• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Optimization of Heatsink and Analysis of Thermal Property in 75W LED Module for Street Lighting (75W급 LED 가로등 모듈의 방열판 최적화와 열특성 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Lee, Se-Il;Yang, Jong-Kyung;Lee, Jong-Chan;Park, Dae-Hee
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.609-613
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we optimized and simulated the heatsink of 75W LED module for street lighting and evaluated the optical properties with the manufactured heatsink. the structure of LED package make simple as chip and heatslug and thermal flow is analyzed by using the FEM(Finite Element Method) with CFdesign V10. Also, we measured the temperature of heatsink and evaluated the optical properties with infrared thermal image camera and integrated sphere system for luminous flux in $1\;[m^3]$ box. As results, Heatsink optimized in 3 mm pin thickness, 6 mm base thickness and 16 number of pin count by using Heatsink-designer and got the results which is the temperature of $47.37\;[^{\circ}C]$ and thermal resistance of $0.48407\;[W/^{\circ}C]$. In thermal flow simulation, the temperature of heatsink decreased from $51.54\;[^{\circ}C]$ to $51.51\;[^{\circ}C]$ and the temperature of heatsink by the time in real measurement decreased from $47.03\;[^{\circ}C]$ to $46.87\;[^{\circ}C]$. Moreover, we improve 0.68 % in the decreased ratio of the luminous flux.

Implementation of Memory Copy Reduction Scheme for Multimedia Service in Embedded Linux Kernel (내장형 리눅스 커널에서 멀티미디어 서비스를 위한 메모리 복사 감소 기법의 구현)

  • Kim, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1058-1065
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    • 2004
  • Embedded system is widely used in various applications from simple monitor to a set-top box with CPU, memory and hard disk drives. Specially, embedded OS is ported in moveable or small machinery since it ordinarily transmits multimedia data. In this paper, we propose Null copy scheme on the embedded linux system for multimedia service, which can reduce memory copy overhead from user address space to kernel one, and vice versa. Since embedded system for networked multimedia service has low level computing power as well as memory, the Null copy scheme can provide more improved QoS. Our image transmission experiment results on embedded linux target board(CPU utilization an Deadline miss rates) installed a web camera have shown that the proposed scheme can increase fast response and lower CPU overhead.

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Design and Application of Vision Box Based on Embedded System (Embedded System 기반 Vision Box 설계와 적용)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.1601-1607
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    • 2009
  • Vision system is an object recognition system analyzing image information captured through camera. Vision system can be applied to various fields, and automobile types recognition is one of them. There have been many research about algorithm of automobile types recognition. But have complex calculation processing. so they need long processing time. In this paper, we designed vision box based on embedded system. and suggested automobile types recognition system using the vision box. As a result of pretesting, this system achieves 100% rate of recognition at the optimal condition. But when condition is changed by lighting and angle, recognition is available but pattern score is lowered. Also, it is observed that the proposed system satisfy the criteria of processing time and recognition rate in industrial field.

Real-time Hausdorff Matching Algorithm for Tracking of Moving Object (이동물체 추적을 위한 실시간 Hausdorff 정합 알고리즘)

  • Jeon, Chun;Lee, Ju-Sin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.6
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    • pp.707-714
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a real-time Hausdorff matching algorithm for tracking of moving object acquired from an active camera. The proposed method uses the edge image of object as its model and uses Hausdorff distance as the cost function to identify hypothesis with the model. To enable real-time processing, a high speed approach to calculate Hausdorff distance and half cross matching method to improve performance of existing search methods are also presented. the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately track moving object in real-time.

Localization of Mobile Robot using Active Landmark (능동형 인공표지를 이용한 이동로봇의 위치 인식)

  • Lee, Jae-Kyung;Park, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2008
  • In order that a mobile robot can perform tasks in unknown environment localization of a mobile robot is essential task. In this paper, a new localization method for a mobile robot using an active landmark is proposed, which is very simple to implement. The landmark has a LED which can be controlled by a mobile robot via wireless communication. CCD camera gets two images of the landmark, one of which is with LED off and the other is with LED on. Because the landmark can be detected by using the difference image of the two images, detection time can be minimized. By using the characteristic points of the landmark, localization can be performed simply. A series of experiments are performed to evaluate the proposed method and the experimental results show that the proposed method can be applicable to the localization of a mobile robot.

