• Title/Summary/Keyword: common goods

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Big Data Analysis of News on Purchasing Second-hand Clothing and Second-hand Luxury Goods: Identification of Social Perception and Current Situation Using Text Mining (중고의류와 중고명품 구매 관련 언론 보도 빅데이터 분석: 텍스트마이닝을 활용한 사회적 인식과 현황 파악)

  • Hwa-Sook Yoo
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.687-707
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to obtain useful information on the development of the future second-hand fashion market by obtaining information on the current situation through unstructured text data distributed as news articles related to 'purchase of second-hand clothing' and 'purchase of second-hand luxury goods'. Text-based unstructured data was collected on a daily basis from Naver news from January 1st to December 31st, 2022, using 'purchase of second-hand clothing' and 'purchase of second-hand luxury goods' as collection keywords. This was analyzed using text mining, and the results are as follows. First, looking at the frequency, the collection data related to the purchase of second-hand luxury goods almost quadrupled compared to the data related to the purchase of second-hand clothing, indicating that the purchase of second-hand luxury goods is receiving more social attention. Second, there were common words between the data obtained by the two collection keywords, but they had different words. Regarding second-hand clothing, words related to donations, sharing, and compensation sales were mainly mentioned, indicating that the purchase of second-hand clothing tends to be recognized as an eco-friendly transaction. In second-hand luxury goods, resale and genuine controversy related to the transaction of second-hand luxury goods, second-hand trading platforms, and luxury brands were frequently mentioned. Third, as a result of clustering, data related to the purchase of second-hand clothing were divided into five groups, and data related to the purchase of second-hand luxury goods were divided into six groups.

A Study on the Remedy System for Breach of Contract of U.K. and U.S. in the International Commercial Transactions (국제물품거래상 계약위반의 구제제도에 관한 고찰 - 영미법을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Nak-Hyun
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    • v.42
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    • pp.33-66
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    • 2009
  • Common law makes a distinction between partial breach and material breach. Attempted definitions of material breach are notoriously unsatisfactory, and the concept of partial breach does not necessarily bear an inverse relationship to substantial performance. This study will review the basic structure of common law contract remedies together with how these remedies are reflected in UCC Article 2 for sale of goods contracts. The matter is complicated because availability of remedy depends on the seriousness of the breach, and the right to cure, and (for sale of goods) these in turn depend on whether the contract is an installment contract or a single performance contract. Common law jurisdictions relegate specific performance of contracts to a last place in the hierarchy of contract remedies. Common law lawyers should recognize that this is the result of historical accident and not the product of some kind of superior intellectual effort. Not only is the attitude of civil law systems toward specific performance quite different, but for international sales contracts in developing nations, a remedy system based on the notion that substitute contracts are readily available(and therefore damage remedies are appropriate) is unrealistic. English common law courts were largely restricted to remedies in the form of monetary damages. For that reason the primary contract remedy at common law has never been specific performance. Rather, common law courts have struggled to develop an appropriate measure of monetary damages for breach of contract. Today, specific performance is viewed as an equitable remedy rather than common law. In the United States the dual court system has been abolished by a merger of law and equity courts into a single court structure. However some historical distinction linger on. The most important is that jury trials are generally not available in actions that seek equitable relief. If a plaintiff seeks in personam relief, such as specific performance of a contract, the action will be viewed as equitable and there will be no entitlement to a jury. Further, equitable relief will be granted only in those situations where the plaintiff pleads and proves that the remedy at law is inadequate. The purpose of this study aims to analyze the remedy system of breach of contract of U.K. and U.S. in the international commercial transactions with criterion of commercial rationality.

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A Microcomputer Program for Loading Pattern of Pallet and Container (컨테이너와 팔레트 적재패턴에 대한 마이크로 컴퓨터 프로그램)

  • Hwang, Hark;Lim, Joon-Mook
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 1992
  • A common problem for manufacturing industries, especially consumer goods industries, is how to establish standardized procedures for loading finished goods onto pallets or containers for subsequent storage and distribution. Utilizing previous research results on the palletizing problem, this paper develops micro-computer based programs which generate an optimum loading pattern leading to the minimum amount of unused pallet or container space. Development of pallet layout chart is also included in the computer programs. The results are displayed by computer-graphic. For the users who are unfamiliar with pallet loading problem and computer system, pull-down menu and user-computer interactive data input procedures are adopted.

