• Title/Summary/Keyword: cell growth yield

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Submerged Monoxenic Culture Medium Development for Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and its Symbiotic Bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens: Protein Sources

  • Cho, Chun-Hwi;Whang, Kyung-Sook;Gaugler, Randy;Yoo, Sun-Kyun
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.869-873
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    • 2011
  • Most medium formulations for improving culture of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) based on protein sources have used enriched media like animal feed such as dried egg yolk, lactalbumin, and liver extract, among other ingredients. Most results, however, showed unstable yields and longer production time. Many of the results do not show the detailed parameters of fermentation. Soy flour, cotton seed flour, corn gluten meal, casein powder, soytone, peptone, casein hydrolysates, and lactalbumin hydrolysate as protein sources were tested to determine the source to support optimal symbiotic bacteria and nematode growth. The protein hydrolysates selected did not improve bacterial cell mass compared with the yeast extract control, but soy flour was the best, showing 75.1% recovery and producing more bacterial cell number ($1.4{\times}10^9$/ml) than all other sources. The highest yield ($1.85{\times}10^5$ IJs/ml), yield coefficient ($1.67{\times}10^6$ IJs/g medium), and productivity ($1.32{\times}10^7$ IJs/l/day) were also achieved at enriched medium with soybean protein.

Isolation, Root Colonization and Evaluation of Some Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria in Paddy Rice

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Park, Hyang-Mi;Ko, Jee-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Saeng;Jeon, Weon-Tai;Park, Chang-Young;Park, Ki-Do;Chebotar, Vladimir K.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2017
  • In order to obtain promising rice growth-promoting microbial strains that can be used as substitutes for chemical fertilizers, 172 bacterial strains were isolated from rice roots grown in Korean and Russian soils. Out of them, the strains KR076, KR083, KR181 and RRj228 showed plant growth-promoting activities on maize seedlings. Bacillus megaterium KR076 and Bacillus sp. KR083 showed both nitrogen-fixing and plant growth-promoting activities, while Rhizobium sp. KR181 and Pseudomonas sp. RRj228 appeared to support only plant growth-promotion, but not $N_2$ fixation. Especially, RRj228 showed high growth promoting activity at low concentrations. Inoculation studies with KR083 and RRj228 revealed a high affinity to the Japonica rice variety such as Junambyeo than the Korean Tongil type variety such as Arumbyeo. Both KR083 and RRj228 strains showed rhizoplane and/or endophytic colonization in Japonica and Tongil types rice when soaked with the bacterial suspension of $1.1{\times}10^5cfu\;ml^{-1}$ for six and twelve hours. However, the total bacterial cell numbers were higher in the roots of Japonica variety than in the Tongil type. In inoculation trials with Daesanbyeo rice variety, the seedlings inoculated with KR181 and RRj228 at the rate of $2.0{\times}10^6cfu\;ml^{-1}$ showed yield increment of 35% and 33% (p < 0.01), respectively, so that they contributed to the replacement of chemical fertilizer at half doses of N, $P_2O_5$, and $K_2O$ in pots. In Junambyeo rice seedlings, the strain RRj228, when inoculated with a cell suspension of $1.8{\times}10^6cfu\;ml^{-1}$, promoted 3.4% higher yield at 70% dose than at a full dose level of N $110kg\;ha^{-1}$ in field. These results suggest that the rhizobacteria KR181 and RRj228 are prospective strains for enhancing rice performance.

Introduction of Spring Cultivation of Onions by Adapting the Plug Seedling System in the Middle Region of Korean Peninsula (중부지방에서 플러그 육묘에 의한 양파의 춘파재배 가능성)

  • Lee, Jung-Soo;Seong, Ki-Cheol;Sin, Young-An;Ro, Hee-Myong;Um, Young-Cheol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2000
  • Cultivation of onions in Korean peninsula is so restricted to Southern region, mainly due to inadequate air temperature for the growth of onions in this region. This sometimes resulted in unstable supply of onions. The fluctuation of market prices mainly results from the limited production of onions in such restricted areas. Onions are usually transplanted at the end of fall and cultivated until the beginning of next summer. This study was designed to examine the possibility of extending production region of onions by adopting the plug seedling system, and the effects of plug seedling age, transplanting date, plug cell volume, and variety on the yield of onions were investigated. Transplanting date (Mar. 15 or Apr. 15) did not affect the yield of onions. However, 60-day-old seedlings produced significantly greater bulb yield (107.2 ton/ha) than those of 30- or 90- day-old seedlings. Bulb yields of seedlings raised in 128 and 72 cell trays were 125.0 and 120.8 ton/ha, which were significantly greater than those in other cell trays. Yield of seedlings raised in 406 cell trays was the lowest. Seedlings of mid-late 'Chenjuwhang' yielded 130.5 Ton/ha, which was significantly higher than those of other varieties. Considering the rainy season during early summer, we suggest that seedlings of onions raised for 60 days and transplanted on Mar. 15 should be advantageous in producing of marketable bulbs and that an early 'Yongbongwhang' should be the best variety.

