• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction safety education

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Real-time prediction of dynamic irregularity and acceleration of HSR bridges using modified LSGAN and in-service train

  • Huile Li;Tianyu Wang;Huan Yan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.501-516
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    • 2023
  • Dynamic irregularity and acceleration of bridges subjected to high-speed trains provide crucial information for comprehensive evaluation of the health state of under-track structures. This paper proposes a novel approach for real-time estimation of vertical track dynamic irregularity and bridge acceleration using deep generative adversarial network (GAN) and vibration data from in-service train. The vehicle-body and bogie acceleration responses are correlated with the two target variables by modeling train-bridge interaction (TBI) through least squares generative adversarial network (LSGAN). To realize supervised learning required in the present task, the conventional LSGAN is modified by implementing new loss function and linear activation function. The proposed approach can offer pointwise and accurate estimates of track dynamic irregularity and bridge acceleration, allowing frequent inspection of high-speed railway (HSR) bridges in an economical way. Thanks to its applicability in scenarios of high noise level and critical resonance condition, the proposed approach has a promising prospect in engineering applications.

Development of a Model for Managing Chemical Substances in Korea with Emphasis on Cleaning Solvents (우리나라의 화학물질 관리모델 개발: 세정용 유기용제를 중심으로)

  • Roh, Young-Man;Kim, Chi Nyon;Kim, Kang Yoon;Han, Jin Gu;Ko, Won Kyung;Yoon, Mi Youn;Park, Seoung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.179-207
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    • 2000
  • Hazardous organic solvents management as prescribed by presidential decree in Korea is reviewed. The status of import, manufacture, and circulation of organic solvents was investigated. Problems inherent in the management of organic solvents in the electroplating, metal degreasing, and dry cleaning industries were discussed. The chemical substance management system in Korea was compared to those of foreign organizations. A walk-through check list was developed and then used to assess the actual conditions and potential hazards of chemical substances in these industries. The questionnaire could be used to develop a chemical management system and protect workers from hazardous substances. Based on the results of the site survey, MSDSs were not integrated appropriately into the workers education and were not readily accessible to employees. In the case of the dry cleaning industry, the new dry cleaning solvent used as a substitute includes a lot of potentially hazardous organic solvents. This research is preliminary. It is recommended that a national survey be performed to better identify the current situation. Because chemical substances are regulated by thirteen laws in seven executive branches, management systems often overlap, resulting in ineffective control. Using the above results, a model for managing chemical substances was developed. This will more efficiently provide MSDS information to workers covered by the presidential decree and allow the construction of a management system database for better cooperation with the executive branches in Korea.

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A Study on Development way of Fire fighting 119 angers of Jeju Islander (제주도민의 119화를 위한 소방의 발전방안)

  • Koh, Jae-Moon;Kim, Tae-Min;Kim, Hyo-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.147-178
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    • 2003
  • In terms of reinforcing the functions and services of rescue 119 and emergency corps, we must review the following considerations : Building up security system along with operational expansion, building up a system for emergency medical treatment, buliding up a comprehensive information management system for rescue and emergency, constructing a provincial safety museum and so forth. For the ways to better the works of rescue 119, we can review the following considerations : Improving the education for fire fighting trainging corps under Jeju Provicial Fire and disaster management department, providing rescue members with more opportunity for clinical practices, enhancing the morale of rescue members, installing a comprehensive briefing room for emergency rescue members, building up medical networks along with reasonable policies for information service, operating the consulting system for rescue 119 and so on. Provide little more superior quality high fire fighting service to jeju islander, and need long-term and elaborate research to correspond in rising fire fighting man-power demand newly and investment. Construction of well-matched disaster administration system is assignment that must hurry in international free city. That jejudo receives time factor about that is received for another thing area's number of persons or equipment when regional special quality large scale or disaster happens is that of course the support receives limitation immediately. Jeju fire fighting services is one story reform, specialization taking into account particular situation of jeju area to grow as sightseeing and center of culture intending international free city, should be upgraded. So, it may do big contribution naturally in jeju international free city phase that coincide jeju islander's social welfare promotion and safety desire.

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Community Care for Cancer Patients in Rural Areas: An Integrated Regional Cancer Center and Public Health Center Partnership Model

  • Kang, Jung Hun;Jung, Chang Yoon;Park, Ki-Soo;Huh, Jung Sik;Oh, Sung Yong;Kwon, Jung Hye
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.226-234
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The accessibility of medical facilities for cancer patients affects both their comfort and survival. Patients in rural areas have a higher socioeconomic burden and are more vulnerable to emergency situations than urban dwellers. This study examined the feasibility and effectiveness of a cancer care model integrating a regional cancer center (RCC) and public health center (PHC). Methods: This study analyzed the construction of a safety care network for cancer patients that integrated an RCC and PHC. Two public health institutions (an RCC in Gyeongnam and a PHC in Geochang County) collaborated on the development of the community care model. The study lasted 13 months beginning in February 2019 to February 2020. Results: The RCC developed the protocol for evaluating and measuring 27 cancer-related symptoms, conducted education for PHC nurses, and administered case counseling. The staff at the PHC registered, evaluated, and routinely monitored patients through home visits. A smartphone application and regular video conferences were incorporated to facilitate mutual communication. In total, 177 patients (mean age: 70.9 years; men: 59%) were enrolled from February 2019 to February 2020. Patients' greatest unmet need was the presence of a nearby cancer treatment hospital (83%). In total, 28 (33%) and 44 (52%) participants answered that the care model was very helpful or helpful, respectively. Conclusion: We confirmed that a combined RCC-PHC program for cancer patients in rural areas is feasible and can bring satisfaction to patients as a safety care network. This program could mitigate health inequalities caused by accessibility issues.

