• Title/Summary/Keyword: center in Seoul

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Development of Novel Materials for Reduction of Greenhouse Gases and Environmental Monitoring Through Interface Engineering

  • Hirano, Shin-Ichi;Gang, Seok-Jung L.;Nowotny, Janusz-Nowotny;Smart, Roger-St.C.Smart;Scrrell, Charles-C.Sorrell;Sugihara, Sunao;Taniguchi, Tomihiroi;Yamawaki, Michio;Yoo
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.635-653
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    • 1999
  • The present work considers work considers research strategies to address global warming. Specifically, this work considers the development of technologies of importance for the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and, especially, the materials that are critical to these technologies. It is argued that novel materials that are essential for the production of environmentally friendly energy may be developed through a special kind of engineering: interface engineering, rather than through classical bulk chemistry. Progress on the interface engineering requires to increase the present state of understanding on the local properties of materials interfaces and interfaces processes. This, consequently, requires coordinated international efforts in order to establish a strong background in the science of materials interfaces. This paper considers the impact of interfaces, such as surfaces and grain boundaries, on the functional properties of materials. This work provides evidence that interfaces exhibit outstanding properties that are not displayed by the bulk phase. It is shown that the local interface chemistry and structure and entirely different than those of the bulk phase. In consequence the transport of both charge and matter along and across interfaces, that is so important for energy conversion, is different than that in the bulk. Despite that the thickness of interfaces is of an order to a nanometer, their impact on materials properties is substantial and, in many cases, controlling. This leads to the conclusion that the development of novel materials with desired properties for specific industrial applications will be possible through controlled interface chemistry. Specifically, this will concern materials of importance for energy conversion and environmental monitoring. Therefore, there is a need to increase the present state of understanding of the local properties of materials interfaces and the relationship between interfaces and the functional properties of materials. In order to accomplish this task coordinated international efforts of specialized research centres are required. These efforts are specifically urgent regarding the development of materials of importance for the reduction of greenhouse gases. Success of research in this area depends critically on financial support that can be provided for projects on materials of importance for a sustainable environment, and these must be considered priorities for all of the global economies. The authors of the present work represent an international research group economies. The authors of the present work represent an international research group that has entered into a collaboration on the development of the materials that are critical for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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Determinants on Korean Medicine Use among Breast Cancer Patients (유방암환자의 한의약의료서비스이용 결정요인)

  • Han, Dong-Woon;Kim, Yoon-Yong;Choi, Soo-Jeong;Hwang, Jung-Hye
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to determine the present state of patients with breast cancer use of Korean medicine(KM) and predictive factors for the use. Through this, the present study is intended to present reasonable treatment approaches for patients with breast cancer as well as communicating correct information on KM to healthcare providers and presenting objective alternatives for patients with breast cancer management based on the subjects' experience in health benefits obtained from their use of KM. Methods : To collect data for the present study, questionnaire surveys were conducted on outpatients who visited four hospitals located in Seoul, Korea during around three weeks from May 31, 2012. Although the total number of the questionnaire sheet distributed in the form of directly asking questionnaire questions was 300, 12 incomplete questionnaire sheets were excluded. Therefore, the number of questionnaire sheets actually used in analyses was 288 and thus the collect rate was 96%. Results : Major results of this study are as follows. First, the number of subjects who responded to the questionnaire was 288 in total. Forty-six percent of the patients reported KM usage and the most commonly used ginseng and qigong/exercise. KM use was found to be associated with age, experiencing side effects of cancer treamnent. Factors that affect the use of KM were analyzed by Linear Logistic Regression and the results showed that age, experiencing side effects of cancer treatment, effectiveness of cancer treatment, and satisfaction of the treatment were factors that were related with relatively more frequent use of KM. Conclusions : Comparing the previous studies, it could be seen that patients with breast cancer were highly interested in and used KM in which conventional medicine and KM are used simultaneously. Knowledge on the integrative use of KM and conventional therapies is necessary for cancer physicians and traditional Korean medical doctors to help patients make informed choices. KM use may play a role in the positive benefits associated with process of breast center treatment. Healthcare providers should communicate correct information on the KM use that has been scientifically verified and talk with each other openly. The fact that the significant correlation between predictive factors for the use of KM was identified trough the present study is quite meaningful.

