• Title/Summary/Keyword: conscious activity

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Product Market Competition and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (제품 시장 경쟁 및 기업의 사회적 책임 활동)

  • RYU, Hae-Young;CHAE, Soo-Joon
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Corporate social responsibility is a self-regulating business model that helps a firm be socially accountable to the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, firms can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. Corporate social responsibility activities are not directly linked to increasing corporate performance and corporate value, but rather involve spending expenses. Based on these facts, this study verifies whether the effects of corporate social responsibility activities differ depending on the firm's situation. Research design, data and methodology: This study analyzed the effect of market competition on corporate social responsibility activities using logistic regression analysis on listed companies in the KOSPI and KOSDAQ for fiscal years 2014 through 2016. In this study, market competition was measured using the Herfindahl-Herschman Index(HHI). Higher HHI value can be interpreted as a lower degree of market competition. We also measured corporate social responsibility activities using the KEJI Index published by the Korea Economic Justice Institute (KEJI). If a firm-year is included in the top 200 companies of the KEJI Index, it is classified as a good corporate social responsibility activity firm. Results: We find that companies in less competitive market were not included in the KEJI Index. This result indicates that firms in the market with lower market competition perform less corporate social responsibility activities that incur costs. An additional analysis showed that there was a significant negative relationship between the market competition and the corporate social responsibility activity scores published by the KEJI Index. These result adds robustness to the result of the hypothesis that firms that have a monopolistic place in the market practice passive corporate social responsibility activities. Conclusions: The results show that managers of a firm in the lower market competition have a lower incentive to use limited resources for projects that are not directly related to revenue. The results of this study imply that corporate social responsibility activities vary according to the position of the business. Therefore, this study suggests that market investors should consider the degree of competition in the market when they evaluate corporate social responsibility activities.

A Study on the Characteristics of Observation seen in the Process of Perception and Recognition of Space (공간의 지각과 인지과정에 나타난 주시메커니즘 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2013
  • This study has analyzed the process of space information perceived and recognized through the estimation of observation frequency and number according to the time range of observation data acquired from observation experiment with the object of hospital lobby. The followings are the results analyzed at this study. First, the continual observation of 3 and 6 times was attentive and conscious for probing to find an object rather than for acquiring exact information and that of 9 times could be regarded as the time for acquiring visual appreciation. However, the repetitive occurrence of high and low frequencies can be thought of repetitive acts for visual appreciation. Second, the continual observation of 3 and 6 times had the highest observation frequency of II, while that of 9 times had the highest observation frequency of III. In case of 3 and 6 times, the observation frequency had the tendency to become a little higher after being low since V, and in case of 9 times it had the repetition of becoming low and high and from IX it characteristically got higher. This feature can be thought to be the process that the subject repeats the fixation and movement of observation at a visual activity for perception and recognition. In the process of first observation, the observation frequency was the highest after 20 seconds or so, but since then, it gets lower and repeatedly gets higher and lower as time passes. After 90 seconds, the frequency showed the tendency of getting higher continuously. Third, the examination of changing features of frequency may show the characteristics of exploration for and attention to space but if the observation frequency is not associated with observation times for analysis there will a limitation that the features of observation frequency cannot be clarified. Accordingly, the simultaneous analysis of both is very effective for estimating the observation characteristics seen at the processes of perception and recognition. Fourth, the general analysis of the both revealed: with the progress of observation time the discontinuous space exploration decreased, and as the observation time got longer the fixed attention to a specific spot increased. Fifth, in order to estimate the observation characteristics by the change of time range the observation frequency and times by trend line was analyzed, which approach seems to be an appropriate technique that can comprehensively show the overall flow of time series data.

Efficacy of Flaxseed Flour as Bind Enhancing Agent on the Quality of Extended Restructured Mutton Chops

