• Title/Summary/Keyword: controlled culture

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  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.6-18
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    • 1960
  • The present experiments were designed in order to clarify the differences between the long and short styled plants and the transgressive gradition in the degree of dimorphism among the three heterostylous species of the Polygonus, P. japonica, F. esculentum, and P. senticosa, based on investigations regarding the floral structure, ecological and physiological traits, the results of which are summarized as follows: (1) P. japonica, although it exhibits typical dimorphism, has undergone so high a differentiation between long and short styled that its long styled individuals behave as if they were female; and short styled individuals as if male. In long-styled individuals, filament, anther, and pollen grains show signs of degeneration, most of the pollen being abortive. On the other hand, in short styled individuals, the filament, anther, and pollen grains have attained remarkable development; the pollen grians are large and fertile. In short-plant the fertilized flowers readily drop off in every stage of their embryo development. This species has completely lost the self-fertile property, which is characteristic of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specsei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specisei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of dimorphism in controlled pollination, the short-styled individuals bear no seed in nature, thus misleading taxonomists to idenfity the short-styled plant as male. 2) The morphological feature of the flower organ of P. senticosa obviously indicates definite dimorphism. Physiologically, however, no differentiation towards dimorphism was observed, the species still retaining, both in long and short-individuals, the self-fertile property common to the Polygonum genus. Elaborate examinations revealed that regardless of the modes of pollination, both fertiization and seed setting flourish, no differentiation betwen legitimate and illegitimate unions being recognizable. This sort of physiological property has not been observed in the investigations of other heterostylous plants. It is assumed that this species is differentiated structurally into dimorphism, but not yet physiologically. In nature, however, this plant would have more opportunities to be cross-pollinated, i.e., legitimately combined, than self-pollinated because of the development of two forms of flowers. 3) In terms of heterostylism, the F. esculentum just occupies the intermediate position between P. japonica and P. senticosa structurally, ecologically, and physiologically. Doescription of some of the physiological behavior of the plant will suffice to demonstrate the above facts. While P. japonica has completely lost its self-fertile property, P. senticosa still retains it wolly. In F. esculentum 2-6% of self-fertility is the result in illegitimate combination. There occur occasionally hereditary self fertile individuals among some of the F. or 20 min. irradiation plot, when they reach any stage of the same bacterial population. In addition to this increase of total population in the plots with the more dose of UV light irradiation, it seems that the more dose of UV light irradiation is the more shortened the generation time of Azotobacter. Therefore, it is clear that variation of reproductive rate must be, mere or less, due to the genetic effects induced by UV light irradiation. On the other hand, the lag phase or logarithmic growth phase in nonirradiated culture is shortened prominently, and this must be due to the difference in bacterial number of the original inoculm. The generation time of Azotobacter is shortened by exogeneous treatment of nuclei acid derivatives, and the degree is greater in case of DNA derivatives than RNA dervatives. W.H. Price reported that the rate of ribose nucleic acid to protein in Staphylococcus muscae is proportional to the generation time: that is the faster the cell can form ribose nucleic acid, the more rapid its growth. This explains the shortening of generation time by exogeneous RNA derivatives in this work reasonably. On the other hand, it is well known that the desoxyribose nuclic acid content per cell is constant and independent of the generation time. A.D. Laren and W.N. Takahashi reported that the infectious RNA from TMV is 6 times as sensitive to inactivation by UV as it is in the form of intact virus, and that inactivation of infectious TMV involves onlu a local change on RNA chain. But, the effect of exogeneous DNA in this work suggests that irradiated living cell which cotain DNA bring about some change on DNA moleculs as well as RNA molecules. And if the mutagenic effects of UV take into consideration, it is very reasonable. Therefore, it is clear that the variation of the generation time by UV irradiation is, more or less, due to the genetic effects. Therefore, it seems that the shortness of the average lifewpan of Azotobacter by UV irradiation is resulted not only from the influence of the environmental conditions, but also from the variation of genetic factor of the individual.

