properties Analysis of the VOC Free Composites Comprised of Epoxy Resin, and Dicyandiamide (VOC Free Epoxy Resin/Dicyandiamide 경화물의 배합비 변화에 따른 물리적 특성 및 열적특성 분석)

  • Kim, Daeyeon;Kim, Soonchoen;Park, Young IL;Kim, Young Chul;Lim, Choong-Sun
    • Clean Technology
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2015
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC) free adhesives have been interested by many scientists and engineers due to environmental regulations and the safety of industrial workers. In this work, a series of composites composed with bisphenol A epoxy resin used as solvent, dicyandiamide, and promoter were prepared to investigate the most appropriate molar ratio for steel-steel adhesion. The cured test specimen of each composite were measured with universal testing machine (UTM) to figure out mechanical properties such as tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and elongation. Furthermore, the lap shear strength of the specimen was tested with UTM while impact resistance was measured with Izod impact tester. The composite whose molar ratio of epoxy resin to curing agent is 1 : 0.9 (sample 3), showed better tensile strength, coefficient of elastic modulus, elongation, and impact strength than other composites did. The highest tanδ from dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was observed from sample 2 (epoxy resin: dicy = 1 : 0.7) while sample 3 showed slightly lower tanδ than that of 2. The morphology of the fracture surface of the cured composites from SEM showed that the number of subtle lines on the surface caused by impact increase as the contents of amine curing agent accrete. Furthermore, the viscosity change of sample 5 (epoxy resin: dicy = 1 : 1.3) was observed to confirm its storage stability.

Formation Environment of Quaternary deposits and Palynology of Jangheung-ri Archaeological Site (Jiphyeon County, Jinju City), Korea (진주 집현 장흥리 유적 제4기 퇴적층 형성 및 식생환경 연구)

  • 김주용;박영철;양동윤;봉필윤;서영남;이윤수;김진관
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2002
  • In Korea, many open-air upper palaeolithic sites are located at the river valley, particularly exposed in gently rotting terrain along the river course. They are situated at an altitude less trail 30 m above present river bottom, and covered with the blankets of slope deposits of several meters in thickness. The purpose of this research is to eluridate depositional and vegetational environment of the alluvial upper palaeolithic Jangheung-ri sites on the basis of analytical properties of grain size population, chronology, palynology, soil chemistry and clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of the Jangheung-ri Quaternary formations. The lithostratograpy of Jangheung-ri sit is subdivided into 3 layers based on the depositional sequence and radiocarbon ages. From bottom to top, they are composed of slope deposits with lower paleosol layers, young fluvial sand and gravel with backswamp organic muds, and upper paleosol layers. The upper paleosol was formed under rather dry climatic condition between each flooding period. Dessication cracks were prevalent in the soil solum which was filled with secondarily minuted fragments due to pedogenetic process. The soil structure shows typical braided-typed cracks in the root part of cracking texture, and more diversified pattern of crackings downward. The young fluvial sand gravel were formed by rather perennial streams after LGM. The main part of organic muds was particularly formed after 15Ka. Local backswamp were flourished with organic muds and graded suspension materials in the flooding muds were intermittently accumulated in the organic muds until ca. 11Ka. This episode was associated with migration of Nam River toward present course. Organic muds were formed in backswamp or local pond. Abies/Picea-Betula with Ranunculaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae were prevalent. This period is characterized with B$\Phi$lling, Older Dryas, Allerod, and Younger Dryas (MIS-1). Stone artefacts were found in the lower paleosol layers formed as old as 18Ka-22Ka. Based on the artefacts and landscape settings of the Jangheung-ri site, it is presumed that settlement grounds of old people were buried by frequent floodings of old Nam River, the river-beds of which were heavily fluctuated laterally and river-bed erosions were activated from south to north in Jangheung-ri site until the terminal of LGM9ca 17Ka).

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Suitable Conditions of Producing the LVL from Pitch Pine and its Paint Film Durability (리기다소나무 단판적층재(單板積層材)의 제조조건(製造條件)에 따른 물리적성질(物理的性質) 및 도장성능(塗裝性能))

  • Park, Sang-Bum;Kong, Young-To;Jo, Jae-Myeong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1989
  • This study was carried out to investigate the physical and mechanical properties. durability of adhesive bond and paint film for the basic data which were required to determine the suitability as a raw material for furniture the laminated veneer lumber (LVL) with pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill). The results obtained were as follows; 1) The proper pressing time for making the LVL was over 45 second per milimeter of LVL thickness. 2) The bending strength of the LVL was lower than that of the solid wood but the compressive strength of the LVL was similar to that of the solid wood. The strength increased with the decrease of veneer thickness. 3) The impact bending absorbed energy of the LVL was 0 to 0.3 kg.m/$cm^2$ in the direction of parallel to the grain. The energy of the LVL was lower than that of the solid wood (0.68 kg.m/$cm^2$). 4) In warm water soaking and cold-dry tests, delamination of adhered layers surface crack, swelling, and color change were not found when the hot pressing time was over 45 second per milimeter of LVL thickness. As a result of soak under vacuum test shrinkage in the direction of parallel to the grain was about -1.0 percent and. was about 3.0 percent in the direction of the perpendicular to the grain. 6) The film cacks on the LVL's surface after the wet and cold-dry test were not found at all. 7) In the use of the LVL for interior decoration it was considered that the surface of the LVL be overlaid crossly with fancy veneers of birch and paulownia, etc. This cross overlayirg methods have resulted in few cracks on the fancy veneer.

