• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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  • Sohn, Young-Jong;Chun, Mun-Suk;Lee, Jae-Woo;Oh, Jung-Min
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 1999
  • We use BV CCD images to investigate the reality of the color gradient within a King type globular cluster NGC 7089. Surface photometry shows that there is a strong radial color gradient in the central region of the cluster in the sense of bluer center with the amplitude of ~0.39 $\pm$ 0.07 mag/$arcsec^2$ in (B - V). In the outer region of the cluster, however, the radial color gradient shows a reverse case, i.e., redder toward the center. (B - V) color profile which was derived from resolved stars in VGC 7089 field also shows a significant color gradient in the central region of the clusters, indicating that lights from the combination of red giant stars and blue horizontal branch stars cause the radial color gradient. Color gradient of the outer region of NGC 7089 may be due to the unresolved background of the cluster. Similar color gradients in the central area of clusters have been previously observed exserved exclusively in highly concentrated systems classified as post core collapse clusters. We caution, however, to confirm the reality of the color gradient from resolved stars, we need more accurate imaging data of the cluster with exceptional seeing condition because the effect of completeness correlates with local density of stars.

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Color Collection of LCD Monitor Using High-order Multilayer Neural Network (고차 다층구조 신경회로망을 이용한 LCD 모니터의 색 보정)

  • Jung, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Wook;Ahn, Kang-Sic;Cho, Seok-Je
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a new color correction method for color reproduction on LCD-based monitor by means of high-order multilayer neural networks. LCD monitors have nonlinear characteristics from various displaying system components. To overcome these nonlinearities and produce quality image, we need a nonlinear transformer for color coordinate transformation between the LCD monitor coordinates and the input color stimulus values. A high-order multilayer neural network is effectively trained to learn a mapping to determine the required color value of monitors for producing a given color stimulus. From the experimental results, the proposed method is effective in reproducing the color images.

Determination of Leaf Color and Health State of Lettuce using Machine Vision (기계시각을 이용한 상추의 엽색 및 건강상태 판정)

  • Lee, J.W.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2007
  • Image processing systems have been used to measure the plant parameters such as size, shape and structure of plants. There are yet some limited applications for evaluating plant colors due to illumination conditions. This study was focused to present adaptive methods to analyze plant leaf color regardless of illumination conditions. Color patches attached on the calibration bars were selected to represent leaf colors of lettuces and to test a possibility of health monitoring of lettuces. Repeatability of assigning leaf colors to color patches was investigated by two-tailed t-test for paired comparison. It resulted that there were no differences of assignment histogram between two images of one lettuce that were acquired at different light conditions. It supported that use of the calibration bars proposed for leaf color analysis provided color constancy, which was one of the most important issues in a video color analysis. A health discrimination equation was developed to classify lettuces into one of two classes, SOUND group and POOR group, using the machine vision. The classification accuracy of the developed health discrimination equation was 80.8%, compared to farmers' decision. This study could provide a feasible method to develop a standard color chart for evaluating leaf colors of plants and plant health monitoring system using the machine vision.

A Biophilic Design Color Palette Using Natural Landscape Image (자연경관 이미지를 활용한 바이오필릭 디자인 색채 팔레트)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Park, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2019
  • Biophilic design gives human beings positive and valuable experiences in nature. The experience in nature in the architectural environment is mainly symbolic and metaphorical, and is based on visual sensations such as color, form, and image. Recently, modern people living in a modern and simple style indoor space have a desire to pursue visual stimuli for interest or pleasure. This desire can be satisfied through color, lighting, and finishing plan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a biophilic design color palette based on the empirical characteristics and properties of biophilic design. The methods used in this study are as follows. First, the biophilic design factors and natural landscape preference criteria are examined. Second, based on the review results, natural landscape images are selected and color information for each biophilic design element is extracted according to the vertical and horizontal directions. Third, color information is converted to NCS color code and palette range and hue range are derived through the analysis of ratio and average values. Finally, based on the analysis results, biophilic design color palette is proposed for each element. The results of this study might be useful as basic data in establishing biophilic design strategies and applying them to architecture and interior construction.

A Study on the Color Image of Baby's Wear Brands (유아복 브랜드 색채 이미지 연구)

  • Choi, Hae-Joo;Kim, Bock-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1950-1962
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    • 2008
  • Today the importance of color image is increasing for the brands as well as the products. This study was performed to classily the color image of baby's wear brands and to suggest how the color is effectively planned for the image. In order to classify the color image of 7 baby's wear brands, color palettes of 7 brands were also made by 6 subgroups, each season(summer, fall) by gender(boy, girl, new-born) and based on manufactured garments which were collected by on-line shops. Questionaries were organized with 40 pieces of the color palettes prints for 6 subgroups by 7 brands and 20 baby's wear image adjectives. The total 320 copies were used in the survey to students majored in fashion design. Questionaries were analyzed by factor analysis from SPSS 12.0 package program. There are 4 main factors for the color images of baby's wear brands, 'liveliness', 'loveliness', 'chic', 'neatness'. Not hue, but tone is more important to express the characteristics of color images of baby's wear brands. Also white and black are importantly used for baby's wear. The consistency of the brand color image across gender and season is very important to identify and strengthen the color image of brand.