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Biological Characteristics and Growth of the Korean Freshwater Rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus at Various Temperatures (한국 담수산 윤층 Brachionus calyciflorus의 생물학적 특징과 온도별 성장)

  • 강언종;이배익;김응오
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 1997
  • This study was concuted to determine the optimal conditions for raising the freshwater rotifer, Brachinus calyciflorus. The authors presented some biological informatin obtained from incubation experiment under the various controlled temperatures. Lorica size of the rotifer was divided into two groups : the length and the width for the S-type was $141.0\pm16.7\mu m$($110.1-182.5\;\mu m, n=44$)and $107.0\pm20.3\mu m\;(75.3-152.3\mu m, n=44)$, and those for the L-type was $262.8\pm15.2\mu m\;(234.4-288.6\mu m,\;n=20)\;and\;182.6\pm13.4\mu m (159.8-207.0\mu m,\;n=20$), respectively. The number of eggs being attached on the female varied from 1 to 11 at various culture conditions. Egg type was divided into two groups, large and small. Large and small egg was measured in its major axis as 85a.7-107.8$\mu$m and 55.1-65.2$\mu$m for S-type, and 104.9-121.8 $\mu$m and 62.8-89.1$\mu$m for L-type respectively. The maximum density was reached at 4th day after incubation. The density was 583.9 rotifers/$m\ell$ for $25^{\circ}C$-experimental. group and 421.3 rotifers/$m\ell$ for $22^{\circ}C$-experimental. group respectively. In the case of $28^{\circ}C$-experimental. group, it suddenly decreased into 4.7 rotifers/$m\ell$ at 1st day after incubations and did not recover to its initial density. The maximum rate of increase of populatin per day was reached 0.802 for $22^{\circ}C$-experimental. group at day 2 and fluctuated thereafter. For $25^{\circ}C$-experimental. group it increased to 0.964 at day 3 of incubation and then declined. And the egg ratio of female was reached the maximum of 0.614 for 22$^{\circ}C$- at 3rd day and 0.772 for $25^{\circ}C$-experimental. group at 4th day of incubation.

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Evaluation of Effective Sensing Distance and Measurement Efficiency for Ground-Based Remote Sensors with Different Leaf Distribution in Tobacco Plant (연초의 엽위 분포형태에 따른 지상 원격센서의 유효 탐사거리와 측정 효율성 평가)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Cheol;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.126-136
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    • 2008
  • Tobacco plants grown in pots by sand culture for 70 days after transplanting were used to evaluate the sensing distance and measurement efficiency of ground-based remote sensors. The leaf distribution of tobacco plant and sensing distance from the sensors to the target leaves were controlled by two removal methods of leaves, top-down and bottom-up removal. In the case of top-down removal, the canopy reflectance was measured by the sensor located at a fixed position having an optimum distance from the detector to the uppermost leaf of tobacco every time that the higher leaves were one at a time. The measurement of bottom-up removal, a the other hand, was conducted in the same manner as that of the top-down removal except that the lower leaves were removed one by one. Canopy reflectance measurements were made with hand held spectral sensors including the active sensors such as $GreenSeeker^{TM}$ red and green, $Crop\;Circle\;ACS-210^{TM}$ red and amber, the passive sensors of $Crop\:Circle^{TM}$, and spectroradiometer $SD2000^{TM}$. The reflectance indices by all sensors were generally affected by the upper canopy condition rather than lower canopy condition of tobacco regardless of sensor type, passive or active. The reflectance measurement by $GreenSeeker^{TM}$ was affected sensitively at measurement distance longer than 120 cm, the upper limit of effective sensing distance, beyond which measurement errors are appreciable. In case of the passive sensors that has no upper limit of effective distance and $Crop\;Circle^{TM}(ACS210)$ that has the upper limit of effective sensing distance specified with 213 cm, longer than that of estimated distance, the measurement efficiency affected by the sensing distance showed no difference. This result suggests that it is necessary to use the sensor specified optimum distance. The result revealed that active sensors are more superior than their passive counterparts in establishing between the relative ratio of reflectance index and the dry weight of tobacco treated by top-down removal, and in the evaluation of biomass. $The\;Crop\;Circle\;ACS-210^{TM}$ red was proved to have the highest efficiency of measurement, followed by $Crop\;Circle^{TM}(ACS210)$ amber and $GreenSeeker^{TM}$ red, $Crop\;Circle^{TM}$ passive, $GreenSeeker^{TM}$ green, and spectroradiometer, in descending order.