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Quality Characteristics of Cookies Prepared with Fresh and Steamed Garlic Powders (생마늘 및 증숙마늘 분말 첨가 쿠키의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Soo-Jung;Shin, Jung-Hye;Choi, Duck-Joo;Kwen, O-Chen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제36권8호
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    • pp.1048-1054
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    • 2007
  • The quality characteristics of cookies, prepared with the freeze dried fresh garlic (FGP) and steamed ($100^{\circ}C$, 20 min) garlic (SGP) powders, were investigated. The cookie samples in the present study were made by adding the garlic powders at different levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6%). The highest spread ratio, $8.48{\pm}0.31$ and $8.62{\pm}0.21$, were obtained by mixing 6% FGP and 0.5% SGP with the cookies. Among the surface color of the cookies, the L-value decreased with increasing garlic powder contents compared to that of the control group, but the difference in the surface color among the kinds of garlic powders was insignificant. Although increases in the garlic powder content resulted in no noticeable difference among the a-value of the test group, the b-value was decreased significantly, particularly with increasing SGP contents. Hardness was also increased along with the garlic powder contents and was highest at its 2% content. When viewed from the sensor properties, the measured color tended to become brown at the garlic powder contents greater than 2%. The surface crack of the cookies also increased as the SGP content increased. Its garlic taste and flavor were slightly low at SGP added with 6% garlic powder content than FGP. The overall acceptability was higher in $0.5{\sim}4%$ added test samples than those in control group sample; it was highest for 1%, 2% and 0.5%, in decreasing order. In the sensor evaluation, the overall acceptability of the cookies was considerably different in the comparison of FGP added cookies with SGP added ones. Therefore, the optimal ratio investigated for making the garlic added cookies was shown to be 1 %, and its acceptability was relatively high for SGP added cookies.

Fatigue fracture of different dental implant system under cyclic loading (반복하중에 따른 수종 임플란트의 피로파절에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Won-Ju;Cho, In-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.424-434
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Problems such as loosening and fractures of retained screws and fracture of implant fixture have been frequently reported in implant prosthesis. Purpose: Implant has weak mechanical properties against lateral loading compared to vertical occlusal loading, and therefore, stress analysis of implant fixture depending on its material and geometric features is needed. Material and methods: Total 28 of external hexed implants were divided into 7 of 4 groups; Group A (3i, FULL $OSSEOTITE^{(R)}$Implant), Group B (Nobelbiocare, $Br{\aa}nemark$ $System^{(R)}$Mk III Groovy RP), Group C (Neobiotec, $SinusQuick^{TM}$ EB), Group D (Osstem, US-II). The type III gold alloy prostheses were fabricated using adequate UCLA gold abutments. Fixture, abutment screw, and abutment were connected and cross-sectioned vertically. Hardness test was conducted using MXT-$\alpha$. For fatigue fracture test, with MTS 810, the specimens were loaded to the extent of 60-600 N until fracture occurred. The fracture pattern of abutment screw and fixture was observed under scanning electron microscope. A comparative study of stress distribution and fracture area of abutment screw and fixture was carried out through finite element analysis Results: 1. In Vicker's hardness test of abutment screw, the highest value was measured in group A and lowest value was measured in group D. 2. In all implant groups, implant fixture fractures occurred mainly at the 3-4th fixture thread valley where tensile stress was concentrated. When the fatigue life was compared, significant difference was found between the group A, B, C and D (P<.05). 3. The fracture patterns of group B and group D showed complex failure type, a fracture behavior including transverse and longitudinal failure patterns in both fixture and abutment screw. In Group A and C, however, the transverse failure of fixture was only observed. 4. The finite element analysis infers that a fatigue crack started at the fixture surface. Conclusion: The maximum tensile stress was found in the implant fixture at the level of cortical bone. The fatigue fracture occurred when the dead space of implant fixture coincides with jig surface where the maximum tensile stress was generated. To increase implant durability, prevention of surrounding bone resorption is important. However, if the bone resorption progresses to the level of dead space, the frequency of implant fracture would increase. Thus, proper management is needed.

