• Title/Summary/Keyword: correlation measure

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A Survey of Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, Need of Sex Education of schoolchildren - Junior high school St grade students in Kwang-Ju city - (남녀 중학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도, 성교육요구도에 관한 연구 - 광주 시내 일부 중학교 1학년 대상으로-)

  • Park, In-Hyae;Han, You-Jeon;Yoon, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of the survey was to identify the degree and the relationship of sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and need of sex education. This information will provide useful data for a more systematic. desirable, and practical sex education. The data was collected from 300 first grade schoolchildren (150 boys and 150 girls) of two Junior high school in K city. The data was gathered by questionnaire from Nov.21 to 28, 1995. The questionnaire was modified by authors using the questionnaire developed by Lief & Reed. Data was analyzed by using the statistical computer package, SAS to manipulate the data along with percentages, means, standard deviation, t-test, $X^2$-test, GLM, and Pearson correlation coeffiency. The results in this study were summarized as follows: 1. Sexual knowledge. - The mean score of sexual knowledges showed no significant differences between boys and girls(p<0.6180), but in the areas of biological differences(boys; $11.57{\pm}2.43$, girls; $10.93{\pm}2.41$, p<0.0242), and pregnancy physiology(boys; $9.28{\pm}1.87$, girls; $10.04{\pm}2.42$, p<0.0026) showed significant difference between boys and girls. 2. Sexual attitudes. - The mean score of sexual attitudes showed no significant difference between boys and girls (p<0.8286), but in the areas of masturbation (boys : $6.69{\pm}2.22$, girls : $5.65{\pm}1.88$, p<0.0001), and premarital intercourse (boys : $5,42{\pm}1.35$, girls : $6.00{\pm}1.33$, p<0.0002) showed significant difference between boys and girls 3. Need of sex education. - The majority of the subjects wanted to learn about sexual delinquency and it's prevention(57.7%), form a friendship with the other sex(56.3%), physical differences of the other sex(52.0%), psychological differences and the charateriatics of the other sex (50.3%) and meaning of love(50.3%). 4. The relationships between sexual knowledges and sexual attitudes. - Those who had higher sexual knowledges showed more positive attitudes towards sex, and showed statistical significance(r=0.2074, p<0.0003). 5. The relationships between general charateristics and sexual knowledge. - Better students(by self-perception of school performance) had higher knowledge scores about sex. 6. The relationships between general charateristics and sexual attitudes. - Those who wanted to learn more about sex, and better students had higher attitude scores about sex. - Those who were in high standard of living had higher attitude scores about sex as well. Suggestions based on above study are as follows' 1. The planned sex education showed be performed to the schoolchildren establish responsible attitudes about sex. 2. Systematic sex education through formal school education according to age is recommended. 3. Further studies should be done to measure the effect of sex education based on the needs of the schoolchildren.

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A More Simplified Hydrometer Method for Soil Texture Analysis (토성 판정을 위한 비중계방법 개선연구)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Kim, Moo-Sung;Eom, Ki-Cheol;Jo, In-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to develop a more convenient way to analyze soil texture by hydrometer. Standard Hydrometer Method(SM), in which at least 7 times of reading is required for soil texture analysis, was compared with two other methods named as Soil Clay Fraction Procedure(SCFP) and Simplified for Soil Texture Analysis(SSTA), in which 2 or 3 times of hydrometer reading may be enough for soil texture analysis, respectively. There appeared to be very close correlation(nearly 1.0) between clay contents measured by the above three methods. The clay content measured by SCFP were overestimated by 0~2 percent than those by SM. Textural classes of 28 soil samples determined by SSTA were identical to those by SM. But, textural classes determined by SCFP appeared to be different from those by SM in 4 of 28 soil samples. Because the measurements of particle size in SSTA is made near $2{\mu}m$ diameter, we can save time and labour to measure the clay contents. Therefore, SSTA could be used as a more convenient method to get the same data as SM.

