• Title/Summary/Keyword: chewing

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  • Lee Young-Kwon;Park Eun-Young;Lee Hee-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of denture placement on nutrition status and quality of life in the urban elderly Material and method : The first survey was conducted from 45 targeted elderly people(25 experimental group, 20 control). In the first survey, information on general characteristics, chewing ability, food intake and nutrient intake, anthropometric measurement, and degree of satisfaction in life were obtained. The second survey was conducted to evaluate the effect of denture placement with same method as the first survey. Results : Before denture placement, there are no statistical significant differences (in general characteristics, chewing ability, nutrient intake, anthropometric measurement, and degree of satisfaction in life) between experimental group and control. But after denture placement, survey shows that there is statistically significant difference in chewing ability between two groups. The experimental group have higher intake of energy, protein, carbohydrate, iron, and vitamin C. in nutrient intake. And after denture replacement, there is significant improvement in degree of satisfaction in life. After denture placement there are significant changes in agitation and attitude toward own aging according to Lawton's factor classification. Conclusion: In short, this study shows that chewing ability improvement of the elderly has strong positive effects to their food intake, nutrient status and quality of life.

Masticatory Performance Measured with a Chewing Gum Containing Spherical Resinous Microparticles

  • Kanazawa, Toshiya;Zaitsu, Takashi;Ueno, Masayuki;Kawaguchi, Yoko
    • International Journal of Clinical Preventive Dentistry
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with masticatory performance, as measured with a chewing gum containing spherical resinous microparticles, and to evaluate the method by examining the relationship with self-reported masticatory status. Methods: The participants in this study comprised 903 industrial workers (mean age, $42.2{\pm}11.6years$). A questionnaire was administered to assess self-reported masticatory status. The masticatory performance score was calculated by counting the number of particles in the chewing gum. Clinical oral examinations were administered. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted on the masticatory performance scores to examine the related factors. Analysis of covariance was conducted to investigate the association between the masticatory performance score and the self-reported masticatory status. Results: Significant predictors of the masticatory performance score were sex (p<0.001), age (p<0.001), decayed teeth (p=0.009), total-functional tooth units (p<0.001), periodontitis (p=0.003), and malocclusion (p=0.011). The relationship between the masticatory performance score and the self-reported masticatory status was attenuated after controlling for confounding factors. Conclusion: The masticatory performance increased with age and decreased as the oral health status worsened. Using this chewing gum method partly, but not comprehensively, reflects masticatory performance. Therefore, various masticatory performance-related indexes should be employed to measure masticatory performance accurately.

A Comparative Study on Chewing Movement in Normal Occlusion and Skeletal Class III Malocclusion (정상교합자와 골격성 III급 부정교합자의 저작운동형태의 비교)

  • SUNG, Kee-Hyuk;SUNG, Jae-Hyun
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.801-813
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    • 1997
  • A comparative study was made on the chewing movements of normal occlusion and skeletal class m malocclusion. Thirty normal occlusion subjects and twenty skeletal class III malocclusion patients were given chewing gums for the study : using BioPAK system, the chewing movement on the frontal plane was recorded and analyzed. With a typical chewing path chosen representing each subject, chewing width, opening distance, opening and closing angles, maximum opening and closing velocities were observed. Seven characteristic patterns were classified based on the types of chewing paths. The followings are the results : 1. Compared with the normal occlusion group, the skeletal class III malocclusion group showed more varied and vertical chewing patterns. 2. In comparision of chewing widths, skeletal class m malocclusion group showed narrower path than the normal occlusion group(p<0.01). 3. In opening distance, skeletal class III malocclusion group appeared shorter than the normal occlusion group without statistical significance(p>0.05). 4. In opening and closing angles, skeletal class III malocclusion group showed more acute angles than the normal occlusion group(p<0.01). 5. In maximum opening and closing velocities, skeletal class III malocclusion group was slower than the normal occlusion group but with no statistical significance(P>0.05). 6. In the classification of chewing movement pattern, the normal occlusion group had Type II as the highest rate at 73.4% ; in skeletal class III malocclusion group, the highest rate was Type III at 35.0%, followed by Type II at 30.0% 7. In the classification of chewing movement pattern, Type IV(chopping type)of skeletal class III malocclusion group showed a higher rate with 25.0% over 3.3% of normal occlusion group.

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Biomechanical Property of Dental Implants due to Chewing Force and Bone Properties. (저작력과 골질에 따른 치과용 임프란트의 생체 역학적 특성)

  • 손준희;채수원;권종진;한석환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.1316-1319
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    • 2003
  • The micromovements and stress distributions of cancellous bone in dental implant system play important roles in evaluating chewing function of an implant system. The micromovements and stress distributions in dental implant system generally depend on the chewing force and bone properties. Three dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis has been employed to investigate this issue quantitatively. Chewing forces and bone properties are classified into several groups and three types of implants involving one classical cylindrical type and two expandable implants are investigated in this paper.