A Study on Image Representation of Bisexual Lighting (바이섹슈얼 라이팅(Bisexual Lighting)의 영상 표현 연구)

    • Trans-
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    • v.11
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    • pp.119-142
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    • 2021
  • Video was a cultural practice based on image. The audience longs to experience new things, not everyday things through by video images. There are many components of the image, but among them, color, a visual representation, plays a big role. Since the advent of color films, color has constantly evolved as an important component of visual art and has become an important role in innovative visual art design. According to film history data, filmmakers were interested in color since the film was created in 1895, but in the early stages of film development, film colors were only black and white. Because these two colors no longer satisfy viewers, more natural colors began to emerge from the film as it was colored. However, with the development of historical paintings, the lack of artistic creation and the public's level increased, making people more active in using colors because simple reproduction of natural colors alone does not satisfy people. The colors in the video are both techniques of expression and can be understood by mind and thought. It is also an indication that colors do not just exist, but they work strongly on human psychology. Now people are so motivated by repetitive and unimportant information that they find that the human intuitive system simplifies the information they receive unconsciously that they have certain customs and characteristics when they see things. Color is part of the film language, or color language can express the film's ideological themes or portray vivid characters in the film, and people are receiving more intuitive messages. This study analyzed the basic color components of bisexual lighting, namely, pink, blue, and purple, and analyzed how human psychology is affected through color, combining the scenes from the video. The purpose of this paper is to explore what color language bisexual lighting is expressed using color properties in images and how bisexual lighting interacts with human psychology through color.

An Input/Output Technology for 3-Dimensional Moving Image Processing (3차원 동영상 정보처리용 영상 입출력 기술)

  • Son, Jung-Young;Chun, You-Seek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.8
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1998
  • One of the desired features for the realizations of high quality Information and Telecommunication services in future is "the Sensation of Reality". This will be achieved only with the visual communication based on the 3- dimensional (3-D) moving images. The main difficulties in realizing 3-D moving image communication are that there is no developed data transmission technology for the hugh amount of data involved in 3-D images and no established technologies for 3-D image recording and displaying in real time. The currently known stereoscopic imaging technologies can only present depth, no moving parallax, so they are not effective in creating the sensation of the reality without taking eye glasses. The more effective 3-D imaging technologies for achieving the sensation of reality are those based on the multiview 3-D images which provides the object image changes as the eyes move to different directions. In this paper, a multiview 3-D imaging system composed of 8 CCD cameras in a case, a RGB(Red, Green, Blue) beam projector, and a holographic screen is introduced. In this system, the 8 view images are recorded by the 8 CCD cameras and the images are transmitted to the beam projector in sequence by a signal converter. This signal converter converts each camera signal into 3 different color signals, i.e., RGB signals, combines each color signal from the 8 cameras into a serial signal train by multiplexing and drives the corresponding color channel of the beam projector to 480Hz frame rate. The beam projector projects images to the holographic screen through a LCD shutter. The LCD shutter consists of 8 LCD strips. The image of each LCD strip, created by the holographic screen, forms as sub-viewing zone. Since the ON period and sequence of the LCD strips are synchronized with those of the camera image sampling adn the beam projector image projection, the multiview 3-D moving images are viewed at the viewing zone.

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A Study on the Costume and Color Image of the Movie (영화(映畵)의 복식(服飾)과 색채(色彩) 이미지)

  • Lee, Ye-Eun;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.28-44
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to study the movie costume and color image through the movie "The Aviator". Firstly, looking at the costumes of main characters and their color images expressed in the movie, one extreme of Hughes' image to another was expressed in order to show his extreme inner world by using the light-dark contrast rather than specific colors as the base. The gold color used to express the image of Hepburn represented an image expressing her intellectual elegance. As for her dress silhouette, the taste of intellectual elegance was displayed by a dress whose back was exposed with a grownup-style feminine silhouette or one with drapes and pleats ornaments. To express Gardner's image; that is, her alluring charm and glow, a vivid red color was used. As for her costume, her splendid and fascinating image was expressed by the 40s' rectangular- shouldered tailored suit, exotic peasant blouse and showy accessories. Secondly, the color image expressed in the background in the movie as a special space for Hughes. The red color image of screening room was shown to be as a space for passion and desire and the green color image of men’s room as a space for stability and rest.

Attributes and Image of Color Schemes in Neon Color Fashion (네온 컬러 패션에 나타난 배색 특성과 이미지)

  • Kim, Jiseon;Yum, Haejung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.122-140
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    • 2015
  • The research is committed to inquire about the attributes of color schemes and their image, and the results are as follows : One, the preference of ranges of neon colors was explicit, and the frequency of use of neon colors distinctively diverged season by season. Two, it was observed that, with neon colors, an achromatic color scheme was a more preferred arrangement. As for chromatic colors, neutral and mid-tone natural colors were more favored since they did not tarnish the properties of neon colors and, yet, more effective exhibiting images in diversity and variety. Three, the neon color fashion generally displayed a dual image: its original classification embellished with neon colors rendering the image of powerful and futuristic sensation. Having been around since the early 2000's, the frequency and range of use of neon colors have been increasing rapidly mostly by the sports, leisure and related industries. Regardless of the fact, neon colors will be rediscovered with a variety of color schemes and expand their application.

Distance Measuring Method for Motion Capture Animation (모션캡쳐 애니메이션을 위한 거리 측정방법)

  • Lee, Heei-Man;Seo, Jeong-Man;Jung, Suun-Key
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a distance measuring algorithm for motion capture using color stereo camera is proposed. The color markers attached on articulations of an actor are captured by stereo color video cameras, and color region which has the same color of the marker's color in the captured images is separated from the other colors by finding dominant wavelength of colors. Color data in RGB (red, green, blue) color space is converted into CIE (Commission Internationale del'Eclairage) color space for the purpose of calculating wavelength. The dominant wavelength is selected from histogram of the neighbor wavelengths. The motion of the character in the cyber space is controlled by a program using the distance information of the moving markers.