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Development and Validation of Perceived Stigma of Delirium Scale (섬망 환자의 지각된 낙인 척도 개발 및 타당성 검증)

  • Kim, Seon-Young;Kim, Sung-Wan;Kim, Jae-Min;Shin, Il-Seon;Yoon, Jin-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : This study developed and validated the Perceived Stigma of Delirium Scale(PSDS), which is designed to measure perceived stigma associated with delirium in patients suffering from that disorder. Methods : Based on a literature review of scales assessing stigma, a preliminary scale comprising seven items was developed. After recovering from delirium, 128 patients completed the PSDS and the Distress Thermometer (DT). Factor analysis was used to examine construct validity, and internal consistency and test-retest reliability were examined to ensure reliability. Concurrent validity was assessed using the correlation between the total scores on the PSDS and the DT. Results : Factor analysis yielded a single-factor structure from the seven candidate items. One item was excluded due to low factor loading. The internal consistency was computed and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ was 0.85 for the total score. The overall test-retest reliability was 0.71, with items ranging from 0.58 to 0.83. The total score on the PSDS was significantly correlated with the DT score. Conclusions : The PSDS may be a reliable, valid instrument for evaluating perceived stigma in patients who have recovered from delirium. Further study of the perceived stigma by delirium patients is required to assess the implications of the PSDS for clinical practice and research.

The Study on Blast Effects of Stemming Materials by Trauzl Lead Block Test and High Speed 3D-DIC Systems (트라우즐 연주시험 및 고속 3차원 이미지영상상관 기법을 이용한 전색재 별 발파효과에 대한 연구)

  • Ko, Younghun;Seo, Seunghwan;Kim, Sik;Chung, Youngjun;Chung, Moonkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2021
  • The most widely used method for determining the blast effects of explosives is the Trauzl test. This test is used to measure the explosive power (strength) of a substance by determining volume increase, which is produced by the detonation of a tested explosive charge in the cavity of a lead block with defined quality and size. In this paper, Trauzl lead block test and High speed 3D-DIC (Digital Image Correlation) system were conducted to evaluate the stemming effect of the blast hole. The effects of stemming materials can be expressed as the expansion of the cavity in a standard lead block through explosion of the explosives. The blasting experiment was conducted with emulsion explosives. The stemming material in the blast hole of lead block, which was adopted in this study, were using sand and stone chips. Results of blasting experiment and numerical analysis showed that the expansion rates of lead block were most affected by stone chips followed by sand. Also, as result of dynamic strain measurement on the lead block surface of High speed 3D-DIC system, the displacement and surface strain on the block were the highest in the experiment case of stone chips stemming.

Central Sarcopenia, Frailty and Comorbidity as Predictor of Surgical Outcome in Elderly Patients with Degenerative Spine Disease

  • Kim, Dong Uk;Park, Hyung Ki;Lee, Gyeoung Hae;Chang, Jae Chil;Park, Hye Ran;Park, Sukh Que;Cho, Sung Jin
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.995-1003
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    • 2021
  • Objective : People are living longer and the elderly population continues to increase. The incidence of degenerative spinal diseases (DSDs) in the elderly population is quite high. Therefore, we are facing more cases of DSD and offering more surgical solutions in geriatric patients. Understanding the significance and association of frailty and central sarcopenia as risk factors for spinal surgery in elderly patients will be helpful in improving surgical outcomes. We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of prospectively collected data to assess the impact of preoperative central sarcopenia, frailty, and comorbidity on surgical outcome in elderly patients with DSD. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent elective spinal surgery performed from January 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 at our hospital. We included patients aged 65 and over who underwent surgery on the thoracic or lumbar spine and were diagnosed as DSD. Central sarcopenia was measured by the 50th percentile of psoas : L4 vertebral index (PLVI) using the cross-sectional area of the psoas muscle. We used the Korean version of the fatigue, resistance, ambulation, illnesses, and loss of weight (K-FRAIL) scale to measure frailty. Comorbidity was confirmed and scored using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). As a tool for measuring surgical outcome, we used the Clavien-Dindo (CD) classification for postoperative complications and the length of stay (LOS). Results : This study included 85 patients (35 males and 50 females). The mean age was 74.05±6.47 years. Using the K-FRAIL scale, four patients were scored as robust, 44 patients were pre-frail and 37 patients were frail. The mean PLVI was 0.61±0.19. According to the CD classification, 50 patients were classified as grade 1, 19 as grade 2, and four as grade 4. The mean LOS was 12.35±8.17 days. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis showed that postoperative complication was significantly associated with surgical invasiveness and K-FRAIL scale. LOS was significantly associated with surgical invasiveness and CCI. K-FRAIL scale showed a significant correlation with CCI and PLVI. Conclusion : The present study demonstrates that frailty, comorbidity, and surgical invasiveness are important risk factors for postoperative complications and LOS in elderly patients with DSD. Preoperative recognition of these factors may be useful for perioperative optimization, risk stratification, and patient counseling.