Clinical Manifestations of Ureteral Duplication in Children (소아 중복 요관의 임상적 고찰)

  • Han Jung-Woo;Hwang Dae-Hwan;Park Jee-Min;Han Sang-Won;Lee Jae-Seung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Ureteral duplication is a common urologic anomaly and early diagnosis may prevent irreversible renal damage. We thus aimed to evaluate the benefits of prenatal sonography in early detection. Methods : We retrospectively studied 55 children with duplicated systems who were admitted to Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea from January 1998 to July 2003. Results : The mean age at diagnosis was 2.3 years old. 89% of the children had complete duplicated ureter. 47% of the children visited the hospital with an initial complaint of abnormal prenatal sonographic findings. Among these patients, 70.8% had DMSA defects. The mean differential renal function(DRF) in the DMSA scan was 48.2% in the group diagnosed prenatally. In the postnatally-diagnosed group, DMSA defects were found in 67.7% patients and the mean DRF was 45.5%. Conclusion : In comparison with the past studies, the mean age at diagnosis is becoming younger, and the proportion of abnormal prenatal sonography as an initial complaint larger. Other clinical manifestations were similar. The difference of the renal damage between the prenatally diagnosed group and the postnatally diagnosed group was not statistically significant. A multi-center study may help to prove the importance of prenatal sonography in early diagnosis and treatment of ureteral duplication. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2003;7:189-196)

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Retheorising Civil Society in State-Civil Society Partnership in Welfare : A Critical Review of the Partnership Literature (국가-시민사회 복지파트너십에서 시민사회단체의 역할 : 세 가지 이론적 관점을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Suyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.267-302
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, partnership has become a central strategy for welfare provision worldwide. Particularly, civil society organisations have obtained considerable attention as the most accountable and democratic partner for public welfare delivery. Yet the mainstreaming of civil society into welfare policies challenges the conventional nature of civil society as an independent sector, and brings into critical question, how the political position of the civil society sector could be redefined in the new era of multi-sectoral partnership. The purpose of this study is to explore the current debates of state-civil society partnership and to propose three theoretical viewpoints (i.e. the mainstream, critical and alternative perspectives) regarding the role of the civil society sector in partnership. In doing so, this article introduces the key literature and scholars in partnership debates and provides analytical frameworks that researchers can use in examining state-civil society partnership cases.

Analyzing Place Location Knowledge Items of the Korean Geography Subject in the College Scholastic Ability Test: Focusing on Human (Economic) Geography (대학수학능력시험 한국지리 과목의 위치정보 문항 출제 경향 연구: 인문(경제)지리 문항을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Soyoung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.29-51
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    • 2021
  • The present research explores the tendency of the items that require Place Location Knowledge (PLK) of the Korean Geography subject in the College Scholastic Ability Test. The major findings are as follows. First, the geographical regions of the items are spatially skewed, especially in the Yeongnam regions, which are tested more frequently compared to the others. Second, the fact-based items more concern with regionality such as geographic indication system and regional festivals. Third, the concept-based items can be divided into physical geography and human geography and there were four items related to economic geography. Fourth, students tend to find it challenging in the items asking PLK. The difficulty varies according to the type of items. The students find concept-based items which require high-order thinking more challenging. There is also differences identified between contents. For example, the section of physical geography, especially climatology-related, were considered the most challenging followed by those of economic geography. Finally, the differences in the rate of correct answer are associated with the scale of the regions covered in the items and students experienced more difficulty in the items asking more precise scale.

Reduction Loss after Extension Block Kirschner Wire Fixation for Treatment of Bony Mallet Finger (골성 추지 신전제한 K 강선 고정술 시행 후 정복소실)

  • Kim, Byungsung;Nho, Jae-Hwi;Jung, Ki Jin;Yun, Keonhee;Park, Eunseok;Park, Sungyong
    • Archives of Hand and Microsurgery
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: We investigated occurrence of reduction loss after extension block (EB) Kirschner wire fixation or additional interfragmentary fixation (AIF) and clinical results including extension lag of the distal interphalangeal joint for treating bony mallet finger. Methods: Forty-six patients were included with a mean follow-up of 28 months (range, 12-54 months). Twenty-seven patients were treated with EB K-wire fixation (Group A) while 19 patients were treated with AIF (Group B). We checked radiologic factors, such as amount of articular involvement, volar subluxation, mallet fragment angle, reduction loss, range of motion including extension lag, and functional outcomes using Crawford's criteria. Results: Reduction loss occurred in eight patients (17%). Differences in mean extension lag, age, preoperative volar subluxation and mallet fragment angle between patients with reduction loss and those with reduction maintaining were significant. However, there were no significant differences in gender, hand dominance, amount of articular involvement, AIF, or further flexion between reduction loss and reduction maintaining. As for patterns of displacement, there was a significant relationship between gap or step-off and extension lag. Using Crawford's evaluation criteria, functional outcomes were excellent in 31, good in 10, fair in 3, and poor in 2 patients. Conclusion: Reduction loss should be careful in older age, smaller mallet fragment angle and preoperative volar subluxation.