Determination of Appropriate Location for Baby Leaf Vegetable in Multi Bench System of Rice Seedling Nursery Facility During High Temperature Periods (다단식 벼육묘시설을 활용한 고온기 어린잎채소 재배 적정 위치 선발)

  • Kim, Jae Kyung;Kim, Il Seop;Kang, Ho Min;Choi, Ki Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the suitable of layer on growth of six baby leaf vegetables using existing facilities and equipment in rice seedling nursery. Three kinds of Lactuca(lettuce 'Jinppallola' and 'Romain white', and indian lettuce), two of Brassica(tatsoi and red tatsoi) and amaranth were used as the materials. After sowing, the rice seedling tray was placed in multi bench system($L120{\times}W60{\times}H195cm$, 10th floor), which were low(1st) layer above 15cm, middle(4th) layer above 115cm and high(7th) layer above 175cm apart from ground. Irrigation was sprayed 2~3 times a day using a automatic irrigation system. The growth characteristics and leaf color were investigated when leaf vegetables were reached the optimum size(within 10cm of plant height). During the culture periods(29th Jun.~31th Jul. 2017), daytime average temperature was $27.4{\sim}28.3^{\circ}C$ regardless of layers but solar irradiance was higher in the high-layer than low and middle-layer of 37% and 22%, respectively. The leaf length, leaf width and number of leaves in middle and high-layer have a tendency to increase but, fresh weight was different according to the layer. When the correlation between accumulation radiation and growth was analyzed, all of growth factor of Amaranth showed a high correlation and other cultivars showed correlation with each growth factors. As a result, It is suitable that amaranth and red tatsoi for high-layer, Indian lettuce and tatsoi for middle and high-layer and 'Romain white' for middle-layer. The growth of red lettuce 'Jinppallola' was good at low layer, but leaf color expression was poor. So the high layer is suitable for 'Jinppallola'.

Autopoietic Machinery and the Emergence of Third-Order Cybernetics (자기생산 기계 시스템과 3차 사이버네틱스의 등장)

  • Lee, Sungbum
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.52
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    • pp.277-312
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    • 2018
  • First-order cybernetics during the 1940s and 1950s aimed for control of an observed system, while second-order cybernetics during the mid-1970s aspired to address the mechanism of an observing system. The former pursues an objective, subjectless, approach to a system, whereas the latter prefers a subjective, personal approach to a system. Second-order observation must be noted since a human observer is a living system that has its unique cognition. Maturana and Varela place the autopoiesis of this biological system at the core of second-order cybernetics. They contend that an autpoietic system maintains, transforms and produces itself. Technoscientific recreation of biological autopoiesis opens up to a new step in cybernetics: what I describe as third-order cybernetics. The formation of technoscientific autopoiesis overlaps with the Fourth Industrial Revolution or what Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee call the Second Machine Age. It leads to a radical shift from human centrism to posthumanity whereby humanity is mechanized, and machinery is biologized. In two versions of the novel Demon Seed, American novelist Dean Koontz explores the significance of technoscientific autopoiesis. The 1973 version dramatizes two kinds of observers: the technophobic human observer and the technology-friendly machine observer Proteus. As the story concludes, the former dominates the latter with the result that an anthropocentric position still works. The 1997 version, however, reveals the victory of the techno-friendly narrator Proteus over the anthropocentric narrator. Losing his narrational position, the technophobic human narrator of the story disappears. In the 1997 version, Proteus becomes the subject of desire in luring divorcee Susan. He longs to flaunt his male egomaniac. His achievement of male identity is a sign of technological autopoiesis characteristic of third-order cybernetics. To display self-producing capabilities integral to the autonomy of machinery, Koontz's novel demonstrates that Proteus manipulates Susan's egg to produce a human-machine mixture. Koontz's demon child, problematically enough, implicates the future of eugenics in an era of technological autopoiesis. Proteus creates a crossbreed of humanity and machinery to engineer a perfect body and mind. He fixes incurable or intractable diseases through genetic modifications. Proteus transfers a vast amount of digital information to his offspring's brain, which enables the demon child to achieve state-of-the-art intelligence. His technological editing of human genes and consciousness leads to digital standardization through unanimous spread of the best qualities of humanity. He gathers distinguished human genes and mental status much like collecting luxury brands. Accordingly, Proteus's child-making project ultimately moves towards technologically-controlled eugenics. Pointedly, it disturbs the classical ideal of liberal humanism celebrating a human being as the master of his or her nature.

