• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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Classifying Color Codes Via k-Mean Clustering and L*a*b* Color Model (k-평균 클러스터링과 L*a*b* 칼라 모델에 의한 칼라코드 분류)

  • Yoo, Hyeon-Joong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2007
  • To reduce the effect of color distortions on reading colors, it is more desirable to statistically process as many pixels in the individual color region as possible. This process may require segmentation, which usually requires edge detection. However, edges in color codes can be disconnected due to various distortions such as dark current, color cross, zipper effect, shade and reflection, to name a few. Edge linking is also a difficult process. In this paper, k-means clustering was performed on the images where edge detectors failed segmentation. Experiments were conducted on 311 images taken in different environments with different cameras. The primary and secondary colors were randomly selected for each color code region. While segmentation rate by edge detectors was 89.4%, the proposed method increased it to 99.4%. Color recognition was performed based on hue, a*, and b* components, with the accuracy of 100% for the successfully segmented cases.

Color Interpolation Algorithm for Pixel Resolution Modus of Image Sensor (영상센서의 출력 해상도 모드를 고려한 색상 보간 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Bu-Gong;Kim, Moon-Cheol
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2014
  • Various interpolations for digital imaging devices with a single image sensor have proposed. However, conventional methods did not consider the resolution modus of image sensor using periodic sampling. Therefore, the resulting images have problems such as quality degradation and color artifacts(color moire, zipper). In this paper, we propose a color interpolation algorithm for pixel resolution modus of image sensor. The proposed algorithm consisted of an initial step to compensate edge prediction effectively and refinement step using minimum directions for pixel resolution modus. To analyze a result of the proposed algorithm with conventional methods, we evaluated subjectively using images quality comparison and objectively using PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio). Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm was more successful in eliminating the color artifacts than conventional methods judged by both objective and subjective criteria.

Automatic Extraction of the Facial Feature Points Using Moving Color (색상 움직임을 이용한 얼굴 특징점 자동 추출)

  • Kim, Nam-Ho;Kim, Hyoung-Gon;Ko, Sung-Jea
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.8
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents an automatic facial feature point extraction algorithm in sequential color images. To extract facial region in the video sequence, a moving color detection technique is proposed that emphasize moving skin color region by applying motion detection algorithm on the skin-color transformed images. The threshold value for the pixel difference detection is also decided according to the transformed pixel value that represents the probability of the desired color information. Eye candidate regions are selected using both of the black/white color information inside the skin-color region and the valley information of the moving skin region detected using morphological operators. Eye region is finally decided by the geometrical relationship of the eyes and color histogram. To decide the exact feature points, the PCA(Principal Component Analysis) is used on each eye and mouth regions. Experimental results show that the feature points of eye and mouth can be obtained correctly irrespective of background, direction and size of face.

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A Study on the Color Images of the Films "Thirst" and "Mother" - With a Focus on Costumes and Background - (영화 <박쥐>, <마더>의 색채 이미지 연구 - 의상과 배경을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Jung-Hee;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.144-160
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the colors of the costumes and backgrounds of characters in the films "Thirst" and "Mother" from an integrated perspective. As a study method, ten scenes per film, which contained the characters and backgrounds from the start to the end of the DVDs of "Thirst" and "Mother" were examined. For integrated color analysis of the costumes and backgrounds, the colors of the captured scenes were simplified to extract representative colors, and then color palettes were presented according to the ratio of area. The colors of costumes were analyzed by recognition through the eyes based on the I.R.I. Hue and Tone 120. Furthermore, the color images of the two films were analyzed using the I.R.I. adjective image scales and the I.R.I. color image scales. The colors of the film "Thirst" were generally low in brightness and high in chroma. They are characterized by dark, gloomy toned-down background in the first half, highly chromatic vivid background in the second half, and the contrast of purple blue colors and red colors. The colors of the film "Mother" are characterized by complementary colors between background and costume colors, and various tones of blue and green colors. From the aspect of color tones, they were relatively high in brightness compared to the film "Thirst" but low in chroma. On the I.R.I. adjective image scale, contrasting adjectives were extracted simultaneously from the film "Thirst" as the adjectives were evenly distributed at hard, dynamic and static, whereas the adjectives extracted from the film "Mother" were distributed at hard and statistic. On the I.R.I. color image scale, both films were located at hard, but the film "Thirst" was located at dynamic whereas the film "Mother" was located at static.

A study on color image compression using downscaling method and subsampling method (다운스케일링 기법과 서브샘플링 기법을 활용한 컬러 이미지 압축에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wan-Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2019
  • Most multimedia signals contain image data, so the problem of efficient processing and transmitting the image data is an important task of the information society. This paper proposes a compression algorithm that reduces the color bits according to importance using YUV color space among the various methods of compressing image data. 4: 2: 2 subsampling is the standard in the field of video. Using the color information and the characteristics of the human retina, YUV color data was reduced by 4: 2: 2 subsampling. The YUV images and RGB images can be interconverted using the transformation matrix. The image data was converted into color space by YUV, and the relatively low U and V bits were subjected to a downscaling operation. The data was then compressed through 4: 2: 2 subsampling. The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared and analyzed by a comparison with existing methods. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to compress the image without reducing the information of the low importance color element and without significant deterioration in the quality compared to the original.

Building Detection Using Edge and Color Information of Color Imagery (컬러영상의 경계정보와 색상정보를 활용한 동일건물인식)

  • Park, Choung Hwan;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3D
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    • pp.519-525
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    • 2006
  • The traditional area-based matching or efficient matching methods using epipolar geometry and height restriction of stereo images, which have a confined search space for image matching, have still some disadvantages such as mismatching and timeconsuming, especially in the dense metropolitan city that very high and similar buildings exist. To solve these problems, a new image matching method through building recognition has been presented. This paper described building recognition in color stereo images using edge and color information as a elementary study of new matching scheme. We introduce the modified Hausdorff distance for using edge information, and the modified color indexing with 3-D RGB histogram for using color information. Color information or edge information alone is not enough to find conjugate building pairs. For edge information only, building recognition rate shows 46.5%, for color information only, 7.1%. However, building recognition rate distinctly increase 78.5% when both information are combined.

The Image of Black Expressed in Western Dress-From Renaissance to 19C- (서양 복식에 나타난 검정색의 이미지-르네상스 시대부터 19세기 말까지를 중심으로-)

  • 문혜정;김민자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.41
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to abstract the image from black dress, which has been favored by many people regardless of the times and examine it throughout the history of drss and thereby clearly define the images that black limplies in dress. Color image is a visual symbol, an image that forms through a combination of visual stimulus created by color, coupled with all the external factors related to it. Black is a one-dimensional color, of which the impact is subjective to its energy, which depends on light reflected on the object, and its texture. Therefore, black projects different images, depending on its surroundings. In general, black has had negative connotations in the Western culture. In dress, however, it has implied other various images different from the general negative ones. By combining general images of black and those exprssed in dress, major images of black were categorized into dignity, elegance, eroticism, asceticism and tragedy. Dignity is a category similar to the sublime. Dress with dignity has sharp contours and is generally made of velvet or silk which can be characterized by their splendor and voluminous-ness, exaggerating the body of a person wearing it. Such costume is mostly found in powerful countries in history such as Burgundy Court in the 15C, Spain in the 16C. Netherlands in the 17C. Elegance evokes grace and beautifulness. It includes elegance, grace, beauty and dandyism as subcategories or silk. Good examples are dandies' black costume and Ladies black and white dressees in the 19C. Eroticism is an image which expresses sexual attractiveness. Costume with eroticism is made of velvet or silk, which project sumptuousness through reflection. Such costumes expose parts of the body or are tightly tailored in order to emphasizes body contours. Asceticism means restraint from physical and mental desires. Costume with asceticism makes a person wearing it look smaller by covering the whole body. Puritan's black dresses and Bourgeoisie's black suit are good examples. Tragedy is anguish. sorrow. Black costume with grievous feelings such as mourning dresses is made of lusterless textile concealing most of the body except for the face.

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A study on the origin and the images of violet (보라색의 유래 및 이미지의 고찰)

  • 김은경;김영인
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.16
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to provide and suggest useful data in use of kinds of violet that is resulted from general color images of violet. The origin, history, and general images of kinds of violet were studied, and were classified vased on documcntary reviews. Findings are as follows: 1) The kinds of violet were used purple, violet, mauva, and magenta in the order of appearance of its color names and the categories of violet had been extended from dark reddish violet to affilicated colors of bright violet by development in synthetie dyestuff. 2) The kinds of violet has neutral characters due to the combination of two extreme colors, red and blue, and thereby revealing voth attreibutes in terms of symbolic, emotional, and spychological features of colors. The positive images in kinds of violet can be classified as nobleness, holiness, mysteriousness, sleep/sedation, sensuality, femininity, fragrance, and the negatibely classified images are weakness, sadness, maelancholiness, death(for example, the mourner's gard in royal families), symbols of moral corruption, and superstition.

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Multiple Moving Objects Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Intelligent Surveillance System (지능형 보안 시스템을 위한 다중 물체 탐지 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • Shi, Lan Yan;Joo, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.741-747
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a fast and robust framework for detecting and tracking multiple targets. The proposed system includes two modules: object detection module and object tracking module. In the detection module, we preprocess the input images frame by frame, such as gray and binarization. Next after extracting the foreground object from the input images, morphology technology is used to reduce noises in foreground images. We also use a block-based histogram analysis method to distinguish human and other objects. In the tracking module, color-based tracking algorithm and Kalman filter are used. After converting the RGB images into HSV images, the color-based tracking algorithm to track the multiple targets is used. Also, Kalman filter is proposed to track the object and to judge the occlusion of different objects. Finally, we show the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed method through experiments.

Comparison of GAN Deep Learning Methods for Underwater Optical Image Enhancement

  • Kim, Hong-Gi;Seo, Jung-Min;Kim, Soo Mee
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2022
  • Underwater optical images face various limitations that degrade the image quality compared with optical images taken in our atmosphere. Attenuation according to the wavelength of light and reflection by very small floating objects cause low contrast, blurry clarity, and color degradation in underwater images. We constructed an image data of the Korean sea and enhanced it by learning the characteristics of underwater images using the deep learning techniques of CycleGAN (cycle-consistent adversarial network), UGAN (underwater GAN), FUnIE-GAN (fast underwater image enhancement GAN). In addition, the underwater optical image was enhanced using the image processing technique of Image Fusion. For a quantitative performance comparison, UIQM (underwater image quality measure), which evaluates the performance of the enhancement in terms of colorfulness, sharpness, and contrast, and UCIQE (underwater color image quality evaluation), which evaluates the performance in terms of chroma, luminance, and saturation were calculated. For 100 underwater images taken in Korean seas, the average UIQMs of CycleGAN, UGAN, and FUnIE-GAN were 3.91, 3.42, and 2.66, respectively, and the average UCIQEs were measured to be 29.9, 26.77, and 22.88, respectively. The average UIQM and UCIQE of Image Fusion were 3.63 and 23.59, respectively. CycleGAN and UGAN qualitatively and quantitatively improved the image quality in various underwater environments, and FUnIE-GAN had performance differences depending on the underwater environment. Image Fusion showed good performance in terms of color correction and sharpness enhancement. It is expected that this method can be used for monitoring underwater works and the autonomous operation of unmanned vehicles by improving the visibility of underwater situations more accurately.