Efficiency in the Provision of Employment Services for the Middle-aged: an Application of Spatial Analysis Using GIS (GIS 공간분석을 활용한 중장년 고용지원서비스 공급의 효율성 분석)

  • YI, Yoojin;LEE, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to evaluate the efficiency in the provision of employment services for the middle-aged by using spatial analysis in GIS. Based on location information of employment service institutions, we find service areas of the institutions and calculate regional rates of duplication and exclusion in terms of spatial coverage of the employment services. Taking into account potential demand for employment services, the regions with high priority in the provision of the services are identified. Among the regions, those with high exclusion rate of the services are designated as the regions of insufficient service level. Results indicate that Namyangju-si is a representative region of insufficient employment service level. To improve efficiency in the provision of employment services, we suggest to relocate employment service institutions that have been located in a region of high duplication rate such as Siheung-si, Danwon-gu, Gangnam-gu, Songpa-gu into the locality of Namyangju-si.

Past, Present and Future of Geospatial Scheme based on Topo-Climatic Model and Digital Climate Map (소기후모형과 전자기후도를 기반으로 한 지리공간 도식의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.268-279
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    • 2021
  • The geospatial schemes based on topo-climatology have been developed to produce digital climate maps at a site-specific scale. Their development processes are reviewed here to derive the needs for new schemes in the future. Agricultural and forestry villages in Korea are characterized by complexity and diversity in topography, which results in considerably large spatial variations in weather and climate over a small area. Hence, the data collected at a mesoscale through the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) are of limited use. The geospatial schemes have been developed to estimate climate conditions at a local scale, e.g., 30 m, lowering the barriers to deal with the processes associated with production in agricultural and forestry industries. Rapid enhancement of computing technologies allows for near real-time production of climate information at a high-resolution even in small catchment areas and the application to future climate change scenarios. Recent establishment of the early warning service for agricultural weather disasters can provide growth progress and disaster forecasts for cultivated crops on a farm basis. The early warning system is being expanded worldwide, requiring further advancement in geospatial schemes and digital climate mapping.

Plant Proteins in Relation to Health-related Quality of Life in South Korean Individuals Aged 50 Years or Older: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016-2018 (50세 이상 한국인의 식물성 단백질 섭취와 건강 관련 삶의 질과의 연관성: 국민건강영양조사 2016-2018)

  • Jun, Sook-Hyun;Lee, Jung Woo;Shin, Woo-Kyoung;Kim, Yookyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to investigate the association between plant protein intake and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Korean individuals aged 50 years or older. Using the 2016-2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, 7,956 participants (3,434 men and 4,522 women) were included in the study. HRQoL was measured using the Euro-quality of life five-dimension (EQ5D), composed of physical function, self-care, daily activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression problems. The EQ5D estimates were converted into an EQ5D index score. The association between daily intake of plant proteins and HRQoL was evaluated using regression analysis. The intake of total plant protein, legume nut seed (LNS), and fermented bean (FERMB) proteins were all positively associated with HRQoL in both men and women (p < 0.01). Of EQ5D's five dimensions, physical function and daily activities were most commonly associated with plant protein intake. Compared to LNS protein or FERMB protein intake, total plant protein intake showed a better association with HRQoL. In conclusion, a significant association was observed between plant protein intake and HRQoL. It suggests that adequate intake of plant protein might be helpful for the maintenance or improvement of HRQoL in Korean adults.

3D Face Dimensions and New Fit Test Panels for the Labor Population Using Respirators in South Korea (호흡보호구 사용 노동인구의 3차원 얼굴사이즈 특징 및 한국형 밀착도 검사 패널 개발)

  • Jung-Keun Park;Se-Dong Kim;Hyoun-Min Cho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.247-264
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The study was to examine the features of three-dimensional(3D) face dimensions and to develop fit test panels for the labor population using respirators in South Korea. Methods: This study was part of the first-year work of a two-year-project conducted at Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute in 2021. After 3D head dimensions data were collected from Size Korea Center managing Sixth Size Korea databases, 3D face dimensions DB for the South Korean labor population was established for 21 items of face dimensions in line with the ISO/TS 16976-2 and KS A ISO 15535. With the South Korean labor population 3D face dimensions DB, in accordance with the ISO/TS 16976-2, the descriptive statistics of 3D face dimensions were calculated and two fit test panels were developed. Results: A total of 2,752 subjects were finally determined and they were 52.9% for male, 41.2% for the highest age-group of 15-29, and residents in the capital area. Mean and standard deviation were obtained for each of the 21 3D face dimensions items for the South Korean labor population. Among the items, male and female face widths were 137.6±5.7 mm, 133.2±5.0 mm, respectively. Male and female face lengths were 116.6±7.0 mm, 107.8±6.8 mm, respectively. Two new South Korean fit test panels, a bivariate test panel and a principal component analysis test panel, were developed using the 3D face dimensions DB as well. Conclusions: Using the 3D face dimensions DB, the mean and standard deviation were featured for each of the 21 items and also the two fit test panels were newly developed in the study. It is suggested that the study outputs should be utilized practically and effectively in selection, use, and management of respirators at work, expecting that respiratory protection can be furthermore improved for respirator users including labor population across the country.