• Title/Summary/Keyword: constitution diagnosis

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Sasang Constitutional Diagnosis by Portable Ryodoraku Device: Comparative Study with QSCC II Questionnaire (이동식 양도락을 통한 사상체질진단: QSCC II 설문지 조사와 비교 연구)

  • Oh, Myung Jin;Shim, Youn Seop;Song, Ho Sueb
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : This study was done for comparing the result of Sasang constitution diagnosis using portable Ryodoraku and that of self-report questionare for Sasang constitution classification II QSCC II. Methods : We investigated 41 cases to collect the data. we analyzed the result of portable Ryodoraku and self-report(QSCC II). Results : 1. The degree of agreement between those results from portable Ryodoraku and QSCC II was statistically significant. 2. The dgree of agreement between those results from portable Ryodoraku and QSCC II was statistically significant in male and female. Conclusions : It is suggested that portable Ryodoraku should be available for diagnosing Sasang constitution.

A Feasibility Study of Constitution Discrimination Using a Measurement Device for Dynamic Friction Coefficients of the Back of a Hand (손등피부 운동 마찰계수 측정기를 이용한 체질 판별 가능성 연구)

  • Kim, Keun-Ho;Woo, Yung-Jae;Lee, Hae-Jung;Lee, Yu-Jung;Kim, Jong-Yeol
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2010
  • 1. Objectives Our goal is to observe the feasibility of constitution discrimination from computing quantitative roughness index from dynamic friction coefficients and their gradients with the measurement device of skin friction with 3-Axis load cell sensor. 2. Methods In the traditional Korean medicine, skin diagnosis is one of the examination methods to discriminate Sasang constitution since it was known that Tae-eumin has rough skin, and Soyangin has smooth one. It is based on the skin roughness on the back of one's hand for the discrimination. The measurement device of skin friction with 3-axis load cell sensor has been developed in order to provide quantitative skin roughness through dynamic friction coefficients. The effective interval of the coefficients is obtained from the automatic sampling algorithm to use their curvature and slope. Then, Fisher's discriminant function of them makes the discrimination. 3. Results The success rate of extracting the effective interval was about 90% and the discriminant accuracy between Tae-eumin and Soyangin was 70% and 68% for men and women, respectively. The entire methods showed the possibility to distinguish between Tae-eumin and Soyangin by using stochastic properties of roughness index, which can make the entire system to include the measurement, the computation of the roughness index and the discrimination of constitution automatical. 4. Conclusions The measurement device, the automatic sampling algorithm of dynamic friction coefficients and the constitution discrimination algorithm were developed, respectively, and their combination can become the serial and automatic procedure for quantitative and objective skin diagnosis, which mimics the movement of the Oriental medical doctors' skin diagnosis. It can be applied to healthcare as well as the diagnosis of constitution in a u-Health system soon.

Development of Diagnostic Indicator for the Sasang Constitution Exterior-Interior Disease Based on Original Symptom (사상의학의 표리변증에 대한 소증 진단지표 개발연구: 소음인, 소양인, 태음인을 중심으로)

  • Park, Minyoung;Lee, Min-jung;Hwang, Minwoo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.65-85
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    • 2020
  • Objectives The aim of study was to suggest diagnostic indicator according to Exterior-Interior disease for the Sasang Constitution based on original symptom. Methods We investigated the literature(『Dongeuisusebowon sinchukbon』) and another study(Clinical Practice Guideline for Disease of Sasang Constitutional Medicine: Diagnosis and Algorithm). As a result, we developed diagnostic indicator of original symptom for Exterior-Interior disease in Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Results and Conclusions Diagnosis of Exterior-Interior disease in Sasang Constitution was decided by heat and cold of original symptom. Detailed indicators of diagnosis in Exterior-Interior disease were heat/cold sensitivity, the degree of sweating, the amount of drinking water, thirst, face color and somatalgia.

