• 제목/요약/키워드: breakfast eating behavior

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A Study on the Dietary Behavior and Image and Preference of Japanese Foods of University Students in Daegu and Kyungbuk Area (대구, 경북지역 대학생의 식사행동 및 일본음식에 대한 인상 및 기호도 조사 연구)

  • 한재숙;이연정;최석현;최수근;권상용;최영희
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dietary behavior and image and preference of Japanese foods. The Subjects were consisted of 570 university students(243 males and 327 females) in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. The students responses to the 10 questions about image of Japanese foods were also measured on 5 point Likert scale. Data were presented by using frequency, percentage, chi-square test and T-test. The results of this study were as follows: (1) On the eating habits, 'the whole family has breakfast together with same foods everyday'scored high as 42.3% and 'foods put in a big platter by gathering everyday'as 35.8%. (2) About the eating customs, 53.5% of the subjects responded that the seat was fixed at meal time, 56.4% didn't start to eat before the patriarch started a meal and 30.9% responded that the head of a family had more foods in number and quantity. (3) On the table manners, 13.4% of the subjects were scolded about 'watching TV on eating', 11.5% about 'making left-over foods', 8.0% about 'misuse of spoon and chopsticks'. (4) The preferred ethnic foods by University students was in other of Korean, Chinese, Italian, Japanese and French foods. (5) Among subjects, 93.8% had no experience of visiting Japan and 92.6% wanted to visit Japan. Images on the Japanese foods were 'the price is too expensive' (mean 4.15) and 'the decoration is wonderful'(mean 4.05). But the subjects did not think Japanese foods as 'hot'(mean 2.21) and 'greasy'(mean 2.51). (6) The favorite Japanese food of subjects was Udon(mean 3.98), Sushi(mean 3.85) and Tempura(mean 3.69). So Udon turned out to be the most popular Japanese foods by university students in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. But they did not prefer Natto(mean 2.68), Ochazuke(mean 2.76), Okonomiyaki(mean 2.87) and Misosiru and did not eat. From the above results, Korean university students preferred Udon to Natto among Japanese traditional foods, and they estimated Japanese foods as 'too expensive'. Therefore, lowering the price and developing the cooking method for Korean taste were needed to increase the intake of Japanese traditional foods by Korean university students and.

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A Study on Body Image Recognition, Food Habits, Food Behaviors and Nutrient Intake according to the Obesity Index of Elementary Children in Changwon (창원시 일부 초등학교 고학년의 비만도에 따른 체형인식도, 식습관, 식행동 및 영양섭취상태에 대한 비교연구)

  • 이경혜;황권증;허은실
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.577-591
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the body image recognition, food habits, food behaviors and nutrient intake according to the obesity index(underweight-, normal-, obese group) in children(aged 10.8 ys, 47 boys, 33 girls). Subjects were eva1uated based an anthrofometric measurement and questionnaries including food record diary in Changwon. The results are summarized as follows. The weight, BMI, body fat, waist circumference, hip circumference and birth weight except height showed a significant difference between the three groups(p<0.001). The waist and hip circumference showed the possibility of being a predictor of obesity in children. The children's obesity was related to mother's weight(p<0.01), but not to father's. Ninety percent of the obese group, 47.8% of the normal group, and 37.8% of the underweight group preferred a thinner figure than their current status. The underweight group did more exercise regularly than the other groups. The underweight and obese groups had more irregular meal times and foster eating habits compared to the normal group. Most of subjects(89.9%) had an overeating habit, and tole ratio of the overeating habit increased with obesity. Fifty five percent of the subjects clad the habit of skipping meals, mainly breakfast. 46.8% of the subjects ate snacks more than twice per a day, the underweight and obese groups had snacks more of than the normal group. The preferred snack was 'cookies'and 'fruits & juices'. 53.8% of the subjects had a prejudice for special food(especially 'pulses'(37.9%) and 'vegetables'(31.0%)). The assessment scores of food behaviors was relatively low in most of the subjects. Most nutrient intakes, except vitamin B$_1$, C and phosphate, were lower than those of Korean RDA. The nutrient intake of the normal group was higher than the underweight and obese groups. The results of this study showed some nutritional problems, which indicates the need for nutritional management for the children. To educate children, who are able to change their food habits and lifestyle, each means to help healthy growth and to help them become healthy adults.

