• Title/Summary/Keyword: career and vocational education

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A Study of the Enhancing Educational Capacity of General High-school in Gyeongsangbuk-do : Focusing on Curriculum and Career Education (경상북도 일반고의 교육역량 강화 방안 - 교육과정 및 진로교육 측면 -)

  • Kwon, Dong-Taik;Kim, Jung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2014
  • The system of high-school recently diversified, but there are criticisms that general high-schools relatively fall into crisis. The purpose of this paper is to discuss suggestion on the enhancing educational capacity of general high-school in Gyeongsangbuk-do. In this paper, there needs to be evoke sympathy for development, strengthen educational responsibility, substantially guarantee curriculum autonomy, pursuit diversity of student-customized curriculum, integrate curriculum and career education, and flexibly manage teacher selection and disposition for educational capacity of general high-school. In a career educational point of view, there needs to be organize curriculum coincidentally with students' career, aptitude and interest, to describe clearly roles of school and community for career education, and to guarantee the right of subject choice in school. We should believe normalization of general high-school is namely substantiality of career education.

The effect of Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment (마이스터고등학교 학생들의 진로성숙도가 학교 부적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jae-Man;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effect Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment. Also, this study clarify the relationship. This study purpose is to permanently provide Meister as the basis for the vocational education sector career education needed to faithfully serve as a special purpose high schools. Tools used for the survey is maladaptive measurement tools developed by Leegyumi (2004) and Career maturity measurement tools developed at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (2012). Using these tools, a reliability test was conducted. Meister students' career maturity was conducted correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the impact of school maladjustment. Independent variables are consisted of career maturity and independence, attitude toward the job, planning, self-understanding, rational decision-making, information retrieval, knowledge of the desired job, career exploration and ready for action. Meister high school student's career maturity according to the students' background variables are little girls was higher than boys, but it was not statistically significant. T-test was conducted to ascertain the career maturity and school maladjustment differences of adaptation groups and maladaptive group in meister school students in background variables. A career maturity and school maladjustment between adaptive and maladaptive population groups showed a statistically significant difference in background variables.

The Practice of Vocational and Meister High Schools' Admission Selection and Students' School Choices Through Admission Process (특성화고 및 마이스터고 입학전형 실태: 학교의 학생 선발과 학생의 진학 결정)

  • Paik, Sunhee;Lee, Jee Young
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the process of admission selection of vocational high schools and meister high schools and how the process have been utilized by schools to select appropriate students and by students to make decisions for application in consideration of their interests, aptitudes, and career paths. To address the purpose of this study, Focus Group Interviews(FGI) were conducted with three groups of participants: vocational high schools and meister high schools teachers, high school freshmen' parents, and middle school teachers who had many students advanced to vocational and meister high schools. The findings indicated that during the promotion process, schools made efforts to attract students with higher GAP and provided information mainly regarding employment rate instead of curriculum or program of majors. Since schools usually visited middle schools where higher GPA students were, not all students had balanced opportunities of high school promotions and enough information about majors. For the application process, the schools placed a high value on scholastic performance while students applied high schools considering their interests, aptitudes, and career paths. In terms of admission type and criteria, the high school teachers reported no big differences between special admission and general admission while students took advantage from the special admission process which was less competitive than general admission. Based on the findings, a number of suggestions were made in order to improve the process of admission selection of vocational high schools and meister high schools.

The Effects of Medical Students' Self-regulated Learning on Career Adaptability (의과대학생의 자기조절학습이 진로적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Kyung-Hee;Park, Eun-A;Song, Young-Myung
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2011
  • The major purpose of this study is to see the effects of medical students' self-regulated learning on career adaptability. Therefore, we carried out self-regulated learning and career adaptability tests for the 252 medical students belong to the K university to examine the above subject. Then the respondents were divided into two groups according to the level of career adaptability to see the group differences on self-regulated learning. The results of this research are as follows. The group of high career adaptability was scored higher than the lower scored group in every domains of self-regulated learning except test anxiety. And also the result of regression analysis to see the effects of self-regulated learning on sub-domains of the career adaptability like responsibility, interpersonal relationship, proactivity, positive attitude showed statistically significant differences to the total score of career adaptability except motivation controlling. Based on the above results, this study suggest the need of mediation related with self-regulation, and also the need of counselling and education to help the medical students suffering from adaptability. Furthermore, suggest following studies searching the multiple variables affecting career adaptability.