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A study on the Scope of UCITA (미국(美國) 통일(統一)컴퓨터정보거래법(情報去來法)(UCITA)의 적용범위(適用範圍)에 관한 소고(小考))

  • Han, Byoung-Wan
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    • v.19
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    • pp.169-190
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    • 2003
  • Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) for e-commerce in non-UCC and non-UETA transactions, promulgated in 1999. The Act Drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. UCITA applies to contracts to license or buy software, contracts to create computer programs, contracts for on-line access to databases and contracts to distribute information over the Internet. UCITA does not apply to goods such as television sets, stereo equipment, airplanes or traditional books and publications. Goods generally remain subject to UCC Article 2 or Article 2A. Many transactions may include more than computer information. If that transaction covers non-goods subject matter, UCITA applies only to the part of the transaction which is computer information and other law applies to the other subject matter. In the event the other subject matter is goods, UCC Article 2 or 2A applies to the goods subject matter and UCITA applies to the computer information part. UCITA is coordinated with existing Articles 2 and 2A, so coverage of each to part of the transaction will be facilitated. With respect to other subject matter (primarily services) UCC Articles 2 and 2A have worked in mixed transactions with the common law applicable to the services.

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Analysis of the Motifs on Traditional Cultural Goods in Seoul and Kwang-Ju (전통 문화상품에 나타난 문양 분석 - 서울 지역과 광주 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Seung-Youn;Lee, Mi-Sook;Shin, Youn-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.1 s.215
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the characteristics of the motifs on cultural goods in In-Sa-Dong Street, Seoul, with those in Art Street, City Hall, Kwang-ju. For this study, 607 cultural goods were collected from the two cities: 265 in Seoul and 342 in Kwang-ju. Total cultural goods were classified by accessories, decoration pieces, stationery and ceramics and were studied by repetition patterns, motifs types, representative techniques, and representative types. The results were as follows. First, for repetition patterns of motifs, there were 219 simple repetition patterns in Seoul, and 289 in Kwang-ju, and 46 compound repetition patterns in Seoul, and 53 in Kwang-ju. The ratio of simple repetition pattern was higher than that of compound repetition pattern in both cities. Second, for motif types, floral, animal, letter, and graphic motifs were used far more frequently than any other motif types. Third, for representative techniques, embroidery was far more frequently used than any other representative techniques. Metallic crafts, chil-bo and paper techniques were also favored. Fourth, for representative types, realistic types were more common than abstract types.

Schemes for the Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development of Groundwater Resources (지하수자원의 환경적으로 지속가능한 개발 방안)

  • Hong, Sang-Pyo;Kim, Jung-Wuk
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 1996
  • On the basis of sustainable long-term water resources planning, the development of ground water resources should be interlocked with the surface water development In considering the intertemporal equity, overpumping of groundwater may diminish or eliminate the groundwater resources stock of post-generations. Regulatory landuse zoning for groundwater resources recharge area is indispensable measures to prevent groundwater pollution. Adequate treatment of polluted water from various sources such as municipal sewage, industrial wastewater, landfill site leachate, and abandoned boring wells, is also necessary for groundwater protection. To preserve groundwater resources as common property goods, groundwater use tax should be imposed upon the large scale groundwater use. Finally, the establishment of groundwater development license system is recommended to achieve the social optimal production and to avoid external diseconomy.

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A Study on the Locational Facilities and Utilization Characteristics in the Downtown Streets of a Small Town - Focused on Downtown Streets in Yeongam-eup - (소도시 중심가의 입지시설 및 이용특성에 관한 연구 - 영암읍 중심가로변을 대상으로 -)

  • Moon, Dong-Il;Kim, Yun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and investigate the characteristics of locational facilities and the purchase and leisure patters of residents with its focus on downtown streets of Yeongam-eup which is a eup-level small town. In the subject downtown streets, commercial and residential functions coexisted. While most locational facilities were small-scale sale(buy), food(eat), and employment(public institutions) facilities which were needed for neighborhood life and supporting daily life, the lack of facilities which supported leisure life(enjoy) and represented small town identity was found. The most common frequency of using downtown streets by residents was 'almost everyday'; the most common intention to use was 'to purchase daily things'; and the most common purchase good was 'groceries', followed by farming machines, books, and stationery. It suggested that the use of downtown streets was characterized by daily neighborhood life. In particular, it was found that expensive goods(more than 500,000 won) were commonly purchased in neighboring middle or large cities. Thus, it is necessary to consider the option and professionality of goods. Finally, it is necessary to consider residents' accessibility through reorganizing a street form from car-focused to pedestrian-focused.