Analysis of Dual Mediation Effect of Teamwork Competence and Self-Directed Learning Ability between Daily Creativity and Problem Solving Ability of Engineering Students (일상적 창의성과 문제해결능력의 관계에서 공학계열 대학생의 팀워크역량과 자기주도학습력의 이중매개효과 분석)

  • Bae, Sung Ah;Ok, Seung-Yong;Noh, Soo Rim
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the effect of daily creativity of engineering students on problem-solving ability is addressed through the dual mediating effect of teamwork competency and self-directed learning ability. To this end, a regression-based statistical mediation analysis has been performed on the dual mediation model in which daily creativity and problem solving ability were treated as independent and dependent variables respectively, and teamwork competence and self-directed learning ability were included as mediation variables. The analysis result confirmed that the daily creativity has direct effect on the problem-solving ability, as well as indirect effects through teamwork competence and self-directed learning ability. In particular, the serial mediating effect of teamwork competency and self-directed learning ability was also confirmed to be statistically significant in the relationship between daily creativity and problem-solving ability. This verifies that problem-solving ability can be improved not only directly by improving daily creativity but also indirectly by improving teamwork competence and self-directed learning ability. In addition, teamwork competency showed greater indirect effect on problem-solving ability than self-directed learning ability, so increasing teamwork competency has a more significant effect on improving problem-solving ability than increasing self-directed learning ability. Therefore, in order to develop better problem-solving ability, it is necessary to identify and improve the learners' teamwork competency first and to strive to create an environment where learners can solve problems based on mutual trust with their teammates.

Study on Landslide Flume Tests Using Stability Analysis of the Unsaturated Infinite Slope (불포화 무한사면의 안정해석을 활용한 산사태 모형실험에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Hyo-Sung;Chae, Byung-Gon;Song, Young-Suk;Choi, Jung-Hae;Seo, Won-Gyo;Woo, Ik
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.541-552
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    • 2019
  • In this study, landslide flume tests were performed to analyze characteristics of ground characteristics and landslide occurrence due to rainfall infiltration. As test materials, weathered granite soil and gneiss soil, the most frequent landslides in Korea, were used, and landslides were triggered by heavy rain (Intensity = 200 mm/hr). The measurement sensors were installed with 3 sets at toe, slope, top part and shallow (GL-0.2 m), middle (GL-0.4 m), and deep (GL-0.6 m) depth in the slope and measured at 10 second intervals. After landslide flume tests, the slope stability analysis was performed by applying the unsaturated soil theory based on the change of ground characteristics and compared with actual landslide occurrence from flume test. As a result of the analysis, factor of safety reflected the landslide occurrence from flume test and factor of safety decreased as rainfall infiltration, leading to slope failure. Finally we compared to the factor of safety below 1 and actual landslide occurrence time, the average difference was 1,600 seconds for weathered granite soil and 5,400 seconds for weathered gneiss soil.

The Inclination Characteristics of PSC BOX in FCM Bridge Construction Method (FCM 교량 가설 공법에서 주두부의 기울음 특성)

  • Hyun-Euk Kang;Wan-Shin Park;Young-Il Jang;Sun-Woo Kim;Hyun-Do Yun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2023
  • This study presents basic data on how to secure stability by analyzing the change in tensile force of steel rod and the inclination characteristics of PSC BOX in the "Temporary fixation system using internal prestressing tendon", which is mainly applied to construction of superstructures by FCM. To date, it has been difficult to confirm the changes in tension force of the steel rod and the inclination of the PSC BOX because the steel rod was installed vertically inside the pier and the PSC BOX. Therefore, measurement of the change in length of the steel rod and the displacement of PSC BOX were performed using a micro-measured FBG sensor. Comparisons of the calculated tensile force and the residual tensile force of the steel rod revealed that the safety factor decreased in all bridges. The cause was mainly identified to be the loss of tensile force in fixation~1segment, and countermeasures are suggested. The analysis of the inclination characteristics showed that the inclination increased with the segment progresses even in bridges with sufficient safety factor, and the difference before and after the segment was confirmed. In addition, the increase in inclination was related to the loss of tension force in the steel rod, and the stress on the opposite sides of the inclination was further reduced. It is believed that upward tensile force is generated in the steel rod on the opposite side of the inclined side due to the unbalanced moment, causing the difference in stress of the steel rod between the two sides.