Conservation Scientific Diagnosis and Evaluation of Bird Track Sites from the Haman Formation at Yongsanri in Haman, Korea (함안 용산리 함안층 새발자국 화석산지의 보존과학적 진단 및 평가)

  • Lee, Gyu Hye;Park, Jun Hyoung;Lee, Chan Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.74-93
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    • 2019
  • The Bird Track Site in the Haman Formation in Yongsanri (Natural Monument No. 222) was reported on the named Koreanaornis hamanensis and Jindongornipes kimi sauropod footprint Brontopodus and ichnospecies Ochlichnus formed by Nematoda. This site has outstanding academic value because it is where the second-highest number of bird tracks have been reported in the world. However, only 25% of the site remains after being designated a natural monument in 1969. This is due to artificial damage caused by worldwide fame and quarrying for flat stone used in Korean floor heating systems. The Haman Formation, including this fossil site, has lithofacies showing reddish-grey siltstone and black shale, alternately. The boundary of the two rocks is progressive, and sedimentary structures like ripple marks and sun cracks can clearly be found. This site was divided into seven formations according to sedimentary sequences and structures. The results of a nondestructive deterioration evaluation showed that chemical and biological damage rates were very low for all formations. Also, physical damage displayed low rates with 0.49% on exfoliation, 0.04% on blistering, 0.28% on break-out; however, the joint crack index was high, 6.20. Additionally, efflorescence was observed on outcrops at the backside and the northwestern side. Physical properties measured by an indirect ultrasonic analysis were found to be moderately weathered (MW). Above all, the southeastern side was much fresher, though some areas around the column of protection facility appeared more weathered. Furthermore, five kinds of discontinuity surface can be found at this site, with the bedding plane showing the higher share. There is the possibility of toppling failure occurring at this site but stable on plane and wedge failure by means of stereographic projection. We concluded that the overall level of deterioration and stability were relatively fine. However, continuous monitoring and conservation treatment and management should be performed as situations such as the physicochemical weathering of the fossil layer, and the efflorescence of the mortar adjoining the protection facility's column appear to be challenging to control.

Stability and Damage Evaluation of the Buddha Triad and 16 Rock-Carved Arhat Statues at Seongbulsa Temple in Cheonan, Korea (천안 성불사 마애석가삼존과 16나한상의 손상도 및 안정성 평가)

  • Yang, Hyeri;Lee, Chan Hee;Jo, Young Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.78-99
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    • 2020
  • The Buddha triad and 16 Arhat statues carved on the rock surface at Seongbulsa temple is the only domestic remaining example of all 16 Arhats, so its academic value is very high. However, it is severely damaged and so required a stability evaluation through study of digital documentation and precise diagnosis for the purpose of comprehensive conservation. This process established that the Buddha statues were of similar scale, while the Arhats showed a wide variety of sizes, and the two kith and kin in the volume were larger than the Arhats. It was estimated that the statues of food for Buddha are similar to the Arhat statues, and most of the statues are well-formed. The rock used to carve the Buddha statues is banded gneiss with distinct foliation, alternating between white bands of quartz and feldspar and black bands composed of biotite. The Buddha statues have been damaged by physical weathering, discoloration, and biological contamination. In damage evaluations, joint (3.6 crack index), peeling (5.2%), exfoliation (1.7%), and falling off (0.1%) were observed on the rock surface of the Buddha statues. In particular, due to severe biological weathering, stage 9 and 10 biological coverage of the rock surface accounted for 57.5% of the total area, and stages 5 to 8 also accounted for a high share at 22.3%. The discoloration factors were shown to be dark brown and white with Fe, Ca, and S, and a large amount of C detected in the blackened contaminants, and the damage weight high in all areas. Discontinuities in different directions were identified in the rock surface. Analysis of potential rock failure types indicated that there is a possibility of plane and toppling failure, but wedge failure is unlikely to occur. The mean ultrasonic velocity of the main rock surface was 2,463m/sec, the lower part of the left side with a large number of joints was relatively low, and the highly weathered (HW) type to the completely weathered (CW) type concentrated distribution, showing weak properties. For the Buddha statues, conservation treatment is required for about 14.9% of micro cracks and 58.9% of exfoliation cracks. In addition, in order to improve the conservation environment of the Buddha statues, maintenance of drainage and ground preparations for the rock surface gradient and plants are necessary, and protection facilities should be reviewed for long-term conservation and management purposes.

Water-absorption characteristics and cooked rice texture of milled rice (쌀 수침 중 벼 품종별 수분흡수 특성 및 취반미 물성)

  • Choi, Induck;Oh, You-Geun;Kwak, Jieun;Chun, Areum;Kim, Mi-Jung;Hyun, WoongJo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.486-494
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    • 2021
  • A rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar of the SPP (stakeholder participatory program) and ordinary rice were characterized based on water-absorption properties and cooked rice texture. During rice soaking, the rice grain transformed from transparent to opaque (white), indicating that water molecules diffused into the rice grain during soaking. In addition, cracks in the internal structure of soaked rice gradually increased with an increase in soaking time. Water absorption increased rapidly up to 20 min, but no increment was observed after 30 min of soaking. At this point, the entire areas of the soaked rice grain turned white, indicating that water absorption had reached saturation. SPP rice showed lower hardness and higher stickiness in its cooked form than ordinary rice, suggesting that SPP rice could be a more preferable choice than ordinary rice. Furthermore, cooked SPP rice was more edible in terms of hardness and stickiness after being kept warm for 12 h than ordinary rice. These results indicated that cooked SPP rice exhibited slow retrogradation and improved taste.