An Empirical Study on the Impact of the School Environment and Career Maturity on the School Adjustment Resilience (학교환경과 진로성숙도가 적응유연성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Je, Seong-Tae;Hwang, Seok-Jun;Shin, Han-Won
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.941-958
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    • 2014
  • Today the educational authorities selected 38 Meister High Schools which are based on industry demand out of 691 high schools nationwide to make the vocational high schools do their original purposes and to innovate vocation education. The purposes of this study are to analyze the relationship between the school environment and career maturity and the school adjustment resilience and, based on the results, to suggest improvement plans to improve business environment for the maritime Meister High Schools. To analyze the influence of the school environment and students' career maturity on their school adjustment resilience, the researcher used the teachers's professionalism, school facilities, students' entrance motivation, career guidance depending on the individual and the school meal quality as the school environment factors of the independent factors. As dependent factors, the researcher selected school environment, teachers, class preparation of the individual, level of school life such as an attitude level and school rule observance, and peer relation.

The School Curriculum Organization and Teacher's Perceptions about Test Subjects in Vocational Education Division of the College Scholastic Ability Test Based in the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 적용에 따른 수능 직업탐구영역 시험과목의 학교 교육과정 편성과 교사의 인식)

  • Hahm, Seung-Yeon
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2018
  • The study tried to investigate the school curriculum organization and teacher's perceptions about test subjects in vocational education division of the college scholastic ability test based in the 2015 revised national curriculum. This study asked vocational teachers to fill in basic questionnaire that consists of 9 relevant and subjective items for the school curriculum organization and test subjects in vocational education division of the college scholastic ability test based in the 2015 revised national curriculum. For this, the survey was conducted 58 schools of 92 schools in technical specialized high schools, meister high schools and vocational high schools about test subjects of 2015 revised national curriculum. As a result, the 'Successful career life' subject was 53.5%, the most organized in the first grade. 'test course 1' was 55.2% and 'test course 2' was 72.4% the most organized in the first grade. The Opinions on the test courses were the highest in the two subjects in the same series as the present. The teacher's perceptions showed that the current test subjects in vocational education division of the college scholastic ability test are valid. The most important factor affecting difficulty was 'The Ministry Education's policy' in vocational education division of the college scholastic ability test.

The Mediating Effects of Self-Leadership on Relationship between Protean Career Attitude and Subjective Career Success in Lifelong Learning Educators (평생교육강사의 프로티언 경력태도와 주관적 경력성공의 관계에서 셀프리더십의 매개효과)

  • Yu, Soo Ran;Bae, Eul Kyoo;Lee, Min Young
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.85-104
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the meditating effect of self leadership on the relationship between protean career attitude and subjective career success of lifelong learning educators. Based upon the results, several theoretical and practical suggestions were made to enhance self leadership, protean career attitude and subjective career success of lifelong learning educators. A survey questionnaire for this study was composed of four parts, such as the measurement tool of Protean Career Attitude(Briscoe, Hall & Demuth, 2006), Self Leadership Scale(Houghton & Neck, 2002), Subjective Career Success(Career satisfaction Scale: Greenhaus, Parasuraman & Wormley, 1990; Job Satisfaction Scale: Mobley, Jarret, Marsh & Lim, 1994; Employability Inventory: Johnson, 2001) and demographics. The subjects in this study were lifelong learning educators in Incheon. The survey questionnaires from 450 respondents were gathered, and the data from 426 respondents were used for analysis. The results of this study were as follows: First, protean career attitude of the lifelong learning educators had direct effect on subjective career success positively. Second, protean career attitude of the lifelong learning educators had indirect effect on the subjective career success with the partial mediating effect of self-leadership. Finally, based upon the above results, some implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

