• Title/Summary/Keyword: canonical analysis

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Effect of Agricultural Practice and Soil Chemical Properties on Community-level Physiological Profiles (CLPP) of Soil Bacteria in Rice Fields During the Non-growing Season (논의 휴한기 이용형태와 토양화학성이 토양세균의 탄소원 이용에 미치는 영향)

  • Eo, Jinu;Kim, Myung-Hyun;Song, Young Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2019
  • BACKGROUND: Soil bacteria play important roles in organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling during the non-growing season. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of soil management and chemical properties on the utilization of carbon sources by soil bacteria in paddy fields. METHODS AND RESULTS: The Biolog EcoPlate was used for analyzing community-level carbon substrate utilization profiles of soil bacteria. Soils were collected from the following three types of areas: plain, interface and mountain areas, which were tested to investigate the topology effect. The results of canonical correspondence analysis and Kendall rank correlation analysis showed that soil C/N ratio and NH4+ influenced utilization of carbon sources by bacteria. The utilization of carbohydrates and complex carbon sources were positively correlated with NH4+ concentration. Cultivated paddy fields were compared with adjacent abandoned fields to investigate the impact of cultivation cessation. The level of utilization of putrescine was lower in abandoned fields than in cultivated fields. Monoculture fields were compared with double cropping fields cultivated with barley to investigate the impact of winter crop cultivation. Cropping system altered bacterial use of carbon sources, as reflected by the enhanced utilization of 2-hydroxy benzoic acid under monoculture conditions. CONCLUSION: These results show that soil use intensity and topological characteristics have a minimal impact on soil bacterial functioning in relation to carbon substrate utilization. Moreover, soil chemical properties were found to be important factors determining the physiological profile of the soil bacterial community in paddy fields.

Parental Childrearing, Behavior, Children's Sibling Relationships and Children's Self-Esteem (양육행동 및 형제관계와 아동의 자존감과의 관계 연구 : - 자존감에 대한 양육행동 및 형제관계의 독립적 기여와 상호작용 효과 -)

  • Park, Young Yae;Chung, Ock Boon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.189-212
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how parental childrearing behavior and children's sibling relationships are related to children's self-esteem. 440 middle class families consisting of two children and their parents were the subjects of this study. The research instruments included a childrearing behavior questionnaire, the Sibling Relationships Questionnaire (Furman & Buhrmester, 1985), and the Self-Perception Profile for Children (Harter, 1985). Analyses of the data included correlation analysis, canonical correlation, regression, stepwise multiple regression, and MANOVA with stepwise discriminant analysis as the follow-up test. The most powerful predictors of children's self-esteem were the Warmth-Acceptance of childrearing behavior and the Warmth-Closeness of sibling relationships. The self-esteem dimension was best predicted by parental childrearing behavior and by children's sibling relationships was Global Self-Worth. Behavioral Conduct was best predicted by the Rejection-Restriction factor of childrearing, and by Conflict (for boys) and Rivalry (for girls) factors of sibling relationships. Children's self-esteem was related more strongly to the Warmth-Acceptance and the Rejection-Restriction of opposite-sex parents. The effects of Permissiveness-Nonintervention were stronger in same-sex parent-child dyads. Parental childrearing behaviors accounted for boy's self-esteem better than girl's with the exception of Behavioral Conduct. Sibling relationships accounted for girl's self-esteem better than boy's. The $2{\times}2$ MANOVA revealed interaction effects of parental childrearing behaviors and sibling relationships on children's self-esteem. Two factors of Rivalry and Conflict in sibling relationships and all three factors of childrearing behaviors showed significant interaction effects, The childrearing factor of Permissiveness-Nonintervention and the sibling factor of Rivalry, which were relatively weak predictors of self-esteem when acting alone, gained power in explaining children's self-esteem within the interactional context.

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Discrimination of Geographic Origin by Trace Elements Contents in Rehmannia Radix Preparat using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (X-선 형광 분석방법을 이용한 숙지황의 무기원소 함량분석과 지리적 특성 규명)

  • Bae, Hey-Ree;Lee, Si-Kyung;Whang, In-Jae;Kang, Jeong-Mi;Lee, Jin-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Han
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.345-348
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    • 2015
  • Dried Rehmannia Radix Preparat, produced in different geographic origins of Korea and China, were investigated for the trace element contents using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. When the estimated data for 35 kind of elements including K, P, S, Cl, Si, Al, Fe, Sn, etc on 143 samples were analyzed by canonical discrimination technique, the average classification correct rate was 92.3% and the significance was less than 0.0001. In case of reducing the number of elements for statistic analysis from 35 to 8 and to 3, the correct rates were also reduced to 88.1% and to 84.6%. The correct rate for Chinese samples ranged from 94.6-96.0%, while those for Korean ranged from 72.5-89.9%.