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A Comparisons of Nutritional Intake and Diet Quality Index-International in Gynecological Cancer Survivors and Normal Women - Using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013~2016 - (부인과 암 생존자와 정상 대조군의 영양소 섭취와 식사의 질(Diet Quality Index-International) 비교 - 2013~2016년 국민건강영양조사 자료이용 -)

  • Seo, Bo-Young;Her, Eun-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.406-415
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the nutritional intake and Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I) of gynecological cancer survivors and normal women. Methods: This study compared the anthropometric indices, dietary behavior, nutritional intake, and DQI-I in women with previous history of breast or uterine cancer [Gynecological cancer survivors group (GCSG, n=126)] and normal women [Normal control group (NCG, n=7,011)] using the 2013~2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. Results: Body mass index and waist circumference were lower in the GCSG compared the NCG. The frequency of skipping breakfast and eating out was higher in the NCG compared to GCSG. Energy and fat intake were significantly higher in the NCG than in the GCSG, whereas intake of all minerals and vitamins (excluding thiamine), and dietary fiber intake were higher in GCSG. It was observed that the fatty acid intake of the GCSG was significantly lower than that of the NCG. The diet quality evaluation using DQI-I results showed that GCSG was higher in the "within-group" diet variety and adequacy of vegetable group than the NCG, whereas the intake level of the fruit group was higher in NCG. Besides, protein, calcium, and vitamin C intake were higher in the GCSG than in the NCG. The GCSG showed higher levels of total fat and saturated fat moderation than the NCG, whereas cholesterol moderation showed the opposite results. The results of DQI-I comparison according to the cancer survival years showed that the overall score and scores related to diet adequacy and balance were higher in the below 5-year group, whereas the over 5-year group scored higher in terms of moderation of diet. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that a chronic disease based management approach is needed in cancer survivors. The study provides important data which can help in the preparation of guidelines for long-term lifestyle and diet management, in these patients.

Dietary status of young children in Korea based on the data of 2013~ 2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (한국 영·유아의 식생활 현황 연구 : 2013~ 2015년도 국민건강영양조사를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Eun-kyung;Song, Byengchun;Ju, Se-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.330-339
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study examined the dietary habits and nutritional status of young children in Korea. Methods: Data were collected from the 2013 ~ 2015 KNHNES (Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) by health behavior interviews and the 24-hour dietary recall method. This study included 1,214 (445 aged 1 ~ 2 years, 769 aged 3 ~ 5 years) young children aged 1 ~ 5 years. To analyze the dietary status of young children, the general characteristics of young children and their mothers, their dietary behaviors and health factors, and nutritional status and frequently consumed foods were analyzed. Results: The starting time of bovine milk and weaning were 14 ~ 15 months and 6.2 months, respectively. Eighty two percent of young children ate breakfast 5 ~ 7 times per week while only 2.3% of them skipped breakfast. The highest percentage (35.8%) of the frequency of eating-out was 5 ~ 6 times per week. The prevalence of asthma, atopy, and allergic rhinitis was significantly higher in young children 3 ~ 5 years old than in those 1 ~ 2 years old. The subjects with lower recommended energy intake were 44.1% and 57.4% of young children 1 ~ 2 years old and 3 ~ 5 years old, respectively. Most nutrients except calcium and potassium were taken enough. For the intakes of calcium and potassium, 51% and 64% of young children 1 ~ 2 years and 3 ~ 5 years old, respectively, were taking less than the recommended calcium intake, and 79.5% and 75.5% of young children 1 ~ 2 years and 3 ~ 5 years old, respectively, did not meet the recommended potassium intake. The frequently consumed foods of young children 1 ~ 2 years old were milk, white rice, apple, curd yogurt, and egg, and those of 3 ~ 5 years old children were milk, white rice, apple, egg, and mandarin. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used to provide basic data for the nutritional education of mothers and teachers and assist in the development of sustainable dietary programs for young children.

A study on food behavior to related health and daily food intakes of female dormitory students according to BMI (체격지수에 따른 기숙사 여대생의 건강과 관련된 식행동과 영양소 섭취량에 대한 연구)

  • 강금지
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2001
  • This study was to investigate the behavior related to health, food habits, food consumption pattern and nutrient intakes of female students who residing in dormitory(self cooking) according to BMI(Body Mass Index). This study was carried out by questionnaired on June, 2000. Three hundred nine students were answered. The results were as follows: 1. The means of height, weight and BMI were 162.37$\pm$4.36cm, 52.48$\pm$5.54kg and 19.89$\pm$1.89. Under 20 of BMI among students were 53.1% and 20-25 of BMI were 46.9% of students. 2. In the self recognition of body shape, 63.4% of under weight subjects answered that their weight were normal. 73.1% of normal weight regard themselves more obese than their actual body shape normally shows. 51.2% of under weight subjects had attempted to control their weight. This results suggest that their weight control attempts were unnecessary. 3. 81.4% of subjects were answered irregular meals regardless BMI. 89.6% of subjects skipped breakfast. The main reasons were due to lack of time or not to eat proper food. Under weight subjects had less snack than normal weight subjects did(p '||'&'||'lt; 0.05). Normal weight subjects had more bun and cake than under weight subjects(p '||'&'||'gt; 0.05). 4. The consumption of vegetables and fruits were low regardless BMI. Mean energy, protein, Fe, Vit A, B$_1$, B$_2$, niacin, Vit C were above 75% of RDA, except calcium, in subjects. This study suggest that a comprehensive nutrition education program is need for college student in dormitory to improve their eating habits about skipping meal and breakfast and to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