An Analysis According to the Shape on Formative Attributes of a Face (얼굴의 조형적 특성에 따른 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Ae-Kyung;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.650-656
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the formative attributes of face by measuring the shape and features of face. The faces of women in 20's were taken by digital camera and measured, then it has conducted a statistical analysis using a SPSS for factor analysis, correlation and cluster analysis. The findings are that it is consisted of six(6) different factors and it is responsible for 73.93%. In Factor 1 and Factor 2, it has explained the most significant factor to determine the shape of face. The result on cluster analysis is that it is classified into 5 groups and it is as follows. Attributes of each group is that Group 1 has a wide and long forehead, small and longish chin-line and chubby cheeks that represent polished and modern images, while Group 2 has small and longish forehead and chin-line that represent classical and mature images. On the other hand, Group 3 has a narrow forehead, small and longish chin-line and upward-style eyebrows that represents provocative images, whereas Group 4 has a shaped style that represent intellectual images and Group 5 has small and longish forehead and chin-line and cheekbones that represent polished and cute images.

Development of Inkjet Printing System for Printed Electronics (전자 인쇄를 위한 잉크젯 프린팅 시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Kye-Si;Go, Jung-Kook;Kim, Jin-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1537-1541
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    • 2010
  • An inkjet printing system for printed electronics was developed. In this study, a printing algorithm was mainly discussed. In order to print a pattern image at a target location, we developed a hardware and software algorithm for determining the distances between a substrate camera and the selected nozzles. We implemented a vector-printing algorithm where AutoCAD dxf file was used for XY motion control and for printing. We also developed printing method using bitmap images. The technical issues in using CAD drawings and bitmap images were discussed.

Standardization of Inspection and Imaging of Facial Color, and Design of Gloss-detecting Method (면색정보취득 制御條件 표준화 및 윤택측정방안 설계)

  • Chi, Gyoo Yong;Kim, Jong Won
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2015
  • In order to make digital processing of facial color, standardization methods of photographing and observational requirements and gloss-detecting are done through preceding papers and actual experiences. Examiner's observational informations should be contained with original and temporary color, normalcy and deviation range and gloss. And these are interrelated with time, interior and exterior temperature, emotional state, so should be recorded too. Picturing procedure should be controlled in simple and practical but objective way. Just water cleansing, 15 to 20 minute resting, prohibiton of moisturizing of examinee are common for examiner. Temperature and moisture, width, light source requirement, brightness, polarizing filter of parlor and camera-to-object distance, posture of examinee are should be recorded. In addition, pre and post-revision of color and manifestation of color space after taking images are needed coping with construction of diagnostic database.

Development and Application of a Miniature Stereo-PIV System (Miniature Stereo-PIV 시스템의 개발과 응용)

  • Kim, K.C.;Chetelat, Olivier;Kim, S.H.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.1637-1644
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    • 2003
  • Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry is a measurement technique to acquire three dimensional velocity field by two cameras. With a laser sheet illumination, the third velocity component can be deduced from out-of$.$plane velocity components using a stereoscopic matching method. Most industrial fluid flows are three dimensional turbulent flows, so it is necessary to use the stereoscopic PIV measurement method. However the existing stereoscopic PIV system seems hard to use since it is very expensive and complex. In this study we have developed a Miniature Stereo-PIV(MSPIV) system based on the concept of the Miniature PIV system which we have already developed. In this paper, we address the design and some primitive experimental results of the Miniature Stereo-PIV system. The Miniature Stereo-PIV system features relatively modest performances, but is considerably smaller, cheaper and easy to handle. The proposed Miniature Stereo-PIV system uses two one-chip-only CMOS cameras with digital output. Only two other chips are needed, one for a buffer memory and one for an interfacing logic that controls the system. Images are transferred to a personal computer (PC) via its standard parallel port. No extra hardware is required (in particular, no frame grabber board is needed).

Reduction of Variable Illumination Effect on Pixel Gray-levels of Machine Vision

  • Suh S. R.;Huang J. K.;Kim Y. T.;Yoo S. N.;Choi Y. S.;Sung J. H.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to develop methods of reducing the effect of solar illumination on pixel gray-levels of machine vision for agricultural field use. Two kinds of monochrome CCD cameras with manual and auto-iris lenses were used to take pictures within a range of 15 to 120 klux of solar illumination. A camera having more precise automatic control functions gave much better result. Four kinds of indices using pixel gray-level of the $99\%$ white DRS (diffuse reflectance standard) as a reference were tried to compensate pixel gray-levels of an image for variable illumination. Coefficients of variation of the indices within a range of illumination were used as a criterion for comparison. The study concluded that an index of (A+B)/A, where A is gray-level of the $99\%$ DRS and B is gray-level of the tested material, gave the best consistency in the range of solar illumination.

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