A Case report of the Ordinary symptoms on a Taeyangin constitution (태양인 환자의 소증(素症)에 대한 증례보고)

  • Lee, Eui-Ju;Song, Il-Byung;Kim, Kyung-Sok;Kwak, Chang-Kyu
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2002
  • Purpose Because Taeyangin constitutions are very rare, There are few references about Taeyangin diseases. I suppose to gather basic materials on the case of a diagnosis and treatment on Taeyangin constitution patient. So I want to accomplish the theory of Taeyangin diseases. Methods I studied I patients with sequelae of CVA who were diagnosed by Taeyangin at department of Sasang constitutional Medicine in Kangnam Kyung Hee Oriental Hospital, and then I investigated the Ordinary symptoms as the diagnosis and treatment on a Taeyangin constitution Conclusion & Results To diagnose Taeyangin constitution, It is important to find out one's ordinary symptomes(especially appearance, personality, taste of food, existence of $y{\breve{u}}lk{\breve{u}}k{\cdot}haey{\breve{u}}k$, condition of urine and feces)

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Revisit of the Digestion-related Items for Diagnosing Soeumin (소음인 진단지표로서 소화 관련 항목에 대한 고찰 - 음식불선화는 소음인의 진단지표인가)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyuk
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2022
  • Objectives Recent studies have reported that the digestion-related items contribute significantly to the diagnosis of constitution, though these were not described as the indicator for diagnosing Sasang constitution in 『Donguisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)』 「Sasanginbyeonjeunglon(四象人辨證論)」. The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons why such a gap appeared. Methods The digestion-related items and their rationales to be shown in eleven studies on the Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution Diagnosis were reviewed. Thirty primary studies included in two systematic reviews were also reviewed to reconsider the significance of digestion-related items as an indicator for diagnosing Soeumin. Results & Conclusions A few pathways were found in studies on the Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution Diagnosis, which could overestimate the significance of digestion-related items more than actual. Besides, in the primary studies included in two systematic reviews, there was also a possibility of overestimating the importance of digestion-related items due to some biases in the selection of subjects and the conducting of the study. Therefore, there might be room for reconsideration that indigestion was necessarily an indicator for diagnosing Soeumin.

Correlation Between Sasang Constitution and Korean Adult Scalp and Hair Condition (사상체질과 두피상태의 상관관계에 대한 연구보고)

  • Roh, Seok-Seon;Lee, Tae-Hyun;Hwang, Seong-Lok;Yoo, In-Kee;Lee, In-Ho;Kang, Sang-Jin;Ryu, Hyun-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.20 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.228-238
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    • 2007
  • Objectives ; Sasang Constitional Medicine is a part of Korean traditional Medicine, and classify human constitution into four types. Scalp and hair is a part of skin. Skin is one of constitutional charasteristic element. So we researched a correlation between Sasang constitutions and Korean adult scalp and hair condition. This is a basic study to find constitution can be a important factor to care scalp and hair. Methods ; We examined Sasang constitutions and scalp and hair condition of 80 human who aged from 20-50. Scalp disease, dandruff was observed by video micro scope and sebum tape diagnosis. Thickness of hair was measured by Laser Scan Micrometer(LSM-3100). Itching sense and life habit was also investigated. Constitution diagnosis and scalp, hair diagnosis was investigated seperately as a blind test and the data was statistically analyzed with chi-square test, correlation analysis, one-way analysis of varience. Results ; 1. In Sasang Constitution, Taeumin group had significant tendency of oilily scalp. 70% of Taeumin group had oilily scalp. 2. The group of dry or oilily scalp had more itching sense and more sensativity of scalp compaired to neuter scalp group. 3. There was no correlation between height, weight, thickness of hair, itching sense, scalp disease and Sasang constitution. 4. There was correlation between loss of hair and drinking alcohol, obesity, curly hair, soft scalp. Conclusions ; Korean adult scalp and hair condition had correlation with Sasang constitution.

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Literature Study for Categorizing Physical Properties of Face, Pulse, Skin and Voice Based on Health State of Sasang Constitutions (사상체질별 건강수준에 따른 맥상, 안면, 피부, 음성의 물리량 도출을 위한 문헌고찰연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Chul;Lee, Yu-Jeong;Kim, Ja-Euk;Kim, Sang-Kil;Kang, Nam-Sik;Kim, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Sang-Hyuk
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.755-758
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    • 2011
  • Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM) suggests the concept of health condition which is owned of different properties by each Sasang Constitution. But SCM theory has concentrate to explaining different symptoms that distinguish health condition, not much concerned with practical methods like face features, pulse diagnosis, skin surface properties and voice features. Physical properties of practical diagnosis methods from literature finding have been researched. As a result, complexion and face moisture were described to be physical properties related to health State. In scope of pulse diagnosis, depth, rate, contour, width and pressure are related. Skin surfaces' elasticity, moisture, fraction properties were also suggested as factors of health State of Sasang Constitution. We assume that this study would contribute further studies for objectifying and quantifying diagnosis methods to evaluate health state grades of Sasang Constitution.