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Effect of Alginate on the Growth of Nannochloropsis oculata NIES-2145 (알긴산이 Nannochloropsis oculata NIES-2145의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Young-Hwa;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2011
  • The growth effect of Nannochloropsis oculata (N.oculata), unicellular microalgae, by alginate was investigated. Alginate was depolymerized with sulfuric acid ($H_2SO_4$) and heat ($121^{\circ}C$), simultaneously. Addition of 0.75% alginate oligomer depolymerized with 0.2 N $H_2SO_4$ showed the maximum yield and the growth rate of N. oculata. Chlorophyll content and reducing sugar was increased by alginate oligomer in a dose-dependent manner. Alginate oligomer promoted the growth of N. oculata, whereas the original alginate polysaccharides had no significant effect. Laminaria japonica (L. japonica) extract containing high level of alginate was also increased growth rate and chlorophyll content. $CO_2$ supply addition to L. japonica extract showed no change the growth rate, although addition to alginate oligomer showed prominently increased. N. oculata could use more saccharides in presence of $CO_2$ according to reducing sugar determination. From these results, it is useful to establish optimal condition for high cell density cultivation of N. oculata.

Growth Properties of the Iron-reducing Bacteria, Shewanella putrefaciens IR-1 and MR-1 Coupling to Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II)

  • Park, Doo-Hyun;Kim, Byung-Hong
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2001
  • Shewanela, putrefaciene IR-1 and MR-1 were cultivated by using various combinations electron donor-acceptor, lactate-Fe(III) lactate-nitrate, pyruvate-FE(III), pyruvate-nitrate H$_2$ acetate-Fe(III) and H$_2$-acetate-nitrate. Both strains grew fermentatively on pyruvate and lactate but not on without and electron acceptor. In culture with Fe(III), both astrains grew on pyruvate and lactate but on H$_2$-acetate- CO$_2$. In cultivation with nitrate, both stains grew on pyruvate lactage and on H$_2$-acetate-CO$_2$ The growth yields of IR-1 pyruvate, pyruvate-Fe(III) and lactate-Fe(III) were about 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6(g cell/M substrate), respectively. From the growth properties of both strains on media with Fe(III) as an electron acceptor, the bacterial growth was confirmed not to be increased by addition of Fee(III) as an electron acceptor to the growth medium, which indicates a possibility that the dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(III) may not be coupled to free energy production.

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Production of Single-Cell Protein from Methanol (Part 2). Batch Fermentation and Continuous Fermentation by Methylomonas methanolica (Methanol을 이용한 단세포단백질 생산에 관한 연구 (제 2 보), Methylomons methanolica YUFE 101의 회분발효와 연속발효)

  • 유주현;정건섭;변유량
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 1979
  • The growth characteristics of Methylomonas methanolica YUFE 101, isolated from sewage samples, have been studied. conclusions of the study were; (1) Optimum cultivation pH and temperature are 6.3 and 32.5$^{\circ}C$ respectively (2) The specific oxygen uptake rate was 332 $\mu$ι/mg-dry weight/hr. (3) The maximum specific growth rate was 0.19 h $r^{-1}$ and celluar yield was 0.43 g-dry cell/g-methanol in batch culture, (4) The maximum biomass productivity achieved was 0.21 g-dry cel1/ι/hr at a dillution rate of 0.1 h $r^{-1}$ during continuous cultivation. (5) The contents of crude protein and total nucleic acid in the dry cell were 73 % and 12 % respectively.

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Taxol Production in Taxus Cell Cultures : 2. Effects of Sugar Concentration (주목 세포배양에 의한 Taxol 생산:2. 당농도의 영향)

  • 김진훈;박인석
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.450-456
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    • 1994
  • The effects of sucrose on cell growth and anticancer drug taxol production were investigated in cell suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata. The cells were cultured at various concentrations of sucrose (20 to $100g/\ell$). The highest specific growth rata was achieved at $40g/\ell$ of sucrose as 0.076 day-1 and the highest final cell density, 34 g DCW/$\ell$ after 25 days of culture, was obtained at $60g/\ell$ of sucrose. The cell yield(Yx/s) was found to be 0.55g cell/g sucrose and doubling time (Td) was 9.12 day. High concentration of sucrose (80, $100g/\ell$) and the addition of osmoticum enhanced the production of taxol significantly. The maximum taxol production was $1.36mg/\ell$ at $80g/\ell$ of sucrose, which was 0.01% as a specific content.