A Study on Standardization of a Career Preparation Behavior Scale for College Students (대학생용 진로준비행동검사의 표준화 연구: 4년제 대학생을 대상으로)

  • Seo, Hee-jung;Yun, Myung-hee
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study are to develop the standardized tests of career preparation behavior of career preparation behavior for college students. For these, the 'Career Preparation Behavior Scale for College Students' which was developed in 2011 was reviewed and revised. After 609 students were involved and analyzed for the pretest, 1,244 subjects were collected by taking into account gender, grade, major, and location of colleges for developing a standardized test. The Career Preparation Behavior Scale consisted of 3 subareas and 30 items: 11 items for learning area, 12 items for counseling and information collecting area, 7 items for employment action area. The levels of reliabilities, construct validity, discriminant validity, and the concurrent validity were relatively high. Also, the suitability index of the structural model was analyzed to check the structural significance. The degree of career reparation behavior among norm groups was increased in general according to the grades. Scores of students majoring in humanities and social sciences received significantly high scores compared with those of majoring in science and technology or in art and music. But the levels of satisfaction on career preparation behavior were no difference according to gender, grade, and major. 'The Standardized Career Preparation Behavior Scale for College Students' would be used for conducting career education or programs for college students in the future.

Career Development of Upper Elementary Students through STEAMS-Based Gardening Programs

  • Jang, Jeungeun;Hong, Jong Won;Kim, Jongyun
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2020
  • Since elementary school is a time in which basic concepts like attitudes and mindsets about careers are formed, career education is very important to elementary school students. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of a gardening program applying the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Society (STEAMS) on developing career education for elementary school students. In order to determine the effectiveness of the program on career development of elementary school students, this study was conducted with 28 upper elementary students in the experimental group who participated in the gardening program, and 30 upper elementary students in the control group who did not. The program was comprised of total 8 sessions, one session per week, with various garden activities. The career development scores of the two groups before and after the program were comparatively analyzed. Before the program, the experimental group had significantly lower scores for career development than the control group. After 8 weeks of the program, the control group did not show any changes in career development, while the experimental group that participated in the program showed a significant increase in career development, resulting in no difference in career development between the two groups after the program. Therefore, the program has positive effects on improving career development of upper elementary students who previously had insufficient career development. Overall, the program had positive effects on career development of upper elementary students, and further research is needed to systematically promote the STEAMS-based gardening program to promote interest and understanding of students by associating plant-based gardening activities with various subjects such as science, art, and social studies.

The Effect of Understanding their Major and Career Self-Efficacy on Career Indecision for College Students majoring in Fashion - Focus on the Community College Students in Gyeongido - (패션전공 대학생의 전공인식과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로미결정에 미치는 영향 - 경기권 2년제 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Sungsun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine in influence on the effect of understanding their major and career self-efficacy on career indecision of the community college students majoring in fashion and is intended to provide useful resources on career education and guidance of students through this research. In order to achieve the objective of study, 349 college students in Gyeonggido were selected for the questionnaires for the understanding major, career self-efficacy, and career indecisions survey. The survey data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 12.0 and this was followed by the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results were as follows; First, career indecision factors of the college students majoring in fashion were extracted 5 valuables that were 'insufficiencies vocational information', 'an undeceivable character', 'the lack of self well-defined', 'the lack of needs for job' and 'external barrier for the career'. Second, the subordinate valuables of understanding major which is 'social cognition for the major', 'satisfaction on the major course', and 'satisfaction on the major skill', had positive effect on career self-efficacy. Third, understanding of major and the subordinate valuables of career self-efficacy which is 'making goal for the career', 'career information', 'career plan for the future', 'alternative searching', and 'overcoming difficulties' had negative effect on career indecision. Forth, understanding major and career self-efficacy had medicated in career indecision.