• Title/Summary/Keyword: certification management

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The Operation of Home Economics Education Course in Graduate School of Education and the Graduate Students' Perception (서울소재 교육대학원 가정교육전공 교육과정에 대한 운영실태와 교육대학원생의 인식)

  • Lee, Seon-Jung;Shin, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2008
  • This study aimed to examine the operation of the Home Economics education courses in the graduate schools of education, and to find out how graduate students perceive them. Data were collected with the use of handbooks issued by 11 graduate schools of education located in Seoul, and through telephone conversations with the administrative staff. To determine how graduate students majoring in Home Economics perceive their Home Economics courses, a survey was conducted among the graduate students in 10 graduate schools of education, and a total of 131 accomplished questionnaires were used for data analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, all 11 graduate schools aimed to retrain their teachers, enhance their professionalism, and produce home economics education experts. The Home Economics Education courses come in two strands; a teacher's course and a major course. Most of the schools require a total of 30 credits. All Schools lack professors. Only 3 graduate schools have a home Economics Department in the College of Education. All graduate schools are offering a teacher's course based on a teacher's certification system. In a major course, Home Economics education has the largest number of subjects, with Clothing and Textiles and Food and Nutrition being given greater emphasis, and Consumer Economics, Home Economics Management, Child Care, and Family and Housing Studies being given less emphasis. Second, they mostly regard the graduate school of education as producer of experts, followed by producers of teachers and teacher re-trainers. Those who were majoring in Home Economics Education in college, and the teachers, are more interested in teacher re-training, while the non-teachers and those who were not majoring in Home Economics Education are more interested in producing teachers. They are less satisfied with the operation of the graduate school of education. But they are generally satisfied with the Home Economics Education course. Graduate students registered the lowest satisfaction with a major course, especially experimental subjects. For a teacher's course, the graduate students who are not teachers exhibited higher satisfaction, whereas the teachers showed lower satisfaction. But teachers registered more satisfaction with the practical use of major subjects in the educational field, thinking that their major was a big help in their work at a school. As for what has to be improved with regard to the Home Economics Education course, many cited the necessity of securing a good faculty and expanding the major subjects.

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A Study on the Right Direction of Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED) from the Perspective of Landscape Architecture (조경관점의 녹색건축 인증기준에 대한 방향 정립)

  • Cha, Uk Jin;Nam, Jung Chil;Yang, Geon Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2016
  • In this study, an analysis has been conducted on the evaluation criteria of current G-SEED(Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design) and on the 78 buildings, certified by G-SEED, for 3 years from November, 2012 to November, 2015. Based on the results of this analysis, four issues are driven and proposed hereinafter. Issue 1 : Nowadays, the psychological proportion of landscape architecture in building is getting greater than ever so that it shows reliable reduction of carbon dioxide. Therefore, so far as the eight kinds of buildings are concerned, the evaluation items of G-SEED must include those of landscape architecture mandatorily through its enlargement. Issue 2 : It is undesirable factor that inhibits precise evaluation on landscaping area to let other areas appraise landscape architecture because it requires outstanding professionalism. So, G-SEED should not only ensure landscaping professionalism for the correct evaluation but also let landscape area participate in assessing other areas. Issue 3 : Many previous researches turned out that landscape planting technique has excellent effect on saving energy and reducing temperature of buildings. Thus, landscape planting technique of landscape area is required to be one of the evaluation items of energy sector. Issue 4 : Tree management also has to be newly included as one of the evaluation factor for the maintenance relating to the landscape architecture. G-SEED, enacted and enforced by the Green Building Creation Support Act in 2013, surely is effective system to reduce carbon dioxide in buildings. This is a special Act in its nature that is superior to Construction Law and must be observed by all means to construct buildings. Under the umbrella of this legal system, various of researches and products are contributing to creating new jobs in construction area. However, it is a well-known fact that landscape architecture area has shown less interest on this Act than that of construction area. In conclusion, it is necessary that landscape industry should conduct continuous researches on G-SEED and pay more attention to the Act enough to harvest related products and enlarge its work area.