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Development of Axenic Culture and Astaxanthin Production in Microalgae (미세조류를 이용한 무균분리법 개발 및 astaxanthin 생산)

  • Son, Min Chang;Lee, Dong-Jun;Park, Sejin;Kim, Min Sung;Lee, Chul Won;An, Won Gun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 2015
  • Microalgae are a renewable natural resource that requires only sunlight, carbon dioxide, phosphorus, and nitrogen for rapid growth. They produce a broad variety of basic chemical substances―such as vitamins, fatty acids and carotenoids―that have high added value potential for the pharmaceutical and food industries. The aim of this study was to develop axenic culture and to establish a cell growth assay for microalgae. A further experiment was carried out to determine the yield of astaxanthin derived from microalgae. The axenic culture was developed using a mixture of antibiotics [ampicillin (100 ${\mu}g/ml$), streptomycin (10 ${\mu}g/ml$), chloramphenicol (10 ${\mu}g/ml$), penicillin (10 ${\mu}g/ml$), neomycin (50 ${\mu}g/ml$), gentamycin (50 ${\mu}g/ml$), kanamycin (10 ${\mu}g/ml$), and nystatin (1.5 ${\mu}g/ml$)] and then used to extract a variety of useful components from the microalgae. The optimal concentration for the antibiotic mixture was 1-3 percent. A spectrophotometric cell growth assay was also established. Astaxanthin was extracted from Haematococus lacustris with a yield of $1.9{\times}10^{-3}{\mu}g/l$ per 1 ml of culture medium. In conclusion, the axenic culture method developed here allows extraction of high-quality astaxanthin and other useful components from microalgae.

Optimal pH Profile in Rifamycin B Fermentation (리파마이신B 발효생산의 최대화를 위한 pH변화의 최적화)

  • Lee, J.G.;Choi, C.Y.;Seong, B.L.;Han, M.H.
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 1981
  • The kinetic study of rifamycin B production in batch culture of Nocardia mediterranei was undertaken in part of our endeavor to optimize the fermentation condition. The growth parameters such as $\mu$$_{m}$ and Ks values for nitrogen source were evaluated by employing Monod equation. From the experiments, $\mu$$_{m}$ and Ks were 0.15hr$^{-1}$ and 8.35g/1, respectively. The growth kinetics in batch culture was found successfully interpreted by logistic law, i.e., the initial specific growth rate and the maximum cell mass concentration were determined as function of pH and both found to have maxima. For the production of rifamycin B, a non-growth associated production kinetics was employed and the specific productivity as a function of pH was found to have two maximum points. The yield coefficient and the specific productivity were calculated as mean values in production phase. Utilizing these experimental data as a function of pH, the optimal condition for the rifamycin B production was discussed with regad to the pH effect on the cell growth and production of the antibiotic. As a result, growth phase at pH 6.5 and production phase at pH 7.0 were found to be recommended.ded.

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Optimization of Culture Conditions for the Production of Diphtheria Toxin (디프테리아 toxin 생산을 위한 발효조건 최적화)

  • Cho, Min;Ryu, Yeon-Woo
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 1999
  • Experimental studies were carried out to optimize the culture conditions of Corynebacterium diphtheriae for the production of diphtheria toxin. A new media which does not contain any meat digest products was selected. The main ingredient of new medium was enzymatic digests of casein known as NZ-Case. In fermenter experiments, the toxin production was increased with the increase of cell growth. The optimum initial pH of media, air flow rate and agitation speed were 7.0, 0.22, vvm and 400 rpm, respectively. The contents of iron and calcium-phosphate precipitate were important for maximal cell growth and toxin production. The optimum concentration of iron was 0.3 mg/L and calcium-phosphate precipitate could serve in gradual supply of iron to maintain the optimal culture condition which is required for enhanced yield of toxin production. In potency test, the potency of toxoid from fermentor culture was higher than that from static culture. When diphtheria toxin is produced by fermentor culture, it is possible to produce higher levels of toxin and better toxoid quality in terms of safety, yield, productivity and immunity.

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