Awareness of Patient Safety and Performance of Patient Safety Activities among Hospitalized Patients (입원환자의 환자안전인식과 환자안전활동 수행 정도)

  • Kim, An-Na;Park, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the awareness of patient safety and performance of patient safety activities among hospitalized patients, and to provide basic data for the development of programs to improve them. The subjects were 103 adult patients at a general hospital in D city. Data were collected from Feb. 22 to Mar. 12, 2021, using structured questionnaires to measure the awareness of patient safety and performance of patient safety activities. The mean (±standard deviation) scores of awareness of patient safety and performance of patient safety activities were 4.22±0.52 out of 5 and 3.35±0.48 out of 4, respectively. The awareness of patient safety varied significantly depending on patient safety education (t=4.85, p<.001). The performance of patient safety activities varied significantly depending on marital state (t=2.75, p=.007) and patient safety education (t=3.88, p<.001). There was a significant correlation between the awareness of patient safety and the performance of patient safety activities (r=.59, p<.001). It is thus necessary to promote the improvement of the patient safety culture by developing programs to improve awareness of patient safety and performance of patient safety activities in hospitalized patients and to apply them systematically in clinical practice.

Effects of fluoride release and solubility of resin modified glass ionomer with surface coating agents (표면 코팅제의 레진 강화형 글라스아이오노머 불소 유리량 및 용해도에 대한 효과)

  • Yoon, Taewan;Yoo, Seunghoon
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the solubility and the amount of fluoride release when a resin surface coating agent is applied to RMGIC. Materials and Methods: To measure the fluoride release and solubility, Fuji II $LC^{(R)}$and $Filtek^{TM}$ Z350XT without a surface coating, Fuji II $LC^{(R)}$ with G coat $plus^{TM}$ and Fuji II $LC^{(R)}$ with $Permaseal^{(R)}$ were prepared. And the amount of fluoride release and solubility were measured. Results: There was no significant difference in the daily fluoride release between the surface coating agents. The cumulative fluoride release was significantly different between the groups using RMGIC at 56 days (P < 0.05). In the solubility measurement, RMGIC without surface coating was significantly different only on the 7th day compared to the other three groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Surface coating agents can prevent the degradation of properties by the initial solvent in RMGIC. Therefore, fluoride is preserved inside the restorative material and the effect of surface coating after the addition is reduced, so that the effect on fluoride release and storage is also reduced.

The Empowerment and YANGSAENG(養生) according to Depression for the Elderly (노인 우울에 따른 임파워먼트와 양생(養生))