The Evaluation of Carbon Storage and Economic Value Assessment of Wetlands in the City of Seoul (서울시 습지지역의 탄소저장 및 경제적 가치 평가에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jiyoung;Oh Jongmin;Lee, Sangdon
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2021
  • The ecosystem and landscape conservation areas of Seoul were designated according to the Natural Environment Conservation Act and the Natural Environment Conservation Ordinance. With the adoption of the "Rapid Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Service (RAWES)" approach and the "wetland ecosystem service" for the Ramsar Wetland City Accreditation at the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 2018, the need for data evaluating wetland ecosystem services has become a necessity. Therefore, in this study, we selected five wetlands from the ecosystem and landscape conservation areas in Seoul, having high ecological conservation values, and evaluated their carbon sequestration and economic value assessment using the InVEST model, which is an ecosystem service evaluation technique. The evaluation results for carbon storage in each wetland are as follows: Tancheon Wetland: 3,674.62 Mg; Bamseom Island in the Hangang River: 1,511.57 Mg; Godeok-dong Wetland: 5,007.21 Mg; Amsa-dong Wetland: 7,108.47 Mg; and Yeouido Wetland: 290.27 Mg. Particularly, the Tancheon Wetland showed the lowest carbon sequestration of 1,130.37 Mg, as compared to the results acquired in 2013, of 4,804.99 Mg. When the average effective carbon rate of 16.06(US)wasappliedtothedecreasedcarbonsequestrationvalue,alossof15,910.58(US) was calculated. Furthermore, if the average social cost of carbon (204(US))isconsidered,whichincludestheimpactofclimatechangeonproductivityandecosystems,thetotallossisequivalentto202,101.97 (US). This study aims to examine the natural resource value of urban wetlands by evaluating selected major wetlands in Seoul. This study can be utilized as basic data to plan for the protection and management of the ecosystem and landscape conservation areas. Additionally, because wetland value assessment is considered essential, the results of this study can be used in future research to provide measures for evaluating ecosystem services in the Ramsar Wetland City Certification System. Moreover, this study can be utilized for selecting important wetlands as Ramsar sites, and to raise awareness about the significance of conserving urban wetlands, and for expanding international exchange among the Ramsar Wetland sites.

The Present State and Curriculum Implementation Overview of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High Schools (특성화고등학교 간호과 운영 현황 및 교육과정 운영실태 분석)

  • Yoon, In-Kyung;Jang, Myung-Hee;Lee, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.19-46
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the curriculum implementation of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School by researching on operation, organization and environment of the program of Nursing. This study aims to improve the curriculum of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School. This study has analyzed previous existing studies, Link of School info, Educational Statistics and data indicating establishment, operation and curriculum of the department of Nursing which have been collected from web sites of institutions and associations relevant to Nurse Education. The major results of this study are as follows: 1) As of the first semester of the year 2016, out of a total of thirty eight Specialized Vocational High Schools and Meister High Schools in the country, 6.4% of the schools have nursing educational programs. These schools have established the programs under various names, such as Health Nursing, Dental Health Nursing, Nursing, Nursing and Medical Tourism, Accounting in Nursing and Nursing Management, etc. Since 2012, enrollment rates have increased while post-graduation employment rates have decreased, with the average employment rate of Specialized Vocational High School graduates having reached up to 46% by 2015. 2) The Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School aims to create skilled Nurses Assistant such as Nurse Aide and Care giver. The program is successful in providing necessary courses to acquire required certification and proficient field experience but requires revisional changes in order to create a long-term program of sufficient qualification. The official requirement of 780 hours of field practice was completed during the three educational breaks from the first year of high school to the second year, while the curriculum was conducted separately in the field hospitals. 3) An average of two laboratory classrooms were available based on the facility requirement standard of Cities and Provinces Educational Policies. In order to secure proficient instructors of Nursing education, establishment of specific indicated subjects, regional placement, in-service education, research and supervision are essential for establishing excellence and continual improvement.

Awareness of the Prevention of Work-Related Diseases among Farmers - Based on Qualitative Research Methods (농업인들의 업무상질환 예방에 대한 인식도 - 질적연구방법을 토대로)

  • Ae-Rim, Seo;Ji-Youn, Kim;Bokyoung, Kim;Gyeong-Ye, Lee;Ki-Soo, Park
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the awareness of work-related disease prevention of farmers. Method: As a research method, a qualitative focus group interview was conducted in 18 participants. Results: Prevention and management services for work-related diseases of farmers mostly are based on research from other fields and so are not highly effective because their content is not relevant to agricultural work. It has been suggested that such program designers be required to have some appropriate related knowledge, and that incentives and a certification system for participation in such education be established. To analyze work-related diseases of farmers, fields of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation should be created. They demanded the designation of hospitals and the actualization of compensation for farmers' safety insurance. The work-related diseases to address were include musculoskeletal diseases, pesticide poisoning-related diseases (cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease), psychiatric diseases such as depression, and allergic diseases. However, this must have been the result of the harmful factors they felt during agricultural work. And for farmer patients diagnosed with work-related diseases, it was said to strengthen farmer safety insurance. Conclusion: In order to increase the safely and health effects of agricultural work, it is necessary to prevent and manage work-related diseases of farmers. Projects should be developed in consideration of cultural and economic barriers of farmers and the characteristics of the work.