A Study on Goods Purchase and Facility Use in Badminton Club Members Using the IPA Matrix Analysis (IPA Matrix 분석을 이용한 배드민턴 생활체육 동호인의 용품구매 및 시설 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Yong-Duk;Shin, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the importance and satisfaction perceived in the purchase of goods and the use of a court in badminton club members. The results will be used for basic data to increase club members and present the methods to activate badminton. The survey on goods, price, programs, facilities, staff, and publicity was conducted. The IPA matrix was applied for data processing. The following conclusions were drawn. First, as a result of analyzing the ranking of importance and satisfaction, the first place of importance was coach's professionalism of staff factors, followed by safety of facility factors and program contents and effects of program factors. The first place of satisfaction was cleanliness and management of facility factors, followed by coach's professionalism of staff factors and staff's kindness of staff factors. Second, as a result of the IPA matrix of importance and satisfaction, Quadrant I included appropriateness of training time and program contents and effect of program factors, parking size and cleanliness and management of facility factors, coach's professionalism and staff's service attitude of staff factors, and customer service and complaint resolution of publicity factors. Quadrant II showed appropriateness of price, value for money, and discount policy of price factors and materials and design of goods factors. Quadrant III included excellent customer service of goods of goods factors, various program construction of program factors, court location and accessibility, and various convenient facilities of facility factors, and various publicity and event programs, website construction, and various publicity strategies of publicity factors. Quadrant IV showed brand value of goods, awareness, and brand specialty of goods of goods factors.

A Study on Improvement of the police disaster crisis management system (경찰의 재난위기관리 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Yongtae;Kim, Moonkwi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.556-569
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    • 2015
  • With about 75% of the population of Korea criticizing the government's disaster policy and a failure to respond to large-scale emergency like the Sewol ferry sinking means that there is a deep distrust in the government. In order to prevent dreadful disasters such as the Sewol ferry sinking, it is important to secure a prime time with respect to disaster safety. Improving crisis management skills and managerial role of police officers who are in close proximity to the people is necessary for the success of disaster management. With disaster management as one of the most essential missions of the police, as a part of a national crisis management, a step by step strengthening of the disaster safety management system of the police is necessary, as below. First, at the prevention phase, law enforcement officers were not injected into for profit large-scale assemblies or events, but in the future the involvement, injection should be based on the level of potential risk, rather than profitability. In the past and now, the priortiy was the priority was on traffic flow, traffic communication, however, the paradigm of traffic policy should be changed to a safety-centered policy. To prevent large-scale accidents, police investigators should root out improper routines and illegal construction subcontracting. The police (intelligence) should strengthen efforts to collect intelligence under the subject of "safety". Second, with respect to the preparatory phase, on a survey of police officers, the result showed that 72% of police officers responded that safety management was not related to the job descriptions of the police. This, along with other results, shows that the awareness of disaster safety must be adopted by, or rather changed in the police urgently. The training in disaster safety education should be strengthened. A network of experts (private, administrative, and police) in safety management should be established to take advantage of private resources with regard to crisis situtions. Third, with respect to the response phase, for rapid first responses to occur, a unified communication network should be established, and a real-time video information network should be adopted by the police and installed in the police situation room. Fourth, during the recovery phase, recovery teams should be injected, added and operated to minimize secondary damage.

The Study on the Plan to Introduce Traffic Inducement Security System in Korea (우리나라 교통유도경비 도입방안의 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.23
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2010
  • The dangerous impact on the traffic flows of cars is caused by no only the construction on the street but diverse construction sites. This in turn substantially influence on the citizens and pedestrians, thereby bring about the possibility of giant incidents. As the countermeasure for the problem in advanced countries, particularly in Japan "traffic inducement security system" has been implemented. It is analyzed that the death toll from traffic accidents has considerably declined. In the case of South Korea the system has not been administered but restrictively executed at some construction sites; however proceeding it with the lack of professionalism. The introduction of traffic inducement security system would be the opportunity for South Korea to make a progress in the safety culture such as traffic security and traffic jam. This study thus aims at analyzing the advanced countries' cases, conducting comparative analysis with Korea's scheme, and establishing the plan to adopt the traffic inducement security system. Through the output of this study followings were proposed as plans of introducing the traffic inducement security system. First of all, legal assessments regarding traffic inducement operation, for example adding the operation of the system into the category of security service, need to be preceded prior to its introduction secondly, the traffic inducement security is the institution which can contribute to the improvement of traffic safety, and also internalizing social cost. therefore, it needs to be equipped with the new qualification such as the instruction with the standardized traffic safety map, instruction system, curriculum and the publication of teaching materials. thirdly, the education for the guard should be proceeded with dividing academic and technical ones with specific curriculum. At the fourth, the securement of the venue for the driving training, the determination on technical instruction contents and the training professional instructor needs for the method of administration. In addition, the efforts on the overal standardization of traffic inducement security is necessary, and it also requires constant collaboration among private security industry, academia, professionals, relavant research institutes, etc. At the last but the least, henceforth it is prerequisite that the networking system with a diverse array of associated entities due to its social ripple effect and job creation effect.

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