  • Sharma, Heena;Sharma, Brahma Deo;Mendiratta, S.K.;Talukder, Suman;Ramasamy, Giriprasad
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2014
  • Consumers have become very conscious about their nutrition and well being due to changes in their socio-economic lifestyle and rapid urbanization. Therefore, development of technology for production of low cost and functional meat products is urgently required. One such approach is innovative restructuring technology in which binding of meat pieces still remains the main challenge and extension of product is generally associated with poor binding and texture. Thus, the present study was envisaged as an attempt to solve this problem by the incorporation of flaxseed flour (FF) as bind enhancing agent. The FF was used at three different levels viz., 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% to replace lean meat in pre-standardized restructured mutton chops formulation. The products were subjected to analysis for physico-chemical, sensory and textural properties. Cooking yield, moisture percentage and fat percentage increased with increase in the level of incorporation of FF, however, protein percent and pH decreased with increase in the level of incorporation. Shear force value of product incorporated with 1.5% FF was significantly higher (p<0.01) than control and product containing 0.5% FF level. Among the sensory attributes, product with 1% flaxseed flour showed significantly higher values (p<0.05) for general appearance, binding, texture and overall acceptability. Hardness showed significant increasing (p<0.01) values with increasing levels of incorporation of flaxseed flour, however all other parameters of texture profile analysis showed a decreasing trend. On the basis of sensory scores and physico-chemical properties, the optimum incorporation level of FF was adjudged as 1%. Products incorporated with optimum level of flaxseed flour (1%) were also assessed for water activity and microbiological quality during the storage period of 15 days. It was found that the extended restructured product could be safely stored under refrigeration ($4^{\circ}C{\pm}1^{\circ}C$) in low density polyethylene (LDPE) pouches for 15 days without marked deterioration in sensory and microbiological quality. Thus, it was concluded that flaxseed flour can be used as a good bind enhancing agent in extended restructured meat products at an economic cost.

A Study on the Establishment of Industrial Security Education Programs in Korea (한국 산업보안교육 프로그램의 정립에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sun-Tae;Yu, Hyeong-Chang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.185-208
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    • 2010
  • This study is to suggest the current security education programs and improvement of industrial security curriculums in Korea. We live in a world of insecurity; the world is changing at an ever accelerating pace. Life, society, economics, international relations, and security risk are becoming more and more complex. The nature of work, travel, recreation, and communication is radically changing. We live in a world where, seemingly with each passing year, the past is less and less's guide to the future. Security is involved in on one way or another in virtually every decision we make and every activity we undertake. The global environment has never been more volatile, and societal expectations for industrial security and increasing if anything. The complexities of globalization, public expectation, regulatory requirements, transnational issues, jurisdictional risks, crime, terrorism, advances in information technology, cyber attacks, and pandemics have created a security risk environment that has never been more challenging. We had to educate industrial security professional to cope with new security risk. But, how relevant is a college education to the security professional? A college degree will not guarantee a job or advancement opportunities. But, with a college and professional training, a person has improved chances for obtaining a favored position. Commonly, Security education and experience are top considerations to find a job so far, also training is important. Today, Security is good source to gain competitive advantage in global business. The future of security education is prospect when one considers the growth evident in the field. Modern people are very security-conscious today, so now we had to set up close relevant industrial security programs to cope with new security risk being offered in colleges or several security professional educational courses.

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FORECAST OF FASHION TO 1995 -Concerning the Behavioral Science Models of Fashion- (예측으로 본 1995년까지의 패션 경향 -패션의 행동 과학 모델을 중심으로-)

Effect of Sodium Intake on Responses of Blood Pressure, Renin-Aldosterone and Renal Excretions to Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (소금 섭취량을 달리한 정상 및 고혈압쥐에서 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide가 혈압, Renin-Aldosterone 및 신배설에 미치는 영향)

  • Juhn, Jae-Ryang;Lee, Won-Jung;Park, Jae-Sik;Choo, Young-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.319-329
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    • 1990
  • Effects of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on blood pressure, plasma lenin activity, aldosterone and renal excretion were compared in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar rats fed low, medium or high sodium diet (2, 10, 25 mmol NaCl/100g diet) for 6 weeks. ANP infusion (380 ng/kg/min for 20 min) produced reductions in blood pressure, plasma renin activity, and aldosterone level, but marked increases in hematocrit, urine flow, and excretions of sodium and potassium. The low sodium group showed a significantly enhanced aldosterone lowering effect of ANP than the high sodium group. However, three salt groups showed no difference in effects of ANP on blood pressure, plasma renin activity, hematocrit and diuresis. Natriuretic response to ANP was significantly greater in the high salt-than in the low sait-SHR, but was not different between the Wistar salt groups. There were strain differences in effects of ANP: SHR showed greater responses of blood pressure and natriuresis than Wistar rats. Above results indicate that aldosterone-lowering and natriuretic effects of ANP were modifed by different dietary sodium intakes. However, blood pressure- and renin-lowering, or diuretic effects of ANP were not affected by dietary sodium intakes. The mechanisms whereby dietary sodium intakes alter the effects of ANP in the pathogenesis of hypertension are not clear.

