• Title/Summary/Keyword: clothing classification

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The Relationship between Clothing Behavior and Sex Role Attitude of Children - As object of Senior Childhood years - (아동의 의복행동과 성 역할 태도와의 관계 (ll) - 아동후기를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon Young Aee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.15 no.2 s.38
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Sex Role attitude and childrens clothing behavior for senior childhood years upon two regions-city of Wonju and Mokpo-The questionnaires were administered to 315 elementary school children in Mokpo and 268 in Wonju. This data was analyze ststistically using to pearson's correlation, ANOVA (one-way or two-way) and Multiple Classification Analyze. The major findings of this research can be summarize as followings: 1. There are significant relationships between the unisex clothing behavior and the sex role attitude subscales. Liberal attitude toward sex role were positively related to unisex clothing behavior for senior childhood years children. 2. There are significant positive correlationships between the attitude of solving problem and comfort, autonomy, linterest and management. 3. The Sex and Grade have significants effect on the sex role attitude in two regios. Girls exhibited higher liberal attitudes toward sex role than boys. 4. The Sex have significant effects on clothing behavior and Grade have partially significant effect on clothing behavior. 5. The equality of the sexes attitude is significant relationships among the sex role attitude subscales except attitude of solving problems. There are significant inter relationships between the family role, occupation role and play role among the sex role subscales. 6. There are significant positive correlations between the unisex clothing behavior and conformity. And significant negative correlations between comfort and the unisex clothing behavior. Comfort is related to autonomy and management. Management is related to auton-omy and interest. 7. There are significant differences in sex role attitude according to two regions.

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Fashion Trend Preferences According to Clothing Consumption Values - Focusing on Career Women - (직장여성의 의복소비가치에 따른 패션트렌드선호경향)

  • Rha Soo-Im
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2004
  • This research demonstrates clothing consumption values, fashion preferences of career women from the early 1920s to late 1930s. And having thorough understanding of values and preferences, allows us to establish marketing strategies for clothing companies. The main purpose of this study is (1) to formalize consumer group based upon the clothing consumption values, (2) to find for characteristics of consumer depending on classification of consumption value in clothing, (3) to understand the preferences of career women about fashion trends. Analyzing data was performed 292 copies, resulting factor analysis, Cluster analysis, X-test, Anova, Tukey test, t-test, frequency analysis, and reliability analysis. This paper showed 7 distinctive characteristics of career women about clothing consumption value. These characteristics can be listed as 1) value of brand image, 2) value of self-expression, 3) functional values, 4) epistemic values, 5) coordination values, 6) social values 7) psychological values. Importantly, brand image value became most significant aspects among 7 factors. Analyzing consumers based upon stated 7 factors, it was found that they are segregated into 4 groups; Self-expressive Group, Psychological Stability Group, Functional Group, Social Group. Secondly, for fashion trend preferences, self-expressive group, psychological stability group, and functional group favored Romantic Feminine Style respectively. Social Group showed preference in Nu-Basic'. The reason for such trend dealt with fabric materials and colors. Finally examining population statistics, younger generations showed more preferences in Nu-Basic', and consumers from ages of 26 to 28, 32 to 34 showed preferences in Romantic Feminine' regardless of their household income, clothing related expenditures, jobs, and education level. On the other hand, 'Modem Classic' was popular among college graduates and 'Paradise' was somewhat less popular among all ages except from ages of 32 to 34, consumers consumption 300,000Won to 400,000Won on clothing related expenditures. And 'Energy' seemed to attract more highly educated females, who had more than masters in degrees with over 300,000 to 400,000Won for clothing related expenditures.

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Classification of Clothing Using Googlenet Deep Learning and IoT based on Artificial Intelligence (인공지능 기반 구글넷 딥러닝과 IoT를 이용한 의류 분류)

  • Noh, Sun-Kuk
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2020
  • Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT), which are represented by machine learning and deep learning among IT technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are applied to our real life in various fields through various researches. In this paper, IoT and AI using object recognition technology are applied to classify clothing. For this purpose, the image dataset was taken using webcam and raspberry pi, and GoogLeNet, a convolutional neural network artificial intelligence network, was applied to transfer the photographed image data. The clothing image dataset was classified into two categories (shirtwaist, trousers): 900 clean images, 900 loss images, and total 1800 images. The classification measurement results showed that the accuracy of the clean clothing image was about 97.78%. In conclusion, the study confirmed the applicability of other objects using artificial intelligence networks on the Internet of Things based platform through the measurement results and the supplementation of more image data in the future.

