• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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A New Stereo Matching Method based on Reliability Space (신뢰도 공간에 기반한 스테레오 정합 기법)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, A new stereo matching method based on reliability space is proposed to acquire 3D information from 2D image. In conventional stereo matching methods, speed is sacrificed to achieve high accuracy. To increase the matching speed while maintaining a high accuracy, this paper proposes this stereo matching method. It first makes the disparity space image for comparing all of the pixels on the stereo images. Then it produce reliability space through analyzing this value. and, By comparing the reliability space according to disparity, it makes disparity map. Moreover, the parts that make regional boundary errors are corrected by classifying the boundary of each region with the reference to color edge. The performance of the proposed stereo matching method is verified by various experiments. As a result, calculation cost is reduced by 30.6%, while the image quality of proposed method has similar performance with the existing method.

Estimation of the Medium Transmission Using Graph-based Image Segmentation and Visibility Restoration (그래프 기반 영역 분할 방법을 이용한 매체 전달량 계산과 가시성 복원)

  • Kim, Sang-Kyoon;Park, Jong-Hyun;Park, Soon-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2013
  • In general, images of outdoor scenes often contain degradation due to dust, water drop, haze, fog, smoke and so on, as a result they cause the contrast reduction and color fading. Haze removal is not easier problem due to the inherent ambiguity between the haze and the underlying scene. So, we propose a novel method to solve single scene dehazing problem using the region segmentation based on graph algorithm that has used a gradient value as a cost function. We segment the scene into different regions according to depth-related information and then estimate the global atmospheric light. The medium transmission can be directly estimated by the threshold function of graph-based segmentation algorithm. After estimating the medium transmission, we can restore the haze-free scene. We evaluated the degree of the visibility restoration between the proposed method and the existing methods by calculating the gradient of the edge between the restored scene and the original scene. Results on a variety of outdoor haze scene demonstrated the powerful haze removal and enhanced image quality of the proposed method.

An Observation on the Characteristics of Design and Aesthetics of Balinese 'Sacred Cloths'

  • Langi, Kezia-Clarissa;Park, Shinmi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.67 no.3
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2017
  • The uniqueness of Bali is inseparable from its culture and religion. Embedded in the cultural environment, textiles become one of the most important aspects in Balinese life as it is used as a medium in sacred ceremonies. Balinese textiles are made and used under special conditions according to Hindu teaching. This paper aims to observe the aesthetics of Balinese sacred cloths that are seen in their techniques, colors, and patterns. Quantitative research included in this study is based on 261 images taken from literature review and Museums. Field research was done in eastern part of Bali. This paper has divided the era between ancient and modern times. The ancient era before the 20th century used textiles for religious purposes. Modern era started from the colonialization period by the Dutch in Bali during 1910-1942 added economic values to the textiles. The independence of Indonesia in 1945 created Balinese textiles as a unifying value as one of the identity of Indonesia. The techniques are classified as Weft Ikat, Double Ikat, weave with Supplementary Weft, and Prada. The colors of the ancient era are 'fixed' with the restriction of the colors red, black, and white. The colors of modern era are 'festive' with combination of yellow, green, blue, and purple. The characteristics of patterns are geometric, natural, human, and animal groups. Field research in this paper observes Klungkung Village that produces Endek and Songket cloths. The aesthetics of Endek cloth is 'royal statement' and Songket cloth is a 'cultural heritage.' Nusa Penida Island produces Cepuk cloths and is a 'protective guardian.' Satria sub-district produces Prada cloths and appears to be an 'opulence charm.' Lastly, Tenganan Village produces Geringsing cloth which possesses a 'legendary legacy.' To sum up, Balinese sacred cloth essence is a balance of tradition and modern.

A Study on Livestock Symbol Representation Using Visual Information Metadata (시각정보 메타데이터를 이용한 축산 심벌 표현에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Gok Mi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2018
  • Recently, consumers' taste has been diversified, consumption pattern has changed, and product package design has been gradually developed. The product packaging design should be made to be able to know the contents accurately, and it should have the charm that attracts consumers' attention and makes them want to buy the goods. In addition, product design should motivate consumers to buy according to brand naming, package layout, content expression method, taste color, as well as graphic elements that induce visual effects.The graphic elements that express the image of the contents in a package design of the product at a glance are the most essential elements to enhance the value added of the product and to induce the purchase motivation and rationalization of the consumer. This study is a study on visual image symbol image using visual information metadata in livestock products. It examines cases of various livestock packages and presents graphical elements that can visualize livestock images at a glance as metadata elements. We will pursue the premiumization of livestock products, raise brand value, and offer differentiating design strategies for economic benefits as well as potential for revitalizing the livestock market.

A Study on the Image of the Girls' High School Uniform Design (여고생의 교복 디자인에 따른 이미지 연구)

  • Yang, Eunjin;Jeong, Sujin
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the improvement idea for an school uniform styling that better satisfies female high school students' changing demands, through evaluating images differences according to design variation in school uniforms. This study was carried out with a between-subject design by using the stimulant materials of school uniform design and image assessment scale. The stimulant materials used for this study were 27 designs with blazer/skirt ensemble and 21 designs with vest/skirt ensemble. The survey materials were collected through a questionnaire from a total of 192 female high school students living in Gyeongsangnam-do. As a result of analyses on a image of blazer/skirt ensembles, 4 factors were extracted such as neatness, uniqueness, activeness, and attractiveness. Blazer was the only variables that exerted significant effects on neatness, uniqueness, and attractiveness. As a result of analyses on a image of vest/skirt ensembles, 4 factors were extracted such as attractiveness, neatness, uniqueness, and activeness. Skirt was the only variables that exerted significant effects on attractiveness, neatness, and uniqueness. Neat image was perceived to be high in ensembles of standard blazer/standard collar/horizontal-seam skirt, standard vest/skirt with horizontal color combination, and buttons-down vest/horizontal-seam skirt. Unique image was perceived to be high in ensembles of blazer with bindings/standard collar/solid skirt, and vest with pockets/skirt with vertical bindings. Also, active image was perceived to be high in ensembles of vest with pockets/skirt with vertical bindings, and buttons-down vest/skirt with vertical bindings. Attractive image was perceived to be high in ensembles of blazer with bindings/peaked lapel/skirt with vertical bindings, and standard vest/horizontal-seam skirt. In conclusion, this study reveals that different items and pieces of school uniforms can be combined in many different ways to create quite diverse looks. Thus, this study provides important basic data for research on teenagers' fashion and clothing.