Distributional Uniqueness of Deciduous Oaks(Quercus L.) in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 하록 참나무류의 분포 특이성)

  • Kim, Yun-Ha;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.37-59
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    • 2017
  • The Korean peninsula belongs to the temperate forest biome dominated by many deciduous oaks. We quantitatively and qualitatively studied vertical and horizontal distributions and habitat characteristics on the major oak species such as Quercus mongolica, Q. serrata, Q. variabilis, Q. dentata, Q. aliena and Q. acutissima. A total of 5,278 samples were analyzed with a species coverage and 6 principal environmental variables extracted from public database of nationwide natural environment survey. Correlation analysis was accomplished by the CANOCO using Canonical Correspondence Analysis and the Pearson correlation coefficient using PASW Statistics. The hierarchical distribution tendency of six oaks was finalized using the Goodman-Kruskal lambda coefficient of non-metric multidimensional scaling by SYN-TAX 2000. The utmost factor on the distributional segregation of oak species was the elevation, i.e. temperature. Q. serrata and Q. mongolica show clearly a diametrical distribution patterns with zonal distribution. Q. variabilis was determined as a thermophilic and xerophilous species that is a component of not only natural pseudo-climax forest but also secondary forest. The highest frequency of the dominant forest was found Q. mongolica. Whereas, Q. serrata showed the highest frequency of individual tree but the relatively lower frequency of dominant forest, which is resulted from the original habitat loss. By the benefit of the traditional Soopjeong-E, Q. acutissima dominant forests were remained rather largely. Individuals of Q. dentata occurred horizontally nationwide, but its dominant forest was the poorest. Dominant forest of Q. aliena, which is a natural vegetation, was the most rare due to a limited potential habitat.

The Effect of Job Stress and Social Support on the Organizational Effectiveness of Hospital Employees (직무스트레스와 사회적 지원이 병원종사자들의 조직효과성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jong-Wook;Seo, Young-Joon;Park, Ha-Young
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.2 s.53
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    • pp.295-309
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of job stress and social support on the organizational effectiveness of hospital employees and to examine the role of social support in the experience of job stress among the employees. Previous studies have yielded mixed results regarding the role of social support. Some studies provide supporting evidence for the buffering effect of social support, while others do not. Still others report findings about reverse buffering effects. These inconsistent findings are, in part, accounted for by methodological problems such as poor measurement, small sample size, and the existence of high multicollinearity. To examine more rigorously the role of social support in relation to the negative effects of job stress, this study was carefully designed to overcome methodolgical shortcomings found in the past research. In addition, unlike the previous studies, which were concerned mostly with health-related variables as consequences of job stress, in this study, three work-related variables (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intent to stay) which had close relationships with organizational effectiveness were examined as output variables. The sample used in this study consisted of 353 employees from a university hospital in the surburbs of Seoul. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using canonical analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that; (1) job stress has negative main effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intent to stay; (2) social support has positive main effects on the same three output variables, (3) social support does not moderate the harmful effects of job stress on the three outcome variables, and (4) the three-way interaction effects of (social support * job stress * gender) and of (social support * job stress * education) are not supported. The implications of these findings for the management of human resources are discussed.

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Application of the Response Surface Methodology and Process Optimization to the Electrochemical Degradation of Rhodamine B and N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoanilin Using a Boron-doped Diamond Electrode (Boron-doped Diamond 전극을 이용한 Rhodamine B와 N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoanilin의 전기화학적 분해에 반응표면분석법의 적용과 공정 최적화)

  • Kim, Dong-Seog;Park, Young-Seek
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.313-322
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this research was to apply experimental design methodology to optimization of conditions of electrochemical oxidation of Rhodamine B (RhB) and N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (RNO, indicative of the OH radical). The reactions of electrochemical oxidation of RhB degradation were mathematically described as a function of the parameters of current ($X_1$), NaCl dosage ($X_2$) and pH ($X_3$) and modeled by the use of the central composite design. The application of response surface methodology (RSM) yielded the following regression equation, which is an empirical relationship between the removal efficiency of RhB and RNO and test variables in a coded unit: RhB removal efficiency (%) = $94.21+7.02X_1+10.94X_2-16.06X_3+3.70X_1X_3+9.05X_2X_3-{3.46X_1}^2-{4.67X_2}^2-{7.09X_3}^2$; RNO removal efficiency (%) = $54.78+13.33X_1+14.93X_2- 16.90X_3$. The model predictions agreed well with the experimentally observed result. Graphical response surface and contour plots were used to locate the optimum point. The estimated ridge of maximum response and optimal conditions for the RhB degradation using canonical analysis was 100.0%(current, 0.80 A; NaCl dosage, 2.97% and pH 6.37).