From Possession to Relationship -An Investigation of the Consumer-driven Anthropomorphism of Fashion Goods-

  • Hur, Hee Jin;Kwon, Yoo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.795-807
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    • 2019
  • This qualitative study delves into consumers' meanings, perceptions, and behaviors toward the anthropomorphism of fashion goods based on personal experiences. Previous studies focused on consumer responses to the marketer-driven anthropomorphism of products, messages, and brands; however, the present study examines consumers' spontaneous anthropomorphism focusing on personal meanings as a possessor and meanings in their social relationships. A qualitative methodology is adopted that involves in-depth interviews with eleven males and females in their 20s and 30s. Participants stated that were engaged in the anthropomorphic practice of fashion goods on a daily basis. Data analysis was based on grounded theory. Findings on consumer-driven anthropomorphism are discussed at personal and interpersonal levels. At the personal level, anthropomorphic objects are their companions that are often called "baby." Interestingly, anthropomorphism reduces the stigmas of materialism from the participants' side. At the interpersonal level, anthropomorphic practice is a ritual of sharing a common interest and assuring intimacy. Implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

The Difference of Goods Attribute, Brand Awareness by Fashion Brand Type (패션브랜드 유형에 따른 상품속성, 브랜드 인지의 차이)

  • Yoo, Tai-Soon;Shin, Won-Hye
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.647-654
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the differences among goods attribute and brand awareness on fashion brand type. we were intended to suggest characteristics of each consumer group by identifying the differences of consumers' purchasing activities. 672 of consumers by brand who frequently purchase casual brand were chosen for the analysis according to common brand classification of national brand, private brand and no brand. For the purpose of data analysis, we performed factorial analysis of measuring tools and credibility test. Concerning the differences of goods attribute, brand awareness by brand type, MANOVA, ANOVA was employed, complimented with Sheffe-test as a post hoc test in case of occurrence of any differences by group. The findings from the analysis are described in the following. Regarding goods attribute by fashion brand type, there existed a significant difference between brand types in all the sub factors of goods attribute such as product attribute, shop attribute, and price attribute. Especially, the difference of product attribute is much more significant in the areas of material suitableness, product assortment, aesthetic expression, size & quality, clothing maintenance, and clothing comfortableness. In case of shop attribute, there was a significant difference between groups in all the factors such as shop environment, convenience of shopping, sales promotion, service quality of sales clerk, location, and shop reputation. Concerning price attribute, we found a significant difference between groups in the factors of price value, price reasonableness, price information, and economical efficiency of price. As for the difference of brand awareness by brand type, among other factors, brand value had a difference between groups; that is, private brand was found to obtain the highest brand value awareness.

A Study on the Remedy for Breach of Warranty under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC상 Warranty 위반의 구제에 관한 연구)

  • 서정일
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.291-319
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    • 2004
  • The seller may take a warranty with respect to the goods. If they are not as warranted, they may be held liable for the breach of warranty. Even when they has not made a warranty, the law will in some instances hold them responsible as though they had made a warranty. An express warranty is a part the basis for the sale. That is, the buyer has purchased the goods on the reasonable assumption that they were as stated by the seller. When the buyer intends to use the goods for a particular or usual purpose, as contrasted with the ordinary use for which they are customarily sold, the seller makes an implied warranty that the goods will be fit for the purpose when the buyer relies on the seller's skill or judgment to select or furnish suitable goods, and when the seller at the time of contracting knows or has reason to know the buyer's particular purpose and his reliance on the seller's judgment. A merchant seller who makes a sale of goods in which he customarily deals makes an implied warranty of merchantability. The Uniform Commercial Code expressly abolishes the requirement a privies to a limited extent by permitting a suit for breach of warranty to be brought against the seller by members of the buyer's family, his household, and his guests, with respect to personal injury sustained by them. Apart from the express provision made by the Code, there is a conflict of authority as to whether privies of contract is required in other cases, with the trend being toward the abolition of that requirement. At common law the rule was that only the parties to a transaction had my rights relating to it. Accordingly, the buyer could sue his immediate seller for breach of warranties. The rule was stated in the terms that there could be no suit for breach of warranty unless there was a privies of contract. The code expressly abolishes the requirement of privies to a limited extent by permitting a suit for breach of warranty to be bought against the seller by members of the buyer. Apart from the express provision made by the Code, there is a conflict of authority as to whether privies of contract is required in other cases, with the trend being toward the abolition of that requirement.

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