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Hole-Filling Method for Depth-Image-Based Rendering for which Modified-Patch Matching is Used (개선된 패치 매칭을 이용한 깊이 영상 기반 렌더링의 홀 채움 방법)

  • Cho, Jea-Hyung;Song, Wonseok;Choi, Hyuk
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.186-194
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    • 2017
  • Depth-image-based rendering is a technique that can be applied in a variety of 3D-display systems. It generates the images that have been captured from virtual viewpoints by using a depth map. However, disoccluded hole-filling problems remain a challenging issue, as a newly exposed area appears in the virtual view. Image inpainting is a popular approach for the filling of the hole region. This paper presents a robust hole-filling method that reduces the error and generates a high quality-virtual view. First, the adaptive-patch size is decided using the color and depth information. Also, a partial filling method for which the patch similarity is used is proposed. These efforts reduce the error occurrence and the propagation. The experiment results show that the proposed method synthesizes the virtual view with a higher visual comfort compared with the existing methods.

Saliency Detection Using Entropy Weight and Weber's Law (엔트로피 가중치와 웨버 법칙을 이용한 세일리언시 검출)

  • Lee, Ho Sang;Moon, Sang Whan;Eom, Il Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we present a saliency detection method using entropy weight and Weber contrast in the wavelet transform domain. Our method is based on the commonly exploited conventional algorithms that are composed of the local bottom-up approach and global top-down approach. First, we perform the multi-level wavelet transform for the CIE Lab color images, and obtain global saliency by adding the local Weber contrasts to the corresponding low-frequency wavelet coefficients. Next, the local saliency is obtained by applying Gaussian filter that is weighted by entropy of wavelet high-frequency subband. The final saliency map is detected by non-lineally combining the local and global saliencies. To evaluate the proposed saliency detection method, we perform computer simulations for two image databases. Simulations results show the proposed method represents superior performance to the conventional algorithms.

Dementia Classification by Distance Analysis from the Central Coronal Plane of the Brain Hippocampus (뇌 해마의 관상면 중심점으로부터 거리분석에 따른 치매분류)

  • Choi, Boo-Kyeong;So, Jae-Hong;Son, Young-Ju;Madusanka, Nuwan;Choi, Heung-Kook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2018
  • Alzheimer's disease has the significant factors for the both specific and characteristic features according to the disease progressing that are the volumetry and surface area by the brain hippocampus shrinking and thinning. However, we have suggested a shape analysis to calculate the variance by the roughness, coarseness or uneven surface on 3D MR images. For the reasons we have presented two methods: the first method is the distance calculation from major axis to edge points and the second method is the distance calculation from centroidal point to edge points on a coronal plane. Then we selected the shortest distance and the longest distance in each slice and analyzed the ANOVA and average distances. Consequently we obtained the available and great results by the longest distance of the axial and centroidal point. The results of average distances were 44.85(AD), 45.04(MCI) and 49.31(NC) from the axial points and 39.30(AD), 39.58(MCI) and 44.78(NC) from centroidal points respectively. Finally the distance variations for the easily recognized visualization were shown by the color mapping. This research could be provided an indicator of biomarkers that make diagnosis and prognosis the Alzheimer's diseases in the future.

Less Informative Region Extraction for Automatically Advertisement Insertion in Sports Image (스포츠 영상 내 자동적인 광고 삽입을 위한 저정보영역 추출)

  • Jung, Jae-Young;Kim, Young-Kab
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.615-622
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    • 2015
  • Recently virtual advertising is located in an important area of interest in the TV market by convenience of application and reduction of cost. The methods of inserting a virtual advertising in broadcasting are Up-link that method insert the image through the production equipment of the broadcasting station and dispatch equipment and technical personnel in the shooting and Down-streaming that method insert a virtual image automatically in relay video using image processing technology. In recent years, the image processing technology is an important research area in the virtual advertising area for automatically insertion of advertising images. In this paper, we propose the method to extract less-informative region in sports video using image processing. The proposed method extracts less-Informative region through rectangle detection of Hough transform and analysis of color histogram distribution.

Breaking character and natural image based CAPTCHA using feature classification (특징 분리를 통한 자연 배경을 지닌 글자 기반 CAPTCHA 공격)

  • Kim, Jaehwan;Kim, Suah;Kim, Hyoung Joong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.1011-1019
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    • 2015
  • CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a test used in computing to distinguish whether or not the user is computer or human. Many web sites mostly use the character-based CAPTCHA consisting of digits and characters. Recently, with the development of OCR technology, simple character-based CAPTCHA are broken quite easily. As an alternative, many web sites add noise to make it harder for recognition. In this paper, we analyzed the most recent CAPTCHA, which incorporates the addition of the natural images to obfuscate the characters. We proposed an efficient method using support vector machine to separate the characters from the background image and use convolutional neural network to recognize each characters. As a result, 368 out of 1000 CAPTCHAs were correctly identified, it was demonstrated that the current CAPTCHA is not safe.