A Study on the Body Types of the Chinese men II - Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai - (중국(中國) 성인(成人) 남성(男性)의 체형연구(體型硏究) II - 북경(北京) 상해(上海)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lim, Soon; Sohn, Hee-Soon;Kim, Jee-Yeon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data for chinese men' clothing construction. This study analyzes characterization and classification of body types of the Chinese men with body measurement values. This researcher executed the body measurement of total 39 items on 414 chinese men in Beijing and Shanghai aged 20-49 years old and analyzed the data with methods of analysis of variance, factor analysis and cluster analysis using it as the study item. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. As the result of comparative analysis of the body measurements by age group and birth region group in Beijing and Shanghai, the horizontal items such as the widths, depths, and girths increased with advancing ages, while heights decreased. 2. As the result of factor analysis on the items in Beijing and Shanghai, 5 factors on such as the first factor on the obesity of body, the second factor on the size of vertical of body, the third factor on the length of upper body, the forth factor on the width of the shoulder, the fifth factor on the degree of dropping shoulder were extracted. 3. As the result of classification based on the cluster analysis in Beijing, the body type were classified into 3 types. So, to see the feature of body form by types, type 1 was tallest, fattest type. type 2 was small stature, fat. type 3 was tall, thin. In Shanghai, he body type were classified into 3 types. So, to see the feature of body form by types, type 1 was tallest, fattest type. type 2 was small stature. type 3 was tall, thin.

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Classification of Textural Descriptors for Establishing Texture Naming System(TNS) of Fabrics -Textural Descriptions of Women's Suits Fabrics for Fall/winter Seasons- (옷감의 질감 명명 체계 확립을 위한 질감 속성자 분류 -여성 슈트용 추동복지의 질감 속성을 중심으로-)

  • Han Eun-Gyeong;Kim Eun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.5 s.153
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to identify the texture-related components of woven fabrics and to develop a multidimensional perceptual structure map to represent the tactile textures. Eighty subjects in clothing and tektite industries were selected for multivariate data on each fabric of 30 using the questionnaire with 9 pointed semantic differential scales of 20 texture-related adjectives. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling(MDS) using SPSS statistical package. The results showed that the five factors were selected and composed of density/warmth-coolness, stiffness, extensibility, drapeability, and surface/slipperiness. As a result of hierarchical cluster analysis, 30 fabrics were grouped by four clusters; each cluster was named with density/warmth-coolness, surface/slipperiness, stiffness, and extensibility, respectively. By MDS, three dimensions of tactile texture were obtained and a 3-dimensional perceptual structure map was suggested. The three dimensions were named as surface/slipperiness, extensibility, and stiffness. We proposed a positioning perceptual map of fabrics related to texture naming system(TNS). To classify the textural features of the woven fabrics, hierarchical cluster analysis containing all the data variations, even though it includes the errors, may be more desirable than texture-related multidimensional data analysis based on factor loading values in respect of the effective variables reduction without losing the critical variations.

A Study on Postmodernism Style of Fashion - Concentrating on the 1996-2000- (현대 복식에 나타난 포스트모더니즘 양식 연구 -90년대 후반 복식을 중심으로-)

  • Kim Hee-Kyun;Chung Hei-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.3_4 s.141
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    • pp.569-575
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to consider the concept of postmodernism and the characteristics concerning the stage of the development, and to investigate the effect of the postmodernism on the clothing. Postmodernism is the result of the late capitalism and its characteristics are the narrative, mixture and deconstruction. First, since it is impossible to express the social culture of various society through one theoretical disclosure, the novel value on the narrative is provided and its characteristics arise. Hence, the society becomes afford to accept the other and provides the novel value to the absolute sub-concept. Second, the recognization and emphasis of the narrative in the post modem society bring about the repulsion as to the strict classification between the high culture and low one established from modernism and the closure between each genre of the art, and this causes to raise the composed characteristics which borrow or mix the style and image of different age and culture. Third, the deconstructive feature arises which eliminates the boundary between the high and low class, the past and future and the destruction and construction. This means not only anther recomposition but also skeptical attitude about it.

