• Title/Summary/Keyword: cosmology: large-scale structure of universe

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A Deep Convolutional Neural Network approach to Large Scale Structure

  • Sabiu, Cristiano G.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.53.3-53.3
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    • 2019
  • Recent work by Ravanbakhsh et al. (2017), Mathuriya et al. (2018) showed that convolutional neural networks (CNN) can be trained to predict cosmological parameters from the visual shape of the large scale structure, i.e. the filaments, clusters and voids of the cosmic density field. These preliminary works used the dark matter density field at redshift zero. We build upon these works by considering realistic mock galaxy catalogues that mimic true observations. We construct light-cones that span the redshift range appropriate for current and near future cosmological surveys such as LSST, EUCLID, WFIRST etc. In summary, we propose a novel multi-image input CNN to track the evolution in the morphology of large scale structures over cosmic time to constrain cosmology and the expansion history of the Universe.

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  • Kim, Ju-Han;Park, Chang-Bom;Rossi, Graziano;Lee, Sang-Min;Gott, J. Richard III
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.217-234
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    • 2011
  • We present two large cosmological N-body simulations, called Horizon Run 2 (HR2) and Horizon Run 3 (HR3), made using $6000^3$ = 216 billions and $7210^3$ = 374 billion particles, spanning a volume of $(7.200\;h^{-1}Gpc)^3$ and $(10.815\;h^{-1}Gpc)^3$, respectively. These simulations improve on our previous Horizon Run 1 (HR1) up to a factor of 4.4 in volume, and range from 2600 to over 8800 times the volume of the Millennium Run. In addition, they achieve a considerably finer mass resolution, down to $1.25{\times}10^{11}h^{-1}M_{\odot}$, allowing to resolve galaxy-size halos with mean particle separations of $1.2h^{-1}$Mpc and $1.5h^{-1}$Mpc, respectively. We have measured the power spectrum, correlation function, mass function and basic halo properties with percent level accuracy, and verified that they correctly reproduce the CDM theoretical expectations, in excellent agreement with linear perturbation theory. Our unprecedentedly large-volume N-body simulations can be used for a variety of studies in cosmology and astrophysics, ranging from large-scale structure topology, baryon acoustic oscillations, dark energy and the characterization of the expansion history of the Universe, till galaxy formation science - in connection with the new SDSS-III. To this end, we made a total of 35 all-sky mock surveys along the past light cone out to z = 0.7 (8 from the HR2 and 27 from the HR3), to simulate the BOSS geometry. The simulations and mock surveys are already publicly available at http://astro.kias.re.kr/Horizon-Run23/.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 2015
  • Determining the absolute neutrino mass scale and the neutrino mass hierarchy are central goals in particle physics, with important implications for the Standard Model. However, the final answer may come from cosmology, as laboratory experiments provide measurements for two of the squared mass differences and a stringent lower bound on the total neutrino mass - but the upper bound is still poorly constrained, even when considering forecasted results from future probes. Cosmological tracers are very sensitive to neutrino properties and their total mass, because massive neutrinos produce a specific redshift-and scale-dependent signature in the power spectrum of the matter and galaxy distributions. Stringent upper limits on ${\sum}m_v$ will be essential for understanding the neutrino sector, and will nicely complement particle physics results. To this end, we describe here a series of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations which include massive neutrinos, specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Baryon Acoustic Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) and focused on the Lyman-${\alpha}$ ($Ly{\alpha}$) forest - also a useful theoretical ground for upcoming surveys such as SDSS-IV/eBOSS and DESI. We then briefly highlight the remarkable constraining power of the $Ly{\alpha}$ forest in terms of the total neutrino mass, when combined with other state-of-the-art cosmological probes, leaving to a stringent upper bound on ${\sum}m_v$.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.161-164
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    • 2005
  • We present a theoretical formalism by which the global and the local mass functions of dark matter substructures (dark subhalos) can be analytically estimated. The global subhalo mass function is defined to give the total number density of dark subhalos in the universe as a function of mass, while the local subhalo mass function counts only those sub halos included in one individual host halo. We develop our formalism by modifying the Press-Schechter theory to incorporate the followings: (i) the internal structure of dark halos; (ii) the correlations between the halos and the subhalos; (iii) the subhalo mass-loss effect driven by the tidal forces. We find that the resulting (cumulative) subhalo mass function is close to a power law with the slope of ${\~}$ -1, that the subhalos contribute approximately $10\%$ of the total mass, and that the tidal stripping effect changes the subhalo mass function self-similarly, all consistent with recent numerical detections.