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Three Vocal Nodule Cases Treated by Chewing Method (저작법에 의한 성대결절환자의 치험)

  • 문영일
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1983.05a
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    • pp.10.3-10
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    • 1983
  • Vocal strain occur chiefly in those whose occupations professional singers, teachers, actors, and so on. Continuous vocal strain may perpetuate and aggravate the condition and lead to formation of established vocal nodules. The nodes are at first red and soft. These fresh nodes are well responded by chewing method without surgery. Recently the author experienced three cases of singers nodule (one male professional classic singer, one female pop singer, one male teacher) treated by chewing method. The purpose of this paper is to discuss principles and methods of chewing with literature review.

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Current chewing difficulty according to dental prosthesis needs in Korean elderly (한국 노인의 보철 필요 상태에 따른 저작불편 조사)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon;Jin, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4353-4360
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the relationship between the current chewing difficulty and the dental prosthesis needs of the elderly Koreans to improve their oral health status. A total of 1,177 subjects over 65 years who participated in the the Five Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were examined. An oral examination was conducted to determine the number of missing teeth and dental prosthesis required. A questionnaire was given to measure the sociodemographic characteristics, concerns about oral health, chewing ability and pronunciation ability. Statistical analysis was done using the SPSS 19.0 program. The percentage of the current chewing difficulty in Korean elderly was 42.9%. After adjusting for confounder variables, the odds ratio of the fixed prosthodontics needs were 1.22 (95% CI; 0.74 to 2.02), the odds ratio of partial denture needs were 2.47 (95% CI; 1.71 to 3.56) and the odds ratio of the full denture needs were 2.06 (95% CI; 0.73 to 5.81). The dental prosthesis needs were associated with the current chewing difficulty. Therefore, dental prosthesis support policy and public oral health promotion for the elderly is necessary.

Food consumption frequency of Korean adults based on whether or not having chewing difficulty using 2013-2016 KNHANES by sex-stratified comparative analysis

  • Kim, Mi Jeong
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.637-653
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    • 2020
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study examined the associations between food consumption frequency of Korean adults and self-perceived chewing difficulty, using the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ, 112 items) from 2013-2016 of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). SUBJECTS/METHODS: Subjects were divided into not difficult in chewing (NDC) and difficult in chewing (DC) groups, with 24.17% being classified into DC. Males and females consumed 35 and 37 items less frequently than the other sex, respectively. Due to the remarkable gender difference in food consumption, gender-stratified one-sided survey regression analysis was performed after adjusted for the effect of age, household income, and self-rated health status. RESULTS: Thirty-four items of FFQ were significantly less consumed by the DC group. Females exclusively consumed less beverages and alcohol while males showed the same for fruits and milk·dairy products. Consumption frequency of 8 items such as steamed potatoes·grilled potatoes, stir fried beef, other kimchi·fresh vegetable kimchi, orange, sour pork·pork cutlet, tteokbokki and green tea were significant only in males. In contrast, 17 items including cooked rice with other grains and legumes, boiled egg·steamed egg, Korean cabbage kimchi, banana, and tofu stew·soft tofu stew were significant only for females. Finally, items that showed significance for both were 9 items including loaf bread, ready-to-eat cereal, steamed sweet potatoes·grilled sweet potatoes, stir-fried lotus roots·stir-fried burdock, green laver salad·brown seaweed salads, apples, tomato·cherry tomatoes, squid (raw, dried shredded, boiled, stir-fried), and curd type yogurt. CONCLUSIONS: Findings in this study suggest chewing difficulty may be an important nutritional issue that has to be dealt with for healthful food consumption, with distinct interest of gender.

Variability of the Rumination-Behaviour in Steers fed a Constant Amount of Hay (牧乾草의 定量給與時 소 反芻行動의 變異性)

  • Jeon, Byong-Tae;Otha, Minoru
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 1988
  • The variation of rumination response in steers fed a same amount of orcharograss hay was investigated. With three steers (6, 12, 24 months) of the Japanese Black Breed, rumination behaviour was measured continuously during a 5 days period by masseter EMG telemetry system. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The average daily ruminatio time of respective animals were 438,447 and 433 min. with small daily variation both within and among animal. But the rumination time per DM kg of hay consumed varied from 66 to 138 min., and calf spent longer than older calf. 2. Actural chewing time showed small variation, and percentage of actural chewing time spent in rumination time was from 88 to 93% on individual average. 3. The daily number of chewing in rumination was approximately 25,000 to 30,000 with large individual differences. The chews per DM kg intake varied from 3,800 to 9,600, and calf chewed more than older calf. 4. The average rate of chewing per 100 sec. (chewing speed), there was a large difference between animals I.e. 104, 114, 131 respectively, but very little variance between days in individual. 5. No relation between day to day variations in eating time and rumination behavior, but significantly positive correlation was observed in the relation among rumination time, chewing time, No. of boluses and No. of chews. 6. Active time of day in rumination altered considerably day to day, but variation in the amount of rumination per day as expressed by the rumination time was relatively small.

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