On the Characteristic and Representation of Kyodong Island Soundscape (교동도 사운드스케이프의 특성과 재현)

  • Kim, Ji-na;Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Kwon, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • Soundscapes have the potential to help people experience the historical background and cultural traditions by the scenery of a local area and to be used as a cultural and tourism resource. This concept was first explained in detail by M. Schafer and has been developed as a new way of experiencing landscapes using various senses. This research studied the soundscape of Kyodong Island, the so-called "Island of Peace" and designed new cultural acoustic content for education and tourism. Kyodong Island is located right below the Northern Limit Line and the whole island is in the Civilian Controlled Area. The political and economic status of the island has been changed dynamically by the Korean War and the division of the country. These days, the island needs to realize the vision of the "Island of Peace" in a more creative way using local resources, including its "cold war landscape" and the natural scenery of the region. This research applied the concept of a soundscape to document the island, and to reproduce it in an artistic way. A workshop was conducted to learn concepts and techniques of soundscapes with a sound artist. Listening, recording, conducting interviews, and literature research was used to study the soundscape of the island. After that, this research reconstructed the soundscape of the island through a soundscape composition. The main theme of the composition story was the "Hope and Wish for the Harmony and Peace" to show the vision of the "Island of Peace". The initial sub-theme for the introduction part was "First Encounter with Kyodong Island" arranging the representative soundscape, which could be the first impression of the region. The second sub-theme was "War and Tension" using several soundscapes as a metaphor for the tragedy of the Korean War. The third sub-theme was "Everyday Life of Kyodong Island" which described the energy of the present day, after the wounds of the war have healed. The final sub-theme was "Harmony and Peace" using traditional music and keynote sounds of the region as a reminder of the peaceful past, before the war. The recording files were documented as two types of sound maps. One was a two-dimensional map to show the soundscapes from one point of view, and the other used the online application called "Sound Around You". The final artwork was displayed at an exhibition and uploaded on YouTube to be shared publicly. Through this project, we discovered the potential of soundscapes as a medium to preserve the history and local identity, as well as presenting a new vision. The artwork will be exhibited at historically and culturally meaningful places on the Island to utilize the underused places as local tourist attractions and educational resources.

Korean Ginseng in "The Veritable Records of King Sejong" (『세종실록』을 통해 본 고려인삼)

  • Joo, Seungjae
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.3
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    • pp.11-37
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    • 2021
  • Korean ginseng is the one of the most famous medicinal herbs globally and has long been a representative item of East Asian trade, including across China and Japan. Since Joseon (1392-1910) ginseng trade was entirely controlled by the state, The Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty are a valuable resource that can shed light on the history of the ginseng industry at that time. By studying the subsection "The Veritable Records of King Sejong" (世宗實錄), when ginseng was used even more widely, we assess the purpose and scale of its trade in the 15th century, identify its original listing in the geographical appendix, develop a distribution map, and explore similarities to current ginseng cultivation areas. During the reign of King Sejong (1418-1450), ginseng was sent to China as a tribute 101 times, with a combined weight of 7,060 kilograms, with less than one-third of that amount given to Japan and Okinawa. It was used to cover the travel expenses of foreign envoys and servants, but this can be seen to gradually decrease after the regnal mid-term, primarily due to a decrease in the amount of ginseng being collected. At the time, there were 113 areas of naturally growing ginseng as listed in the records' geographical appendix, including 12 recorded in the 'tributes' category: Yeongdeok-gun, Yeongju, and Cheongsong-gun in Gyeongsangbuk-do; Ulju-gun and Ulsan in Gyeongsangnam-do; Jeongeup, Wanju-gun, and Jangsu-gun in Jeollabuk-do; Hwasun-gun in Jeollanam-do; Goksan-gun and Sinpyeong-gun in Hwanghaebuk-do; Jeongju and Taecheon-gun in Pyeonganbuk-do; and Jaseong-gun and Junggang-gun in Jagang-do. A total of 101 places are recorded in the 'medicinal herbs' category, located throughout the mountains of the eight Joseon provinces, except the islands. In comparison with current ginseng cultivation sites, many of these historical areas are either consistent with or adjacent to contemporary locations. The geographical appendix to "The Veritable Records of King Sejong" was compiled in the early days of the king's reign (1432) when there was a lot of wild ginseng. The appendix is a valuable resource that indicates the possibility of growing ginseng on the Korean Peninsula in the future. The apparently natural habitats in the south, where ginseng is not currently cultivated, could be candidates for the future. Moreover, areas in the north where ginseng has not been grown, except Kaesǒng, could be a good alternative under sustainable inter-Korean exchange should cultivation sites move north due to climate warming.