Cosmological Tests using Redshift Space Clustering in BOSS DR11

  • Song, Yong-Seon;Sabiu, Cristiano G.;Okumura, Teppei;Oh, Minji;Linder, Eric V.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.43.3-44
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    • 2015
  • We analyze the clustering of large scale structure in the Universe in a model independent method, accounting for anisotropic effects along and transverse to the line of sight. A large sample of 690,000 galaxies from The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey Data Release 11 are used to determine the Hubble expansion H, angular distance D_A, and growth rate GT at an effective redshift of z=0.57. After careful bias and convergence studies of the effects from small scale clustering, we find that cutting transverse separations below 40 Mpc/h delivers robust results while smaller scale data leads to a bias due to unmodelled nonlinear and velocity effects. The converged results are in agreement with concordance LCDM cosmology, general relativity, and minimal neutrino mass, all within the $68{\backslash}%$ confidence level. We also present results separately for the northern and southern hemisphere sky, finding a slight tension in the growth rate -- potentially a signature of anisotropic stress, or just covariance with small scale velocities -- but within $68{\backslash}%$ CL.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.213-228
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    • 2015
  • The Horizon Run 4 is a cosmological N-body simulation designed for the study of coupled evolution between galaxies and large-scale structures of the Universe, and for the test of galaxy formation models. Using 63003 gravitating particles in a cubic box of Lbox = 3150 h−1Mpc, we build a dense forest of halo merger trees to trace the halo merger history with a halo mass resolution scale down to Ms = 2.7 × 1011h−1M. We build a set of particle and halo data, which can serve as testbeds for comparison of cosmological models and gravitational theories with observations. We find that the FoF halo mass function shows a substantial deviation from the universal form with tangible redshift evolution of amplitude and shape. At higher redshifts, the amplitude of the mass function is lower, and the functional form is shifted toward larger values of ln(1/σ). We also find that the baryonic acoustic oscillation feature in the two-point correlation function of mock galaxies becomes broader with a peak position moving to smaller scales and the peak amplitude decreasing for increasing directional cosine μ compared to the linear predictions. From the halo merger trees built from halo data at 75 redshifts, we measure the half-mass epoch of halos and find that less massive halos tend to reach half of their current mass at higher redshifts. Simulation outputs including snapshot data, past lightcone space data, and halo merger data are available at http://sdss.kias.re.kr/astro/Horizon-Run4.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.175-178
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    • 2005
  • We show that next-generation galaxy surveys such as KAOS (the Kilo-Aperture Optical Spectro-graph)will constrain dark energy even if the baryon oscillations are missing from the monopole power spectrum and the bias is scale- and time-dependent KAOS will accurately measure the quadrupole power spectrum which gives the leading anisotropies in the power spectrum in redshift space due to peculiar velocities, the finger of God effect, as well as the Alcock-Paczynski effect. The combination of monopole and quadrupole power spectra powerfully breaks the degeneracy between the bias parameters and dark energy and, in the complete absence of baryon oscillations ($\Omega$b = 0), leads to a roughly $500\%$ improvement in constraints on dark energy compared with the monopole spectrum alone. As a result, for KAOS the worst case with no oscillations has dark energy errors only mildly degraded relative to the ideal case, providing insurance on the robustness of KAOS constraints on dark energy. We show that nonlinear effects are crucial in correctly evaluating the quadrupole and significantly improving the constraints on dark energy when we allow for multi-parameter scale-dependent bias.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.427-431
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    • 2004