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A Study on Oral Symptoms and Oral Health Behavior among Secondary Students (S중, 고등학생의 구강검진에 따른 구강 증상 및 구강건강행태 조사)

  • Hong, Min-Hee;Jeong, Mi-As
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.1534-1539
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    • 2010
  • This study carried out dental checkup targeting 251 students in the 1st grade of S middle school and 220 students in the 1st grade of S high school in Seoul Metropolis. The results are as follows. As for the experience of dental hypersensitivity to oral symptoms in middle-and-high school students, 23.2% of high school students had experience of painful tooth when drinking or eating cold and hot beverage or food, compared to 14.3% of middle school students, and showed significant difference($\chi^2=6.08$, p<.05). As for the experience of painful teeth, 9.1% of high school students had experience of being sore, aching, and painful in the teeth, compared to 4.4% of middle school students, and showed significant difference($\chi^2=4.23$, p<.05). As a result of the oral health behavior in middle-and-high school students, 48.6% of middle school students were indicated to be higher than 26.4% of high school students in the experience of having ever gone to dentist for the past 1 year, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=24.56$, p<.001). As for the period of toothbrushing during one day, 68.5% of middle school students brushed teeth after having breakfast($\chi^2=6.39$, p<.05) more than 57.3% of high school students. After having lunch, 16.8% of high school students brushed teeth more than 7.2% of middle school students, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=10.58$, p<.01). As a result of judging dental checkup in middle-and-high school students, 44.1% of high school students had dental caries($\chi^2=25.36$, p<.001) more than 22.3% of middle school students. 9.6% of middle school students had tooth loss more than 4.1% of high school students, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=5.39$, p<.05).

A Survey on the Dietary Behavior of High School Students -About Regularity of Meal and Number of Meal Per Day- (남녀 고등학생의 식생활태도에 관한 조사 -식사의 규칙성과 1일 식사횟수에 대하여-)

  • Kim, Geum-Ran;Kim, Mi-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.183-195
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate dietary behavior patterns of high school students. As for regularity of meal, female students were significantly more regular than those of the male students in a day. They answered 'between 4th and 6th grades in elementary school' as 'the time for formation about number of meal intake'. As for a highly influential meal, males were higher answered 'lunch (41.0%)' while females were higher answered 'breakfast (39.8%)'. About 'number of meals per day by the grade', they ate 3 times per day mostly. As for the time for formation about number of meal intake: 'before 4th to 6th in elementary school'> 'before elementary school'. In the result of regularity of meal and general characteristics, a family of 5 was higher in regularity and those with pocket money showed lower regularity in meal. As for the person who prepares a meal, mothers prepared meals regularly. Also, higher parents age and education level resulted in more regularity in meals. In number of meals per day and general characteristics, they were eating 3 times; moreover, this trend was evident as parents' age and education level and the household income was higher. Students answered generally regularity in meal in family where parents' jobs were administrative assistant (father job (56.9%)) and housewife (mother (56.9%). In the formation time of meal intake number and general characteristics, they answered order 'middle school'> 'before elementary school'. A highly influential meal, they answered as the highest 'lunch' (37.6%). This study may provide information on dietary behavior of high school students, suggesting that nutrition education or counseling can improve food habits and develop positive behavior.