Fertigation Techniques Using Fertilizers with Peristaltic Hose Pump for Hydroponics (연동펌프를 이용한 비료염 공급 관비재배기술 연구)

  • Kim, D.E.;Lee, G.I.;Kim, H.H.;Woo, Y.H.;Lee, W.Y.;Kang, I.C.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to develop the fertigation system with a peristaltic hose pump and brushless DC motor. The fertigation system was consisted of sensor, main controller, motor control unit, peristaltic pump, water supply pump, control panel, and filter. The peristaltic pump discharges liquid by squeezing the tube with rollers. Rollers attached to the external circumference of the rotor compresses the flexible tube. The fluid is contained within a flexible tube fitted inside a circular pump casing. The developed fertigation system has no mixing tank but instead injects directly a concentrated nutrient solution into a water supply pipe. The revolution speed of the peristaltic pump is controlled by PWM (Pulse width modulation) method. When the revolution speed of the peristaltic pump was 300rpm, the flow rate of the 3.2, 4.8, 6.3mm diameter tube was 202, 530, 857mL/min, respectively. As increasing revolution speed, the flow rate of the peristaltic pump linearly increased. As the inner diameter of a tube larger, a slope of graph is more steep. Flow rate of three roller was more than that of four roller. Flow rate of a norprene tube with good restoring force was more than that of a pharmed tube. As EC sensor probe was installed in direct piping in comparison with bypass piping showed good performance. After starting the system, it took 16~17 seconds to stabilize EC. The maximum value of EC was 1.44~1.7dS/m at a setting value of 1.4dS/m. The developed fertigation system showed ±0.06dS/m deviation from the setting value of EC. In field test, Cucumber plants generally showed good growth. From these findings, this fertigation system can be appropriately suitable for fertigation culture for crops.

Woo-dam(愚潭) and Nok-mun(鹿門)'s understanding about the ground of universality in the pure goodness and its bases on the realization - Focusing on the analysis of Yul-gok(栗谷)'s all penetrating Li and defining Ch'i (선(善)의 보편성(普遍性)과 실현근거 관한 우담(愚潭)과 녹문(鹿門)의 이해 - 리통기국(理通氣局)에 대한 해석을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Heung-chul
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.267-296
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    • 2010
  • There exists various advantages and disadvantages with various thoughts in human beings. Therefore, it causes very complicated conflict by these diversity. It would be impossible if there would not be solved in classes, areas, schools, cultures whether it is simple or complicated. The proposition which totally shows these logic are Cheng-Yi(程頤, 1033-1107)'s principle is one but its manifestations are many(理一分殊) and Yul-gok(栗谷, 1536-1584)'s all penetrating Li and defining Ch'i. The main concern is how to realize concretly the pure goodness in theory of principal and vital force. There are opinion which Li shows it's pure goodness initiatively and it only has to be shown through Ch'i. Toi-gyeo(退溪, 1501-1570)and Woo-dam(愚潭, 1625-1707) thought the subjectivity lies on Li which shows itself even though Li can't shows itself. On the while, Yul-gok thought it realize through Ch'i, and Li has the superintendence which Li shows itself through Ch'i. Regardless with above, Nok-mun(鹿門, 1711-1788) had the point of view which pure goodness come to realize by the coincidence of Li and Ch'i, on the same time, it didn't matter whether the subjectivity lay on Li or Ch'i, Li showed by nature while Ch'i did by vital energy controlled and worked together. While Yul-gok established his theoretical ground of universality in the best pure good and its bases on the realization, Woo-dam put an emphasis on the practice and realization of goodness to endow with its positive meaning. On the contrary of it, Nok-mun emphasised vital enerty, that is, enabled to realize goodness which premised Li and Ch'i are reciprocally related to other in non-segregated condition(理氣不相離). Still however, the most important thing is how the rightness can be concreately explained which human have to practice its pure goodness. It is not restricted on the Sung Confucianism, it is the material question in philosophy.