  • Kang, Ji Sook;Shin, Mee-Kyung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.1137-1146
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences on empowerment and YANGSAENG - traditional oriental health promotion - depression and non-depression for the elderly. This Study was a descriptive survey using convenience sampling. Elders(N=215), who agreed to participate in this study completed a self-report questionnaire from October to November of 2010. The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS 17.0 program, which was used for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The major findings of this study were as follows. 1) The mean(${\pm}$standard deviation) scores of each measure in this study were 6.61(${\pm}3.53$) for depression, 77.44(${\pm}11.87$) for empowerment, and 109.88(${\pm}18.19$) for YANGSAENG. 37.7% participants belong to the depression group. 2) There were significant differences between depression and non-depression on empowerment(t=6.62, p<.001), YANGSAENG(t=5.31, p<.001). 3) Specifically, among 8 subcategories of YANGSAENG, there were significant differences on Morality Yangsaeng(t=5.93, p<.001), Mind Yangsaeng(t=5.95, p.<001), Diet Yangsaeng(t=3.229, p=.002), Activity and Rest(t=2.21, p=.028), Exercise Yangsaeng(t=4.21, p.<001) and Sleep Yangsaeng(t=4.18, p<.001). 4) Lower depression scores were significantly related to having higher empowerment score(r=-.495, p<.001) and a higher YANGSAENG score(r=-.359, p<.001). Higher empowerment was significantly related to having higher YANGSAENG(r=.351, p<.001). In conclusion, Developing nursing intervention for the depression of the elderly needs more empowerment and more health promotion.

Inhibition of Osteoclast differentiation based on precipitation time of titanium surfaces immersed in modified simulated body fluid (Modified simulated body fluid에 침전한 티타늄 표면에서 침전 기간에 따라 나타나는 파골 세포의 분화억제 양상)

  • Chang, Hyun-min;Heo, Seong-Joo;Kim, Seong-Kyun;Koak, Jai-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.142-149
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of osteoclast differentiation inhibition according to the period of precipitation when titanium disks were immersed in Modified simulated body fluid (mSBF). Materials and methods: Titanium alloy (Ti grade III) disks with machined surfaces and anodized surfaces were immersed in distilled water and mSBF, respectively. The immersion periods were 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days, and the control group was immersed in distilled water for each period. RAW 264.7 cells capable of differentiating into osteoclasts were used to measure the number of adherent cells, the measurement of TRAP activity, and the expression pattern of NFATc1 by western blotting. Results: The degree of inhibition of osteoclast differentiation was found to be statistically significant when the disks were immersed in mSBF for more than 14 days on both machined surfaces and anodized surfaces. There was no correlation between immersion time and cell attachment. When the disks were immersed for more than 14 days, TRAP activity was decreased and NFATc1 expression was inhibited. Futhermore, the decrease in TRAP activity and the inhibition of NFATc1 expression remained unchanged. Conclusion: Immersion of titanium disks in mSBF for more than 14 days can prevent RAW 264.7 cells from differentiating into osteoclasts. Inhibition activity does not change even if the immersion period is for more than 14 days.

Comparison of Intraocular Pressure Values of Normotensive and Glaucomatous Rats Using Two Types of Tonometers (두 종류의 안압계로 측정한 정상안압과 녹내장 쥐의 안압 값 비교)

  • Choy, Yoon-Jung;Choi, Jee-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Vision Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.589-596
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : We compared intraocular pressure (IOP) values measured by two types of tonometers in condition of normotensive and glaucomatous rat model. We tried to determine which of tonometer can more easily and accurately measure the IOP of animal model. Methods : Glaucomatous eyes were induced by intracameral injections of hyaluronic acid in right eyes of six-week-old male Spargue-Dawley (SD) rats. Normotensive contralateral eyes were left eyes of the SD rats. IOP was measured using a rebound tonometer (Tonolab) and a immersive tonometer ($Tonopen^{(R)}$ XL) about 3:00 pm. Results : The mean IOP values of normotensive control eyes were $10.80{\pm}1.03mmHg$ by Tonopen, and $15.10{\pm}0.73mmHg$ by Tonolab. They were statistically insignificant (p = .1). The mean IOP values of glaucomatous experimental eyes were $30.20{\pm}2.67mmHg$ by Tonopen, and $37.90{\pm}2.73mmHg$ by Tonolab. They were statistically insignificant (p = .95). High IOP values of glaucomatous eyes by two types of tonometers had strong positive correlation each other (r = .904, p < .01). Conclusion : This is the first study to compare IOP values using two types of tonometers between normotensive and glaucomatous model made by intracameral injection of hyaluronic acid. Tonopen should be used carefully when the IOP is within normal range, and both Tonopen and Tonolab can be used reliably when the IOP is high.