• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction control

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  • Ha, Jin-Kyu;Hong, Il-Pyo
    • Water for future
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2002
  • In recent years the human impact on the environment becomes increasing lift threatening, calls for the better management of resources. In field of water quality of river flow, the best way to conserve water quality is specific efforts to control the pollutant loadings and treat the loadings in the basin to reduce the discharge of pollutant loadings to river. But in general the water quality influenced by the dam discharge. Especially in dry season, it is more dominant way to improve the water quality which contaminated with the pollutant loadings from the basin. The dam discharge amounts of the 2 dams in the Keum River that maintain the down stream water quality were estimated for the year of 1999, 2001, 2006, 2011, in case of irrigation and non-irrigation seasons. The pollutant loadings for the basin are estimated with the planning of treatment plants construction schedule for every sub-basins. The river flow rates were considered low flow as 2.33 year low flow and 10 year low flow. The QUAL2E model was used as a tool of simulation.

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A study on the parking characteristics and rational parking management tactics in large cities of Korea (우리나라 대도시 주차특성과 정비방안)

  • 임승달
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 1986
  • As the population of persons and automobiles rapidly grows, parking problems also grow in large cities of Korea. The purpose of this paper is to first grasp the status of parking facilities and characteristics in large cities of Korea; and introduce new directions of CBD parking policies in north America cities: and finally recommend the adequate parking management strategies and tactics for improving parking problems in Korea. For this purpose, field survey for parking inventories, patrol survey for parking usage as observed demand and drive interview survey for parking behavior were conducted. Compared with the parking characteristics and polices of foreign cities, many differences of characteristics were found, and existing parking management policies, which should be improved, were identified. Five categories of parking management strategies were set on; a) Reasonable control of CBD parking demand, b) securing of the public parking facilities c) Promotion of privately operated parking facilities d) expansion of financial resources for parking facilities construction and e) Improvement of existing parking management system. And actural seventeen tactics to attain the above strategies were recommended.

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Study of Karyotype , Meiosis and Isozyme of Hybrid from cross Lilium longiflorum x L. X elegans (Lilium longiflorum $\times$ L. X elegans 의 자방배양에 의해 얻어진 잡종 F$_1$의 핵형 , 감수분열 및 lsozyme에 대한 연구)

  • 윤의수
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 1988
  • Hybries which was made up by chromosome of L. longiflorum and L. x elegans, using root-tip individual which was obtained through ovary slice culture, and root-tip of these parents, with hoirugen staining, gimsa staining and Q-H staining inaccordance with the location and the existence of secondary construction which waslocating near short arm centromere of No, 1,2,6,9. In metaphase of meiosis ofhybrid which was made up by univalent from 2 individuals to 10 individuals wasobserved, and nuclear plate which was having abnormal type's synthesis amounted to91% of all cells whieh were observed. This result showed the fact that someobstacle arose annormal progress of the divission after that time. 63% of the cellshad micronucleus from 1 individlial to 4 individuals in tetrad phase of meiosisdivision. The peroxidase and $\alpha$ -estelase zymogram phenotypes of parents andhybrids were determined using agarlose IEF gel. Crosses were performed betweenparents bearing dissimilar allelomorphs in orther to discern the genetic control ofthe resolved enzymes. Genetic variation of hybrids were detected at all but 2 plant progenies.

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Environment-Friendly Development System of Irrigation ditch and Drainage canal (용배수로의 환경친화적 정비기법)

  • Kim, Chae-Soo;Um, Dae-Ho;Han, Kyung-Soo;Jun, Teak-Ki;Kim, Sun-Joo;Choi, Kyung-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 2003
  • In this article we developed the environment-friendly arrangement system of drainage and irrigation canal. It is divided into the model which considers ecological conservation type, irrigation flood control type and hydrophilic type. In canal plan and design we will consider vertical section and intersection plan, water quality management, waterside environment construction plan, canal terminal treatment, canal bottom plan, etc. Consequently, We propose the detail contents which must be considered when we plan the environmental canal space.

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Modeling and prediction of rapid pollution of insulators in substations based on weather information

  • Nanayakkara, Nishantha;Nakamura, Masatoshi;Goto, Satoru;Taniguchi, Takashi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.202-206
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    • 1994
  • Mathematical model of the pollution rate of substation insulators is constructed, taking the model parameters as wind speed, wind direction, typhoon conditions and rainfall in an hourly basis. The main feature of model construction is to distinguish the effect of each parameter by separately analyzing the positive and negative pollution causing factors. Model parameters for the insulators of Karatsu substation, Saga, Japan were estimated and model validation was done using the actual data, in which the pollution deposits on the insulators were measured using pilot insulator and 'salt meter'. The proposed model of the pollution rate [mg/cm$^{2}$/hr] enables the identification of the effective parameters and prediction of the pollution rate so that it helps for the automatic decision making for insulator cleaning or the model can be used as a tool for the substation engineers to make precautionary measures.