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The Contents and Satisfation of Home Care Progral Delivered by Seoul Nurses Association (서울시 간호사회 가정간호시범사업 서비스 내용 및 만족도 분석)

  • Lim, Nan-Young;Kim, Keum-Soon;Kim, Young-lm;Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Kim, Si-Hyun;Park, Ho-Ran
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 1997
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the contents and satisfaction level of the patients received home care service, and to compare the differences of the contents by the characteristics of the patients. Seventy eight patients received home care service from 1st Jan. to 30th Sept., 1996 were data-collected to analyze the contents and outcomes of home care service. Sixty-nine patients currently receiving home care service were participated to evaluate the satisfaction level of home care service. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, $x^2$ test, and ANOVA by SPSS $PC^+$ program. The findings of this study were as follow : 1. The contents & outcomes of home care service 1) The mean age of the subjects was 64.4 years: 58% of them were female. Those who living in Seoul were 83% and the rest of the subjects was living in Kyung-Gi. 2) The subjects who had one diagnosis were 41%. Over 60% of them had the disease of neurologic & sensory system. 3) The mean number of visit was 6. Only one visit was 22%. The mean time of care was 79 minutes. Duration of visit from 31 minutes to 60 minutes were 47 %. The subjects who terminated the visit because of death were 67.3%. 62% of the persons who referred them to the home care service were nurses. 4) The pain after the service was more relieved than before. The amounts of intake, the degree of bed sore, edema & fracture after the service were more improved than before. Health status after the service was improved in general. 5) There were significant differences between initial and last conscious level in tracheostomy care & oxygen inhalation care. There was significant difference between initial and last degree of activity in blood sugar check. 6) There were significant differences on the number of visit in assessment of the status, evaluation & observation, vital sign check, skin care, injection, medication, bed sore care, colostomy care, relaxation therapy for pain relief, patient education, family care, exercise therapy, position change, supply of disinfected equipments and infection control. There were significant differences on visiting time in nasogastric tube care, drainage tube care and oxygen inhalation care. 2. The satisfaction level of home care service 1) 50% were male. Over 60 years of the subjects was 61 %. Those who living in Seoul were 82%. 2) The subjects who had one or two diagnosis were 32% respectively. 55% of the persons who referred them to the home care service were nurses. 3) Total level of satisfaction of home care service was very high. 4) The older the age, the higher the satisfaction level. The larger the number of visit, the higher the satisfaction level. 5) The subjects who were in cloudy state were higher level of satisfaction than in alert or coma state. The subjects whose activity were normal or who needed assistance were higher level of satisfaction than bedridden or immobilized subjects. These findings suggested that the patients had substantial need for posthospital care. They tended to be elderly and to have experienced the wide range of health problems associated with aging, chronicity, including limitations in activities, and other serious health problems. So, the nationwide home care systems beyond the limit of demonstration program by local association and the development of the effective financial system of home based health care are necessary for the clients who are in need of home care.

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Critical Analyses of '2nd Science Inquiry Experiment Contest' (과학탐구 실험대회의 문제점 분석)

  • Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse the problems of 'Science Inquiry Experiment Contest(SIEC)' which was one of 8 programs of 'The 2nd Student Science Inquiry Olympic Meet(SSIOM)'. The results and conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. It needs to reconsider the role of practical work within science experiment because practical work skills form one of the mainstays in current science. But the assessment of students' laboratory skills in the contest was made little account of. It is necessary to remind of what it means to be 'good at science'. There are two aspects: knowing and doing. Both are important and, in certain respects, quite distinct. Doing science is more of a craft activity, relying more on craft skill and tacit knowledge than on the conscious application of explicit knowledge. Doing science is also divided into two aspects, 'process' and 'skill' by many science educators. 2. The report's and checklist's assessment items were overlapped. Therefore it was suggested that the checklist assessment items were set limit to the students' acts which can't be found in reports. It is important to identify those activities which produce a permanent assessable product, and those which do not. Skills connected with recording and reporting are likely to produce permanent evidence which can be evaluated after the experiment. Those connected with manipulative skills involving processes are more ephemeral and need to be assessed as they occur. The division of student's experimental skills will contribute to the accurate assess of student's scientific inquiry experimental ability. 3. There was a wide difference among the scores of one participant recorded by three evaluators. This means that there was no concrete discussion among the evaluators before the contest. Despite the items of the checklists were set by preparers of the contest experiments, the concrete discussions before the contest were necessary because students' experimental acts were very diverse. There is a variety of scientific skills. So it is necessary to assess the performance of individual students in a range of skills. But the most of the difficulties in the assessment of skills arise from the interaction between measurement and the use. To overcome the difficulties, not only must the mark needed for each skill be recorded, something which all examination groups obviously need, but also a description of the work that the student did when the skill was assessed must also be given, and not all groups need this. Fuller details must also be available for the purposes of moderation. This is a requirement for all students that there must be provision for samples of any end-product or other tangible form of evidence of candidates' work to be submitted for inspection. This is rather important if one is to be as fair as possible to students because, not only can this work be made available to moderators if necessary, but also it can be used to help in arriving at common standards among several evaluators, and in ensuring consistent standards from one evaluator over the assessment period. This need arises because there are problems associated with assessing different students on the same skill in different activities. 4. Most of the students' reports were assessed intuitively by the evaluators despite the assessment items were established concretely by preparers of the experiment. This result means that the evaluators were new to grasp the essence of the established assessment items of the experiment report and that the students' assessment scores were short of objectivity. Lastly, there are suggestions from the results and the conclusions. The students' experimental acts which were difficult to observe because they occur in a flash and which can be easily imitated should be excluded from the assessment items. Evaluators are likely to miss the time to observe the acts, and the students who are assessed later have more opportunity to practise the skill which is being assessed. It is necessary to be aware of these problems and try to reduce their influence or remove them. The skills and processes analysis has made a very useful checklist for scientific inquiry experiment assessment. But in itself it is of little value. It must be seen alongside the other vital attributes needed in the making of a good scientist, the affective aspects of commitment and confidence, the personal insights which come both through formal and informal learning, and the tacit knowledge that comes through experience, both structured and acquired in play. These four aspects must be continually interacting, in a flexible and individualistic way, throughout the scientific education of students. An increasing ability to be good at science, to be good at doing investigational practical work, will be gained through continually, successively, but often unpredictably, developing more experience, developing more insights, developing more skills, and producing more confidence and commitment.