The Image of the Stripe Clothes according to Value Contrast Coloration (명도 콘트라스트 배색에 따른 스트라이프 의복 착용자의 이미지 연구)

  • Moon, Ju-Young;Kang, Kyung-Ja
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.992-1007
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    • 2008
  • This study was meant to offer the data for predicting the product plan answering the diverse demands for consumers based on the results of analyzing the image and formative property by transforming the stripe patterns. The concrete study way is composed of the collected stimulus centering on the interval of the stripe pattern and value contrast coloration. Consequently 192 stimuli, changed by the pattern direction and pattern interval, clothing style, and contrast coloration, are selected. The experimental materials made for this study are a set of stimuli and response scale. The statistics way used in analysis was factor analysis, ANOVA, dispersion analysis, multiple classification analysis. The results of this study were summed as following. Firstly, In the value contrast, a pair of 27 adjectives were made of attractiveness, activeness, gracefulness, visibility, and tenderness dimension. Secondly, the direction of the pattern, interval, clothing style, and contrast coloration were respectively transformed according to value contrast.

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A Study on the Classification of the Somatotype of Korean Females (실루엣에 의한 한국여성의 체형분석)

  • Nam Yun Ja;Lee Soon Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this study was to classify somatotype and to investigate the 15 measurements for the clothing construction. The size of sample was 467 females between age 6 and 60. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to analyze the 15 measurements by group and somatotype. The results of the study were as follows; 1) All the measurements were significantly different among the groups except the Vertebralis angle. 2) Concerning the upper part of the body, Standard somatotype was found more frequently in group IV. V compared with the other, Turning over somatotype in group I. II, Bending somatotype in group VI. VII. VIII. Concerning the under part of the body Standard somatotype was found more frequently in group IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. compared with the other, Forward-turning over somatotype of the lower help body and Turning over somatotype in group I. II. III. when the upper part of the body was turning over somatotype, the under part of the body was generally Turning over somatotype or Forward-turning over somatotype. When the upper part of the body was Bending somatotype, the under part of the body was commonly Forward somatotype.

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A Study on Lower Body Somatotype Classifications of Tall Stature Korean Women by KS (KS 규격의 큰 키 기준에 따른 한국 성인 여성의 하반신 체형 분류)

  • Kim, Nam-Soon;Song, Hwa Kyung;Do, Wol-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.591-599
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the somatotype of tall stature Korean women's lower body for proper slack patterns. The study subjects consist of 350 statures over 165cm in 18-59 aged women's of Size Korea 2010. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test were used for analysis using SPSS 19.0. The result are as follows: Factor 1 was the horizontal dimension of waist and hip, factor 2 was the vertical dimension of lower body, factor 3 was the horizontal dimension of the lower limbs, factor 4 was the crotch length, and factor 5 was the horizontal dimension of hip. The lower body was divided into 3 types based on analysis of the above factors. Type 1 (46.6%) represented stout type with a thick and medium length of crotch and leg. Type 2 (22.7%) represented a curve type from waist to hip with long crotch length, while short and thin leg. Type 3 (30.7%) was referred as slender type, with short crotch length, while long and thin leg.

Classic Image Classification by Clothing Design Elements (의복 조형요소에 따른 클래식이미지 분류)

  • Lee, Kyung-Lim;Park, Sook-Hyun;Kwon, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.160-171
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the classic image by clothing design elements. This research was done by survey method with 20 kinds of classic image photos selected in fashion magazines. The data was analyzed by Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's test and MDS. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Classic image was classified by 4 factors. Those were retro-classic, mannish-classic, elegant-classic and contemporary-classic images. 2. Retro-classic image was well-expressed by A silhouette and chromatic and chromatic color coordinations. Mannish-classic image was well-expressed by H silhouette, chromatic and achromatic color coordinations and hard texture. Elegant-classic image was well-expressed by fitted silhouette and chromatic and chromatic color coordinations. Contemporary-classic image was well-expressed by achromatic and achromatic color coordinations and hard texture. 3. Classic image was positioned into mostly retro and masculine on image scale.