  • We use simulations of large-scale structure formation to study the build-up of magnetic fields (MFs) in the intergalactic medium. Our basic assumption is that cosmological MFs grow in a magnetohy-drodynamical (MHD) amplification process driven by structure formation out of a magnetic seed field present at high redshift. This approach is motivated by previous simulations of the MFs in galaxy clusters which, under the same hypothesis that we adopt here, succeeded in reproducing Faraday rotation measurements (RMs) in clusters of galaxies. Our ACDM initial conditions for the dark matter density fluctuations have been statistically constrained by the observed large-scale density field within a sphere of 110 Mpc around the Milky Way, based on the IRAS 1.2-Jy all-sky redshift survey. As a result, the positions and masses of prominent galaxy clusters in our simulation coincide closely with their real counterparts in the Local Universe. We find excellent agreement between RMs of our simulated galaxy clusters and observational data. The improved numerical resolution of our simulations compared to previous work also allows us to study the MF in large-scale filaments, sheets and voids. By tracing the propagation of ultra high energy (UHE) protons in the simulated MF we construct full-sky maps of expected deflection angles of protons with arrival energies $E = 10^{20}\;eV$ and $4 {\times} 10^{19}\;eV$, respectively. Accounting only for the structures within 110 Mpc, we find that strong deflections are only produced if UHE protons cross galaxy clusters. The total area on the sky covered by these structures is however very small. Over still larger distances, multiple crossings of sheets and filaments may give rise to noticeable deflections over a significant fraction of the sky; the exact amount and angular distribution depends on the model adopted for the magnetic seed field. Based on our results we argue that over a large fraction of the sky the deflections are likely to remain smaller than the present experimental angular sensitivity. Therefore, we conclude that forthcoming air shower experiments should be able to locate sources of UHE protons and shed more light on the nature of cosmological MFs.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2002
  • Cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of large scale structure in the universe have shown that accretion shocks and merger shocks form due to flow motions associated with the gravitational collapse of nonlinear structures. Estimated speed and curvature radius of these shocks could be as large as a few 1000 km/s and several Mpc, respectively. According to the diffusive shock acceleration theory, populations of cosmic-ray particles can be injected and accelerated to very high energy by astrophysical shocks in tenuous plasmas. In order to explore the cosmic ray acceleration at the cosmic shocks, we have performed nonlinear numerical simulations of cosmic ray (CR) modified shocks with the newly developed CRASH (Cosmic Ray Amr SHock) numerical code. We adopted the Bohm diffusion model for CRs, based on the hypothesis that strong Alfven waves are self-generated by streaming CRs. The shock formation simulation includes a plasma-physics-based 'injection' model that transfers a small proportion of the thermal proton flux through the shock into low energy CRs for acceleration there. We found that, for strong accretion shocks, CRs can absorb most of shock kinetic energy and the accretion shock speed is reduced up to $20\%$, compared to pure gas dynamic shocks. For merger shocks with small Mach numbers, however, the energy transfer to CRs is only about $10-20\%$ with an associated CR particle fraction of $10^{-3}$. Nonlinear feedback due to the CR pressure is insignificant in the latter shocks. Although detailed results depend on models for the particle diffusion and injection, these calculations show that cosmic shocks in large scale structure could provide acceleration sites of extragalactic cosmic rays of the highest energy.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.517-525
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    • 2004
  • We present an update on our proposal that during the 'quasar era' (1.5 $\le$ z $\le$ 3), powerful radio galaxies could have played a major role in the enhanced global star-formation, and in the widespread magnetization and metal pollution of the universe. A key ingredient of this proposal is our estimate that the true cosmological evolution of the radio galaxy population is likely to be even steeper than what has been inferred from flux-limited samples of radio sources with redshift data, when an allowance is made for the inverse Compton losses on the cosmic microwave background which were much greater at higher redshifts. We thus estimate that a large fraction of the clumps of proto-galactic material within the cosmic web of filaments was probably impacted by the expanding lobes of radio galaxies during the quasar era. Some recently published observational evidence and simulations which provide support for this picture are pointed out. We also show that the inverse Compton x-ray emission from the population of radio galaxies during the quasar era, which we inferred to be largely missing from the derived radio luminosity function, is still only a small fraction of the observed soft x-ray background (XRB) and hence the limit imposed on this scenario by the XRB is not violated.