A Study on Life Styles, Dietary Attitudes and Dietary Behaviors According to Extracurricular Activities of Elementary Students in Sejong (세종시 일부 초등학생의 과외수강에 따른 생활습관, 식태도 및 식행동에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Keun-Jeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제42권8호
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    • pp.1335-1343
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    • 2013
  • Parents in South Korea are known for their high level of educational zeal for their children. As a result, their children usually take extra classes in institutions as well as participate in other extracurricular activities such as sports and music. The purpose of this study was to examine the lifestyle and dietary behaviors of Korean elementary students involved in such activities. The total number of subjects was 550 fourth to sixth graders in elementary schools in Sejong, Korea. Of the total subjects, 88.0% were involved in extracurricular classes or other activities for an average of 7.34 hours/week. The subjects were assigned to one of four groups based on the degree of extracurricular activities: No extra-class (n=66), Low extra-class (1${\leq}$taking time<5 hours/week, n=118), Medium extra-class (5${\leq}$taking time<10 hours/week, n=184), and High extra-class (taking time${\geq}$10 hours/week, n=182). More subjects in the High extra-class group went to bed late (P<0.01), were under stress (P<0.01), and skipped breakfast, compared with those in the other groups. The ratio of students who answered 'I go to an institute without a meal' (P<0.01), 'I prepare a meal for myself' (P=0.053), or 'I eat out before going to an institute' (P<0.01) was higher in the High extra-class group than in the Low extra-class group. The frequency of eating fast food was higher in the High extra-class group, compared with the other groups. These results indicate that a high amount of extracurricular studies may have a negative effect on the children's lifestyles and dietary behaviors. Therefore, this study alerts parents to the potential harm of excessive extracurricular activities to their children's health.

The Risk Factors Related to Constipation in High School Students (고등학생 변비의 위험요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Yoon-Soo;Lee, Sok-Goo;Kim, Jeong-Yeon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was aimed to investigate the status of bowel health behaviors, prevalence of constipation and risk factors related to self-reported constipation in high school students. Methods: The study subjects were 1,882 students of six high schools located in a metropolitan city, who were selected by the accidental sampling from June to August, 2002. We analyzed the data by frequency analysis, chi-square test, and multivariate logistic regression using SPSS ver. 10.0. Results: The result of this study were summarized as follows: 1. A prevalence rate of self-reported constipation was 25.2%. A rate in male students was 13.4% and in female students 36.5%. 2. In regard to therapeutic behavior, 52.1% of study student with change in bowel habit had not find particular counsellor, 38.9% of the student had counselling with parents. 16.3% of students in constipation group had taken laxative medicine for treating the constipation. 73.5% of the student in constipation group had suffered from anal pain during defecation, but 48.0% in normal group. 41.6% of the student in constipation group had a experience of rectal bleeding after defecation, but 23.7% in normal group. So constipation related symptoms distribution had showed statistically significant difference between two group. 3. From the multivariate analysis by self-reported method, the risk factors related to the constipation were sex(female), experience of diet for weight reduction, absence of the breakfast and intake of vegetable more than 3 times per weeks. Conclusions: we had reconfirmed that we should improve eating habits to prevent and treat the constipation in a result of this study. Intervention that is target to girl students, abstain from weight reduction diet, regularity of taking meals, intake more vegetables, stress management should be provided to prevent the constipation especially in Korean high school students. Further prospective designed study are needed to establish the causal-effect relationship between so many risk factors with constipation.

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Nutritional status and metabolic syndrome risk according to the dietary pattern of adult single-person household, based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (국민건강영양조사 자료에 의한 식이 패턴별 1인 가구의 영양 상태와 대사증후군 위험도)

  • Keum, Yu Been;Yu, Qi Ming;Seo, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to evaluate the health, nutritional status and metabolic syndrome risk according to the dietary pattern of adult single-person households, using information obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: Data were collected from the 2013-2016 KNHANES, of adults aged 19-64 years, belonging to single-person households. Based on cluster analysis, the dietary patterns of subjects were classified into three groups. The dietary behavior factors, health-related factors, nutritional status, and prevalence of metabolic syndrome obtained from KNHANES questionnaires were compared according to the individual dietary pattern. The nutrient intake data of the subjects were calculated using the semi-food frequency questionnaire. Moreover, blood and physical measurement data of the subjects were analyzed to obtain the prevalence of metabolic syndromes. Results: The major dietary intakes of subjects were classified as 'Rice and kimchi', 'Mixed', and 'Milk·dairy products and fruits' patterns. Characteristics of subjects based on their dietary pattern, gender, age, and education level were significantly different. The 'Milk and fruits' pattern showed low frequency of skipping breakfast and eating out, and had higher intake of dietary supplements. Frequency of alcohol intake and smoking rates were highest in the 'Mixed' pattern. Maximum nutrient intake of fat, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin C, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium was obtained in the 'Milk·dairy products and fruits' pattern. According to dietary patterns adjusted for age and gender, the risk of metabolic syndrome was 0.380 times lower in the 'Milk·dairy products and fruit' pattern than in the 'Rice and kimchi' pattern. However, when adjusted for other confounding factors, no significant difference was obtained between dietary patterns for metabolic syndrome risk. Conclusion: These results indicate that the health and nutritional status of a single-person household is possibly affected by the dietary intake of subjects.