Studies on the growth duration and hybrid sterility in remote cross breeding of cultivated rice (수도원연품종간잡종에 있어서의 생육일수와 불임에 관한 연구)

  • Mun-Hue Heu
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-71
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    • 1968
  • To clarify the breeding behavior of the hybrids between tropical and temperate area rice varieties, investigations were made on heading days and grain sterility. In this study, crosses were made in half way diallel involving 7 varieties: 2 photoperied sensitive Indicas, 2 less sensitive intermediate Indicas, 1 Ponlai Japonica and 2 high temperature sensitive Japonicas. The parents and $F_1$s were grown under 10 hours and 14 hours daylength controlled conditions at both IRRI(International Rice Research Institute, N$14^{\circ}$17') and Suwon(N$37^{\circ}$16'). F2s with their parents were grown at IRRI in the short day season, and at Suwon under natural conditions. Fa lines with their parents were grown at Suwon under natural conditions. Observations were made for heading days and sterility. The results are summarized as follow; 1. Heading days : 1. For the $F_1$s, earliness showed dominance or overdominance to lateness under the 10 hours condition, and dominance or partial dominance under the 14 hours conditions, at both IRRI and Suwon. 2. For the $F_2$s grown at IRRI during the shortday season earliness appeared to be dominant over lateness and segregation was not distinct and continuous. In the early season culture of $F_2$s at Suwon earliness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. In the proper season culture of $F_2$s lateness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. 3. In the combinations between late parental varieties which do not head at Suwon, transgressive segregants bearing effective panicles were obtained. 4. The crosses of parental varieties having long basic vegetative growth duration showed bigger variance in heading days, and significant correlation was found between of parental varieties and the mean coefficient of variance for parental arrays. 5. The means of heading days of F2 populations were significantly correlated with those of $F_1$ or mid-parents. The means of F 8 lines were also highly correlated with the means of $F_2$s, but, the means of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon and of their parental $F_2$ individual, grown at IRRI were not correlated. 6. A faint heritability was calculated from the regression of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon on the $F_2$ individuals grown at IRRI for most combinations, especially in the combinations involving shortday sensitive varieties. This implies low efficiency for the selection of heading days of $F_2$ individuals at IRRI to be grown in lines at Suwon. 7. No significant reciprocal effects were measured for $F_1$ and $F_2$ mean heading days. 8. Partitioning the observed photoperiod sensitivity. into two components, parental array mean md the deviation from this array mean, the parental photoperiod sensitivity contributing to the hybrids was measured in terms of general and specific combining ability for photoperiod sensitivity. 9. The photoperiod sensitivity of $F_1$s was higher than that of the parents, and it decreased as the generation progressed in most combinations of tested varieties. 10. The response of heading days to difference of temperature was weaker for $F_1$ hybrids than for the parents. The differences of temperature responses between the longday and shortday treatments were specific for the variety. 2. Sterility : 1. The $F_1$ sterility was specific for the combinations and not correlated to the parental sterility. The sterility of $F_1$s grown under the 10 hours condition was higher than of those grown under 14 hours. These results were the same at both locations, IRRI and Suwon. 2. The high sterile combinations in $F_1$ showed high sterility in $F_2$. The combinations between a high photoperiod sensitive variety and a high temperature sensitive variety showed high sterility and wider variance. 3. The mean sterility of $F_2$s was lower than of $F_1$s and the mean of $F_3$ lines was lower than of $F_2$s. Sterility decreased as the generation progressed, and the differences of $F_3$ sterility of different combinations were not significant. 4. A faint correlation between grain sterility and pollen sterility was observed in $F_2$ populations. 5. No significant reciprocal effects were measured in $F_1$ and $F_2$ sterility. 6. Following Griffing's method, specific combining ability effects were higher than general combining ability effects, especially in the combinations between highly photoperiod sensitive varieties and highly temperature sensitive varieties. 7. No distinct correlations were found between $F_2$ individual sterility grown at IRRI and $F_3$ line sterility grown at Suwon. 8. No distinct correlations were observed between heading days and sterility of $F_2$ individuals.

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