Effects of applied biochar derived from spent oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) substrate to Soil Physico-chemical Properties and crop growth responses (느타리버섯 수확후배지 바이오차 시용이 토양 이화학성 및 작물 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Jae-Eun Jang;Sung-Hee Lim;Min-Woo Shin;Ji-Young Moon;Joo-Hee Nam;Gab-June Lim
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of soil physico-chemical properties and crop growth responses for application of biochar derived from substrate with post harvest of oyster mushroom. The biochar was produced at 450~600℃ using a top-light up draft gasifier (TLUD) production system. As a result of elemental analysis, the biochar used was C 76.2%, H 2.5%, N 3.2%, and H/C was 0.39, which met the international certification standards for biocarbons (IBI) below 0.7. The chemical properties were 10.1 for pH, 1.0% for P2O5, 1.8% for K2O, and 2.5% for CaO. The application rates of biochar were 0, 100, 200, 300, and 500 kg/10a. For cultivation of chinese cabbage and welsh onion, soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (T-N), total carbon (T-C), Ex.cation K contents and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the treatments were increased compared to the no treatment. In addition, the bulk density was lowered and the porosity was increased, improving the soil physical properties in the treated soil. The growth of chinese cabbage and green onion increased with the application of biochar, but the yields of chinese cabbage and green onion did not significantly different among the treatments. Soil carbon sequestration in the treatments enhanced with increasing the amount of biochar application. It is expected to apply the biochar derived from spent oyster mushroom substrate in the eco-friendly farm soil management, improving soil physico-chemical properties.

A Study on the Performance Verification Method of Small-Sized LTE-Maritime Transceiver (소형 초고속해상무선통신망 송수신기 성능 검증 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seok Woo;Bu-young Kim;Woo-Seong Shim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.902-909
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    • 2023
  • This study evaluated the performance test of a small-sized LTE-Maritime(LTE-M) transceiver that was developed and promoted to expand the use of intelligent maritime traf ic information services led by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries with the aim of supporting the prevention of maritime accidents. Accoriding to statistics, approximately 30% of all marine accidents in Korean water occur with ships weighing less than 3 tons. Therefore, the blind spots of maritime safety must be supplemented through the development of small-sized transceivers. The small transceiver may be used in fishing boats that are active near coastal waters and in water leisure equipment near the coastline. Therefore, verifying whether sufficient performance and stable communication quality are provided is necessary, considering the environment of their real usage. In this study, we reviewed the communication quality goals of the LTE-M network and the performance requirements of small-sized transceivers suggested by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and proposed a test plan to appropriately evaluate the performance of small-sized transceivers. The validity of the proposed test method was verified for six real-sea areas with a high frequency of marine accidents. Consequently, the downlink and uplink transmission speeds of the small-sized LTE-M transceiver showed performances of 9 Mbps or more and 3 Mbps or more, respectively. In addition, using the coverage analysis system, coverage of more than 95% and 100% were confirmed in the intensive management zone (0-30 km) and interesting zone (30-50 km), respectively. The performance evaluation method and test results proposed in this paper are expected to be used as reference materials for verifying the performance of transceivers, contributing to the spread of government-promoted e-navigation services and small-sized transceivers.

Evaluation on the Immunization Module of Non-chart System in Private Clinic for Development of Internet Information System of National Immunization Programme m Korea (국가 예방접종 인터넷정보시스템 개발을 위한 의원정보시스템의 예방접종 모듈 평가연구)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Lee, Kun-Sei;Lee, Seok-Gu;Shin, Eui-Chul;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Na, Bak-Ju;Hong, Jee-Young;Kim, Yun-Jeong;Park, Sook-Kyung;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Kwon, Yun-Hyung;Kim, Young-Taek
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: Immunizations have been one of the most effective measures preventing from infectious diseases. It is quite important national infectious disease prevention policy to keep the immunizations rate high and monitor the immunizations rate continuously. To do this, Korean CDC introduced the National Immunization Registry Program(NIRP) which has been implementing since 2000 at the Public Health Centers(PHC). The National Immunization Registry Program will be near completed after sharing, connecting and transfering vaccination data between public and private sector. The aims of this study was to evaluate the immunization module of non-chart system in private clinic with health information system of public health center(made by POSDATA Co., LTD) and immunization registry program(made by BIT Computer Co., LTD). Methods: The analysis and survey were done by specialists in medical, health field, and health information fields from 2001. November to 2002. January. We made the analysis and recommendation about the immunization module of non-chart system in private clinic. Results and Conclusions: To make improvement on immunization module, the system will be revised on various function like receipt and registration, preliminary medical examination, reference and inquiry, registration of vaccine, print-out various sheet, function of transfer vaccination data, issue function of vaccination certification, function of reminder and recall, function of statistical calculation, and management of vaccine stock. There are needs of an accurate assessment of current immunization module on each private non-chart system. And further studies will be necessary to make it an accurate system under changing health policy related national immunization program. We hope that the result of this study may contribute to establish the National Immunization Registry Program.

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