Study on the Practical 3D Facial Diagnosis using Kinect Sensors (키넥트 센서를 이용한 실용적인 3차원 안면 진단기 연구)

  • Jang, Jun-Su;Do, Jun-Hyeong;Kim, Jang-Woong;Nam, Jiho
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.218-222
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    • 2015
  • Facial diagnosis based on quantitative facial features has been studied in many Korean medicine fields, especially in Sasang constitutional medicine. By the rapid growing of 3D measuring technology, generic and cheap 3D sensors, such as Microsoft Kinect, is popular in many research fields. In this study, the possibility of using Kinect in facial diagnosis is examined. We introduce the development of facial feature extraction system and verify its accuracy and repeatability of measurement. Furthermore, we compare Sasang constitution diagnosis results between DSLR-based system and the developed Kinect-based system. A Sasang constitution diagnosis algorithm applied in the experiment was previously developed by a huge database containing 2D facial images acquired by DSLR cameras. Interrater reliability analysis result shows almost perfect agreement (Kappa = 0.818) between the two systems. This means that Kinect can be utilized to the diagnosis algorithm, even though it was originally derived from 2D facial image data. We conclude that Kinect can be successfully applicable to practical facial diagnosis.

The Web Application of Integrated Sasang Constitutional Diagnosis β-version (통합 체질진단 툴 β-version의 웹기반 응용프로그램)

  • Jin, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Jang-Woong;Kim, Young-Su;Lee, Si-Woo;Jang, Eun-Su
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2012
  • 1. Objectives : It is very important to classify people into Sasang constitution correctly in SCM. There have been many researches for this and several tools have been developed for diagnosis of Sasang constitution. In our study, we introduce a new web application for Integrated Sasang Constitutional Diagnosis (ISCD) ${\beta}$-version and algorithm on the base of face, body shape, voice and questionnaire. 2. Development : The web application of ISCD ${\beta}$-version was designed to be used easily for subject, staffs, and oriental medical doctors. For this purpose, we developed a web-application of Integrated Sasang Constitutional Diagnosis ${\beta}$-version using mysql database, tomcat web system, JSP, JAVA, and C++ languages. 3. Current State : The ISCD ${\beta}$-version could be accessed at The ISCD ${\beta}$-version consisted of 3 parts, for staffs, subject and oriental medical doctors. The system has been managed since February 2011. Currently 7 oriental hospitals have used the system and 1,439 subjects have been diagnosed by the system. 4. Conclusion and future work : Although many researchers have tried to develop a system or an algorithm for diagnosis of subject's constitution, we could have not used the system based on objective information of human body type, characters, symptoms. In this study, we describe a web application of objective diagnosis algorithm as ISCD ${\beta}$-version. This system may help an oriental medical doctors to make a decision of Sasang constitutional diagnosis easily and correctly.

Study on Golden Standard for Sasang Constitution Diagnosis (사상체질진단 표준안 연구)

  • Kim Jong-Won;Jung Sung-Il;Choi Mi-Ok;Kim Kyu-Kon;Lee Eui-Ju;Kim Jong-Yeol;Lee Yong-Tae
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1504-1512
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    • 2005
  • We will develop new sasang constitution diagnosis program. Therefore we need new golden standard for sasang constitution diagnosis. First, we investigated old records and journal of sasang constitutional medicine. Next, we consulted with 10 sasang constitutional experts about new golden standard for sasang constitution diagnosis. The result as follows : Golden standard for Taeyangin : It be made up 42 items(body type 6 items, external appearance 10 items, mental characteristics 16 items, physiology&pathologic symptoms 10 items). (2) Golden standard for Soyangin. It be made up 63 items(body type 7 items, external appearance 28 items, mental characteristics 17 items, physiology&pathologic symptoms 10 items). (3) Golden standard for Taeeumin : It be made up 71 items(body type 12 items, external appearance 19 items, mental characteristics 28 items, physiology&pathologic symptoms 12 items). (4) Golden standard for Soeumin : It be made up 54 items(body type 11 items, external appearance 13items, mental characteristics 21 items, physiology&pathologic symptoms 9 items).