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Antioxidant activity and sensory characteristics of rice cookies containing dandelion complex powder (민들레복합분말 첨가 쌀 쿠키의 항산화적, 관능적 품질특성)

  • Byeon, Yang Soo;Ra, Ha Na;Kim, Hae Young
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated the characteristics of rice cookies with varying amounts (0, 250, 500, and 750 mg) of dandelion complex powder. Dandelion powder is considered a functional food with skin-moisturizing and atopic skin improvement effects by KFDA. Quality characteristics of AF343 and rice cookies were measured by determining antimicrobial activities, physical characteristics, sensory evaluation values, and antioxidant activities. An antibiotic susceptibility test of the powder showed positive activities in Escherichia coli (O157:H7), Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Listeria monocytogenes. Rice cookie containing 250-500 mg powder showed significantly increased antioxidant activities compared to controls (p<0.05). However, sensory intensities between the two sample groups were not significantly different. Thus, rice cookies containing 250-500 mg dandelion complex powder were successfully developed to improve antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities. These products may attract the attention of health-conscious consumers in the highly competitive cookie industry.

A Case Study on the classroom life and the identity of the Elementary Mathematics Gifted Education (초등수학 영재교육원의 교실 생활과 정체성에 대한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Hak-Ro;Ryu, Sung-Rim
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2011
  • For this case study of gifted education, two classrooms in two locations, show life in general of the gifted educational system. And for this case study the identity of teachers and the gifted, help to activate the mathematically gifted education for these research questions, which are as followed: Firstly, how is the gifted education classroom life? Secondly, what kind of identity do the teachers and gifted students bring to mathematics, mathematics teaching and mathematics learning? Being selected in the gifted children's education center solves the research problem of characteristic and approach. Backed by the condition and the permission possibility, 2 selected classes and 2 people, which are coming and going. Gifted education classroom life, the identity of teachers and gifted students in mathematics and mathematics teaching and mathematic learning. It will be for 3 months, with various recordings and vocal instruction between teacher and students. Collected observations and interviews will be analyzed over the course of instruction. The results analyzed include, social participation, structure, and the formation of the gifted education classroom life. The organization of classes were analyzed by the classes conscious levels to collect and retain data. The classes verification levels depended on the program's first class incentive, teaching and learning levels and understanding of gifted math. A performance assessment will be applied after the final lesson and a consultation with parents and students after the final class. The six kinds of social participation structure come out of the type of the most important roles in gifted education accounts, for these types of group discussions and interactions, students must have an interaction or individual activity that students can use, such as a work product through the real materials, which release teachers and other students for that type of questions to evaluate. In order for the development of meaningful mathematical concepts to formulate, mathematical principles require problem solving among all students, which will appear in the resolution or it will be impossible to map the meaning of the instruction from which it was formed. These results show the analysis of the mathematics, mathematics teaching, mathematics learning and about the identity of the teachers and gifted. Gifted education teachers are defined by gifted math, which is more difficult and requires more differentiated learning, suitable for gifted students. Gifted was defined when higher level math was created and challenged students to deeper thinking. Gifted students think that gifted math is creative learning and they are forward or passive to one-way according to the education atmosphere.