Analysis of Acoustic Propagation using Spectral Parabolic Equation Method (스펙트럴 포물선 방정식 법을 이용한 수중음파 전달해석)

  • Kim, Kook-Hyun;Seong, Woo-Jae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 1996
  • This thesis deals with a method to solve a two-and-one-half-dimensional ($2\frac12$ D) problem, which means that the ocean environment is two-dimensional whereas the source is fully three-dimensionally propagating, including three-dimensional refraction phenomena and three-dimensional back-scattering, using two-dimensional two-way parabolic equation method combined with Fourier synthesis. Two dimensional two-way parabolic equation method uses Galerkin's method for depth and Crank-Nicolson method and alternating direction for range and provides a solution available to range-dependent problem with wave-field back-scattered from discontinuous interface. Since wavenumber, k, is the function of depth and vertical or horizontal range, we can reduce a dimension of three-dimensional Helmholtz equation by Fourier transforming in the range direction. Thus transformed two-dimensional Helmholtz equation is solved through two-way parabolic equation method. Finally, we can have the $2\frac12$ D solution by inverse Fourier transformation of the spectral solution gained from in the last step. Numerical simulation has been carried out for a canonical ocean environment with stair-step bottom in order to test its accuracy using the present analysis. With this spectral parabolic equation method, we have examined three-dimensional acoustic propagation properties in a specified site in the Korean Straits.

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Silhouette-based Gait Recognition Using Homography and PCA (호모그래피와 주성분 분석을 이용한 실루엣 기반 걸음걸이 인식)

  • Jeong Seung-Do;Kim Su-Sun;Cho Tae-Kyung;Choi Byung-Uk;Cho Jung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a gait recognition method based on gait silhouette sequences. Features of gait are affected by the variation of gait direction. Therefore, we synthesize silhouettes to canonical form by using planar homography in order to reduce the effect of the variation of gait direction. The planar homography is estimated with only the information which exist within the gait sequences without complicate operations such as camera calibration. Even though gait silhouettes are generated from an individual person, fragments beyond common characteristics exist because of errors caused by inaccuracy of background subtraction algorithm. In this paper, we use the Principal Component Analysis to analyze the deviated characteristics of each individual person. PCA used in this paper, however, is not same as the traditional strategy used in pattern classification. We use PCA as a criterion to analyze the amount of deviation from common characteristic. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust to the variation of gait direction and improves separability of test-data groups.

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Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Epilithic Diatom Communities in Major Harbors of Korean Peninsula (국내 하구역 부착돌말의 시, 공간적 분포에 미치는 몬순의 영향)

  • Kim, Ha-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Jae;Won, Du-Hee;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Hwang, Su-Ok;Kim, Baik-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.598-609
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    • 2013
  • Spatial and temporal distribution of environmental factors and epilithic diatom communities in major rivers (30 rivers and 58 sampling points) of the Korean peninsula were surveyed each one time before (May) and after the monsoon (October) 2012. The stream of the east harbor (EAST), the south harbor (SOUTH), and the west harbor (WEST) was sampled in order. Over the survey, a total of 284 taxa were classified, and the number of diatom species in each harbor did not show significant changes after the monsoon, but a biomass significantly decreased. Results also showed that EAST deterioration of water quality and chlorophyll-a after the monsoon, was opposite to SOUTH. Five major dominant species including Nitzschia inconspicua, which contained higher biomass over the survey, were common species which widely distributed in brackish water. Indicator Species Analysis showed that a large number of clean water species in EAST and polluted water species in SOUTH and WEST were emerged respectively. In sum, the Asian monsoon significantly decreased a biomass of epilithic diatoms and water qualities over the harbors (lower stream) in the Korean peninsula, but did not change the major species indicating water quality.

Proteomic Analysis of the Increased Proteins in Peroxiredoxin II Deficient RBCs

  • Yang, Hee-Young;Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2012
  • Peroxiredoxin II (Prdx II; a typical 2-Cys Prdx) has been originally isolated from erythrocytes, and its structure and peroxidase activity have been adequately studied. Prdx II has been reported to protect a wide range of cellular environments as antioxidant enzyme, and its dysfunctions may be implicated in a variety of disease states associated with oxidative stress, including cancer and aging-associated pathologies. But, the precise mechanism is still obscure in various aspects of aging containing ovarian aging. Identification and relative quantification of the increased proteins affected by Prdx II deficiency may help identify novel signaling mechanisms that are important for oxidative stress-related diseases. To identify the increased proteins in Prdx $II^{-/-}$ mice, we performed RBC comparative proteome analysis in membrane fraction and cytosolic fractions by nano-UPLC-$MS^E$ shotgun proteomics. We found the increased 86 proteins in membrane (32 proteins) and cytosolic (54 proteins) fractions, and analyzed comparative expression pattern in healthy RBCs of Prdx $II^{+/+}$ mice, healthy RBCs of Prdx $II^{-/-}$ mice, and abnormal RBCs of Prdx $II^{-/-}$ mice. These proteins belonged to cellular functions related with RBC lifespan maintain, such as cellular morphology and assembly, cell-cell interaction, metabolism, and stress-induced signaling. Moreover, protein networks among the increased proteins were analyzed to associate with various diseases. Taken together, RBC proteome may provide clues to understand the clue about redox-imbalanced diseases.