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Comparison with Water Quality of main Rivers in the world, based on OECD reports

  • Kambe, Junko;Aoyama, Tomoo;Nagashima, Umpei
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.935-940
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    • 2005
  • We are faced with water pollutions on a population explosion. Considering the importance, we research European rivers based on OECD reports. Observations in the reports have defects that make evaluation of environmental situations be difficult. By using interpolations in the compensation quantitative structure-activity relation ships (CQSAR), we complement the defects in the water quality of rivers through big cities. Thus, we get complete data set for dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and total phosphorus. Using the data set, we examine re-naturalization of the Rhein and the Donau in Germany. We investigate the effect of dams between Slovakia and Hungary, by using reconstructions of neural networks in CQSAR. The reconstructions have functions to extract a principal relation. On the investigation, we examine assertions of conservation groups. As the result, we confirm the re-naturalization is effective, and find a negative effect of the dam construction on changes of dissolved oxygens in the Hungary Donau. We investigate the Seine and the Thames, too.

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Design of a Multi-level VHDL Simulator (다층 레벨 VHDL 시뮬레이터의 설계)

  • 이영희;김헌철;황선영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.30A no.10
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 1993
  • This paper presents the design and implementation of SVSIM (Sogang VHDL SIMulator), a multi-level VHDL simulator, designed for the construction of an integrated VGDL design environment. The internal model of SVSIM is the hierarchical C/DFG which is extended from C/DFG to include the network hierarchy and local/glabal control informations. Hierarchical network is not flattened for simulation, resulting in the reduction of space complexity. The predufined/user-defined types except for the record type and the predefined/user-defined attributes are supported in SVSIM. Algorithmic-level descriptions can be siumlated by the support of recursive procedure/function calls. Input stimuli can be generated by command script in stimuli file or in VHDL source code. Experimential results show SVSIM can be efficiently used for the simulation of the pure behavioral descriptions, structural descriptions or mixture of these.

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Numerical Analysis of a Flux-Reversal Machine with 4-Switch Converters

  • Lee, Byoung-Kuk;Kim, Tae-Heoung
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.124-128
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    • 2012
  • Many different converter topologies have been developed with a view to use the minimum number of switches in order to reduce construction costs. Among this research, the four-switch converter topology with a novel PWM control technique based on the current controlled PWM method is thought to be a good solution. In this paper, a two dimensional time-stepped voltage source finite-element method (FEM) is used to analyze the characteristics of a Flux-Reversal Machine (FRM) with a 4-switch converter. To validate the proposed computational method, a digital signal processor (DSP) installed controller and prototype FRM are built and experiments performed.

A Stability Case on the Deep Rock Excavation Site in Urban Area by Automatic Monitoring System (도심지 대심도 암반굴착공사에서의 자동계측 활용에 의한 붕괴방지 사례)

  • Kim, Tae-Seob;Jo, Nam-Shin;Jung, Chang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.1433-1437
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    • 2010
  • The deep excavation work in Korean downtown is almost excuted near by existing structures and utility lines because of the diminution of available yard for construction. So, it was required more and more that the accurate control of displacement on the earth retaining system for minimizing the popular complaint and the damage from constructional accident. Automatic monitoring system is adopted in fracture zone for real time monitoring. In addition, Face mapping is carried out on the face of fracture zone according to excavation sequence. As the result of automatic monitoring system and face mapping, we was able to take the necessary reinforcement and changing excavation method within suitable time. This paper is informed about a stability case on the deep rock excavation site with fracture zone in urban area by automatic monitoring system.

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Measurements of Socket roughness and Vertical Offsets for Large Foundations (대형기초의 굴착공벽면 거칠기 및 연직도 측정)

  • Park, Bong-Geun;Nam, Moon-S.;Choi, Yong-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2007.09a
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2007
  • Recently, construction of high-rise buildings have been increased all around the world, and their foundation are designed to carry heavy loads form superstructures. For this reason, the use of drilled shafts have been increased, and the proper understanding of drilled shafts have been issued, especially for socket roughness and vertical offsets. In this study, the BKS-LRPS using laser sensor was developed for the measurement of socket roughness and vertical offsets for the first time in Korea. The BKS-LRPS was applied for measuring of socket roughness and also vertical offsets at the specific field sites. Based on this study, BKS-LRPS was successfully applied for measurement of socket roughness and vertical offsets the in the fields, and more appropriate quality control for the vertical offsets have to be needed.

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