The feeding guild classification proposed by Fauchald and Jumars (1979) and the relationship between this guild structure and the habitat environment were examined based on the quantitative polycheate samples collected on the continental shelf off the southeastern coast of Korea. Total 12 feeding guilds were found and the major feeding guilds of polychaetes were BSX (burrowing, sessile, non-jawed), SDT (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), SST (surface deposit feeding, sessile, tentaculate), BMX (burrowing, motile, non-jawed), BMJ (burrowing, motile, jawed), SDJ (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, jawed). There were more significant associations between feeding guilds and mean grain size (${\phi}$); SST and BMJ showed a positive correlation with mean phi, whereas CDJ (carnivore, discretely motile, jawed) and FDT (filter feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), a negative value. The CDJ and CMX (carnivore, motile, non-jawed) guilds showed positive correlations with sand content, but only SST guild showed a positive correlation with clay. The heterogeneity of sediment or sorting value (${\phi}$) was highly associated with various feeding strategies of polychaetes. Surface deposit feeders and filter feeders, sessile, and tentaculate strategies were associated with poorly sorted or heterogeneous sediments. Some preliminary polychaete feeding surfaces were posed. Southern and northern coastal region composed of muddy sediment were characterized by SDJ; northern slope of mud by SST; central coast of mud by SDT, BSX; and BMX; southern offshore of sandy sediment by SDJ and IDT (interface feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate).